948 resultados para Peripheral nervous system disorder
The mechanism of interaction between Mycobacterium leprae and neural cells has not been elucidated so far. No satisfactory interpretation exists as to the bacterium tropism to the peripheral nervous system in particular. The present study is a review of the micro-physiology of the extracellular apparatus attached to Schwann cells, as well as on the description of morphological units probably involved in the process of the binding to the bacterial wall.
INTRODUCTION: The Neuromodulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee (NACC) of the International Neuromodulation Society (INS) evaluated evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of neurostimulation to treat chronic pain, chronic critical limb ischemia, and refractory angina and recommended appropriate clinical applications. METHODS: The NACC used literature reviews, expert opinion, clinical experience, and individual research. Authors consulted the Practice Parameters for the Use of Spinal Cord Stimulation in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain (2006), systematic reviews (1984 to 2013), and prospective and randomized controlled trials (2005 to 2013) identified through PubMed, EMBASE, and Google Scholar. RESULTS: Neurostimulation is relatively safe because of its minimally invasive and reversible characteristics. Comparison with medical management is difficult, as patients considered for neurostimulation have failed conservative management. Unlike alternative therapies, neurostimulation is not associated with medication-related side effects and has enduring effect. Device-related complications are not uncommon; however, the incidence is becoming less frequent as technology progresses and surgical skills improve. Randomized controlled studies support the efficacy of spinal cord stimulation in treating failed back surgery syndrome and complex regional pain syndrome. Similar studies of neurostimulation for peripheral neuropathic pain, postamputation pain, postherpetic neuralgia, and other causes of nerve injury are needed. International guidelines recommend spinal cord stimulation to treat refractory angina; other indications, such as congestive heart failure, are being investigated. CONCLUSIONS: Appropriate neurostimulation is safe and effective in some chronic pain conditions. Technological refinements and clinical evidence will continue to expand its use. The NACC seeks to facilitate the efficacy and safety of neurostimulation.
284 million people worldwide suffered from type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in 2010, which will, in approximately half of them, lead to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Although DPN is the most common complication of diabetes mellitus and the leading cause of non-traumatic amputations its pathophysiology is still poorly understood. To get more insight into the molecular mechanism underlying DPN in T2DM, I used a rodent model of T2DM, the db/db mice.¦ln vivo electrophysiological recordings of diabetic animals indicated that in addition to reduced nerve conduction velocity db/db mice also present increased nerve excitability. Further ex vivo evaluation of the electrophysiological properties of db/db nerves clearly established a presence of the peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) phenotype in diabetic animals. Using pharmacological inhibitors we demonstrated that PNH is mostly mediated by the decreased activity of Kv1 channels. ln agreement with these data 1 observed that the diabetic condition led to a reduced presence of the Kv1.2 subunits in juxtaparanodal regions of db/db peripheral nerves whereas its mANA and protein expression levels were not affected. Lmportantly, I confirmed a loss of juxtaparanodal Kv1.2 subunits in nerve biopsies from type 2 diabetic patients. Together these observations indicate that the type 2 diabetic condition leads to potassium-channel mediated changes of nerve excitability thus identifying them as potential drug targets to treat sorne of the DPN related symptoms.¦Schwann cells ensheath and isolate peripheral axons by the production of myelin, which consists of lipids and proteins in a ratio of 2:1. Peripheral myelin protein 2 (= P2, Pmp2 or FABP8) was originally described as one of the most abundant myelin proteins in the peripheral nervous system. P2, which is a member of the fatty acid binding protein (FABP) family, is a 14.8 kDa cytosolic protein expressed on the cytoplasmic side of compact myelin membranes. As indicated by their name, the principal role of FABPs is thought to be the binding and transport of fatty acids.¦To study its role in myelinating glial cells I have recently generated a complete P2 knockout mouse model (P2-/-). I confirmed the loss of P2 in the sciatic nerve of P2-/- mice at the mRNA and protein level. Electrophysiological analysis of the adult (P56) mutant mice revealed a mild but significant reduction in the motor nerve conduction velocity. lnterestingly, this functional change was not accompanied by any detectable alterations in general myelin structure. However, I have observed significant alterations in the mRNA expression level of other FABPs, predominantly FABP9, in the PNS of P2-/- mice as compared to age-matched P2+/+ mice indicating a role of P2 in the glial myelin lipid metabolism.