996 resultados para Peak-Oil


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The global financial crisis, global pandemics, global warming and peak oil are indicative of a world facing major environmental, social and economic problems. At the same time, world population continues to rise and global inequalities deepen. Children are the most vulnerable to the impacts of unsustainable living with specific harms arising because of their physical and cognitive vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, children do not have to be victims in the face of these challenges. Education, including early childhood education, has an important role to in building resilience and capabilities in children that equip them as active and informed citizens now and in the future and who are capable of contributing to healthy and sustainable ways of living. Drawing on educational change literature, action research, education for sustainability, health promotion and systems theory, this paper outlines three strategies that can help reorient early childhood education towards sustainability. One strategy is the adoption of whole centre approaches to sustainability and education for sustainability. This means working across the whole of a centre’s operations – curriculum and pedagogy, physical and social environments, its partnerships and community connections. The second strategy – applied in conjunction with the first – is the use of action research to investigate the early childhood setting and to create the desired changes. The third strategy is the adoption of systems thinking as a way of leveraging support and momentum for change so that education for sustainability goes beyond the initiatives of individual teachers and centres, and becomes a systems-wide imperative.


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Flinders University and Queensland University of Technology, biofuels research interests cover a broad range of activities. Both institutions are seeking to overcome the twin evils of "peak oil" (Hubbert 1949 & 1956) and "global warming" (IPPC 2007, Stern 2006, Alison 2010), through development of Generation 1, 2 and 3 (Gen-1, 2 & 3) biofuels (Clarke 2008, Clarke 2010). This includes development of parallel Chemical Biorefinery, value-added, co-product chemical technologies, which can underpin the commercial viability of the biofuel industry. Whilst there is a focused effort to develop Gen-2 & 3 biofuels, thus avoiding the socially unacceptable use of food based Gen-1 biofuels, it must also be recognized that as yet, no country in the world has produced sustainable Gen-2 & 3 biofuel on a commercial basis. For example, in 2008 the United States used 38 billion litres (3.5% of total fuel use) of Gen-1 biofuel; in 2009/2010 this will be 47.5 billion litres (4.5% of fuel use) and in 2018 this has been estimated to rise to 96 billion litres (9% of total US fuel use). Brazil in 2008 produced 24.5 billion litres of ethanol, representing 37.3% of the world’s ethanol use for fuel and Europe, in 2008, produced 11.7 billion litres of biofuel (primarily as biodiesel). Compare this to Australia’s miserly biofuel production in 2008/2009 of 180 million litres of ethanol and 75 million litres of biodiesel, which is 0.4% of our fuel consumption! (Clarke, Graiver and Habibie 2010) To assist in the development of better biofuels technologies in the Asian developing regions the Australian Government recently awarded the Materials & BioEnergy Group from Flinders University, in partnership with the Queensland University of Technology, an Australian Leadership Award (ALA) Biofuel Fellowship program to train scientists from Indonesia and India about all facets of advanced biofuel technology.


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Resilient Maroochydore 2029 This exhibition showcases the work of 4th year undergraduate Landscape Architecture students in response to issues of sustainability in Maroochydore on the Queensland Sunshine coast. The projects comprising this exhibition all investigate possible design futures for the Maroochydore Centre, in the light of a series of new disturbance scenarios. Specific disturbances upon the landscape have been imagined, and design resolutions developed based on resilience to these disturbances. The proposals investigate how the Maroochydore Centre might respond to these scenarios, and how future components of the Centre might be designed for greater ‘resilience’. The Exhibition Five groups of students (32 in total) produced five strategic planning and design options toward this future: Team Transect: “What happens to a region following a sustained period of economic prosperity, with affordable property and negligible unemployment? This proposal investigates the effects on a community of massive population explosion, land shortages and inadequate planning regulations following an extended boom period.” The Foodfighters: “This proposal considers the scenario of massive food shortages and of escalating prices, and the possibility of government intervention to stabilise food supply. Strategies based upon simplified, collaborative approaches to food production are investigated.” The TTMKG: “This proposal explores the scenario of Peak Oil and the subsequent effects on society of homelessness, large scale unemployment, food shortages and global financial and political instability. Individual opportunities are restricted by the limitations of bicycle transportation.” Team Peak: “Peak Oil has restricted private vehicle transport to only the most wealthy, while public transport systems are under immense pressure. Rising unemployment drives localised trade initiatives, and the global import/export market has collapsed. This proposal considers the transition of a community from its position in a global economy to that of a relocalised economy, where basic needs are secured as close to home as possible.” After the City: “A rapid population decline as a result of the region’s failing economy has resulted in a fragmented urban fabric. This proposal investigates the possibility of new suburbanisation, reinterpretation and reinvention of space through phased processes.”


