951 resultados para Personal Marketing
Se presenta una investigación relativa a la aplicación del marketing como actividad de gestión en las escuelas. Se define el concepto de marketing, incidiendo en la idea de que el modelo organizativo que se expone no se limita a la publicidad, propaganda y creación de imágenes falsas. A continuación, se presenta un modelo de marketing con sugerencias prácticas a aplicar en las escuelas, tanto a nivel nacional como local. El modelo se desarrolla a través del análisis de cuatro temas o cuestiones propuestas: el significado del marketing para las escuelas y las implicaciones de similitud-diferencia en el pensamiento, así como la puesta en práctica de actividades de marketing en las escuelas para el futuro; las prácticas actuales desarrolladas en las mismas, de qué modo se está llevando a cabo la promoción de las escuelas, el tipo de ayudas que reciben de las autoridades locales y en qué medida el marketing actual en las escuelas refleja lo mejor del pensamiento y la practica del marketing en otros sectores; la manera mediante la cual el marketing da lugar a mejoras en los sistemas de gestión, de comunicación con partes externas y en la mejora de la calidad de la educación y, por último, lo que constituiría un modelo de marketing apropiado para las escuelas estatales atendiendo a las recomendaciones ofrecidas por el estudio.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a forma de construção da imagem dos bispos, pastores, obreiros e obreiras da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD), por meio da ferramenta de marketing pessoal (MP). A utilização do MP por tais agentes religiosos é uma maneira de melhorar a interação simbólica entre líderes e fiéis e atrair o público para os templos. A IURD foi escolhida para esta análise por usar de vários procedimentos que estão relacionados com as técnicas de MP, no sentido de sofisticar a aparência visual de sua liderança, a fim de representar um discurso de prosperidade disseminado pela instituição. Cremos que é dessa forma que a IURD atrai o público por meio da imagem criada dos líderes, mediante uma aparência visual sofisticada. Na pesquisa dessa Igreja, encontramos que a ferramenta de MP usada pelos seus membros hierárquicos contribui para o crescimento e a consolidação desse empreendimento no mercado religioso. A construção da imagem que estamos tratando é planejada a partir da matriz imagética do líder principal da Igreja Universal, Edir Bezerra Macedo. Por meio da imagem central do bispo Macedo é que a liderança é marcada ou estigmatizada com um perfil estético respaldado por uma noção de sucesso. Utilizamos a pesquisa bibliográfica e observação participante como método de pesquisa e ainda, pesquisamos o jornal Folha Universal e averiguamos alguns programas televisivos exibidos na TV Record, analisando o marketing pessoal da liderança em questão. Assim, verificamos que as interfaces de presentação da boa imagem produzida por meio de técnicas corporais, roupas e acessórios, favorece a representação desses líderes nos seus principais canais de comunicação, templos e televisão.(AU)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a forma de construção da imagem dos bispos, pastores, obreiros e obreiras da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD), por meio da ferramenta de marketing pessoal (MP). A utilização do MP por tais agentes religiosos é uma maneira de melhorar a interação simbólica entre líderes e fiéis e atrair o público para os templos. A IURD foi escolhida para esta análise por usar de vários procedimentos que estão relacionados com as técnicas de MP, no sentido de sofisticar a aparência visual de sua liderança, a fim de representar um discurso de prosperidade disseminado pela instituição. Cremos que é dessa forma que a IURD atrai o público por meio da imagem criada dos líderes, mediante uma aparência visual sofisticada. Na pesquisa dessa Igreja, encontramos que a ferramenta de MP usada pelos seus membros hierárquicos contribui para o crescimento e a consolidação desse empreendimento no mercado religioso. A construção da imagem que estamos tratando é planejada a partir da matriz imagética do líder principal da Igreja Universal, Edir Bezerra Macedo. Por meio da imagem central do bispo Macedo é que a liderança é marcada ou estigmatizada com um perfil estético respaldado por uma noção de sucesso. Utilizamos a pesquisa bibliográfica e observação participante como método de pesquisa e ainda, pesquisamos o jornal Folha Universal e averiguamos alguns programas televisivos exibidos na TV Record, analisando o marketing pessoal da liderança em questão. Assim, verificamos que as interfaces de presentação da boa imagem produzida por meio de técnicas corporais, roupas e acessórios, favorece a representação desses líderes nos seus principais canais de comunicação, templos e televisão.