998 resultados para Phase boundaries
Equilibrium phase diagrams are calculated for a selection of two-component block copolymer architectures using self-consistent field theory (SCFT). The topology of the phase diagrams is relatively unaffected by differences in architecture, but the phase boundaries shift significantly in composition. The shifts are consistent with the decomposition of architectures into constituent units as proposed by Gido and coworkers, but there are significant quantitative deviations from this principle in the intermediate-segregation regime. Although the complex phase windows continue to be dominated by the gyroid (G) phase, the regions of the newly discovered Fddd (O^70) phase become appreciable for certain architectures and the perforated-lamellar (PL) phase becomes stable when the complex phase windows shift towards high compositional asymmetry.
Measurements of the magnetic susceptibility of the frustrated pyrochlore magnet Gd(2)Sn(2)O(7) have been performed at temperatures below T = 5 K and in magnetic fields up to H = 12 T. The phase boundaries determined from these measurements are mapped out in an H-T phase diagram. In this gadolinium compound, where the crystal-field splitting is small and the exchange and dipolar energy are comparable, the Zeeman energy overcomes these competing energies, resulting in at least four magnetic phase transitions below 1 K. These data are compared against those for Gd(2)Ti(2)O(7) and will, we hope, stimulate further studies.
Lead-free solid solutions (1-x)Bi0.5Na0.5TiO 3 (BNT)-xBaZr0.25Ti0.75O3 (BZT) (x=0, 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, and 0.07) were prepared by the solid state reaction method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Rietveld refinement analyses of 1-x(BNT)-x(BZT) solid solution ceramic were employed to study the structure of these systems. A morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) between rhombohedral and cubic structures occured at the composition x=0.05. Raman spectroscopy exhibited a splitting of the (TO3) mode at x=0.05 and confirmed the presence of MPB region. Scanning electron microcopy (SEM) images showed a change in the grain shape with the increase of BZT into the BNT matrix lattice. The temperature dependent dielectric study showed a gradual increase in dielectric constant up to x=0.05 and then decrease with further increase in BZT content. Maximum coercive field, remanent polarization and high piezoelectric constant were observed at x=0.05. Both the structural and electrical properties show that the solid solution has an MPB around x=0.05. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.
Sticholysin II (StnII) is a pore-forming toxin that uses sphingomyelin (SM) as the recognition molecule in targeting membranes.After StnII monomers bind to SM, several toxin monomers act in concert to oligomerize into a functional pore. The regulation of StnII binding to SM, and the subsequent pore-formation process, is not fully understood. In this study, we examined how the biophysical properties of bilayers, originating from variations in the SM structure, from the presence of sterol species, or from the presence of increasingly polyunsaturated glycerophospholipids,affected StnII-induced pore formation. StnII-induced pore formation, as determined from calcein permeabilization, was fastest in the pure unsaturated SM bilayers. In 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)/saturated SM bilayers (4:1 molar ratio), pore formation became slower as the chain length of the saturated SMs increased from 14 up to 24 carbons. In the POPC/palmitoyl-SM (16:0-SM) 4:1 bilayers, SM could not support pore formation by StnII if dimyristoyl-PC was included at 1:1 stoichiometry with 16:0-SM, suggesting that free clusters of SM were required for toxin binding and/or pore formation. Cholesterol and other sterols facilitated StnII-induced pore formation markedly, but the efficiency did not appear to correlate with the sterol structure. Benzyl alcohol was more efficient than sterols in enhancing the pore-formation process, suggesting that the effect on pore formation originated from alcohol-induced alteration of the hydrogen-bonding network in the SM-containing bilayers. Finally, we observed that pore formation by StnII was enhanced in the PC/16:0-SM 4:1 bilayers, in which the PC was increasingly unsaturated. We conclude that the physical state of bilayer lipids greatly affected pore formation by StnII. Phase boundaries were not required for pore formation, although SM in a gel state attenuated pore formation.
