47 resultados para Pentacene


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We investigate, using scanning tunnelling microscopy, the adsorption of pentacene on Ni(111) at room temperature and the behaviour of these monolayer films with annealing up to 700 °C. We observe the conversion of pentacene into graphene, which begins from as low as 220 °C with the coalescence of pentacene molecules into large planar aggregates. Then, by annealing at 350 °C for 20 minutes, these aggregates expand into irregular domains of graphene tens of nanometers in size. On surfaces where graphene and nickel carbide coexist, pentacene shows preferential adsorption on the nickel carbide phase. The same pentacene to graphene transformation was also achieved on Cu(111), but at a higher activation temperature, producing large graphene domains that exhibit a range of moiré superlattice periodicities.


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The imaging and characterization of single-molecule reaction events is essential to both extending our basic understanding of chemistry and applying this understanding to challenges at the frontiers of technology, for example, in nanoelectronics. Specifically, understanding the behavior of individual molecules can elucidate processes critical to the controlled synthesis of materials for applications in multiple nanoscale technologies. Here, we report the synthesis of an important semiconducting organic molecule through an unprecedented reaction observed with submolecular resolution by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions. Our images reveal a sulfur abstraction and cyclization reaction that converts tetrathienoanthracene precursors into pentacene on the Ni(111) surface. The identity of the final reaction product was confirmed by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). This reaction has no known literature analogue, and highlights the power of local-probe techniques for exploring new chemical pathways.


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By using electric-field-induced optical second-harmonic generation (EFISHG) measurement, we analyzed hysteresis behavior of capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of IZO/polyterpenol (PT)/C₆₀/pentacene/Au diodes, where PT layer is actively working as a hole-transport electron-blocking layer. The EFISHG measurement verified the presence of interface accumulated charges in the diodes, and showed that a space charge electric field from accumulated excess electrons (holes) that remain at the PT/C₆₀ (C₆₀/pentacene) interface is responsible for the hysteresis loop observed in the C-V characteristics.


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The effect of material properties of an environmentally friendly, optically transparent dielectric material, polyterpenol, on the carrier transients within the pentacene-based double-layer MTM device was investigated. Polyterpenol films were RF plasma polymerised under varied process conditions, with resultant films differing in surface chemistry and morphology. Independent of type of polyterpenol, time-resolved EFISHG study of IZO/polyterpenol/pentacene/Au structures showed similar transient behaviour with carriers injected into pentacene from Au electrode only, confirming polyterpenol to be a suitable blocking layer for visualisation of single-species carrier transportation during charging and discharging under different bias conditions. Polyterpenol fabricated under higher input power show better promise due to higher chemical and thermal stability, improved uniformity, and absence of defects.


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Time-resolved electric field induced second harmonic generation technique was used to probe the carrier transients within double-layer pentacene-based MIM devices. Polyterpenol thin films fabricated from non-synthetic environmentally sustainable source were used as a blocking layer to assist in visualisation of single-species carrier transportation during charging and discharging under different bias conditions. Results demonstrated that carrier transients were comprised of charging on electrodes, followed by carrier injection and charging of the interface. Polyterpenol was demonstrated to be a sound blocking material and can therefore be effectively used for probing of double-layer devices using EFISHG.


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The equivalent circuit parameters for a pentacene organic field-effect transistor are determined from low frequency impedance measurements in the dark as well as under light illumination. The source-drain channel impedance parameters are obtained from Bode plot analysis and the deviations at low frequency are mainly due to the contact impedance. The charge accumulation at organic semiconductor-metal interface and dielectric-semiconductor interface is monitored from the response to light as an additional parameter to find out the contributions arising from photovoltaic and photoconductive effects. The shift in threshold voltage is due to the accumulation of photogenerated carriers under source-drain electrodes and at dielectric-semiconductor interface, and also this dominates the carrier transport. The charge carrier trapping at various interfaces and in the semiconductor is estimated from the dc and ac impedance measurements under illumination. (c) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3517085]


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Triisopropylsilylethynyl-pentacene (TIPS-PEN) has proven to be one of the most promising small molecules in the field of molecular electronics, due to its unique features in terms of stability, performance and ease of processing. Among a wide variety of well-established techniques for the deposition of TIPS-PEN, blade-metered methods have recently gained great interest towards the formation of uniform crystalline films over a large area. Following this rationale, we herein designed a versatile approach based on blade-coating, which overcomes the problem of anisotropic crystal formation by manipulating the solvent evaporation behaviour, in a way that brings about a preferential degree of crystal orientation. The applicability of this method was evaluated by fabricating field-effect transistors on glass as well as on silicon dioxide/silicon (SiO2/Si) substrates. Interestingly, in an attempt to improve the rheological and wetting behaviour of the liquid films on the SiO2/Si substrates, we introduced a polymeric interlayer of polystyrene (PS) or polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) which concurrently acts as passivation and crystallization assisting layer. In this case, the synergistic effects of the highly-ordered crystalline structure and the oxide surface modification were thoroughly investigated. The overall performance of the fabricated devices revealed excellent electrical characteristics, with high saturation mobilities up to 0.72 cm2 V-1 s-1 (on glass with polymeric dielectric), on/off current ratio >104 and low threshold voltage values (<-5 V). This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2014.


