1000 resultados para Penitenciária Estadual de Parnamirim
The quarrel, in this study, tells about the language as social practical in the daily of Parnamirim State Prison that is integrated to the Rio Grande do Norte Penitentiary System - SISPERN, destined for men in fulfilment of penalty privative of freedom, in closed regimen. For the accomplishment of the research, the delimited objectives had been to analyze the language repertoires created in the prisional daily, trying to identify how it´s turned into distinct forms of resistance to the mechanisms of control in penitentiary system; to investigate which are the language repertoires created from the new sociability forms developed among prisoners and identify how the language repertoires are expressed in the daily prisional on relations/exercises of power not-institutionalized. In the methodological aspect, the study is in a qualitative boarding, that has as main instrument the interview. The inquiry was possible by means of using instruments for data collection, like as: the direct comment in the prisional daily duly registered as researcher´s ethnographical procedure, the analysis of interns´ cadastre handbooks and the application of half-structuralized interview, to the subjects of the research. The construction and understanding of the study object had been based on authors who argue on the arrest, as: Foucault, Goffman, Carvalho Filho and, in particular was searched the theorical referencial that approaches the language in a social and cultural perspective: Orlandi, Manfred, Bastos and Candiotto, amongst others. Beyond the normative endorsement of the Brazilian legislation, through the Law of Criminal Execution, of the Criminal Code and the Federal Constitution of the country and the legal apparatus in state scope. Still in the research methodological perspective, after the collection the data had been submitted to an analysis of the speech from Foucalt´s theory and in the Orlandi´s perspective, being also qualitative and quantitative. The results had evidenced that the social and juridical profile of the population in the site inquired is not different of others Brazilian prisons, composed for men, in its majority, with age band between 21 and 30 years old, prisoners for practicing crimes against the patrimony, against life, amongst others, and, in special, criminal recidivists. It evidenced, still, that the daily prisional of PSP is characterized for a sociocultural diversity expressed in the relations of power not institutionalized, that contributes for the formation and division of the groups, each one using a set of language codes/ repertoires sustentation. Therefore, the language, in the daily prisional, is one of the ways to understand the singularity of the sociability relations and as social practicing mediated by relations/exercises of power and antagonistic interests, in which each group aims first of all, their own interests. It represents the complexity of the social relations, in the prisional space, with diverse effects, in function of the situation and the moment. The language in the arrest, beyond the communication function, assumes and represents central element for the sociability human being, contributes for its changings and it´s configured as one of the resistance forms of prisoners against the controling, disciplining and monitoring mechanisms of penitentiary system
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar os sentidos que o trabalho assume no contexto prisional, tendo como referência a Penitenciária Estadual de Parnamirim, localizada no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Essa penitenciária foi criada para ser um modelo de ressocialização, nos moldes préfigurados na Lei de Execuções Penais. A PEP configura-se como um universo heterogêneo, marcado por contradições e conflitos intersubjetivos das mais variadas ordens, cuja resolução se dá com base nos códigos normativos informais que regem as relações constituídas entre os reclusos, e entre estes e a equipe dirigente. No seu cotidiano encontramos relações de poder, fundadas em uma racionalidade instrumental, mas também encontramos relações sentimentais, assentadas em laços de afetividade, gratidão e reciprocidade. Para abordar os sentidos que o trabalho assume na PEP, realizamos uma breve incursão no processo de constituição da penitenciária na sociedade moderna, sem maior aprofundamento sobre este ponto, pois nessa incursão o nosso objetivo é o de situar o leitor em relação às raízes, a concepção e aos propósitos almejados pela moderna penitenciária. No mesmo sentido elaboramos um retrato do colapso em que se encontra o sistema penitenciário brasileiro para, em seguida, enveredarmos pelo sistema penitenciário do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte para, enfim, aportarmos na PEP a fim de investigar a dinâmica da combinação que permite a instituição dos lugares sociais, a definição de identidades e a vivência dos valores relativos à normalidade e à transgressão do comportamento.
A presente dissertação é uma etnografia que tem como objetivo estudar a relação entre atos de violência e como esses podem ser justificados através do discurso religioso. Para tal pesquisei um grupo evangélico, denominado de Estrela do Cárcere, vinculado a Assembléia de Deus e composto por 145 presidiários que cumprem pena privativa de liberdade na Penitenciária Estadual do Jacuí, no município de Charqueadas, Rio Grande do Sul. A pesquisa de campo ocorreu de maio de 2003 a novembro de 2004. No decorrer do trabalho discorro sobre o significado de ser crente dentro do presídio, a importância da honra e sua influência nas formas de ascensão hierárquica, bem como questões que envolvem a aquisição e o impacto simbólico da habilidade da escrita e leitura para o grupo. Concluindo, relativizo o conceito de violência entre os presos crentes e não-crentes, e discuto como o discurso religioso pode justificar atos de violência praticados entre os detentos. A religião atua como um sistema simbólico e possibilita aos “irmãos” reescrever o seu passado e ter acesso a uma comunidade que os apóia, fornece suporte emocional e material, tanto enquanto presidiários como quando saem do presídio. A violência é percebida de forma diferente entre os crentes e os não-crentes. Entre os presos não-crentes a violência física é o recurso mais utilizado para resolver qualquer problema interno. Entretanto, para os crentes, a violência só é utilizada como último recurso para manter a ordem e a disciplina no grupo, e quando se faz necessária passa a ser percebida não mais como violência, mas como punição e castigo aos que desobedecem a “Vontade de Deus”.