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O trabalho teve como escopo a caracterização geológica, em termos estruturais e estratigráficos, do sistema petrolífero responsável pela ocorrência de óleos encontrados na Formação Rio Bonito, na região carbonífera de Santa Catarina. Atualmente, especula-se que a assinatura geoquímica destes óleos relaciona-se à Formação Irati associado a um modelo não convencional de geração, vinculando a maturação térmica à intrusão de diabásio, devido a um soterramento insuficiente da rocha geradora. Como a Formação Irati encontra-se posicionada estratigraficamente acima da Formação Rio Bonito, o sistema está associado a um forte controle estrutural para o modelo de migração. A preparação de um mapa geológico integrado para a área de estudo envolvendo dados geológicos de campo, dados aeromagnetométricos e informações de furos de sondagem permitiu um entendimento mais aprofundado do arcabouço tectônico-estratigráfico da região. Seções geológicas mostraram a presença de falhas de grandes rejeitos que promoveram um sistema de Horsts e Grabens relacionados às NE-SW e secundariamente a falhas E-W, que permitiram a colocação da Formação Irati em contato lateral ou em um posicionamento abaixo da Formação Rio Bonito. A partir das seções cronoestratigráficas elaboradas foi possível reconhecer prováveis selos, trapas estratigráficos e estruturais, associados ao sistema petrolífero Irati-Rio Bonito. A análise geoquímica (isótopos e biomarcadores) dos óleos coletados na Formação Rio Bonito apontaram que os mesmos estão associadas aos folhelhos do Membro Assistência da Formação Irati, por possuírem uma razão pristano/fitano menor que 1, gamacerano, e a presença de isoprenóides pentametileicosano (i-25) e esqualano (i-30). A partir de análises geoquímicas realizadas em extratos orgânicos extraídos de folhelhos da Formação Irati intrudidos por diabásio, obteve-se valores da relação entre biomarcadores correspondentes e valores de Ro que indicam que foi alcançado o pico de geração de óleo. Contudo, não há registro na área de estudo de um soterramento suficiente que favorecesse essa situação, levando-nos, assim, a acreditar em um modelo de geração não convencional, por meio da intrusão de diabásio nas rochas geradoras. O arcabouço estrutural e os óleos estudados na região sugerem um processo migratório de sudoeste para o nordeste, ao longo de um sistema de falhas NE-SW, encontradas na região, que foram geradas anteriormente ou concomitantemente ao derrame basáltico associado à Formação Serra Geral.


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Ecologism or green political theory is the most recent of schools of political thinking. On the one hand, it focuses on issues that are extremely old in politics and philosophical inquiry – such as the relationship between the human and nonhuman worlds, the moral status of animals, what is the ‘good life’, and the ethical and political regulation of technological innovation. Yet on the other, it is also characterised as dealing with some specifically contemporary issues such as the economic and political implications of climate change, peak oil, overconsumption, resource competition and conflicts, and rising levels of global and national inequalities. It is also an extremely broad school of political thought covering a wide variety of concerns, contains a number of distinct sub-schools of green thought (here sharing a similarity with other political ideologies) and combines normative and empirical scientific elements in a unique manner making it distinctive from other political ideologies.


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Many of the societal challenges that current spatial planning practice claims to be addressing (climate change, peak oil, obesity, aging society etc) encompass issues and timescales that lie beyond the traditional scope planning policy (Campbell 2006). The example of achieving a low carbon economy typifies this in that it demands a process of society-wide transition, involving steering a wide range of factors (markets, infrastructure, governance, individual behaviour etc). Such a process offers a challenge to traditional approaches to planning as they cannot be guided by a fixed blueprint, given the timescales involved (up to 50 years) and an enhanced level of uncertainty, social resistance, lack of control over implementation and a danger of ‘policy lock in’ (Kemp et al 2007). One approach to responding to these challenges is the concept of transition management which has emerged from studies of science, technology and innovation (Geels 2002, Markard et al 2012). Although not without criticism, this perspective attempts to uncertainty and complexity encompassing long term visions that integrates multi-level, multi-actor and multi-domain perspectives (Rotmans et al 2001).
Given its origins, research on transition management has tended to neglect spatial contexts (Coenen et al 2012) and, related to this, it’s relationship with spatial planning is poorly understood. Using the example of the low carbon transition, this paper will review the relationships between the concepts, methodologies and goals of transition management and spatial planning to explore whether a closer integration of the two fields offers benefits to achieving the long term challenges facing society.


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Desde la caída de la URSS el continente Euroasiático ha sufrido cambios importantes como una nueva configuración del Sistema Internacional que generó procesos políticos a través de la lucha de los Estados por alcanzar sus objetivos. La ubicación geográfica y los recursos resaltan la importancia de la zona y es por esto empiezan los conflictos entre los Estados por obtener un control y poder sobre estos territorios. Rusia afianzo su fuerza con la influencia que logró sobre los territorios que quedaron después de la disolución de la URSS en 1991 creando así una zona de protección y apoyo para sus intereses. Por su lado Georgia que había logrado finalmente su independencia total buscaba consolidar una estabilidad política, económica, social y cultural, elementos que se habían perdido un poco después de las invasiones y ocupaciones por otros poderes. En este contexto cae como una bomba la intención independentista de Abjasia y Osetia del Sur, territorios que siempre habían estado bajo mando de otros poderes y ahora querían libertad a través de la conformación de un Estado propio y una autonomía que les permitiera tener un gobierno y un aparato estatal que velara por sus intereses. Este trabajo se centrará en contestar a la siguiente pregunta ¿De qué manera la situación geopolítica de Osetia del Sur y Abjasia y las relaciones entre Rusia y Georgia influyeron en el conflicto generado a partir de la intención de independencia de los territorios de Abjasia y Osetia del Sur?