Miscibility and phase separation in the blends of phenolphthalein poly(aryl ether ketone) (PPAEK) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) were investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The PPAEK/PEO blends prepared by solution casting from N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) displayed single composition-dependent glass transition temperatures (T-g), intermediate between those of the pure components, suggesting that the blend system is miscible in the amorphous state at all compositions. All the blends underwent phase separation at higher temperatures and the system exhibited a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior. A step-heating thermal analysis was designed to determine the phase boundaries with DSC. The significant changes in the thermal properties of blends were utilized to judge the mixing status for the blends and the phase diagram was thus established. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We propose phase diagrams for an imbalanced (unequal number of atoms or Fermi surface in two pairing hyperfine states) gas of atomic fermions near a broad Feshbach resonance using mean-field theory. Particularly, in the plane of interaction and polarization we determine the region for a mixed phase composed of normal and superfluid components. We compare our prediction of phase boundaries with the recent measurement and find a good qualitative agreement.
In this Rapid Communication we demonstrate the applicability of an augmented Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo approach for the phase behavior determination of model colloidal systems with short-ranged depletion attraction and long-ranged repulsion. This technique allows for a quantitative determination of the phase boundaries and ground states in such systems. We demonstrate that gelation may occur in systems of this type as the result of arrested microphase separation, even when the equilibrium state of the system is characterized by compact microphase structures.
A detailed non-equilibrium state diagram of shape-anisotropic particle fluids is constructed. The effects of particle shape are explored using Naive Mode Coupling Theory (NMCT), and a single particle Non-linear Langevin Equation (NLE) theory. The dynamical behavior of non-ergodic fluids are discussed. We employ a rotationally frozen approach to NMCT in order to determine a transition to center of mass (translational) localization. Both ideal and kinetic glass transitions are found to be highly shape dependent, and uniformly increase with particle dimensionality. The glass transition volume fraction of quasi 1- and 2- dimensional particles fall monotonically with the number of sites (aspect ratio), while 3-dimensional particles display a non-monotonic dependence of glassy vitrification on the number of sites. Introducing interparticle attractions results in a far more complex state diagram. The ideal non-ergodic boundary shows a glass-fluid-gel re-entrance previously predicted for spherical particle fluids. The non-ergodic region of the state diagram presents qualitatively different dynamics in different regimes. They are qualified by the different behaviors of the NLE dynamic free energy. The caging dominated, repulsive glass regime is characterized by long localization lengths and barrier locations, dictated by repulsive hard core interactions, while the bonding dominated gel region has short localization lengths (commensurate with the attraction range), and barrier locations. There exists a small region of the state diagram which is qualified by both glassy and gel localization lengths in the dynamic free energy. A much larger (high volume fraction, and high attraction strength) region of phase space is characterized by short gel-like localization lengths, and long barrier locations. The region is called the attractive glass and represents a 2-step relaxation process whereby a particle first breaks attractive physical bonds, and then escapes its topological cage. The dynamic fragility of fluids are highly particle shape dependent. It increases with particle dimensionality and falls with aspect ratio for quasi 1- and 2- dimentional particles. An ultralocal limit analysis of the NLE theory predicts universalities in the behavior of relaxation times, and elastic moduli. The equlibrium phase diagram of chemically anisotropic Janus spheres and Janus rods are calculated employing a mean field Random Phase Approximation. The calculations for Janus rods are corroborated by the full liquid state Reference Interaction Site Model theory. The Janus particles consist of attractive and repulsive regions. Both rods and spheres display rich phase behavior. The phase diagrams of these systems display fluid, macrophase separated, attraction driven microphase separated, repulsion driven microphase separated and crystalline regimes. Macrophase separation is predicted in highly attractive low volume fraction systems. Attraction driven microphase separation is charaterized by long length scale divergences, where the ordering length scale determines the microphase ordered structures. The ordering length scale of repulsion driven microphase separation is determined by the repulsive range. At the high volume fractions, particles forgo the enthalpic considerations of attractions and repulsions to satisfy hard core constraints and maximize vibrational entropy. This results in site length scale ordering in rods, and the sphere length scale ordering in Janus spheres, i.e., crystallization. A change in the Janus balance of both rods and spheres results in quantitative changes in spinodal temperatures and the position of phase boundaries. However, a change in the block sequence of Janus rods causes qualitative changes in the type of microphase ordered state, and induces prominent features (such as the Lifshitz point) in the phase diagrams of these systems. A detailed study of the number of nearest neighbors in Janus rod systems reflect a deep connection between this local measure of structure, and the structure factor which represents the most global measure of order.