¦Le diabète de type 2 touche 284 million de personnes dans le monde en 2010 et son évolution conduit dans la moitié des cas à une neuropathie périphérique diabétique. Bien que la neuropathie périphérique soit la complication la plus courante du diabète pouvant conduire jusqu'à l'amputation, sa physiopathologie est aujourd'hui encore mal comprise. Dans le but d'améliorer les connaissances moléculaires expliquant les mécanismes de la neuropathie liée au diabète de type 2, j'ai utilisé un modèle murin du diabète de type 2, les souris db/db.¦ln vivo, les enregistrements éléctrophysiologiques des animaux diabétiques montrent qu'en plus d'une diminution de la vitesse de conduction nerveuse, les souris db/db présentent également une augmentation de l'excitabilité nerveuse. Des mesures menées Ex vivo ont montré l'existence d'un phénotype d'hyperexcitabilité sur les nerfs périphériques isolés d'animaux diabétiques. Grâce à l'utilisation d'inhibiteurs pharmacologiques, nous avons pu démontrer que l'hyperexcitabilité démontrée était due à une réduction d'activité des canaux Kv1. En accord avec ces données, j'ai observé qu'une situation de diabète conduisait à une diminution des canaux Kv1.2 aux régions juxta-paranodales des nerfs périphériques db/db, alors que l'expression du transcrit et de la protéine restait stable. J'ai également confirmé l'absence de canaux Kv1.2 aux juxta-paranoeuds de biopsies de nerfs de patients diabétiques. L'ensemble de ces observations montrent que les nerfs périphériques chez les patients atteints de diabète de type 2 est due à une diminution des canaux potassiques rapides juxtaparanodaux les identifiant ainsi comme des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles.¦Les cellules de Schwann enveloppent et isolent les axones périphériques d'une membrane spécialisée, la myéline, composée de deux fois plus de lipides que de protéines. La protéine P2 (Pmp2 "peripheral myelin protein 2" ou FABP8 "fatty acid binding protein") est l'une des protéines les plus abondantes au système nerveux périphérique. P2 appartient à la famille de protéines FABP liant et transportant les acides gras et est une protéine cytosolique de 14,8 kDa exprimée du côté cytoplasmique de la myéline compacte.¦Afin d'étudier le rôle de P2 dans les cellules de Schwann myélinisantes, j'ai généré une souris knockout (P2-/-). Après avoir validé l'absence de transcrit et de protéine P2 dans les nerfs sciatiques P2-/-, des mesures électrophysiologiques ont montré une réduction modérée mais significative de la vitesse de conduction du nerf moteur périphérique. Il est important de noter que ces changements fonctionnels n'ont pas pu être associés à quelconque changement dans la structure de la myéline. Cependant, j'ai observé dans les nerfs périphériques P2-/-, une altération significative du niveau d'expression d'ARNm d'autres FABPs et en particulier FABP9. Ce dernier résultat démontre l'importance du rôle de la protéine P2 dans le métabolisme lipidique de la myéline.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4C (CMT4C) is an early-onset, autosomal recessive form of demyelinating neuropathy. The clinical manifestations include progressive scoliosis, delayed age of walking, muscular atrophy, distal weakness, and reduced nerve conduction velocity. The gene mutated in CMT4C disease, SH3TC2/KIAA1985, was recently identified; however, the function of the protein it encodes remains unknown. We have generated knockout mice where the first exon of the Sh3tc2 gene is replaced with an enhanced GFP cassette. The Sh3tc2(DeltaEx1/DeltaEx1) knockout animals develop progressive peripheral neuropathy manifested by decreased motor and sensory nerve conduction velocity and hypomyelination. We show that Sh3tc2 is specifically expressed in Schwann cells and localizes to the plasma membrane and to the perinuclear endocytic recycling compartment, concordant with its possible function in myelination and/or in regions of axoglial interactions. Concomitantly, transcriptional profiling performed on the endoneurial compartment of peripheral nerves isolated from control and Sh3tc2(DeltaEx1/DeltaEx1) animals uncovered changes in transcripts encoding genes involved in myelination and cell adhesion. Finally, detailed analyses of the structures composed of compact and noncompact myelin in the peripheral nerve of Sh3tc2(DeltaEx1/DeltaEx1) animals revealed abnormal organization of the node of Ranvier, a phenotype that we confirmed in CMT4C patient nerve biopsies. The generated Sh3tc2 knockout mice thus present a reliable model of CMT4C neuropathy that was instrumental in establishing a role for Sh3tc2 in myelination and in the integrity of the node of Ranvier, a morphological phenotype that can be used as an additional CMT4C diagnostic marker.
