985 resultados para Peninsular spanish
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
I propose a method to study interactional ironic humorous utterances in Spanish. In GRIALE research group consider this method can be applied to humorous ironic utterances in different textual genres, from the violation of conversational principles. Futhermore, we present the General Theory of Verbal Humor proposed by Attardo that it will be taken in our analysis. Therefore, I study irony and humor in examples of conversations from Peninsular Spanish real sample corpuses (COVJA, Corpus de conversaciones coloquiales [Corpus of Colloquial Conversations] and CREA, Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual [Reference Corpus of Present-Day Spanish]). In this article, I will focus on the application of this theory to humorous ironic statements which arise in conversation and examine the effects caused by them, which will additionally verify if irony and humor coexist in the same conversational exchange with a communicative aim and conversational strategies.
Researchers from the GRIALE group (Irony and Humour Research Group) have developed a theoretical method that can be applied to humorous ironic utterances in different textual genres, depending on the degree of the violation of conversational principles in conversation. In addition to this, the General Theory of Verbal Humor (Attardo and Raskin, 1991) will be taken into account in the analysis. Therefore, I will study irony and humour in conversational utterances in real examples of Peninsular Spanish obtained from the COVJA, (Corpus de conversaciones coloquiales [Corpus of Colloquial Conversations]) and CREA, (Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual [Reference Corpus of Present-Day Spanish]). The focus of this paper is then the application of the aforementioned theories to humorous ironic statements which arise in conversation. I will also examine the positive or negative effects caused by them, which will additionally verify if irony and humour coexist in the same conversational exchange, and if this has a communicative goal.
This paper deals with the analysis of routine formulas according to their degree of independence in discourse, with the aim of establishing a gradual line which restructures Sphere III (Corpas 1996, Alvarado 2015) — where phraseological utterances belong. The system developed by Briz and the Val.Es.Co. Group (2003, 2014) will help us segment conversation and check that phraseological utterances show various degrees of independence, both in Peninsular Spanish and in Latin American Spanish, which will make it possible to restructure Sphere III. The methodology utilized corresponds to the phraseological and pragmatic approach, and the examples were extracted from the Corpus de Conversaciones Coloquiales of Briz and the Val.Es.Co. Group (2002), and from the Corpus Preseea (2014).
This study analyzes the process of semantic change by which the Old Catalan verb sentir developed from a meaning based on general perception to one implying auditory perception. In particular, the article shows that by the end of the 13th century the verb sentir had only semanticized the perception of non-linguistic auditory stimuli and had not fused completely with the meaning of the verb oir, as was the case with the evolution of SĔNTĪRE in other Romance languages (such as Peninsular Spanish). Our study has been based on data analysis of an electronic linguistic corpus using the concepts of E. C. Traugott’s Invited Inferencing Theory of Semantic Change (IITSC) (2012) and the concept of evidentiality.
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en comparar las funciones pragmáticas de una estructura intensificadora en español peninsular formada con la partícula venga (venga a + infinitivo) con estructuras intensificadoras en inglés. Para ello, analizamos los factores sintácticos, semánticos y pragmáticos que el traductor tiene en cuenta a la hora de usar esta estructura en la traducción al español. El corpus lo componen fragmentos de obras literarias extraídas en Google Books. Los resultados demuestran que con esta construcción se consigue transferir al español no sólo efectos semánticos (iteración), sino también pragmáticos, como la evaluación del hablante (desacuerdo, sorpresa, etc.).
