701 resultados para Partial disability


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Background Mental and physical disorders are associated with total disability, but their effects on days with partial disability (i.e. the ability to perform some, but not full-role, functioning in daily life) are not well understood. Aims To estimate individual (i.e. the consequences for an individual with a disorder) and societal effects (i.e. the avoidable partial disability in the society due to disorders) of mental and physical disorders on days with partial disability around the world. Method Respondents from 26 nationally representative samples (n=61 259, age 18+) were interviewed regarding mental and physical disorders, and day-to-day functioning. The Composite International Diagnostic Interview, version 3.0 (CIDI 3.0) was used to assess mental disorders; partial disability (expressed in full day equivalents) was assessed with the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule in the CIDI 3.0. Results Respondents with disorders reported about 1.58 additional disability days per month compared with respondents without disorders. At the individual level, mental disorders (especially post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and bipolar disorder) yielded a higher number of days with disability than physical disorders. At the societal level, the population attributable risk proportion due to physical and mental disorders was 49% and 15% respectively. Conclusions Mental and physical disorders have a considerable impact on partial disability, at both the individual and at the societal level. Physical disorders yielded higher effects on partial disability than mental disorders.


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Metsäteollisuudessa henkilöstön keski-ikä on monen muun toimialan tavoin noussut merkittävästi viime vuosina. Samaan aikaan työt ovat monipuolistuneet, ja henkilöstöä on vähennetty kustannustehokkuuden nimissä. Osittain näiden tekijöiden seurauksena sairauspoissaolot ovat nousseet, ja niiden aiheuttamat kustannukset ovat vuosittain hyvin merkittävät. Lisäksi työkyvyttömyys- ja tapaturmaeläköitymisten kustannukset ovat keskimäärin nousseet uuden maksuluokkajärjestelmän käyttöönoton myötä. Sairauspoissaolojen alentamisen ja eläköitymisten ehkäisemiseksi on vuosien varrella hyödynnetty erilaisia käytäntöjä ja toimintamalleja, joiden vaikutusalueet vaihtelevat työturvallisuudesta työhönpaluun tukemiseen. Erilaisia uudelleensijoituksia ja työtehtävien räätälöintejä on mahdollisuuksien mukaan pyritty toteuttamaan, mutta näiden esteenä on pääosin ollut yhteistyön ja tiedon puute, haastava ajankohta, sekä erilaiset negatiiviset asenteet. Kuntouttavalla työllä tarkoitetaan eri osapuolten kanssa yhdessä sovittua, määräaikaista ja normaalista poikkeavaa toimintaa, jolla pyritään vähentämään osatyökykyisen työntekijän pitkiä poissaoloja sekä poistamaan mahdollinen varhaisen eläköitymisen uhka. Tämän tutkimuksen aikana kehitetyn kuntouttavan työn uuden toimintamallin tavoitteena on edelleen lisätä tietoisuutta ja yhteistyötä eri osapuolten välillä sekä vaikuttaa omalta osaltaan työnantajan sairauspoissaolojen ja eläköitymisten aiheuttamiin kustannuksiin.


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Resumen: Los desórdenes músculo esqueléticos son entidades que generan un efecto en la salud relacionados con la calidad de vida, dado al impacto global en la condición física, el bienestar psicológico y funcional. Estas entidades generan un gran número de indemnizaciones y en algunas oportunidades según el grado de pérdida de capacidad laboral la invalidez. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación del grado de perdida de la capacidad laboral con la comorbilidad de los desórdenes músculo esqueléticos y otros factores asociados. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, basado en registros e historias clínicas. Los registros iniciales fueron 1427 casos, de los cuales 513 presentaban diagnóstico de DME y de estos 240 solicitaron la pérdida de capacidad laboral a la junta de invalidez regional Huila en el periodo comprendido del 2009 al 2012. Resultados: La distribución del grado de la pérdida de capacidad laboral generada de los DME por incapacidad permanente parcial fue del 73,3% y por invalidez el 26,7%. Se encontró una asociación significativa con respecto a la edad (p=0,002), donde el rango de 50-65 años presento mayor pérdida de capacidad laboral; con el género (p=0,047), siendo el femenino más prevalente la invalidez (34,7%) que en el masculino (23,2%) y la comorbilidad (p=0,019), donde los desórdenes músculo esqueléticos y los trastornos depresivos generaron mayor pérdida de capacidad laboral. No se encontró asociación significativa con la escolaridad (p=0,167), oficio (p=0,442) y actividad económica (p=0,118). En el análisis multivariado se encontró asociación significativa con el origen común (OR=4.028, IC 95%: 2.010, 8.072), el sexo femenino (OR=2.565, IC 95%: 1.140, 5.771), y el nivel de escolaridad técnico (OR=12.208, IC 95%: 1.372, 108.634). Conclusiones: La comorbilidad generó mayor pérdida de capacidad laboral, aunque los factores que en conjunto mostraron asociación fueron la edad avanzada, el género femenino, el origen común y el menor nivel educativo.