(AU)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a forma de construção da imagem dos bispos, pastores, obreiros e obreiras da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD), por meio da ferramenta de marketing pessoal (MP). A utilização do MP por tais agentes religiosos é uma maneira de melhorar a interação simbólica entre líderes e fiéis e atrair o público para os templos. A IURD foi escolhida para esta análise por usar de vários procedimentos que estão relacionados com as técnicas de MP, no sentido de sofisticar a aparência visual de sua liderança, a fim de representar um discurso de prosperidade disseminado pela instituição. Cremos que é dessa forma que a IURD atrai o público por meio da imagem criada dos líderes, mediante uma aparência visual sofisticada. Na pesquisa dessa Igreja, encontramos que a ferramenta de MP usada pelos seus membros hierárquicos contribui para o crescimento e a consolidação desse empreendimento no mercado religioso. A construção da imagem que estamos tratando é planejada a partir da matriz imagética do líder principal da Igreja Universal, Edir Bezerra Macedo. Por meio da imagem central do bispo Macedo é que a liderança é marcada ou estigmatizada com um perfil estético respaldado por uma noção de sucesso. Utilizamos a pesquisa bibliográfica e observação participante como método de pesquisa e ainda, pesquisamos o jornal Folha Universal e averiguamos alguns programas televisivos exibidos na TV Record, analisando o marketing pessoal da liderança em questão. Assim, verificamos que as interfaces de presentação da boa imagem produzida por meio de técnicas corporais, roupas e acessórios, favorece a representação desses líderes nos seus principais canais de comunicação, templos e televisão.(AU)
El mercado laboral hoy día se ha vuelto cada vez más competitivo, cambiante y exigente con los profesionales y estudiantes que están en búsqueda de una oportunidad laboral, por esta razón como grupo de trabajo realizamos una investigación sobre Marketing Personal, un tema nuevo e innovador el cual consiste en adaptarse a las necesidades de nuestro entorno que es cambiante por naturaleza para poder alcanzar objetivos personales y profesionales. El objetivo de la investigación es orientar a los estudiantes de cuarto, quinto año y egresados de la carrera de Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de El Salvador para que se conviertan en el talento humano que el mercado laboral requiere a través de un Diseño de un Plan de Marketing Personal. La investigación se realizó con estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Carrera Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas, de La Universidad de El Salvador para conocer sus problemas de Marketing Personal, para ello se elaboró un cuestionario que demostró las áreas con más deficiencias en los alumnos que son: la promoción y conocimientos-experiencia, la promoción porque los alumnos se limitan a realizar solamente lo que les ordena sin tomar iniciativa de ofrecerse voluntariamente para el desempeño de otras funciones que no son las asignadas, en relación a los conocimientos-experiencia de los estudiantes los resultados reflejan que no tienen experiencia en el ámbito laboral y sus conocimientos no cumplen las expectativas de los expertos de selección y contratación de personal, los cuales exigen experiencia y especialización indispensable e idioma ingles en un nivel avanzado Se realizaron cinco entrevistas con personas encargadas de la selección y contratación de personal, en dichas entrevistas se identificó problemas de los candidatos tales como: el no contar con una experiencia laboral, falta de conocimientos, falta de pro actividad e iniciativa, dificultades para trabajar en equipo, problemas de presentación personal y el lenguaje corporal el cual dice mucho de la personalidad de los candidatos. Se diseñó un test para medir el nivel de Marketing Personal de los estudiantes. Además se elaboró un plan estratégico y táctico para los siguientes campos de acción: estudiantes, empresas de selección y contratación de personal, empresas y para la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, para campo de acción se elaboró una estrategia para poder iniciarse en los conocimientos de marketing personal, que contribuirá al logro de los objetivos. Finalmente se concluye que los estudiantes de la carrera de Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas que colaboraron con la investigación demuestran problemas de Marketing Personal que están afectando su búsqueda de empleo; además la formación sobre el Marketing Personal tiene costos elevados pero es una inversión que vale la pena por los resultados que se obtendrán; es un tema que ha existido siempre, pero algunas personas lo practican sin saber que es Marketing Personal; y por ultimo concluimos que el reto para los cuatro campos de acción es conocer, construir y poner en práctica el Marketing Personal.