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El artículo forma parte de un monográfico destinado a educación y sostenibilidad.- Resumen tomado de la revista


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The Transition Town (TT) movement has grown to become a global phenomenon aimed at assisting towns and communities to envision sustainable and self-reliant futures post peak oil. Arguably, this movement offers an exciting alternative to traditional notions of growth and development. This paper explores the rise of the TT movement focusing particularly on the processes involved in establishing a ‘TT’ raising questions pertaining to governance and to notions of participatory democracy within the movement.


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Oggetto di indagine del lavoro è il movimento ambientalista e culturale delle Città in Transizione che rappresentano esperimenti di ri-localizzazione delle risorse volte a preparare le comunità (paesi, città, quartieri) ad affrontare la duplice sfida del cambiamento climatico e del picco del petrolio. A partire dal Regno Unito, la rete delle Transition Towns si è in pochi anni estesa significativamente e conta oggi più di mille iniziative. L’indagine di tale movimento ha richiesto in prima battuta di focalizzare l’attenzione sul campo disciplinare della sociologia dell’ambiente. L’attenzione si è concentrata sul percorso di riconoscimento che ha reso la sociologia dell’ambiente una branca autonoma e sul percorso teorico-concettuale che ha caratterizzato la profonda spaccatura paradigmatica proposta da Catton e Dunlap, che hanno introdotto nel dibattito sociologico il Nuovo Paradigma Ecologico, prendendo le distanze dalla tradizionale visione antropocentrica della sociologia classica. Vengono poi presentate due delle più influenti prospettive teoriche della disciplina, quella del Treadmill of Production e la più attuale teoria della modernizzazione ecologica. La visione che viene adottata nel lavoro di tesi è quella proposta da Spaargaren, fautore della teoria della modernizzazione ecologica, secondo il quale la sociologia dell’ambiente può essere collocata in uno spazio intermedio che sta tra le scienze ambientali e la sociologia generale, evidenziando una vocazione interdisciplinare richiamata anche dal dibattito odierno sulla sostenibilità. Ma le evidenze empiriche progressivamente scaturite dallo studio di questo movimento che si autodefinisce culturale ed ambientalista hanno richiesto una cornice teorica più ampia, quella della modernità riflessiva e della società del rischio, in grado di fornire categorie concettuali spendibili nella descrizione dei problemi ambientali e nell’indagine del mutamento socio-culturale e dei suoi attori. I riferimenti empirici dello studio sono tre specifiche realtà locali in Transizione: York in Transition per il Regno Unito, Monteveglio (Bo) e Scandiano (Re) in Transizione per l’Italia.


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Qatar boomt. Da es hierzu keine ganzheitlichen Forschungsarbeiten gibt, werden in dieser Arbeit die neuesten Entwicklungen und Planungen mit hoher Aktualität und Praxisrelevanz erstmals erfasst und analysiert. Der Autor führt Informationssplitter von internationalen Organisationen und eigene Recherchen in ein ganzheitliches Bild zusammen. Qatar ist sich bewusst, dass Wachstum endlich sein kann. Welche Möglichkeiten hat das kleine Qatar von der Globalisierung zu profitieren und für sich Vorteile für die Zukunft nach dem Öl zu generieren? Der Fokus der Arbeit liegt auf den ökonomische und ökologischen Stellschrauben der Transformation unter wirtschaftsgeographischen, soziodemographischen und strategischen Gesichtspunkten mit lokalen, regionalen und internationalen Betrachtungsweisen in den Themenfeldern (Welt-) Wirtschaft, Bildung, Infrastruktur und Umwelt. Ausgewählte Faktorungleichgewichte werden in Bezug auf Aussenwirtschaft und Binnenwirtschaft erläutert sowie die Nutzung von korankonformen Finanzierungsinstrumenten und Direktinvestitionen von und in Qatar.rnrnKeywords: Qatar / Katar / Peak-Oil / Emirat / FDI / Qatarisches Modell / Masterplan / Wohlfahrtsmehrung / Disparität / Nachhaltigkeit / Islamic Banking / Agglomeration / Akkumulation / Globalisierung / Arabische Halbinsel / Persischer Golf / Faktor- Gleichgewichte / Doha / Aluminium / LNG / Gas / best practicern


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From climate change over peak oil to the geopolitical scramble for the Arctic, there are ample signs that a global energy crisis is unfolding. The sheer scale and urgency of this looming crisis calls for international coordination. Yet, even a cursory look at the existing international energy institutions leads to a sobering conclusion: the global energy governance architecture is weak, fragmented and incomplete. This policy brief discusses both the flaws in the multilateral energy architecture and some emerging ideas to strengthen it, such as the proposal for a Sustainable Energy Trade Agreement and the new American disclosure rules for the extractive sector.