995 resultados para Percepção temporal
Attention is a phenomenon that allows the selection of relevant stimuli in order to prioritize them and improve their processing. This modulation could occur in any step of the process: in an early stage or in a late stage, more precisely, in a perceptive or motor stage. However, even with a rich literature about attention in time, there are still some divergences about how this modulation occurs. A hypothesis about it says that temporal attention would only be able to prepare the motor system to respond. The perceptual modulation would only occur when the temporal expectation is in combination with another expectation of a property with neuronal receptive field. In this situation, the receptive field's pre-activation is the explanation of how temporal attention would be capable to modulate perceptual process. The crucial objective was to test this hypothesis. In other words, it was to verify if the feature expectation of a stimulus (Gabor orientation) and its temporal expectancy interferes in perception quality. Two experiments were made: the first one tested the voluntary temporal expectation, and the second one tested the automatic temporal expectation. Our data shows that both Feature-based Attention and Temporal Attention improve the process of perception. Temporal expectation effects just occur in situations of competitive environment. Hypothesis verification was not conclusive, because of methodological problems
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Este estudo verificou se emoções percebidas durante uma escuta musical influenciam a percepção temporal. Músicos e não músicos foram submetidos a tarefas de escuta de trechos musicais do repertório erudito ocidental com 20 segundos de duração cada um e tarefas de associação temporal de cada trecho ouvido a durações padrões, que variavam de 16 a 24 segundos. Os trechos musicais empregados eram representativos de uma dentre as categorias emocionais Alegria, Tristeza, Serenidade ou Medo / Raiva. Uma análise de variância mostrou que, enquanto os não músicos apresentaram subestimações temporais associadas a pelo menos um trecho musical de cada uma das categorias emocionais, os músicos subestimaram todos os trechos musicais tristes, relacionados às características de baixo arousal e valência afetiva negativa.
Este estudo verificou se emoções percebidas durante uma escuta musical influenciam a percepção temporal. Músicos e não músicos foram submetidos a tarefas de escuta de trechos musicais do repertório erudito ocidental com 20 segundos de duração cada um e tarefas de associação temporal de cada trecho ouvido a durações padrões, que variavam de 16 a 24 segundos. Os trechos musicais empregados eram representativos de uma dentre as categorias emocionais Alegria, Tristeza, Serenidade ou Medo / Raiva. Uma análise de variância mostrou que, enquanto os não músicos apresentaram subestimações temporais associadas a pelo menos um trecho musical de cada uma das categorias emocionais, os músicos subestimaram todos os trechos musicais tristes, relacionados às características de baixo arousal e valência afetiva negativa.
The time perception is critical for environmental adaptation in humans and other species. The temporal processing, has evolved through different neural systems, each responsible for processing different time scales. Among the most studied scales is that spans the arrangement of seconds to minutes. Evidence suggests that the dorsolateral prefrontal (DLPFC) cortex has relationship with the time perception scale of seconds. However, it is unclear whether the deficit of time perception in patients with brain injuries or even "reversible lesions" caused by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in this region, whether by disruption of other cognitive processes (such as attention and working memory) or the time perception itself. Studies also link the region of DLPFC in emotional regulation and specifically the judgment and emotional anticipation. Given this, our objective was to study the role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the time perception intervals of active and emotionally neutral stimuli, from the effects of cortical modulation by transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), through the cortical excitation (anodic current), inhibition (cathode current) and control (sham) using the ranges of 4 and 8 seconds. Our results showed that there is an underestimation when the picture was presented by 8 seconds, with the anodic current in the right DLPFC, there is an underestimation and with cathodic current in the left DLPFC, there is an overestimation of the time reproduction with neutral ones. The cathodic current over the left DLPFC leads to an inverse effect of neutral ones, an underestimation of time with negative pictures. Positive or negative pictures improved estimates for 8 second and positive pictures inhibited the effect of tDCS in DLPFC in estimating time to 4 seconds. With this work, we conclude that the DLPFC plays a key role in the o time perception and largely corresponds to the stages of memory and decision on the internal clock model. The left hemisphere participates in the perception of time in both active and emotionally neutral contexts, and we can conclude that the ETCC and an effective method to study the cortical functions in the time perception in terms of cause and effect.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A Sonata de Deus e o diabolus: nacionalismo, música e o pensamento social no cinema de Glauber Rocha
