778 resultados para Parenting styles (PSs)
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Cette recherche porte sur la problématique du développement psychosocial des enfants doués. Bien qu’il existe des travaux qui indiquent que les enfants doués souffrent plus souvent de problèmes d’adaptation que les autres, comme l’isolement social, la dépression, l’anxiété et une faible estime de soi, la littérature de recherche considère peu l’environnement familial des enfants doués comme étant un facteur qui puisse contribuer au niveau d’adaptation de l’enfant. La présente recherche a eu donc pour objectif de déterminer si les styles parentaux, tels que définis par Baumrind, sont associés à l’adaptation des enfants doués. Les styles parentaux des parents ont été mesurés à l'aide d'un questionnaire auto-rapporté. Le niveau d’adaptation d’un groupe d’enfants doués, âgés de 7 à 11 ans, a été évalué à l’aide de mesures de comportement et de concept de soi. La douance a été mesurée avec un test d’intelligence standardisé. Quarante-huit enfants doués et 52 enfants du groupe contrôle ont participé à l'étude. Les résultats ont démontré que les parents des enfants doués utilisent majoritairement un style parental démocratique. Les mères ont rapporté être significativement plus démocratiques que les pères. Les parents ont identifié un sous-groupe d'enfants doués ayant des problèmes sociaux avec leurs pairs, tandis que ces enfants doués et leurs enseignants n’en n’ont pas indiqué. Aucune association n’a été mise en évidence entre l'utilisation d'un style parental particulier et les problèmes sociaux chez les enfants doués. Cependant, l’utilisation du style parental autoritaire des mères a été associée à des problèmes de comportement moins élevés ainsi qu’un concept de soi intellectuel plus élevé chez les enfants doués. Inversement, le style parental démocratique des mères a été associé à des problèmes de comportements plus élevés chez les enfants doués. Le style parental permissif des mères a été associé à des niveaux de concept de soi moins élevés chez les enfants doués. Pour les pères, les styles parentaux autoritaires et permissifs ont été associés à des niveaux d’adaptation et de concept de soi moins élevés chez les enfants doués. Enfin, le niveau d’adaptation ainsi que les styles parentaux ont été comparés entre les deux groupes d’enfants. Les deux groupes ont présenté des niveaux d’adaptation dans la gamme de la normalité. De plus, les parents des deux groupes d’enfants ont rapporté des styles parentaux similaires. Pour les pères des enfants du groupe de contrôle, le style parental démocratique a été associé à des niveaux d’adaptation plus élevés. Le style parental autoritaire des mères et le style parental permissif des pères ont été associés à des niveaux de concept de soi moins élevés chez les enfants du groupe de contrôle. En somme, les conclusions de cette thèse permettent une meilleure compréhension de la complexité des liens entre les styles parentaux et l’adaptation des enfants doués.
Throughout the years, the role that parents play with regard to a child’s academic achievement has been the source of considerable research. The type of parenting style employed by parents, whether it is authoritarian, authoritative, or permissive, has and continues to be a major theme in these studies. One area of particular interest that has been overlooked in these studies, however, is the influence that parents may have on a student’s learning autonomy. Learning autonomy is the idea that a student has internal motivation to learn or achieve. The purpose of this study was to investigate therelationship among the three styles of parenting, learning autonomy, perceived parental autonomy support, and scholastic achievement in undergraduate college students. Sixty-one participants were recruited at a small liberal arts college in the northeastern United States to complete questionnaires, which measured perceived parental authority of the participants’ parents, perceived parental autonomy support, and students’ own learning autonomy. The participants were also asked to list their grade point average. The results revealed positive and negative correlations between many of the variables in the study;however, simple regression analyses did not yield any statistically significant relationships between parental authority, learning autonomy, perceived autonomy support, and scholastic achievement.
