992 resultados para Plasma CVD


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Simple, rapid, plasma-assisted synthesis of large-area arrays of vertically-aligned carbon nanowalls on highly-porous, transparent bare and gold-coated alumina membranes with the two pore sizes is reported. It is demonstrated that the complex patterns of vertically aligned nanowalls can nucleate and form different morphologies in the low-temperature plasmas. The process is stable, and the twofold change in the gas flow (10 and 20 sccm) does not noticeably influence the morphology of the nanowall pattern. Application of a thin (5 nm) gold layer to nanoporous membrane prior to the nanowall growth allows controlling the network morphology.


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介绍了电子回旋共振等离子体化学气相沉积(简称ECR plasma CVD)法淀积980nm大功率半导体激光器两端面光学膜的工艺条件,探索了膜系监控的方法和优越性,讨论了这种淀积方法的优点和淀积的光学膜的优良特性。


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用人工神经网络方法对电子回旋共振等离子法化学气相沉积(ECR Plasma CVD)镀膜工艺建立了一个介质膜折射率n关于气流配比Q(N_2)/Q(SiH_4)和Q(Q_2)/Q(SiH_4)的数学模型。在给定气流配比Q(N_2)/Q(SiH_4)和Q(O_2)/Q(SiH_4)时模型预测的成膜折射率与实验值符合得很好。


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电子回旋共振等离子体化学气相淀积(ECR Plasma CVD)法淀积介质膜技术是制备性能优良的光电子器件光学膜和电介质膜的重要手段之一。该文报道了ECR Plamsa CVD法淀积介质膜的工艺以及介质膜的特性等。


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介绍了电子回旋共振等离子体化学气相沉积(简称ECR Plasma CVD)法淀积808nm大功率半导体激光器两端面光学膜的工艺,给出工艺条件,探索了膜系监控的方法和优越性,讨论了这种淀积方法的优点和淀积的光学膜的优良特性。


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In this work, we investigate the influence of some growth parameters such as high microwave power ranging from 3.0 to 4.0 kW and N2 additive on the incorporation of bonded hydrogen defects in nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films grown through a small amount of pure N2 addition into conventional 4% CH4/H2 plasma using a 5 kW microwave plasma CVD system. Incorporation form and content of hydrogen point defects in the NCD films produced with pure N2 addition was analyzed by employing Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for the first time. A large amount of hydrogen related defects was detected in all the produced NCD films with N2 additive ranging from 29 to 87 µm thick with grain size from 47 nm to 31 nm. Furthermore, a specific new H related sharp absorption peak appears in all the NCD films grown with pure N2/CH4/H2 plasma at high powers and becomes stronger at powers higher than 3.0 kW and is even stronger than the 2920 cm−1 peak, which is commonly found in CVD diamond films. Based on these experimental findings, the role of high power and pure nitrogen addition on the growth of NCD films including hydrogen defect formation is analyzed and discussed.


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Self-assembly of carbon nanotip (CNTP) structures on Ni-based catalyst in chemically active inductively coupled plasmas of CH 4 + H 2 + Ar gas mixtures is reported. By varying the process conditions, it appears possible to control the shape, size, and density of CNTPs, content of the nanocrystalline phase in the films, as well as to achieve excellent crystallinity, graphitization, uniformity and vertical alignment of the resulting nanostructures at substrate temperatures 300-500°C and low gas pressures (below 13.2 Pa). This study provides a simple and efficient plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique for the fabrication of vertically aligned CNTP arrays for electron field emitters.


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All solid state batteries are essential candidate for miniaturizing the portable electronics devices. Thin film batteries are constructed by layer by layer deposition of electrode materials by physical vapour deposition method. We propose a promising novel method and unique architecture, in which highly porous graphene sheet embedded with SnO2 nanowire could be employed as the anode electrode in lithium ion thin film battery. The vertically standing graphene flakes were synthesized by microwave plasma CVD and SnO2 nanowires based on a vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism via thermal evaporation at low synthesis temperature (620 degrees C). The graphene sheet/SnO2 nanowire composite electrode demonstrated stable cycling behaviours and delivered a initial high specific discharge capacity of 1335 mAh g(-1) and 900 mAh g(-1) after the 50th cycle. Furthermore, the SnO2 nanowire electrode displayed superior rate capabilities with various current densities.


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The best field emission properties from carbon nanotube cathodes were obtained when their heights, diameters and spacings were optimized. Field emission currents as high as 10 mA were obtained from 1 cm × 1 cm vertically aligned CNT cathode with optimized parameters grown using dc plasma CVD in situ. It was found that in order to obtain large emission current of >10 mA, space charge effects within the electron beam must be taken into account.


