959 resultados para Phase detection


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Detection of explosives, especially trinitrotoluene (TNT), is of utmost importance due to its highly explosive nature and environmental hazard. Therefore, detection of TNT has been a matter of great concern to the scientific community worldwide. Herein, a new aggregation-induced phosphorescent emission (AIPE)-active iridium(III) bis(2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)pyridinato-NC2') (2-(2-pyridyl)benzimidazolato-N,N') complex FIrPyBiz] has been developed and serves as a molecular probe for the detection of TNT in the vapor phase, solid phase, and aqueous media. In addition, phosphorescent test strips have been constructed by impregnating Whatman filter paper with aggregates of FIrPyBiz for trace detection of TNT in contact mode, with detection limits in nanograms, by taking advantage of the excited state interaction of AIPE-active phosphorescent iridium(III) complex with that of TNT and the associated photophysical properties.


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Three-terminal ballistic junctions (TBJs) are fabricated from a high-mobility InP/In0.75Ga0.25As heterostructure by electron-beam lithography. The voltage output from the central branch is measured as a function of the voltages applied to the left and right branches of the TBJs. The measurements show that the TBJs possess an intrinsic nonlinearity. Based on this nonlinearity, a novel room-temperature functional frequency mixer and phase detector are realized. The TBJ frequency mixer and phase detector are expected to have advantages over traditional circuits in terms of simple structure, small size and high speed, and can be used as a new type of building block in nanoelectronics.


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The high-intensity, high-resolution x-ray source at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) has been used in x-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments to detect intermetallic compounds (IMCs) in lead-free solder bumps. The IMCs found in 95.5Sn3.8Ag0.7Cu solder bumps on Cu pads with electroplated-nickel immersion-gold (ENIG) surface finish are consistent with results based on traditional destructive methods. Moreover, after positive identification of the IMCs from the diffraction data, spatial distribution plots over the entire bump were obtained. These spatial distributions for selected intermetallic phases display the layer thickness and confirm the locations of the IMCs. For isothermally aged solder samples, results have shown that much thicker layers of IMCs have grown from the pad interface into the bulk of the solder. Additionally, the XRD technique has also been used in a temperature-resolved mode to observe the formation of IMCs, in situ, during the solidification of the solder joint. The results demonstrate that the XRD technique is very attractive as it allows for nondestructive investigations to be performed on expensive state-of-the-art electronic components, thereby allowing new, lead-free materials to be fully characterized.