The rapid uptake of mobile devices has created the capacity to provide services to consumers while they are on the move, and new mobile services (m-services) are constantly emerging. In past research, personal attributes have been found to be import ant in the adoption and use of information and communication technology. However, little research has been conducted in the area of m-services. To explore factors influencing the use of these services, this paper examines personal attributes in terms of motivational, attitudinal and demographic characteristics. Specifically, it investigates the influence of innovativeness, self- efficacy, involvement and impulsiveness, as well as age and gender on m-services use . Data were collected from a convenience sample of 250 respondents using an online survey and a modified snowball procedure. Age and gender were quite well balanced in the sample. The multiple regression model was significant and the hypotheses relating to the positive relationship between impulsiveness, involvement and gender and m-services were supported. Findings are discussed, further implications for managers are suggested and directions for future research are proposed.
This thesis provides a behavioural perspective to the problem of collusive tendering in the construction market by examining the decision making factors of individuals potentially involved in such agreements using marketing ethics theory and techniques. The findings of a cross disciplinary literature review were synthesised into a model of factors theoretically expected to determine the individual's behavioural intent towards a set of collusive tendering agreements and the means of reaching them. The factors were grouped as internal cognitive (the individuals' value systems) and affective (demographic and psychographic characteristics) as well as external environmental (legal, industrial and organisational codes and norms) and situational (company, market and economic conditions). The model was tested using empirical data collected through a questionnaire survey of estimators employed in the largest Australian construction firms. All forms of explicit collusive tendering agreements were considered as having a prohibitive moral content by the majority of respondents who also clearly differentiated between agreements and discussions of contract terms (which they found to be a moral concern but not prohibitive) or of prices. The comparisons between those of the respondents that would never participate in a collusive agreement and the potential offenders clearly showed two distinctly different groups. The law abiding estimators are less reliant on situational factors, happier and more comfortable in their work environments and they live according to personal value and belief systems. The potential offenders on the other hand are mistrustful of colleagues, feel their values are not respected, put company priorities above principles and none of them is religious or a member of a professional body. The research results indicate that Australian estimators are, overall law abiding and principled and accept the existing codification of collusion as morally defensible and binding. Professional bodies' and organisational codes of conduct as well as personal value and belief systems that guide one's own conduct appear to be deterrents to collusive tendering intent and so are moral comfort and work satisfaction. These observations are potential indicators of areas where intervention and behaviour modification can increase individuals' resistance to collusion.
While in many travel situations there is an almost limitless range of available destinations, travellers will usually only actively consider two to six in their decision set. One of the greatest challenges facing destination marketers is positioning their destination, against the myriad of competing places that offer similar features, into consumer decision sets. Since positioning requires a narrow focus, marketing communications must present a succinct and meaningful proposition, the selection of which is often problematic for destination marketing organisations (DMO), which deal with a diverse and often eclectic range of attributes in addition to self-interested and demanding stakeholders who have interests in different market segments. This paper reports the application of two qualitative techniques used to explore the range of cognitive attributes, consequences and personal values that represent potential positioning opportunities in the context of short break holidays. The Repertory Test is an effective technique for understanding the salient attributes used by a traveller to differentiate destinations, and Laddering Analysis enables the researcher to explore the smaller set of consequences and personal values guiding such decision making. A key finding of the research was that while individuals might vary in their repertoire of salient attributes, there was a commonality of shared consequences and values. This has important implications for DMOs, since a brand positioning theme that is based on a value will subsume multiple and diverse attributes. It is posited that such a theme will appeal to a broader range of travellers, as well as appease a greater number of destination stakeholders, than would an attribute based theme.