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Introducción: Fueron calificados en Colombia con pérdida de la capacidad laboral (PCL), de Incapacidad Permanente Parcial (5%-49%), 54.272 casos, de los cuales en el Departamento del Meta se calificaron 730 casos. Objetivo: Establecer los factores sociodemográficos y laborales asociados con la calificación de PCL de patologías de origen laboral y común por la Junta Regional de Calificación de Invalidez del Meta (JRCIM) (2012-2013). Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal, observacional, con una población muestra de 1.140 registros de personas calificadas con pérdida de la capacidad laboral entre 2012-2013, la información se recolectó mediante la base de datos de pacientes calificados en la JRCIM, en donde se indagó sobre los factores sociodemográficos, laborales y porcentaje de PCL. Resultados: 73.6 % de la población fueron de género masculino, la actividad económica que predominó fue la de servicios domésticos con el 76.5%, la mayoría desempeñaba el cargo de oficios varios con el 6%, el 53.7 % fueron calificados con PCL del 16 – 30 %. No se evidenció asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el porcentaje de PCL y factores laborales y socio-demográficos. Conclusiones: La calificación de PCL, en el Meta está marcada por factores tales como la edad y el género masculino, igualmente la actividad económica que predominó fue la de servicios domésticos, transporte y educación, estos sectores deben ser intervenidos en términos de vigilancia epidemiológica para prevenir estados de incapacidad permanente parcial e invalidez.


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BACKGROUND: Due to better early and long-term outcome, the increasing population of grown-ups with congenital heart disease (GUCH) brings up unexpected quality of life (QoL) issues. The cardiac lesion by itself is not always the major problem for these patients, since issues pertaining to QoL and psychosocial aspects often predominate. This study analyses the QoL of GUCH patients after cardiac surgery and the possible impact of medical and psychosocial complications. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A questionnaire package containing the SF-36 health survey (health related QoL), the HADS test (anxiety/depression aspects) and an additional disease specific questionnaire was sent to 345 patients (mean 26+/-11 years) operated for isolated transposition of the great arteries (TGA), tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), and ventricular septal defect (VSD). The scores were compared with age- and gender-matched standard population data and in relation to the underlying congenital heart disease (CHD). RESULTS: In all SF-36 and HADS health dimensions the GUCH patients showed excellent scores (116+/-20), which are comparable to the standard population (100+/-15), regardless of the initial CHD (p=0.12). Eighty-two percent of the patients were found to be in NYHA class I and 83% patients declared that they do not consider their QoL to be limited by their malformation. Complications like reoperations (p=0.21) and arrhythmias (p=0.10) do not show significant impact on the QoL. The additional questionnaire revealed that 76% of adult patients have a fulltime job, 18% receive a full or partial disability pension, 21% reported problems with insurances, most of them regarding health insurances (67%), and 4.4% of adult patients declared to have renounced the idea of having children due to their cardiac malformation. CONCLUSION: QoL in GUCH patients following surgical repair of isolated TOF, TGA and VSD is excellent and comparable to standard population, this without significant difference between the diagnosis groups. However, these patients are exposed to a high rate of complications and special psychosocial problems, which are not assessed by standardized questionnaires, such as the SF-36 and HADS. These findings highlight the great importance for a multidisciplinary and specialized follow-up for an adequate management of these complex patients.