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
This paper presents an approach to time perception in the daily elementary school teachers. The research was conducted with five teachers from the public system of the Rio Claro City, São Paulo State. The methodology chosen for the preparation of the research was based on two factors: literature review and content analysis. For the literature search were used books and scientific articles, as content analysis, based on information collected from responses of teachers, research subjects, the questionnaire prepared by the researcher, also counted with the testimony in the form of narrative of these teachers (P1). In the final considerations points that all respondents have the perception of scarcity of time to carry out numerous tasks related to the practice of teaching. Also highlighted is the fact that all respondents can not separate work and personal life, as many of the jobs are taken home by integrating everyday of individual teachers, that is, their time outside the classroom
It is important to ensure smoothly operation of a transmission line, sending energy to the consumption centers with minimal interruptions and safer. With this necessity, the fault location techniques have grown, in order to mitigate the impact of the fault and its correction can be more quickly and accurately. This paper presents a comparison between two different techniques of fault location, the fault location by impedance method, which uses the line parameters, the impedance per distance, voltage and current signals, and the other is the traveling wave method, which uses only a very fast analysis of time, synchronization and length between the line ends, do not using voltage and current values, but the temporal perception of the fault. Using travelling waves fault detection makes the previous knowledge of line parameters obsolete, which helps a lot network technicians and engineers with a quick and easy analysis. The methods are simulated in ATP Draw software, so both algorithms can be evaluated for their effectively and accuracy
It is important to ensure smoothly operation of a transmission line, sending energy to the consumption centers with minimal interruptions and safer. With this necessity, the fault location techniques have grown, in order to mitigate the impact of the fault and its correction can be more quickly and accurately. This paper presents a comparison between two different techniques of fault location, the fault location by impedance method, which uses the line parameters, the impedance per distance, voltage and current signals, and the other is the traveling wave method, which uses only a very fast analysis of time, synchronization and length between the line ends, do not using voltage and current values, but the temporal perception of the fault. Using travelling waves fault detection makes the previous knowledge of line parameters obsolete, which helps a lot network technicians and engineers with a quick and easy analysis. The methods are simulated in ATP Draw software, so both algorithms can be evaluated for their effectively and accuracy
Jörn Rüsen influenciou teoricamente a base deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Mestrado, que se propõe apresentar a consciência histórica como substanciação da forma dos seres humanos se corresponderem ao mundo através da relação temporal entre o presente e o passado para prospectar o futuro, sendo tais condições extremamente necessárias à práxis vital. Através disso, o presente trabalho sofreu algumas alterações, pois passou-se a entender que não era relevante analisar o que apresentavam os livros didáticos por si só, mas sim como as pessoas que os liam se orientavam temporalmente através das informações que eles apresentavam. A partir de então, começou-se a refletir algumas questões para a produção desse trabalho, como, por exemplo: 1) Qual seria o público-alvo da pesquisa?; 2) Qual a justificativa para o público-alvo?; 3) Que metodologia usar para extrair as fontes narrativas?; 4) Que materiais utilizar como base informativa ao público-alvo; 5) Como criar um mecanismo coerente para extrair a percepção temporal e significativa do públicoalvo? 6) Quais as significâncias que o público-alvo apresentou sobre o assunto? Deve-se ficar claro que o assunto permaneceu, que é a análise sobre as modificações políticas, intelectuais, religiosas, econômicas, etc., da Inglaterra durante o século XVII, o que mudou foi somente a forma de análise sobre tal assunto.