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2,3-Dimethyl-2,3-dinitrobutane (DMNB) is an explosive taggant added to plastic explosives during manufacture making them more susceptible to vapour-phase detection systems. In this study, the formation and detection of gas-phase \[M+H](+), \[M+Li](+), \[M+NH(4)](+) and \[M+Na](+) adducts of DMNB was achieved using electrospray ionisation on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. The \[M+H](+) ion abundance was found to have a strong dependence on ion source temperature, decreasing markedly at source temperatures above 50 degrees C. In contrast, the \[M+Na](+) ion demonstrated increasing ion abundance at source temperatures up to 105 degrees C. The relative susceptibility of DMNB adduct ions toward dissociation was investigated by collision-induced dissociation. Probable structures of product ions and mechanisms for unimolecular dissociation have been inferred based on fragmentation patterns from tandem mass (MS/MS) spectra of source-formed ions of normal and isotopically labelled DMNB, and quantum chemical calculations. Both thermal and collisional activation studies suggest that the \[M+Na](+) adduct ions are significantly more stable toward dissociation than their protonated analogues and, as a consequence, the former provide attractive targets for detection by contemporary rapid screening methods such as desorption electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry. Copyright (C) 2009 Commonwealth of Australia. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A simple, sensitive, and mild method for the determination of amino compounds based on a condensation reaction with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC-HCI) as the dehydrant with fluorescence detection has been developed. Amines were derivatized to their acidamides with labeling reagent 2-(2-phenyl-1H-phenanthro-[9,10-d]imidazole-1-yl)-acetic acid (PPIA). Studies on derivatization conditions indicated that the coupling reaction proceeded rapidly and smoothly in the presence of a base catalyst in acetonitrile to give the corresponding sensitively fluorescent derivatives with an excitation maximum at lambda(ex) 260nm and an emission maximum at lambda(em) 380nm. The labeled derivatives exhibited high stability and were enough to be efficiently analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Identification of derivatives was carried out by online post-column mass spectrometry (LC/APCI-MS/MS) and showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [MH](+) under APCI in positive-ion mode. At the same time, the fluorescence properties of derivatives in various solvents or at different temperature were investigated. The method, in conjunction with a gradient elution, offered a baseline resolution of the common amine derivatives on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. LC separation for the derivatized amines showed good reproducibility with acetonitrile-water as mobile phase. Detection limits calculated from 0.78 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 3.1-18.2 fmol. The mean intra- and inter-assay precision for all amine levels were < 3.85% and 2.11%, respectively. Excellent linear responses were observed with coefficients of > 0.9996. The established method for the determination of aliphatic amines from real wastewater and biological samples was satisfactory. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple derivatization methodology is shown to extend the application of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to the detection of trace concentration of contaminants in liquid form. Normally in SERS the target analyte species is already present in the molecular form in which it is to be detected and is extracted from solution to occupy sites of enhanced electromagnetic field on the substrate by means of chemisorption or drop-casting and subsequent evaporation of the solvent. However, these methods are very ineffective for the detection of low concentrations of contaminant in liquid form because the target (ionic) species (a) exhibits extremely low occupancy of enhancing surface sites in the bulk liquid environment and (b) coevaporates with the solvent. In this study, the target analyte species (acid) is detected via its solid derivative (salt) offering very significant enhancement of the SERS signal because of preferential deposition of the salt at the enhancing surface but without loss of chemical discrimination. The detection of nitric acid and sulfuric acid is demonstrated down to 100 ppb via reaction with ammonium hydroxide to produce the corresponding ammonium salt. This yields an improvement of ∼4 orders of magnitude in the low-concentration detection limit compared with liquid phase detection.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This thesis deals with the problem of the instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation of sinusoidal signals. This topic plays significant role in signal processing and communications. Depending on the type of the signal, two major approaches are considered. For IF estimation of single-tone or digitally-modulated sinusoidal signals (like frequency shift keying signals) the approach of digital phase-locked loops (DPLLs) is considered, and this is Part-I of this thesis. For FM signals the approach of time-frequency analysis is considered, and this is Part-II of the thesis. In part-I we have utilized sinusoidal DPLLs with non-uniform sampling scheme as this type is widely used in communication systems. The digital tanlock loop (DTL) has introduced significant advantages over other existing DPLLs. In the last 10 years many efforts have been made to improve DTL performance. However, this loop and all of its modifications utilizes Hilbert transformer (HT) to produce a signal-independent 90-degree phase-shifted version of the input signal. Hilbert transformer can be realized approximately using a finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter. This realization introduces further complexity in the loop in addition to approximations and frequency limitations on the input signal. We have tried to avoid practical difficulties associated with the conventional tanlock scheme while keeping its advantages. A time-delay is utilized in the tanlock scheme of DTL to produce a signal-dependent phase shift. This gave rise to the time-delay digital tanlock loop (TDTL). Fixed point theorems are used to analyze the behavior of the new loop. As such TDTL combines the two major approaches in DPLLs: the non-linear approach of sinusoidal DPLL based on fixed point analysis, and the linear tanlock approach based on the arctan phase detection. TDTL preserves the main advantages of the DTL despite its reduced structure. An application of TDTL in FSK demodulation is also considered. This idea of replacing HT by a time-delay may be of interest in other signal processing systems. Hence we have analyzed and compared the behaviors of the HT and the time-delay in the presence of additive Gaussian noise. Based on the above analysis, the behavior of the first and second-order TDTLs has been analyzed in additive Gaussian noise. Since DPLLs need time for locking, they are normally not efficient in tracking the continuously changing frequencies of non-stationary signals, i.e. signals with time-varying spectra. Nonstationary signals are of importance in synthetic and real life applications. An example is the frequency-modulated (FM) signals widely used in communication systems. Part-II of this thesis is dedicated for the IF estimation of non-stationary signals. For such signals the classical spectral techniques break down, due to the time-varying nature of their spectra, and more advanced techniques should be utilized. For the purpose of instantaneous frequency estimation of non-stationary signals there are two major approaches: parametric and non-parametric. We chose the non-parametric approach which is based on time-frequency analysis. This approach is computationally less expensive and more effective in dealing with multicomponent signals, which are the main aim of this part of the thesis. A time-frequency distribution (TFD) of a signal is a two-dimensional transformation of the signal to the time-frequency domain. Multicomponent signals can be identified by multiple energy peaks in the time-frequency domain. Many real life and synthetic signals are of multicomponent nature and there is little in the literature concerning IF estimation of such signals. This is why we have concentrated on multicomponent signals in Part-H. An adaptive algorithm for IF estimation using the quadratic time-frequency distributions has been analyzed. A class of time-frequency distributions that are more suitable for this purpose has been proposed. The kernels of this class are time-only or one-dimensional, rather than the time-lag (two-dimensional) kernels. Hence this class has been named as the T -class. If the parameters of these TFDs are properly chosen, they are more efficient than the existing fixed-kernel TFDs in terms of resolution (energy concentration around the IF) and artifacts reduction. The T-distributions has been used in the IF adaptive algorithm and proved to be efficient in tracking rapidly changing frequencies. They also enables direct amplitude estimation for the components of a multicomponent