The Brazilian prison system is going through a serious crisis, not only due to the growth in the number of prisoners and the consequent overcrowding of prisons, but also for the violation of human rights, institutionalization and difficulty in social rehabilitation of inmates. Furthermore, the harmful effects of the prison system affect their workers, who generally are not prioritized by researchers, health programs and government policies. The literature pointing to some consequences of work in prison, among them, the mental illness, stress, alcohol abuse, etc., but little is known about this profession, their problems, the difficulties of their work routine, so as subjective processes involved. So, what are the effects of this work in the prison in the lives of correctional officers? What strategies developed to address the work in prison? This research aims to analyze the effects of this work in the prison in the lives of correctional officers from the state prison in Parnamirim, located in the metropolitan region of Natal-RN. Within the theoretical and methodological perspective of institutional analysis and cartography were carried conversation circles, interviews, in addition to participant observation of the correctional officers work’s routine. The results point to a working routine marked by the performance of procedures that involve risk to the worker, generating situations of tension and stress. Besides, the culture of violence (which is implemented in jail everyday) as well as the training and initial learning of the profession, are responsible for the militarization process of the subjectivities of the correctional officers, producing hard subject, disciplined, stiff, likely to violent practices and other rights violations. Other mapped effects relate to the acquisition of knowledge about the human (“psy” knowledge) responsible for forging the conception of the criminal as "dangerous subject", which, in turn, acts as subjectivity vector in the daily life of prison guards by setting up a way of life crossed by fear and insecurity outside the work environment. Produces a control in the open about their lives and their families, limiting them with regard to family and community life and the realization of leisure activities in public spaces. In this sense, it appears that the arrest acts producing “bad meetings” (from Espinosa's perspective), once it produces sad affections responsible for weakening the conatus, limiting the possibilities of action of these subjects. Although agents develop some strategies to deal with the difficulties of working in prison (among which stand out the development of other professional or leisure activities, spirituality / religiosity and the ability to separate the labor moments from those of their the personal lives, is advocated that such strategies do not offer significant resistance, since they do not question the contemporary legal-criminal logic. The thesis presented supports the proposals of penal abolitionism to present other conceptions of crime and justice through the invention of other practical and conceptual strategies.
Acompanha: Remição pela leitura: o letramento literário ressignificando a educação na prisão
A dissertação avalia a efetividade do Programa de Desenvolvimento do Turismo na segunda fase (2005-2012) no município de Parnamirim/RN, busca-se verificar se este contribui para o desenvolvimento. Especificamente objetivou: a) Descrever as características e as ações do Programa de Desenvolvimento do Turismo no município de Parnamirim/RN; b) Identificar as percepções dos gestores públicos; da iniciativa privada e da sociedade civil a respeito da efetividade das ações do PRODETUR em Parnamirim e das repercussões do programa na qualidade de vida da população local; e c) Identificar as efetivações do PRODETUR na vida da população local que tenha participado de alguma ação do programa. Para tais pretensões, o percurso envolvendo a emergência e a consolidação do fenômeno turístico no seio da sociedade moderna, bem como o momento de intervenção do Estado no setor foi importante para verificar quais características estão imbuídas nas políticas públicas de turismo. Aliado a discussão do desenvolvimento para além do viés economicista, tendo as contribuições de Amartya Sen (desenvolvimento como liberdade) eixo norteador. Para a avaliação propriamente dita foram utilizadas as falas dos diversos atores locais envolvidos com o programa, compreendendo: gestão pública do turismo, iniciativa privada, sociedade civil e população local. Além de dados secundários coletados em instituições como IBGE e Secretaria Municipal/ Estadual de Turismo. Os resultados encontrados com a pesquisa nos mostraram que o PRODETUR II contribui com alguns elementos que podem cooperar para o desenvolvimento de Parnamirim/RN, pois este ocasiona efetivações significativas em cada bairro pesquisado. No entanto, é relevante observar que esses elementos estão aquém das reais possibilidades, uma vez que os resultados do programa poderiam ter sido mais substanciais. Neste sentido, ressaltamos que o fortalecimento da gestão pública e a mobilização da população local são elementos imprescindíveis para maior efetividade do PRODETUR nas próximas etapas
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Este trabalho, intitulado “Política de Saúde e a População Carcerária: um estudo no Presídio Estadual Metropolitano I – PEM I – Marituba-Pará”, tem como objetivo maior analisar o processo de assistência à saúde dos presos no Presídio Estadual Metropolitano I (PEM I) de Marituba/PA. Para isso, traçou-se os seguintes objetivos específicos: investigar a situação do sistema carcerário brasileiro diante do quadro de desigualdades sociais e criminalização; identificar de que forma o direito à saúde penitenciária está estruturado no Brasil; e analisar como o direito de assistência à saúde está sendo materializado enquanto direito social no PEM I. Na perspectiva de desvendar o objeto de estudo, a metodologia foi baseada na abordagem crítica, utilizando-se da aplicação de formulários com 02 (dois) internos que passavam por tratamento de saúde no interior do PEM I. Dessa forma, foi possível constatar contradições e limites na assistência à saúde enquanto direito social dos internos do PEM I, refletidos na precarização do direito à saúde no âmbito prisional.