Home literacy environment explains between 12 and 18.5% of the variance of children’s language skills. Although most authors agree that children whose parents encourage them to read tend to develop better and earlier reading skills, some authors consider that the impact of family environment in reading skills is overvalued. Probably, other variables of parent–child relationship, like parenting styles, might be relevant for this field. Nevertheless, no previous studies on the effect of parenting styles in literacy have been found. To analyze the role of parenting styles in the reading processes of children. Children’s perceptions of parenting styles contribute significantly to the explanation of statistical variance of children’s reading processes. 110 children (67 boys and 43 girls), aged between 7 and 11 years (M=9.22 and SD = 1.14) from Portuguese schools answered to a socio-demographic questionnaire. To assess reading processes it was administered the Portuguese adaptation (Figueira et al. in press) of Bateria de Avaliação dos Processos Leitores-Revista (PROLEC-R). To assess the parenting styles Egna Minnen av Barndoms Uppfostran-parents (EMBU-P) and EMBU-C (children version) were administered. According to multiple hierarchical linear regressions, individual factors contribute to explain all reading tests of PROLEC-R, while family factors contribute to explain most of these tests. Regarding parenting styles, results evidence the explanatory power about grammatical structures, sentence comprehension and listening. Parenting styles have an important role in the explanation of higher reading processes (syntactic and semantic) but not in lexical processes, focused by main theories concerning dyslexia.
A presente investigação visa apurar se existem esquemas parentais (EPs) ou mal-adaptativos precoces (EMPs) que predisponham à escolha, por parte de mulheres vítimas de violência na intimidade, de parceiros potencialmente agressores. Adicionalmente pretende identificar como se manifesta a vitimação com os tipos de relacionamento amoroso de reparação narcísica. O estudo, de cariz quantitativo, recorre a três instrumentos (QEP, QE e ITRA) preenchidos por 27 mulheres com idades compreendidas entre os 23- 67 anos, das quais 10 sofreram algum tipo de violência numa relação de intimidade. Este estudo concluiu que existem EPs e EMPs que parecem predispor à escolha de parceiros amorosos abusivos. Estas escolhas amorosas parecem estar relacionadas com a tendência para enveredar por tipos de relacionamento amoroso mais patológico, nomeadamente, os tipos evitante-desnarcisante e eufórico-idealizante. Posto isto, criou-se um modelo que caracteriza vítimas e não-vítimas de violência nas relações de intimidade com uma precisão de 96,3% com base nos resultados dos instrumentos anteriores; When sorrow replaces love Violence in intimate relationships: Randomness or effects of parental heritage? Abstract: This research aims at determining whether there are schemas originated by parenting styles (PSs) or early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) that predispose women, who were victims of violence in their intimate relationships, to choose abusive romantic partners. Additionally it intends to identify how victimization reveals itself through romantic relationship types that are due to repair the Self narcissistic vulnerabilities. This quantitative study relies on three instruments (PSQ, SQ, ITRA) filled by 27 women with ages between 23-67, 10 of which were victims of violence in their intimate relationships. This study concludes that there are PSs and EMSs that seem to predispose to the choice of abusive romantic partners. These romantic choices seem to be related with the predisposition to more pathological romantic relationship types, namely, the avoidant-devaluate and euphoricidealizing types. Following this, a model was created to characterize individuals as victims or non-victims of violence in their intimate relationships with a precision of 96.3%, based on the results of the instruments above.
Researchers over the last decade have documented the association between general parenting style and numerous factors related to childhood obesity (e.g., children's eating behaviors, physical activity, and weight status). Many recent childhood obesity prevention programs are family focused and designed to modify parenting behaviors thought to contribute to childhood obesity risk. This article presents a brief consideration of conceptual, methodological, and translational issues that can inform future research on the role of parenting in childhood obesity. They include: (1) General versus domain specific parenting styles and practices; (2) the role of ethnicity and culture; (3) assessing bidirectional influences; (4) broadening assessments beyond the immediate family; (5) novel approaches to parenting measurement, and; (6) designing effective interventions. Numerous directions for future research are offered.