The paper provides an academic/practitioner collaborative reflection on the governance structure of a prominent New Zealand regional tourism organisation (RTO). The purpose is to address one of the neglected areas of tourism governance research; which is ‘Who’ governs the destination? The paper discusses the evolution of a public-private governance structure from the perspective of three former senior staff members. The authors were employed during a period of radical organisational change in the administration of the marketing of Rotorua, one of New Zealand’s leading resort destinations. The paper uses archival analysis and personal reflections, and concludes with a summary of key challenges and frustrations inherent in the complexity of public-private partnership (PPP) governance of an RTO. It is envisaged this summary of reflections will enhance tourism management students’ understanding of the complex and political nature of destination marketing organisation (DMO) governance at a local level.
Personal identity and intimacy levels change over time and this can influence the way consumers buy and use goods and services. This thesis examined how levels of personal identity and intimacy influence the use of social media by consumers of different ages. A survey of 208 users of facebook demonstrated that consumers with weak levels of personal identity use social media to increase their identity and popularity, while consumers with strong levels of personal identity use social media for self-expression. Consumers with high intimacy levels use social media for socian connection and social investigation.
This conceptual paper is a preliminary part of an ongoing study into take-up of electronic personal health records (ePHRs). The purpose of this work is to contextually ‘operationalise' Grönroos’ (2012) model of value co-creation in service for ePHRs. Using findings in the extant literature we enhance theoretical and practical understanding of the potential for co-creation of value with ePHRs for relevant stakeholders. The research design focused on the selection and evaluation of relevant literature to include in the discussion. The objective was to demonstrate which articles can be used to 'contextualise' the concepts in relation to relevant healthcare providers and patient engagement in the co-creation of value from having shared ePHRs. Starting at the service concept, that is, what the service provider wants to achieve and for whom, there is little doubt that there are recognised benefits that co-create value for both healthcare providers and healthcare consumers (i.e. patients) through shared ePHRs. We further highlight both alignments and misalignments in the resources and activities concepts between stakeholder groups. Examples include the types of functionalities as well as the interactive and peer communication needs perceived as useful for healthcare providers compared to healthcare consumers. The paper has implications for theory and practice and is an original and innovative approach to studying the co-creation of value in eHealth delivery.
This paper extends the largely conceptual understanding of competition in social marketing by empirically investigating, from a consumer perspective, the nature of competition and its influence on decision making at the individual level. Two phases of qualitative inquiry in Australia, comprising 30 and 20 semi-structured interviews respectively, examined the role of competition in young adults’ decision to adopt and maintain help-seeking for mental ill-health. The findings from thematic analysis suggest that competition operates at both the behavioural and goal level to influence consumers’ decision to perform behaviour and that the types of competition in operation may vary from the adoption to the maintenance of behaviour. The findings are integrated into a framework that social marketers could employ to identify, analyse and address competition.
Telephone and web-based technologies such as SMS, smartphone apps, gamification, online/mobile games, online quizzes and tools can be used in personal health interventions in two ways: health promotion or social marketing. In response to the Queensland government's call for submissions to the parliamentary inquiry, a social marketing and design submission from four of the faculties at Queensland University of Technology was submitted. There appears to be a great deal of confusion in government circles about the terms ‘social marketing’ and ‘health promotion’ and often they are used interchangeably when they are actually significantly different approaches. Social marketing is the science and practice of behaviour change and involves goods and services that offer a value proposition, and which incentivises citizens to change their behaviour voluntarily. However, social marketing is often mistakenly used to describe advertising and communication or social media marketing. This submission contains an overview of how technology interventions need to be implemented to be successful, provides examples of the evidence that telephone and web-based interventions can effectively influence public health outcome. This submission poses seven critical factors.
The aim of this research was to identify the role of brand reputation in encouraging consumer willingness to provide personal data online, for the benefits of personalisation. This study extends on Malhotra, Kim and Agarwal’s (2004) Internet Users Information Privacy Concerns Model, and uses the theoretical underpinning of Social Contract Theory to assess how brand reputation moderates the relationship between trusting beliefs and perceived value (Privacy Calculus framework) with willingness to give personal information. The research is highly relevant as most privacy research undertaken to date focuses on consumer related concerns. Very little research exists examining the role of brand reputation and online privacy. Practical implications of this research include gaining knowledge as to how to minimise online privacy concerns; improve brand reputation; and provide insight on how to reduce consumer resistance to the collection of personal information and encourage consumer opt-in.