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons quelques analyses théoriques récentes ainsi que des observations expérimentales de l’effet tunnel quantique macroscopique et des tran- sitions de phase classique-quantique dans le taux d’échappement des systèmes de spins élevés. Nous considérons les systèmes de spin biaxial et ferromagnétiques. Grâce à l’approche de l’intégral de chemin utilisant les états cohérents de spin exprimés dans le système de coordonnées, nous calculons l’interférence des phases quantiques et leur distribution énergétique. Nous présentons une exposition claire de l’effet tunnel dans les systèmes antiferromagnétiques en présence d’un couplage d’échange dimère et d’une anisotropie le long de l’axe de magnétisation aisé. Nous obtenons l’énergie et la fonc- tion d’onde de l’état fondamentale ainsi que le premier état excité pour les systèmes de spins entiers et demi-entiers impairs. Nos résultats sont confirmés par un calcul utilisant la théorie des perturbations à grand ordre et avec la méthode de l’intégral de chemin qui est indépendant du système de coordonnées. Nous présentons aussi une explica- tion claire de la méthode du potentiel effectif, qui nous laisse faire une application d’un système de spin quantique vers un problème de mécanique quantique d’une particule. Nous utilisons cette méthode pour analyser nos modèles, mais avec la contrainte d’un champ magnétique externe ajouté. La méthode nous permet de considérer les transitions classiques-quantique dans le taux d’échappement dans ces systèmes. Nous obtenons le diagramme de phases ainsi que les températures critiques du passage entre les deux régimes. Nous étendons notre analyse à une chaine de spins d’Heisenberg antiferro- magnétique avec une anisotropie le long d’un axe pour N sites, prenant des conditions frontière périodiques. Pour N paire, nous montrons que l’état fondamental est non- dégénéré et donné par la superposition des deux états de Néel. Pour N impair, l’état de Néel contient un soliton, et, car la position du soliton est indéterminée, l’état fondamen- tal est N fois dégénéré. Dans la limite perturbative pour l’interaction d’Heisenberg, les fluctuations quantiques lèvent la dégénérescence et les N états se réorganisent dans une bande. Nous montrons qu’à l’ordre 2s, où s est la valeur de chaque spin dans la théorie des perturbations dégénérées, la bande est formée. L’état fondamental est dégénéré pour s entier, mais deux fois dégénéré pour s un demi-entier impair, comme prévu par le théorème de Kramer
The effect of A-block polydispersity on the phase behavior of AB diblock copolymer melts is examined using a complete self-consistent field theory treatment that allows for fractionation of the parent molecular-weight distribution. In addition to observing the established shift in phase boundaries, we find the emergence of significant two-phase coexistence regions causing, for instance, the disappearance of the complex phase window. Furthermore, we find evidence that polydispersity relieves packing frustration, which will reduce the tendency for long-range order.
The self-consistent field theory (SCFT) introduced by Helfand for diblock copolymer melts is expected to converge to the strong-segregation theory (SST) of Semenov in the asymptotic limit, $\chi N \rightarrow \infty$. However, past extrapolations of the lamellar/cylinder and cylinder/sphere phase boundaries, within the standard unit-cell approximation, have cast some doubts on whether or not this is actually true. Here we push the comparison further by extending the SCFT calculations to $\chi N = 512,000$, by accounting for exclusion zones in the coronae of the cylindrical and spherical unit cells, and by examining finite-segregation corrections to SST. In doing so, we provide the first compelling evidence that SCFT does indeed reduce to SST.