Lactate, a product of glycolysis, has been shown to play a key role in the metabolic support of neurons/axons in the CNS by both astrocytes and oligodendrocytes through monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). Despite such importance in the CNS, little is known about MCT expression and lactate function in the PNS. Here we show that mouse MCT1, MCT2, and MCT4 are expressed in the PNS. While DRG neurons express MCT1, myelinating Schwann cells (SCs) coexpress MCT1 and MCT4 in a domain-specific fashion, mainly in regions of noncompact myelin. Interestingly, SC-specific downregulation of MCT1 expression in rat neuron/SC cocultures led to increased myelination, while its downregulation in neurons resulted in a decreased amount of neurofilament. Finally, pure rat SCs grown in the presence of lactate exhibited an increase in the level of expression of the main myelin regulator gene Krox20/Egr2 and the myelin gene P0. These data indicate that lactate homeostasis participates in the regulation of the SC myelination program and reveal that similar to CNS, PNS axon-glial metabolic interactions are most likely mediated by MCTs.
Myc family genes are often deregulated in embryonal tumors of childhood including medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma and are frequently associated with aggressive, poorly differentiated tumors. The Myc protein is a transcription factor that regulates a variety of cellular processes including cell growth and proliferation, cell cycle progression, differentiation, apoptosis, and cell motility. Potential strategies that either inhibit the proliferation-promoting effect of Myc and/or activate its pro-apoptotic function are presently being explored. In this review, we will give an overview of Myc activation in embryonal tumors and discuss current strategies aimed at targeting Myc for cancer treatment.
The lipid bilayer of the myelin membrane of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) contains the oligodendrocyte- and Schwann cell-specific glycosphingolipids galactocerebrosides (GalC) and GalC-derived sulfatides (sGalC). We have generated a UDP-galactose ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGT) null mutant mouse (cgt−/−) with CNS and PNS myelin completely depleted of GalC and derived sGalC. Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells are unable to restore the structure and function of these galactosphingolipids to maintain the insulator function of the membrane bilayer. The velocity of nerve conduction of homozygous cgt−/− mice is reduced to that of unmyelinated axons. This indicates a severely altered ion permeability of the lipid bilayer. GalC and sGalC are essential for the unperturbed lipid bilayer of the myelin membrane of CNS and PNS. The severe dysmyelinosis leads to death of the cgt−/− mouse at the end of the myelination period.
Targeted expression of foreign genes to the peripheral nervous system is interesting for many applications, including gene therapy of neuromuscular diseases, neuroanatomical studies, and elucidation of mechanisms of axonal flow. Here we describe a microneurosurgical technique for injection of replication-defective viral vectors into dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Adenovirus- and adeno-associated virus-based vectors with transcriptional competence for DRG neurons led to expression of the gene of interest throughout the first neuron of the sensory system, from the distal portions of the respective sensory nerve to the ipsilateral nucleus gracilis and cuneatus, which contains the synapses to the spinothalamic tracts. Use of Rag-1 ablated mice, which lack all B and T lymphocytes, allowed for sustained expression for periods exceeding 100 days. In immunocompetent mice, long-term (52 days) expression was achieved with similar efficiency by using adeno-associated viral vectors. DRG injection was vastly superior to intraneural injection into the sciatic nerve, which mainly transduced Schwann cells in the vicinity of the site of inoculation site but only inefficiently transduced nerve fibers, whereas i.m. injection did not lead to any significant expression of the reporter gene in nerve fibers. The versatile and efficient transduction of genes of interest should enable a wide variety of functional studies of peripheral nervous system pathophysiology.