As it is known (Haverkate 1994, Bravo 1996; 1998, Hernández 2002) in Spanish, interlocutors prefer to choose a more direct and assertive way of saying things, while in English the opposite, i.e. less direct and less assertive seems to be the norm. Therefore, from a cross-cultural perspective, there are direct speech acts that may be considered polite in peninsular Spanish while being considered impolite by members of another cultural group. This thesis presents some answers that might help learners of E/LE, within a British educational context, to avoid misunderstandings in communicative exchange. More specifically, this work studies learners’ perceptions of politeness in relation to the use of direct speech acts. An analysis is developed of the degree to which learners of E/LE, level A2-B1 according to Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR), perceive linguistic politeness when interlocutors choose a specific type of linguistic expression in conversations: the imperative mood. The term ‘imperative’ is defined semantically. Nevertheless, the imperative does not always suggest an imposition upon the desires of others. In the majority of occasions the pragmatic perception of the imperative could be inferred as an invitation, permission, warning and suggestion. Teaching pragmatic knowledge through direct speech acts offers learners the inevitable perception of bringing into the classroom linguistic politeness that influences the process of making-meaning and interpretation of the ilocutive act of request in the target language...
This dissertation analyzes six twenty-first century novels that reflect Spain's current intellectual trends on the Spanish Civil War, Francoism and the transition to a democratic system. These novels deal with the complex correlation between memory and amnesia caused by the traumatic events of the Civil War. Despite the abundance of literature on this topic, these writers insist on the need for the recovery of historical and collective memory in order to halt the negative historical revisionism of recent years. Beginning with the death of Francisco Franco, this work focuses on the historical-theoretical framework that leads to the development of this mnemonic narrative and outlines the politics of memory effectuated during the transitional period, a lieu de mémoire frequently revisited and examined by new generations of writers. The novels analyzed also call for the retelling of history from the perspective of everyday people and address the need to pay overdue homage to victims of the post-war era.^ This work concludes that, while the texts may be considered settings for posthumous tributes, they could likewise advocate for a national reconciliation. Thus, as this narrative reveals, by focusing more on the need for a work on memory than on political and ideological polarizations, the memory of restitution does not interfere with the memory of reconciliation. The writers in question are nonetheless aware that reconciliation cannot be based on a spurious amnesia. The first step, therefore, towards reconciliation is to achieve a legitimate dialogue with regard to the traumatic past, and literary works may offer a tenable path. ^
[ES]El objetivo de este trabajo fin de grado es analizar el recurso eólico presente en la parte peninsular español y diseñar un parque eólico en el que se considere el emplazamiento más óptimo. Para ello se analizan mapas de vientos, mapas de espacios protegidos, mapas de batimetría y de disposición del medio marino. Tras ello se concluye que ese punto óptimo se encuentra en la costa de Cádiz, cercana al Cabo de Trafalgar. En ese punto se diseña un parque eólico offshore. Adicionalmente, se calcula la generación de energía eléctrica anual en ese parque y se realiza su correspondiente planificación y análisis económico.
La Anunciación del Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Caleruega, fundado por Alfonso X el Sabio, ha permanecido prácticamente olvidada por la historiografía nacional. Aislado tras los muros de la clausura, el grupo escultórico presenta una particularidad que, durante mucho tiempo, no fue analizada convenientemente: la Virgen está embarazada. La cantidad de ejemplos contabilizados de la misma naturaleza demuestra que esta clase de representaciones fue habitual, durante la Baja Edad Media, en algunos reinos de la península ibérica. Con un enfoque fundamentalmente iconográfico pero sin renunciar a otra clase de aproximaciones, el presente artículo pretende estudiar en profundidad la singularidad de la Anunciación calerogana que, al mismo tiempo, se convierte en el punto de partida para un análisis global de esta variante de la Salutación Angélica.
Transforming the meaning of the term 'guerrilla' which had once meant feud or private warfare, and then irregular war conducted by special forces on behalf of a state or government, the Spanish Guerrilla (part of the Peninsular War) against Napoleon became the model to be emulated by insurgency movements across the world. Even though the term itself continued to be used, even in Spanish, for special operations, in henceforth became imbued with an ideological dimension, which is how it would be used especially in the 20th century.