The dissertation assesses aspects of the management of IT in Education Program (ProInfo), in the municipality of Parnamirim-RN. Checks as their management functions, with the following objectives: a) Examine whether the objectives of the activities related to teachers' program are being implemented according to the official documents, b) examine if there is a monitoring program activities as the activities of teachers c) Identify whether teachers develop activities and environments using the technological resources of the internet. The research brings a central issue: How ProInfo is subsidizing the activities of the teachers involved in the program to achieve their goals effectively? As a central hypothesis of this work, to be a general north to the research, we have: the ProInfo establishes a fragile and discontinuous link between the management of the activities of teachers and the goals that he sets. The hypothesis was validated by the analysis of data from field research, when we encounter a series of limiting aspects of program effectiveness at the municipal level. This research was undertaken with managers of state and municipal schools and teachers, using a sample of four schools Parnamirim-RN, in order to include some aspects of program management at the municipal level and effectiveness goals proposed, focusing on teachers who participated in the training. The methodological process consisted of literature review, interviews and documentary analysis carried to the organs responsible for ProInfo statewide (UNDIME/RN ) and municipal level, next to the Municipal Education Parnamirim-RN. Based on data collected from empirical field research, it was found that the ProInfo lacks periodic reviews by the governing bodies of the program, about the actions developed through appropriate instruments, which enable a more realistic view of the results of the program ex post (during or after deployment)
In the context of quality and good laboratory practices, the article recovers some historical data. From a specific Institutional situation (CPQBA/UNICAMP), is presented an experience of establishing and implementing a standard (NIT-DICLA-035) for good laboratory practice according to definitions of the Brazilian authority (INMETRO) responsible for regulating, monitoring, supervising and recognition in this area. The issue aims to focus on studies of pesticide residues in GLP parameters.
The point-centred quarter method (63 points) was applied in Porto Ferreira State Reserve (21º49'S and 47º25'W) in an area (1.08ha) on the right margin of Moji Guaçu river, including two woody individuals per quarter - one with DBH < 10cm and at least 130cm high, the other with DBH > 10cm. The results obtained were compared with those published by other authors for a riparian forest (Mata da Figueira) at Moji Guaçu Ecological Station (about 100 km upstream on the same river). At Porto Ferreira 107 species were found, of which 80 were exclusive, compared with the Mata da Figueira where of the 59 species listed, 31 were exclusive. The two area shared 27 common species, thus accounting for a low Sørensen similarity of 48.6%. The great environmental heterogeneity of the floodplains, as well as the degree of anthropic disturbance, could account for this floristic variation. The greatest numbers of species were shown by Leguminosae (20), Myrtaceae (17), Rutaceae (9), Euphorbiaceae (7), and Lauraceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae and Rubiaceae (6 species each). There appears to be little difference at the family level among the periodically flooded and non-flooded forests of the State of São Paulo, but the species show different degreees of preference for habitat. The floristic composition of the two areas presented a mixture of typical species with others of non-flooded forests. The latter would occur on the floodplain probably by a) adaptation of the root system to relatively short flooding periods; b) shorter periods of flooding on the higher points of the microrelief of the floodplain, and c) greater aeration due to running water.
This work is a floristic survey of arboreous and climbing shrub taxa of Papilionoideae in a semideciduos forest at Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, eastern Minas Gerais State. Field work was carried out from April/1998 to May/1999, when montly visits were conducted to collect botanical material along trails and of the main road. The floristic survey resulted in 22 taxa belonging to eight genera. An identification key, descriptions, illustrations and comments on the analyzed taxa are presented.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física