The first study was designed to assess whether the involvement of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) belongs to the phenotypic spectrum of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). To this aim, we reviewed medical records of 117 sCJDVV2, 65 sCJDMV2K, and 121 sCJDMM(V)1 subjects for symptoms/signs and neurophysiological data. We looked for the presence of PrPSc in postmortem PNS samples from 14 subjects by western blotting and real-time quaking-induced conversion (RT-QuIC) assay. Seventy-five (41.2%) VV2-MV2K patients, but only 11 (9.1%) MM(V)1, had symptoms/signs suggestive of PNS involvement and neuropathy was documented in half of the VV2-MV2K patients tested. RT-QuIC was positive in all PNS samples, whereas western blotting detected PrPSc in the sciatic nerve in only one VV2 and one MV2K. These results support the conclusion that peripheral neuropathy, likely related to PrPSc deposition, belongs to the phenotypic spectrum of sCJDMV2K and VV2, the two variants linked to the V2 strain. The second study aimed to characterize the genetic/molecular determinants of phenotypic variability in genetic CJD (gCJD). To this purpose, we compared 157 cases of gCJD to 300 of sCJD. We analyzed: demographic aspects, neurological symptoms/signs, histopathologic features and biochemical characteristics of PrPSc. The results strongly indicated that the clinicopathological phenotypes of gCJD largely overlap with those of sCJD and that the genotype at codon 129 in cis with the mutation (i.e. haplotype) contributes more than the latter to the disease phenotype. Some mutations, however, cause phenotypic variations including haplotype-specific patterns of PrPSc deposition such as the “dense” synaptic pattern (E200K-129M), the intraneuronal dots (E200K-129V), and the linear stripes perpendicular to the surface in the molecular layer of cerebellum (OPRIs-129M). Overall, these results suggest that in gCJD PRNP mutations do not cause the emergence of novel prion strains, but rather confer increased susceptibility to the disease in conjunction with “minor” clinicopathological variations.
Background and purpose: Apart from the central nervous system parasitic invasion in chagasic immunodeficient patients and strokes due to heart lesions provoked by the disease, the typical neurological syndromes of the chronic phase of Chagas` disease (CD) have not yet been characterized, although involvement of the peripheral nervous system has been well documented. This study aims at investigating whether specific signs of central nervous system impairment might be associated with the disease. Methods: Twenty-seven patients suffering from the chronic form of Chagas` disease (CCD) and an equal number of controls matched for sex, age, educational and socio-cultural background, and coming from the same geographical regions, were studied using neurological examinations, magnetic resonance images, and electroencephalographic frequency analysis. Results: Nineteen patients were at the stage A of the cardiac form of the disease (without documented structural lesions or heart failure). Dizziness, brisk reflexes, and ankle and knee areflexia were significantly more prevalent in the patients than in the controls. The significant findings in quantitative electroencephalogram were an increase in the theta relative power and a decrease in the theta dominant frequency at temporal-occipital derivations. Subcortical, white matter demyelination was associated with diffuse theta bursts and theta-delta slowing in two patients. Conclusions: Our findings suggest a discrete and unspecific functional cortical disorder and possible white matter lesions in CD. The focal nervous system abnormalities in CD documented here did not seem to cause significant functional damage or severely alter the patient`s quality of life. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells are engaged in myelin production, maintenance and repairing respectively in the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Whereas oligodendrocytes act only within the CNS, Schwann cells are able to invade the CNS in order to make new myelin sheaths around demyelinated axons. Both cells have some limitations in their activities, i.e. oligodendrocytes are post-mitotic cells and Schwann cells only get into the CNS in the absence of astrocytes. Ethidium bromide (EB) is a gliotoxic chemical that when injected locally within the CNS, induce demyelination. In the EB model of demyelination, glial cells are destroyed early after intoxication and Schwann cells are free to approach the naked central axons. In normal Wistar rats, regeneration of lost myelin sheaths can be achieved as early as thirteen days after intoxication; in Wistar rats immunosuppressed with cyclophosphamide the process is delayed and in rats administered cyclosporine it may be accelerated. Aiming the enlightening of those complex processes, all events concerning the myelinating cells in an experimental model are herein presented and discussed.