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is study examined the social adaptation of children with mild intellectual disability who were either (a) partially integrated into regular primary school classes, or (b) full-time in separate classes, All of the children were integrated in sport and play activities with the whole school. Consistent with previous research, children with intellectual disability were less socially accepted than were a matched group of control children. Children in partially integrated classes received more play nominations than those in separate classes, brit there was no greater acceptance as a best friend. On teachers' reports, disabled children had higher levels of inappropriate social behaviours, but there was no significant difference in appropriate behaviours. Self-assessments by integrated children were more negative than those by children in separate classes, and their peer-relationship satisfaction was lower. Ratings by disabled children of their satisfaction with peer relationships were associated with ratings of appropriate social skills by themselves and their teachers, and with self-ratings of negative behaviour. The study confirmed that partial integration can have negative consequences for children with an intellectual disability.


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What is the contribution of the provision, at no cost for users, of long acting reversible contraceptive methods (LARC; copper intrauterine device [IUD], the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system [LNG-IUS], contraceptive implants and depot-medroxyprogesterone [DMPA] injection) towards the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) averted through a Brazilian university-based clinic established over 30 years ago. Over the last 10 years of evaluation, provision of LARC methods and DMPA by the clinic are estimated to have contributed to DALY averted by between 37 and 60 maternal deaths, 315-424 child mortalities, 634-853 combined maternal morbidity and mortality and child mortality, and 1056-1412 unsafe abortions averted. LARC methods are associated with a high contraceptive effectiveness when compared with contraceptive methods which need frequent attention; perhaps because LARC methods are independent of individual or couple compliance. However, in general previous studies have evaluated contraceptive methods during clinical studies over a short period of time, or not more than 10 years. Furthermore, information regarding the estimation of the DALY averted is scarce. We reviewed 50 004 medical charts from women who consulted for the first time looking for a contraceptive method over the period from 2 January 1980 through 31 December 2012. Women who consulted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Campinas, Brazil were new users and users switching contraceptive, including the copper IUD (n = 13 826), the LNG-IUS (n = 1525), implants (n = 277) and DMPA (n = 9387). Estimation of the DALY averted included maternal morbidity and mortality, child mortality and unsafe abortions averted. We obtained 29 416 contraceptive segments of use including 25 009 contraceptive segments of use from 20 821 new users or switchers to any LARC method or DMPA with at least 1 year of follow-up. The mean (± SD) age of the women at first consultation ranged from 25.3 ± 5.7 (range 12-47) years in the 1980s, to 31.9 ± 7.4 (range 16-50) years in 2010-2011. The most common contraceptive chosen at the first consultation was copper IUD (48.3, 74.5 and 64.7% in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, respectively). For an evaluation over 20 years, the cumulative pregnancy rates (SEM) were 0.4 (0.2), 2.8 (2.1), 4.0 (0.4) and 1.3 (0.4) for the LNG-IUS, the implants, copper IUD and DMPA, respectively and cumulative continuation rates (SEM) were 15.1 (3.7), 3.9 (1.4), 14.1 (0.6) and 7.3 (1.7) for the LNG-IUS, implants, copper IUD and DMPA, respectively (P < 0.001). Over the last 10 years of evaluation, the estimation of the contribution of the clinic through the provision of LARC methods and DMPA to DALY averted was 37-60 maternal deaths; between 315 and 424 child mortalities; combined maternal morbidity and mortality and child mortality of between 634 and 853, and 1056-1412 unsafe abortions averted. The main limitations are the number of women who never returned to the clinic (overall 14% among the four methods under evaluation); consequently the pregnancy rate could be different. Other limitations include the analysis of two kinds of copper IUD and two kinds of contraceptive implants as the same IUD or implant, and the low number of users of implants. In addition, the DALY calculation relies on a number of estimates, which may vary in different parts of the world. LARC methods and DMPA are highly effective and women who were well-counselled used these methods for a long time. The benefit of averting maternal morbidity and mortality, child mortality, and unsafe abortions is an example to health policy makers to implement more family planning programmes and to offer contraceptive methods, mainly LARC and DMPA, at no cost or at affordable cost for the underprivileged population. This study received partial financial support from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), grant # 2012/12810-4 and from the National Research Council (CNPq), grant #573747/2008-3. B.F.B., M.P.G., and V.M.C. were fellows from the scientific initiation programme from FAPESP. Since the year 2001, all the TCu380A IUD were donated by Injeflex, São Paulo, Brazil, and from the year 2006 all the LNG-IUS were donated by the International Contraceptive Access Foundation (ICA), Turku, Finland. Both donations are as unrestricted grants. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest associated with this study.