Hail is a serious concern for agriculture on the Iberian Peninsula. Hailstorms affect crop yield and/or quality to a degree that depends on the crop species and the phenological time. In Europe, Spain is one of the countries that experience relatively high agricultural losses related to hailstorms. It is of high interest to study models that can support calculations of the probabilities of economic losses due to hail damage and of the tendency over time for such losses. Some studies developed in France and the Netherdlands show that the summer mean temperature was highly correlated with a yearly hail severity index developed from hailrelated parameters obtained for insurance purposes. Meanwhile, other studies in the USA point out that a highly significant correlation between both is not possible to find due to high climatic variability. The aim of this work is to test the correlation between average minimum temperatures and hail damage intensity over the Spanish Iberian Peninsula. With this purpose, correlation analyses on both variables were performed for the 47 Spanish provinces (as individuals and single set) and for all crops and four individual crops: grapes, wheat, barley and winter grains. Suitable crop insurance data are available from 1981 until 2007 and based on this period, temperature data were obtained. This study does not confirm the results previously obtained for France and the Netherlands that relate observed hail damage to the average minimum temperature. The reason for this difference and the nature of the cases observed are discussed.
During the Peninsular War, Napoleon's and Wellington's armies were aware of the lack of precision in the maps of Spain and its provinces that appeared in Tomas Lopez \s Geographical Atlas of Spain. The errors were due to the non-topographical surveying method he used which he had learned from his teacher Jean Baptiste Bourguignon D 'Anville. To map all of the Spanish provinces, Tomas Lopez divided them into circles of three leagues in diameter (16,718 m), taking a particular town as the centre. He asked the town's priest to draw a map of the territory and to complete a questionnaire that Tomas Lopez sent to him. The priest was to return the two documents after he had completed them. Subsequently, at his desk, Tomas Lopez used the maps and reports as well as other graphic and written sources from various locations to make an outline of each map. Next, he made a mosaic that served as a pattern for drawing the final provincial map. We will see the way that this method was applied in two concrete cases: the villages ofChavaler and Monteagudo, situated in the Spanish province of Soria, and verify their degree of accuracy. We will use the maps drawn by the priests in 1767, the final map of the province which was published in 1804 by Tomás López, and a current map of the province showing the angular and linear errors in Lopez \s map.
El objeto de la Tesis es el régimen de humedad de los suelos de la España Peninsular, cuya determinación a partir de datos climáticos se ha realizado de acuerdo con la metodología incluida en la taxonomía norteamericana de suelos (Soil Survey StafF 1975, 1994). Esta metodología presenta algunas indefiniciones, que se pretenden solventar. La investigación ha consistido en la clasificación de los regímenes de humedad del suelo de la España Peninsular y su representación cartográfica. Se han considerado varios métodos de determinación de la evapotranspiración y varios modelos de estimación del régimen de humedad. La clasificación numérica de los regímenes de 467 localidades ha permitido su agrupamiento en clases y su subdivisión natural. El contraste de esta información con la aportada por la cartografía de series de vegetación, mediante un sistema de información geográfica tipo reticular, ha servido para afinar los mapas. El resultado revela que un modelo modificado sirve para subsanar las indefiniciones y posibilita la adaptación de los grupos a las condiciones naturales. SUMMARY The soil moisture regime defined by the Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey StafF, 1975, 1994) has been determined by Newhall's simulation model from climatic data. This classification presents some diffículties as gaps and overlaps in the definitions, that we have tried to solve. The soil moisture regimes have been determined by different methods and the results have been classified and mapped. We have compared differents methods of evapotranspiration estimation. A simple modification of Newhall's model matchs better the natural conditions of Spain when comparing with the potential vegatation. A ráster geographical information system has been used to overlay the information layers. As result of the numerical classification of soil moistures regimes of 467 sites, the regimes have been grouped in classes adapted to the natural conditions of Spain. We have compared the results with the potential vegetation map in order to tune the soil moisture regime boundaries. We propose a new soil moisture regimes classification divided in two categories. This classification is adapted to Spanish natural conditions.