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Mixed phase carbon-diamond films which consist of small grain diamond in an a:C matrix were deposited on polished Si using a radio frequency CH4 Ar plasma CVD deposition process. Ellipsometry, surface profilometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and spectrophotometry were used to analyse these films. Film thicknesses were typically 50-100 nm with a surface roughness of ± 30 A ̊ over centimetre length scans. SEM analysis showed the films were smooth and pinhole free. The Si substrate was etched using backside masking and a directional etch to give taut carbon-diamond membranes on a Si grid. Spectrophotometry was used to analyse the optical properties of these membranes. Band gap control was achieved by varying the dc bias of the deposition process. Band gaps of 1.2 eV to 4.0 eV were achieved in these membranes. A technique for controlling the compressive stress in the films, which can range from 0.02 to 7.5 GPa has been employed. This has allowed the fabrication of thin, low stress, high band gap membranes that are extremely tough and chemically inert. Such carbon-diamond membranes seem promising for applications as windows in analytical instruments. © 1992.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei verschiedene Systeme untersucht, deren verbindende Gemeinsamkeit in den verwendeten ortsauflösenden, spektroskopischen Messmethoden der Oberflächenanalytik, wie z.B. abbildendes XPS, Röntgennahkanten-Photoemissionsmikroskopie (XANES-PEEM) und Augerspektroskopie (AES) liegt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden Diamant-Nukleationsdomänen auf Ir/SrTiO3 untersucht und mit vorherrschenden Modellen aus der Literatur verglichen. Die Nukleationsdomänen, wie sie im Mikrowellen-induzierten CVD Prozess unter Verwendung der BEN Prozedur (bias-enhanced nucleation) entstehen, bilden die „Startschicht“ für ein heteroepitaktisches Wachstum einer hoch orientierten Diamantschicht. Sie entwickeln sich aber unter Bedingungen, unter denen 3D-Diamant abgetragen und weggeätzt wird. Mittels XANES-PEEM Messungen konnte erstmals die lokale Bindungsumgebung des Kohlenstoffs in den Nukleationsdomänen ortsaufgelöst aufgezeigt werden und aus AES Messungen ließ sich die Schichtdicke der Nukleationsdomänen abschätzen. Es zeigte sich, dass die Nukleationsdomänen Bereiche mit etwa 1 nm Dicke darstellen, in denen der Übergang von eine sp2-koordinierte amorphen Kohlenstoff- zu einer Diamantschicht mit hohem sp3 Anteil abläuft. Zur Erklärung des Nukleationsprozesses wurde auf das „Clustermodell“ von Lifshitz et al. zurückgegriffen, welches um einen wesentlichen Aspekt erweitert wurde. Die Stabilität der Nukleationsdomänen gegen die Ätzwirkung des Nukleationsprozesses auf Volumendiamant wird durch eine starke Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Diamant und dem Iridiumsubstrat erklärt, wobei die Dicke von etwa 1 nm als Maß für die Ausdehnung dieses Wechselwirkungsbereichs angesehen wird. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Charakterisierung präsolarer SiC-Körner und darin eingeschlossener Spurenelemente. Neben den Hauptelementen Si und C wurden auch Spinelle wie Chromit (FeCr2O4), Korund (Al2O3) und auch verschiedene Spurenelemente (z. B. Al, Ba und Y) nachgewiesen. Ferner wurden XPS-Linien bei Energien nachgewiesen, welche sich den Seltenen Erden Erbium, Thulium und Dysprosium zuordnen lassen. Aufgrund von Abweichungen zur Literatur bzgl. der ausgeprägten Intensität der XPS-Linien, wurde als alternative Erklärungsmöglichkeit für verschiedene Signale der Nachweis von stark schwefelhaltigen Körnern (z.B. so genannte „Fremdlinge“) mit Aufladungen von mehreren Volt diskutiert. Es zeigt sich, dass abbildendes XPS und XANES-PEEM Methoden zur leistungsfähigen chemischen Charakterisierung von SiC-Körnern und anderer solarer und präsolarer Materie im Größenbereich bis herab zu 100 – 200 nm Durchmesser (z.B. als Grundlage für eine spätere massenspektrometrische Isotopenanalyse)darstellen.


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In this work metal - Microwave Plasma CVD diamond Schottky devices were studied. The current density vs. applied voltage reveals rectification ratios up to 10(4) at \ +/- 2V \. Under illumination an inversion and increase of the rectification is observed. The carrier density is 10(15) cm(-3) and the ideality factors near 1.5. The dark current vs. temperature shows that below 150 K the bulk transport is controlled by a hopping process with a density of defects of 10(16) cm(-3). For higher temperatures an extrinsic ionisation with activation energy of 0.3 eV takes place. The correlation with the polycrystalline nature of the samples is focused.


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In this work metal - Microwave Plasma CVD diamond Schottky devices were studied. The current density vs. applied voltage reveals rectification ratios up to 10(4) at \ +/- 2V \. Under illumination an inversion and increase of the rectification is observed. The carrier density is 10(15) cm(-3) and the ideality factors near 1.5. The dark current vs. temperature shows that below 150 K the bulk transport is controlled by a hopping process with a density of defects of 10(16) cm(-3). For higher temperatures an extrinsic ionisation with activation energy of 0.3 eV takes place. The correlation with the polycrystalline nature of the samples is focused.