7 resultados para Peranakan Ongole


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A study on the effectiveness on estrous synchronization using CIDR-G in peranakan etawah (PE) goat was conducted. Twenty-eight multiporous PE goats were randomly allocated to two groups (A & B) and CIDR was inserted for 16 days. In group A CIDR was replaced at day eight and in group B CIDR was stayed intake until day 16. Estrous sign was detected using castrated teaser 20 hours post CIDR withdrawal and evaluated every four hours until the estrous sign was disappeared. At the same time of estrous detection, blood sample for progesterone assay, from five selected goats in each group was collected into heparins vacuum blood tube, collected via jugulars vein. From this study it was shown no significant differences in initial time of estrous sign between the groups (38.33 vs. 33.22 hours post CIDR withdrawal). Similarly there was no significant difference in the length of estrous between the groups (54.22 vs. 48.65 hours). The lowest mean progesterone hormone concentration (<0.50 ng/ml) occurred 78 hours post CIDR withdrawal. From this study it was concluded that using CIDR-G in PE goat is effective and no replacement is needed between the synchronization periods. (Animal Production 5(2): 83-86 (2003) Key Words : Etawah Goat, Synchronization, Estrous, CIDR


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Evaluasi performans reproduksi kambing kacang dan Peranakan Etawah (PE) yang telah beradaptasi dapat memberikan informasi penting untuk mengetahui potensi produksi sebagai sumberdaya lokal. Data reproduksi dikoleksi dari 280 induk PE dan 200 kambing kacang melalui penelitian di lapangan dan monitoring lebih dari 1,5 tahun pada peternak di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Kejadian reproduksi, tanggal beranak dan jumlah anak yang diamati dicatat. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rataan litter size antara 1-3 anak per kelahiran untuk seluruh induk dengan rataan untuk kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 2,06 dan  1,56 anak. Bobot lahir pada kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 3,8 dan 5,4 kg. Daya hidup sampai penyapihan untuk kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 97% dan 92%. Selang beranak pada induk kambing minimum 205 hari pada kambing kacang dan maksimum 450 hari pada kambing PE. Indeks reproduksi induk kambing kacang dan PE masing-masing adalah 3,07 dan 1,65 anak/induk/tahun. (Animal Production 4(2): 52-59 (2002)  Kata Kunci : Kambing Kacang, Kambing Peranakan Etawah, Reproduksi, Indonesia


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To increase numbers and reproduction in Ongole and Bali cows by as much as 60% in Indonesia requires use of rice straw for maintenance of cows and higher quality feed and crop by-products for growth and fattening of calves. These feedstuffs exist in large quantities. The project will couple feeding systems with management (controlled mating with a selected bull, weaning, compost production), previously developed by the project team, in village-based adaptive research across the main cattle regions of Indonesia, with emphasis on East Java. The project will link with research on nutrition interactions with reproduction of cows in indigenous pastoral systems in north Australia.


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Singapore brings together representatives of different cultures. Currently, 76% of the Singapore population is Chinese, 14% - Malay, 8% Hindu. All of them (with the rest 2%) have a possibility to participate in one of the best education models in the world. However, education and other political institutions are assessed in an ambivalent way. The article will address these controversies, including the Confucian thought of self-improvement and Peranakan Chinese as an example for the hypothesis.