The presence of melt ponds on the surface of Arctic sea ice significantly reduces its albedo, inducing a positive feedback leading to sea ice thinning. While the role of melt ponds in enhancing the summer melt of sea ice is well known, their impact on suppressing winter freezing of sea ice has, hitherto, received less attention. Melt ponds freeze by forming an ice lid at the upper surface, which insulates them from the atmosphere and traps pond water between the underlying sea ice and the ice lid. The pond water is a store of latent heat, which is released during refreezing. Until a pond freezes completely, there can be minimal ice growth at the base of the underlying sea ice. In this work, we present a model of the refreezing of a melt pond that includes the heat and salt balances in the ice lid, trapped pond, and underlying sea ice. The model uses a two-stream radiation model to account for radiative scattering at phase boundaries. Simulations and related sensitivity studies suggest that trapped pond water may survive for over a month. We focus on the role that pond salinity has on delaying the refreezing process and retarding basal sea ice growth. We estimate that for a typical sea ice pond coverage in autumn, excluding the impact of trapped ponds in models overestimates ice growth by up to 265 million km3, an overestimate of 26%.
We investigate the critical behavior of a stochastic lattice model describing a predator-prey system. By means of Monte Carlo procedure we simulate the model defined on a regular square lattice and determine the threshold of species coexistence, that is, the critical phase boundaries related to the transition between an active state, where both species coexist and an absorbing state where one of the species is extinct. A finite size scaling analysis is employed to determine the order parameter, order parameter fluctuations, correlation length and the critical exponents. Our numerical results for the critical exponents agree with those of the directed percolation universality class. We also check the validity of the hyperscaling relation and present the data collapse curves.
The direct use of natural gas makes the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) potentially more competitive with the current energy conversions technologies. The Intermediate Temperature SOFC (IT-SOFC) offer several advantages over the High Temperature SOFC (HT-SOFC), which includes better thermal compatibility among components, fast start with lower energy consumption, manufacture and operation cost reduction. The CeO2 based materials are alternatives to the Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) to application in SOFC, as they have higher ionic conductivity and less ohmic losses comparing to YSZ, and they can operate at lower temperatures (500-800°C). Ceria has been doped with a variety of cations, although, the Gd3+ has the ionic radius closest to the ideal one to form solid solution. These electrolytes based in ceria require special electrodes with a higher performance and chemical and termomechanical compatibility. In this work compounds of gadolinia-doped ceria, Ce1-xGdxO2-δ (x = 0,1; 0,2 and 0,3), used as electrolytes, were synthesized by polymeric precursors method, Pechini, as well as the composite material NiO - Ce0,9Gd0,1O1,95, used as anode, also attained by oxide mixture method, mixturing the powders of the both phases calcinated already. The materials were characterized by X ray diffraction, dilatometry and scanning electronic microscopy. The refinement of the diffraction data indicated that all the Ce1-xGdxO2-δ powders were crystallized in a unique cubic phase with fluorite structure, and the composite synthesized by Pechini method produced smaller crystallite size in comparison with the same material attained by oxide mixture method. All the produced powders had nanometric characteristics. The composite produced by Pechini method has microstructural characteristics that can increase the triple phase boundaries (TPB) in the anode, improving the cell efficiency, as well as reducing the mass transport mechanism effect that provokes anode degradation
psi-Condensation of DNA fragments of about 4 kbp was induced by poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), with degrees of polymerization ranging from 45 to 182, and univalent salt (NaCl). Using circular dichroism spectroscopy, we were able to accurately determine the critical amount of PEG needed to induce condensation, as a function of the NaCl concentration. A significant dependence on the PEG degree of polymerization was found. Phase boundaries determined for the multimolecular condensation were very similar to those observed previously for the monomolecular collapse, with two asymptotic regimes at low and high salt concentrations. We analyze our data using a theoretical model that properly takes into account both the polyelectrolyte nature of the DNA and the liquid crystallinity of the condensed phase. The model assumes that all PEG is excluded from the condensates and shows reentrant decondensation only at low salt. We also systematically study reentrant decondensation and find a very strong dependence on PEG molecular weight. At low PEG molecular weight, decondensation occurs at relatively low concentrations of PEG, and over a wide range of salt concentrations. This suggests that in the reentrant decondensation the flexible polymers used are not completely excluded from the condensed phase.