224 resultados para Petition
Caption title.
Title on spine: American Claimants Petition report, 1812. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed 25 March 1812.
Consists of a petition by residents of the Township of Crowland, and a letter addressed to the Hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands. Both items concern a dispute of a land survey. The petition is dated May 26, 1854, and is by inhabitants of the fourth concession in the Township of Crowland. The petition is signed by 9 residents. The names include James Cook (?), Samuel Buchner, James Rock (?), Wm. Vanalstine (?), Seth Skinner, Daniel Holcomb, P. Skinner (?), Henry Buchner, and Cornelius McHay (?). The letter is dated July 20, 1855 and is addressed to the Hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Quebec. It is signed by Arthur Johnston, Town Reeve, Bertie.
Concerning the request of the petitioners, former residents of Newark (present-day Niagara-on-the-Lake) in Upper Canada, for relief for the loss of their property when they were compelled to flee Canada after having aided the United States Army in the War of 1812.
This article examines a common petition presented in the English parliament of 1425 requesting that those imprisoned for long periods for the crimes of treason, felony and Lollardy might be brought to trial. On the basis of palaeographical and orthographical evidence, this petition is demonstrated to be written by Richard Osbarn, clerk of the chamber of the London Guildhall between 1400 and 1437. The implications of this discovery throw new light on the way petitions were formulated, suggesting that the scribes of petitions played a greater role than previously thought, and in some cases identified with the complaint itself.
von [Salomon Ludwig] Steinheim
Boberach: Mit Titelblattillustration: Ballett der Petenten mit Pickelhaube, darüber Spruchband: O kehre wieder!. - Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Schilderung einer (fiktiven) Versammlung von Berliner Tänzerinnen, die für die Rückberufung des Gardekorps in die Hauptstadt petitionieren. Mit überwiegend schlüpfrigem Inhalt
Boberach: Die bisherige Städteordnung ist dem Regierungsentwurf unbedingt vorzuziehen. Es ist nicht wünschenswert, das bisher an das Bürgerrecht gebundene Wahlrecht auf die Schutzverwandten auszudehnen, die das Bürgerrecht nicht erworben haben, weil sie keine Bürgergelder zahlen wollen. Das Dreiklassenwahlrecht wird abgelehnt