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Objective: To establish a prediction model of the degree of disability in adults with Spinal CordInjury (SCI ) based on the use of the WHO-DAS II . Methods: The disability degree was correlatedwith three variable groups: clinical, sociodemographic and those related with rehabilitation services.A model of multiple linear regression was built to predict disability. 45 people with sci exhibitingdiverse etiology, neurological level and completeness participated. Patients were older than 18 andthey had more than a six-month post-injury. The WHO-DAS II and the ASIA impairment scale(AIS ) were used. Results: Variables that evidenced a significant relationship with disability were thefollowing: occupational situation, type of affiliation to the public health care system, injury evolutiontime, neurological level, partial preservation zone, ais motor and sensory scores and number ofclinical complications during the last year. Complications significantly associated to disability werejoint pain, urinary infections, intestinal problems and autonomic disreflexia. None of the variablesrelated to rehabilitation services showed significant association with disability. The disability degreeexhibited significant differences in favor of the groups that received the following services: assistivedevices supply and vocational, job or educational counseling. Conclusions: The best predictiondisability model in adults with sci with more than six months post-injury was built with variablesof injury evolution time, AIS sensory score and injury-related unemployment.


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Research into families of children and young people with disability maintain that parents or caregivers seem to experience higher levels of global stress than parents of children without disabilities, thereby presenting a high risk of developing disorders in their health and quality of life. The aim of this study is to understand the differences in parental stress and social support among groups of parents whose children have different disabilities in the context of parental adjustment to disability. Considering that adjustment is related to the effectiveness with which the family uses its resources and the support of their social network, we intend to analyse the differences of stress and social support among groups of parents of children with different problems and to clarify the relationships between the variables under study in order to adapt family intervention strategies. For this purpose a comparative, descriptive-correlational study was undertaken. The convenience sample included 152 parents of children with different disabilities (82 with intellectual disability, 37 with motor problems and 33 with autism) supported by schools and institutions in Viseu. The instruments used were: a Portuguese version of the Parenting Stress Index (Abidin, 1995), the Social Support Questionnaire – short version (Pinheiro & Ferreira, 2001) and a Parental Questionnaire (demographic and family data). Data were collected in schools and institutions that support people with disabilities, located in the Municipality of Viseu (Portugal). The results revealed significant differences between groups of parents in the partial results of parental stress, specifically in the Hyperactivity/Distract (DI), Acceptability (AC) and Adaptability (AD), dimensions of the Child Domain subscale (CD stress) and the Role Restriction (RO), dimension of Parent Domain subscale (PD stress). With regard to social support dimensions, we found significant differences between parents in the extent and availability of the social support network (SSQN).


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Negative-ion mode electrospray ionization, ESI(-), with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) was coupled to a Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression and variable selection methods to estimate the total acid number (TAN) of Brazilian crude oil samples. Generally, ESI(-)-FT-ICR mass spectra present a power of resolution of ca. 500,000 and a mass accuracy less than 1 ppm, producing a data matrix containing over 5700 variables per sample. These variables correspond to heteroatom-containing species detected as deprotonated molecules, [M - H](-) ions, which are identified primarily as naphthenic acids, phenols and carbazole analog species. The TAN values for all samples ranged from 0.06 to 3.61 mg of KOH g(-1). To facilitate the spectral interpretation, three methods of variable selection were studied: variable importance in the projection (VIP), interval partial least squares (iPLS) and elimination of uninformative variables (UVE). The UVE method seems to be more appropriate for selecting important variables, reducing the dimension of the variables to 183 and producing a root mean square error of prediction of 0.32 mg of KOH g(-1). By reducing the size of the data, it was possible to relate the selected variables with their corresponding molecular formulas, thus identifying the main chemical species responsible for the TAN values.


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A literature review was conducted aiming to understand the interface between the Intellectual Disability and Mental Health fields and to contribute to mitigating the path of institutionalizing individuals with intellectual deficiencies. The so-called dual diagnosis phenomenon remains underestimated in Brazil but is the object of research and specific public policy internationally. This phenomenon alerts us to the prevalence of mental health problems in those with intellectual disabilities, limiting their social inclusion. The findings reinforce the importance of this theme and indicate possible diagnostic invisibility of the development of mental illness in those with intellectual disabilities in Brazil, which may contribute to sustaining psychiatric institutionalization of this population. 