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Low Voltage (LV) electricity distribution grid operations can be improved through a combination of new smart metering systems' capabilities based on real time Power Line Communications (PLC) and LV grid topology mapping. This paper presents two novel contributions. The first one is a new methodology developed for smart metering PLC network monitoring and analysis. It can be used to obtain relevant information from the grid, thus adding value to existing smart metering deployments and facilitating utility operational activities. A second contribution describes grid conditioning used to obtain LV feeder and phase identification of all connected smart electric meters. Real time availability of such information may help utilities with grid planning, fault location and a more accurate point of supply management.


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El CEDISIMAR es el Centro de Documentación e Información del Instituto Pedagógico de Miranda José Manuel Siso Martínez, el cual tiene como misión brindar información especializada para la realización de las actividades de investigación de pregrado y postgrado, extensión y docencia del IPMJMSM y de otras Universidades, por lo que se realizó un Proyecto Especial, el cual tuvo como objetivo general: Rediseñar el Centro de Información y Documentación del Instituto Pedagógico de Miranda José Manuel Siso Martínez, ubicado en la Urbina Estado Miranda en el segundo piso del edificio Mirage, tomando en consideración la misión que tiene este centro de gran relevancia para la institución. Este proyecto tuvo seis fases: I fase diagnóstico; II fase detección de las necesidades; III fase la propuesta con soporte de la factibilidad; IV fase de ejecución; V fase resultados y producto y VI fase estudio de impacto sobre los usuarios. Los resultados evidenciaron a través de los cambios que se generan en los centros de este tipo, en cuanto a la remodelación, la infraestructura y los distintos servicios que ofrece, lo cual favoreció un mejor servicio y atención al usuario.


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Considerando a crescente utilização de técnicas de processamento digital de sinais em aplicações de sistemas eletrônicos e ou de potência, este artigo discute o uso da Transformada Discreta de Fourier Recursiva (TDFR) para identificação do ângulo de fase, da freqüência e da amplitude das tensões fundamentais da rede, independente de distorções na forma de onda ou de transitórios na amplitude. Será discutido que, se a freqüência fundamental das tensões medidas coincide com a freqüência a qual a TDF foi projetada, um simples algoritmo TDFR é completamente capaz de fornecer as informações requeridas de fase, freqüência e amplitude. Dois algoritmos adicionais são propostos para garantir seu desempenho correto quando a freqüência difere do seu valor nominal: um deles para a correção do erro de fase do sinal de saída e outro para identificação da amplitude do componente fundamental. Além disto, destaca-se que através dos algoritmos propostos, independentemente do sinal de entrada, a identificação do componente fundamental pode ser realizada em, no máximo, 2 ciclos da rede. Uma análise dos resultados evidenciados pela TDFR foi desenvolvida através de simulações computacionais. Também serão apresentados resultados experimentais referentes ao sincronismo de um gerador síncrono com a rede elétrica, através dos sinais fornecidos pela TDFR.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)