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The influence of dielectric surface energy on the initial nucleation and the growth of pentacene films as well as the electrical properties of the pentacene-based field-effect transistors are investigated. We have examined a range of organic and inorganic dielectrics with different surface energies, such as polycarbonate/SiO2, polystyrene/SiO2, and PMMA/SiO2 bi-layered dielectrics and also the bare SiO2 dielectric. Atomic force microscopy measurements of sub-monolayer and thick pentacene films indicated that the growth of pentacene film was in Stranski-Kranstanow growth mode on all the dielectrics. However, the initial nucleation density and the size of the first-layered pentacene islands deposited on different dielectrics are drastically influenced by the dielectric surface energy. With the increasing of the surface energy, the nucleation density increased and thus the average size of pentacene islands for the first mono-layer deposition decreased. The performance of fabricated pentacene-based thin film transistors was found to be highly related to nucleation density and the island size of deposited Pentacene film, and it had no relationship to the final particle size of the thick pentacene film. The field effect mobility of the thin film transistor could be achieved as high as 1.38 cm(2)/Vs with on/off ratio over 3 x 10(7) on the PS/SiO2 where the lowest surface energy existed among all the dielectrics. For comparison, the values of mobility and on/off ratio were 0.42 cm(2)/Vs and 1 x 10(6) for thin film transistor deposited directly on bare SiO2 having the highest surface energy.


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We realized write-once-read-many-times (WORM) memory devices based on pentacene and demonstrated that the morphology control of the vacuum deposited pentacene thin film is greatly important for achieving the unique nonvolatile memory properties. The resulted memory devices show a high ON/OFF current ratio (10(4)), long retention time (over 12 h), and good storage stability (over 240 h). The reduction of the barrier height caused by a large interface dipole and the damage of the interface dipole under a critical bias voltage have been used to explain the transition processes.


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We realized an organic electrical memory device with a simple structure based on single-layer pentacene film embedded between Al and ITO electrodes. The optimization of the thickness and deposition rate of pentacene resulted in a reliable device with an on/off current ratio as high as nearly 10(6), which was two orders of magnitude higher than previous results, and the storage time was more than 576 h. The current transition process is attributed to the formation and damage of the Interface dipole at different electric fields, in which the current conduction showed a transition from ohmic conductive current to Fowler-Nordheim tunneling current. After the transition from ON- to OFF-state, the device tended to remain in the OFF-State even when the applied voltage was removed, which indicated that the device was very promising for write-once read-many-times memory.


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Pentacene thin-film transistors have been obtained using polymethyl-methacrylate-co-glyciclyl-methacrylate (PNIMA-GMA) as the gate dielectric. The optimum active layer thickness in thin-film transistors (OTFTs) was investigated. The present devices show a wide operation voltage range. The on/off current ratio is as high as 10(5). In linear region (V-DS = -2V), the field-effect mobility of device increases with the increase in gate field at low-voltage region (V-G < - 20 V), and a mobility of 0.33 cm(2)/Vs can be obtained when V-G > 20 V. In saturation region, the mobility increases linearly with the gate field, and a high mobility of 1.14 cm(2)/Vs can be obtained at V-G = -95V. The influence of voltage on mobility of device was investigated.


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In questa tesi abbiamo presentato i risultati sperimentali di nanoindentazione su pentacene in transistor organici a film sottile (OTFT) sottoposti ad irraggiamento ionico. Nella prima parte si ripercorre lo sviluppo della tecnica di indentazione strumentata, con una focalizzazione particolare sui modelli matematici proposti per l'interpretazione dei dati forza-spostamento ricavati da queste misure. In particolare, viene diffusamente esposta l'implementazione della tecnica di analisi proposta da Oliver e Pharr, che è utilizzata in questa tesi. Il secondo capitolo espone le caratteristiche generali (strutturali ed elettriche) degli OTFT. Un paragrafo è dedicato al pentacene, che rappresenta lo strato attivo dei transistor organici su cui sono state effettuate le misure in laboratorio. L'ultima parte del capitolo consiste in una panoramica dell'interazione tra radiazioni e polimeri. Vengono quindi presentati i risultati sperimentali: si confrontano le proprietà di durezza e modulo di Young per campioni caratterizzati da differenti specie ioniche, dosi ed energie di irraggiamento (unitamente a campioni reference, per permettere un confronto con il pentacene sottoposto a bombardamento).


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I rivelatori a stato solido per raggi X hanno applicazioni in diversi ambiti, in particolare sono ampiamente utilizzati in ambito medico, in ambito industriale e come dispositivi per la sicurezza. Essendo molto diffusi nella nostra quotidianità si è sempre alla ricerca di nuovi materiali e di nuove tecniche di fabbricazione in grado di ridurne i costi di produzione. Le ricerche attuali sono incentrate sullo studio di nuovi materiali sensibili ai raggi X, l'attenzione è particolarmente diretta ai semiconduttori organici. Questi materiali risultano molto interessanti in quanto sono solubili in molti solventi, tale caratteristica permette lo sviluppo di nuove tecniche di fabbricazione a basso costo per rivelatori di grandi aree. Una delle tecniche di maggiore interesse è la stampa a inchiostro su substrati flessibili e trasparenti. In questa tesi si analizzeranno le proprietà elettriche, in particolare la variazione del segnale di corrente in seguito all'irraggiamento da raggi X, di alcuni campioni costituiti da TIPS-pentacene. Ci si soffermerà in particolare sui metodi con cui tali cristalli sono stati deposti quali inkjet e drop-cast.