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The aim of this work was to characterize the effects of partial inhibition of respiratory complex I by rotenone on H2O2 production by isolated rat brain mitochondria in different respiratory states. Flow cytometric analysis of membrane potential in isolated mitochondria indicated that rotenone leads to uniform respiratory inhibition when added to a suspension of mitochondria. When mitochondria were incubated in the presence of a low concentration of rotenone (10 nm) and NADH-linked substrates, oxygen consumption was reduced from 45.9 ± 1.0 to 26.4 ± 2.6 nmol O2 mg(-1) min(-1) and from 7.8 ± 0.3 to 6.3 ± 0.3 nmol O2 mg(-1) min(-1) in respiratory states 3 (ADP-stimulated respiration) and 4 (resting respiration), respectively. Under these conditions, mitochondrial H2O2 production was stimulated from 12.2 ± 1.1 to 21.0 ± 1.2 pmol H2O2 mg(-1) min(-1) and 56.5 ± 4.7 to 95.0 ± 11.1 pmol H2O2 mg(-1) min(-1) in respiratory states 3 and 4, respectively. Similar results were observed when comparing mitochondrial preparations enriched with synaptic or nonsynaptic mitochondria or when 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP(+)) was used as a respiratory complex I inhibitor. Rotenone-stimulated H2O2 production in respiratory states 3 and 4 was associated with a high reduction state of endogenous nicotinamide nucleotides. In succinate-supported mitochondrial respiration, where most of the mitochondrial H2O2 production relies on electron backflow from complex II to complex I, low rotenone concentrations inhibited H2O2 production. Rotenone had no effect on mitochondrial elimination of micromolar concentrations of H2O2. The present results support the conclusion that partial complex I inhibition may result in mitochondrial energy crisis and oxidative stress, the former being predominant under oxidative phosphorylation and the latter under resting respiration conditions.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate by photoelastic analysis stress distribution on short and long implants of two dental implant systems with 2-unit implant-supported fixed partial prostheses of 8 mm and 13 mm heights. Sixteen photoelastic models were divided into 4 groups: I: long implant (5 × 11 mm) (Neodent), II: long implant (5 × 11 mm) (Bicon), III: short implant (5 × 6 mm) (Neodent), and IV: short implants (5 × 6 mm) (Bicon). The models were positioned in a circular polariscope associated with a cell load and static axial (0.5 Kgf) and nonaxial load (15°, 0.5 Kgf) were applied to each group for both prosthetic crown heights. Three-way ANOVA was used to compare the factors implant length, crown height, and implant system (α = 0.05). The results showed that implant length was a statistically significant factor for both axial and nonaxial loading. The 13 mm prosthetic crown did not result in statistically significant differences in stress distribution between the implant systems and implant lengths studied, regardless of load type (P > 0.05). It can be concluded that short implants showed higher stress levels than long implants. Implant system and length was not relevant factors when prosthetic crown height were increased.


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Background/Aims. Studies on 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis (PGD) have focused on molecular, gonadal, genital, and hormone features; little is known about follow-up. Our aim was to analyze long-term outcomes of PGD. Methods. Retrospective longitudinal study conducted at a reference service in Brazil. Ten patients were first evaluated in the 1990s and followed up until the 2010s; follow-up ranged from 13.5 to 19.7 years. All were reared as males and had at least one scrotal testis; two bore NR5A1 mutations. Main outcomes were: associated conditions, pubertal development, and growth. Results. All patients had normal motor development but three presented cognitive impairment; five had various associated conditions. At the end of the prepubertal period, FSH was high or high-normal in 3/6 patients; LH was normal in all. At the last evaluation, FSH was high or high-normal in 8/10; LH was high or high-normal in 5/10; testosterone was decreased in one. Final height in nine cases ranged from -1.57 to 0.80 SDS. All had spontaneous puberty; only one needed androgen therapy. Conclusions. There is good prognosis for growth and spontaneous pubertal development but not for fertility. Though additional studies are required, screening for learning disabilities is advisable.