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An experiment was designed to study the effect of unconventional protein source on the essential minerals balances of growing cattle.  The experiment had been conducted by experimental method with Completely Randomized Block Design, on twelve growing male cattle of Ongole Grade.  Based on the body weight, the animal trial was separated to three blocks, as the replication.  The tested treatment was four kind of protein sources in the ration (R):  R1 = kapok – seeds cakes; R2 = lamtoro – leave meals; R3 = cacao – pod meals and R4 = goat’s faeces.  The compose of ration was 50 percent of Elephant grass and 50 percent of concentrate (DM basis).  The measured variables were: the essential mineral balances i.e. Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potasium, Chlorine, Magnesium, Sulphur and Nitrogen.  The balance – trial was conducted by the total collection method.  The data was analyzed by the analysis of variance, and that of the interaction (Synergistic and antagonistic) by the Regression Analysis.  The result indicated that the total of essential mineral balance of each protein source or each ration on growing cattle of Ongole Grade is:  Cacao – pod meals = 116.09 g/day; Goat’s faeces = 111.89 g/day; lamtoro – leave meal = 84.64 g/day and Kapok – seed cake = 78.55 g/day.  These phenomena shown that all of the animal trial was in normal growth.  The strong synergistic interaction was reached by Ca « P (P <0.01; R2 = 0.92 – 0.98) while the weak interaction by Na « Cl (P > 0.05; R2 = 0.03 – 0.05).  Among the five couples of mineral elements of the antagonistic interaction the strong interaction was N ® S (P < 0.01; R2 = 0.70 – 0.75), while the weak interaction was Na ® P (P > 0.05; R2 = 0.08).  Based on all the variables measured, the experiment is concluded that: (1) all of the unconventional protein sources are able to improve the quality of the ration, indicated by the positive essential mineral balance on growing cattle of Ongole grade; (2) based on the total essential mineral balance, the most suitable protein source for growing cattle is cacao – pod meals; (3) the strong synergistic interaction was reached by Ca <----> P, while the antagonistic interaction was N ----> S.  (Animal Production 6(2): 101-109 (2004) Key Words: mineral, protein source, Ongole, cattle


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Abstract.  In Congo, waterfowl genetic resources are constituted by native population of Muscovy ducks that play an important role in food security. The present study aimed to identify and to characterize strains bred in the back yard in the households in Brazzaville. A sample of 154 households drawn over seven districts of Brazzaville was enrolled in the survey. Adults ducks found in the households were identified, pictured by a key of determination and then compared by using the multi resolution analysis image method. The survey recorded 13 strains in which four were considered as newly since they have never been reported elsewhere. These strains received temporally the name of the districts where they have been identified for the first time Makelékélé 1 (0.34%, n=6), Makélékélé 2 (0.11%, n =2), Poto poto 1  (0.28%, n=5) and in Poto poto 2 (0.11%, n=2). Finally, the survey reported nine classical  strains such as  black plumage, duclair, white, tortora, sepia, chocolate, lavender, grey and canizie. The apparent wide variation in plumage colors is an indication that the duck populations have not been ‘purified’ through selective breeding. In the context of the valorization of poultry biodiversity, this work represents a step toward a better knowledge of the production abilities of local ducks breeds in Congo. Key words: Muscovy ducks, color feather, strains, Congo. Abstrak.  Sumber daya genetik unggas air di Kongo mencakup populasi itik lokal yang memegang peranan penting dalam ketahanan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan menggolongkan jenis itik yang dipelihara di pekarangan rumah di Brazzaville. Sampel penelitian menggunakan 154 responden rumah tangga yang tersebar di 7 wilayah Brazzaville. Itik dewasa diidentifikasi dari pekarangan, dan dibandingkan dengan metode Analisis Multi Resolusi. Survey mencatat 13 jenis peranakan, 4 diantaranya dianggap baru karena belum pernah dilaporkan di studi manapun. Jenis ini sementara dinamai sesuai distrik tempatnya pertama ditemukan, yaitu Makelékélé 1 (0,34%, n=6), Makélékélé 2 (0,11%, n =2), Poto poto 1  (0,28%, n=5) dan di Poto poto 2 (0,11%, n=2). Berdasarkan survei didapatkan sembilan jenis klasik yaitu bulu hitam, duclair, putih, tortora, sepia, coklat, lavender, abu-abu dan canizie. Banyaknya ragam warna bulu adalah indikasi bahwa populasi itik belum “dimurnikan” melalui seleksi. Dalam konteks penetapan nilai keanekaragaman hayati unggas, penelitian ini mewakili sebuah langkah menuju pengetahuan yang mendalam akan kemampuan produksi itik yang berkembang di Kongo. Kata kunci: itik Muscovy, warna bulu, strain, Kongo