The extent of the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest, a global biodiversity hotspot, has been reduced to less than 7% of its original range. Yet, it contains one of the richest butterfly fauna in the world. Butterflies are commonly used as environmental indicators, mostly because of their strict association with host plants, microclimate and resource availability. This research describes diversity, composition and species richness of frugivorous butterflies in a forest fragment in the Brazilian Northeast. It compares communities in different physiognomies and seasons. The climate in the study area is classified as tropical rainy, with two well defined seasons. Butterfly captures were made with 60 Van Someren-Rydon traps, randomly located within six different habitat units (10 traps per unit) that varied from very open (e.g. coconut plantation) to forest interior. Sampling was made between January and December 2008, for five days each month. I captured 12090 individuals from 32 species. The most abundant species were Taygetis laches, Opsiphanes invirae and Hamadryas februa, which accounted for 70% of all captures. Similarity analysis identified two main groups, one of species associated with open or disturbed areas and a second by species associated with shaded areas. There was a strong seasonal component in species composition, with less species and lower abundance in the dry season and more species and higher abundance in the rainy season. K-means analysis indicates that choice of habitat units overestimated faunal perceptions, suggesting less distinct units. The species Taygetis virgilia, Hamadryas chloe, Callicore pygas e Morpho achilles were associated with less disturbed habitats, while Yphthimoides sp, Historis odius, H. acheronta, Hamadryas feronia e Siderone marthesia likey indicate open or disturbed habitats. This research brings important information for conservation of frugivorous butterflies, and will serve as baseline for future projects in environmental monitoring
Embora a escassez de água seja reconhecida como um dos principais problemas mundiais a ser enfrentado pela humanidade, padrões comportamentais ecologicamente insustentáveis ainda persistem. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar determinantes do comportamento pró-ambiental relativo à água, bem como os significados que lhe são atribuídos por alunos do ensino médio do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte, em Natal. Compuseram a amostra de conveniência 315 estudantes, 146 mulheres e 169 homens, que responderam a um questionário sobre uso e percepção da água, contendo também indicadores de pró-ambientalismo, cuidado ambiental, desenvolvimento sustentável, perspectiva temporal, externalidades e coletivismo, além de inquérito sócio-demográfico. Para os participantes, água é sinônimo de vida, muito embora a relação que mantém com ela parece dúbia e, muito mais funcional que ecológica; consideram-na um recurso finito, um patrimônio indispensável à vida, contudo não foi observada coerência entre as concepções manifestadas e os comportamentos auto-relatados de uso da água. Os resultados encontrados apontaram preditores importantes do comportamento pró-ambiental relativo à água: sexo do respondente, Escala Novo Paradigma Ecológico e deixar forma de contato para participar de campanhas futuras. Seja para aprofundamento teórico em novos estudos, seja para auxiliar na elaboração de programas de educação ambiental, que poderiam contribuir para inibir os efeitos de uma cultura de consumo e de uma visão utilitarista da água, ampliando esforços individuais e coletivos para a preservação de bens comuns, como a água. Palavras-chave: psicologia ambiental; sustentabilidade; água; comportamento próambiental. x xi Abstract Although water scarcity is recognized as one of the main world-wide problems to be faced by human kind, ecologically unsustainable patterns of behavior still persist. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze pro-environmental behavior related to water, as well as meanings associated to it by high school students of Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte, in Natal. The convenience sample was composed by 315 students, 146 women and 169 men, who answered a questionnaire about use and perception of water, containing indicators of proenvironmentalism, environmental care, sustainable development, time perspective, externalities and collectivism, besides socio-demographic items. According to participants, water is synonymous of life, even though the relationship they present with it is ambiguous, much more functional than ecological; they consider it a finite resource, an indispensable life patrimony, however there was no coherence between such conceptions and the self-reported behaviors of water use. Results indicated three important predictors of pro-environmental behavior: sex of respondent, New Ecological Paradigm Scale and telephone/address left for eventual contact to participate in future environmental campaigns. They may be used in additional studies for theoretical development, or to assist in the planning of programs of environmental education, aimed at the inhibition of the effects of a culture of consumption and of an utilitarian perception of water, extending individual and collective efforts towards the preservation of common resources as water