Using light and electron microscopic histological and immunocytochemical techniques, we investigated the effects of the glucocorticoid dexamethasone on T cell and macrophage apoptosis in the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) of Lewis rats with acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced with myelin basic protein (MBP). A single subcutaneous injection of dexamethasone markedly augmented T cell and macrophage apoptosis in the CNS and PNS and microglial apoptosis in the CNS within 6 hours (h). Pre-embedding immunolabeling revealed that dexamethasone increased the number of apoptotic CD5+ cells (T cells or activated B cells), αβ T cells, and CD11b+ cells (macrophages/microglia) in the meninges, perivascular spaces, and CNS parenchyma. The induction of increased apoptosis was dose-dependent. Daily dexamethasone treatment suppressed the neurological signs of EAE. However, the daily injection of a dose of dexamethasone (0.25 mg/kg). which, after a single dose, did not induce increased apoptosis in the CNS or PNS, was as effective in inhibiting the neurological signs of EAE as the high dose (4 mg/kg), which induced a marked increase in apoptosis. This indicates that the beneficial clinical effect of glucocorticoid therapy in EAE does not depend on the induction of increased apoptosis. The daily administration of dexamethasone for 5 days induced a relapse that commenced 5 days after cessation of treatment, with the severity of the relapse tending to increase with dexamethasone dosage.
The COE/EBF gene family marks a subset of prospective neurons in the vertebrate central and peripheral. nervous system; including neurons deriving from some ectodermal placodes. Since placodes are often considered unique to vertebrates, we have characterised an amphioxus COE/EBF gene with the aim of using it as a marker to examine the timing and location of peripheral neuron differentiation. A single COE/EBF family member, AmphiCoe, was isolated from the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae: AmphiCoe lies basal to the vertebrate COE/EBF genes in molecular phylogenetic analysis, suggesting that the duplications that formed the vertebrate COE/EBF family were specific to the vertebrate lineage. AmphiCoe is expressed in the central nervous system and in a small number of scattered ectodermal cells on the flanks of neurulae stage embryos. These cells become at least largely recessed beneath the ectoderm. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine embryos in which the ectoderm had been partially peeled away. This revealed that these cells have neuronal morphology, and we infer that they are the precursors of epidermal primary sensory neurons. These characters lead us to suggest that differentiation of some ectodermal cells into sensory neurons with a tendency to sink beneath the embryonic surface represents a primitive feature that has become incorporated into placodes during vertebrate evolution. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
OBJECTIVE: CNS or peripheral nervous system dysfunction sometimes occurs in Henoch-Schönlein patients. METHODS: We review all Henoch-Schönlein cases published after 1969 with CNS dysfunction without severe hypertension and neuroimaging studies (n = 35), cranial or peripheral neuropathy (n = 15), both CNS and peripheral nervous system dysfunction without severe hypertension (n = 2) or nervous system dysfunction with severe hypertension (n = 2). Forty-four of the 54 patients were <20 years of age. RESULTS: In patients with CNS dysfunction without or with severe hypertension the following presentations were observed in decreasing order of frequency: altered level of consciousness, convulsions, focal neurological deficits, visual abnormalities and verbal disability. Imaging studies disclosed the following lesions: vascular lesions almost always involving two or more vessels, intracerebral haemorrhage, posterior subcortical oedema, diffuse brain oedema and thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus. Following lesions were noted in the subjects with cranial or peripheral neuropathy without severe hypertension: peroneal neuropathy, peripheral facial palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome, brachial plexopathy, posterior tibial nerve neuropathy, femoral neuropathy, ulnar neuropathy and mononeuritis multiplex. Persisting signs of either CNS (n = 9) or peripheral (n = 1) nervous system dysfunction were sometimes reported. CONCLUSIONS: In Henoch-Schönlein syndrome, signs of nervous system dysfunction are uncommon but clinically relevant. This review helps clinicians managing Henoch-Schönlein syndrome with nervous system dysfunction.
Spastic paraplegia, optic atrophy, and neuropathy (SPOAN) is an autosomal recessive complicated form of hereditary spastic paraplegia, which is clinically defined by congenital optic atrophy, infancy-onset progressive spastic paraplegia and peripheral neuropathy. In this study, which included 61 individuals (age 5-72 years, 42 females) affected by SPOAN, a comprehensive motor and functional evaluation was performed, using modified Barthel index, modified Ashworth scale, hand grip strength measured with a hydraulic dynamometer and two hereditary spastic paraplegia scales. Modified Barthel index, which evaluate several functional aspects, was more sensitive to disclose disease progression than the spastic paraplegia scales. Spasticity showed a bimodal distribution, with both grades 1 (minimum) and 4 (maximum). Hand grip strength showed a moderate inverse correlation with age. Combination of early onset spastic paraplegia and progressive polyneuropathy make SPOAN disability overwhelming.