The impact of parental child-rearing practices on child outcomes has been the subject of much research and debate for many years. Studies carried out within a variety of disciplines and across a number of different countries in the world have indicated that parents tend to use a different pattern of rearing their sons than their daughters, and that child-rearing practices are related to the gender of the parent, as well as to the age and developmental stage of the child. However, there has been little research in Northern Ireland on child-rearing behaviours. In order to address this shortfall, this paper presents an analysis of parents’ perceptions of their interactions with their children. Data from Wave 3 of the Northern Ireland Household Panel Survey were analysed to explore aspects of ‘‘negative’’ parenting practices (arguing, yelling and use of physical punishment) as well as ‘‘positive’’ parenting practices (talking, praising and hugging). The participants were all parents (aged 16 years and over) with children under the age of 16 years living in the same household. Each parent reported his/her interaction with each child (up to a maximum of six children), and in total 1,629 responses were recorded. The results of the research supported previous findings from the United Kingdom and elsewhere, and indicated that the parenting styles of respondents in Northern Ireland were indeed related to the gender and age of the children and to the gender of the parents. The survey found that parents in Northern Ireland tend to have a harsher, more negative style of parenting boys than girls and that children in their teenage years have fewer positive interactions with their parents than younger children. The same parents and children will be followed up in 2007 in order to provide a longitudinal analysis of parent/child relationships in Northern Ireland.
Adolescence is a time of developmental transition that for one in five young people is characterised by feelings of oppositionality, rebellion, and negativism. Despite the prevalent experience of teen turbulence and despite its significance within the phenomenological framework provided by reversal theory (RT), the childhood antecedents of rebelliousness in adolescence and adulthood have not been given extensive empirical attention within RT, although such work has been carried out using other constructs and theories. We examined recalled parenting style, childhood adversity, and attachment style in adulthood as correlates of proactive and reactive rebelliousness in a sample of 80 participants, aged 18 to 50 years. Each participant responded to a questionnaire package containing the revised Adult Attachment Scale, the Parental Bonding Instrument, the Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse Questionnaire, and the Negativism Dominance Scale. We found that paternal abusive parenting, followed by paternal parenting style, paternal neglect, and paternal antipathy were independently predictive of scores on proactive rebelliousness, the sensation-seeking form. Maternal and paternal indifferent parenting styles each were found to equivalently and independently predict scores on reactive rebelliousness, the interpersonal disaffection form. The results of this study suggest these two forms of rebelliousness may have distinctly different antecedents. A longitudinal study is needed to examine the potentially causal pathways that are suggested by the results of this cross-sectional research. We consider reversal theory explanations of these results and contrast them with complementary theoretical frameworks.
Cette recherche quantitative, de type descriptif corrélationnel, a pour objectifs, d’une part, d’identifier les différents types de collaboration école-famille, les types d’implication parentale et les styles éducatifs des parents et, d’autre part, de déterminer leurs liens avec la réussite scolaire des élèves du primaire au Burkina Faso, notamment ceux en classe de Cours Moyen deuxième année (CM2) selon leur genre et zone de résidence. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons adopté une approche écosystémique qui a permis d’aborder à la fois les relations entre les parents et les enfants (microsystème) et celles avec l’école (mésosystème). Ceci, dans le but de mieux cerner les dynamiques relationnelles qui se déroulent entre ces différents milieux de vie de l’enfant et de déterminer leur influence sur ses résultats scolaires. À cet effet, des questionnaires évaluant la perception des participants sur les dimensions de la recherche, à savoir la collaboration école-famille, l’implication parentale et les styles éducatifs des parents, ont été passés à 615 parents d’élèves de CM2 provenant de six régions administratives du Burkina Faso, dont deux fortement urbanisées (régions du Centre et des Hauts-Bassins) et quatre principalement rurales (régions du Sahel, de l’Est, du Plateau Central et du Centre Est). Une douzaine d’écoles publiques réparties entre ces régions ont été retenues dans le cadre de la présente recherche. Les données ainsi recueillies ont été analysées avec un logiciel de traitement statistique (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences : SPSS) qui a permis de faire à la fois des analyses descriptives et orrélationnelles (test du khi-deux). Les résultats descriptifs révèlent la présence de différents types de collaboration école-famille (information, consultation, coordination et concertation), d’implication parentale (rôles, communications, bénévolat, soutien aux apprentissages à domicile, prises de décisions et collaboration avec la communauté) et de styles éducatifs (démocratique, autoritaire, permissif et négligent). Ensuite, les résultats corrélationnels montrent que les relations école-famille ne permettent la réussite scolaire des élèves que si les parents entretiennent des relations régulières et réciproques d’information, de consultation, de coordination et de concertation avec les maîtres de leurs enfants autour de sujets relatifs au rendement scolaire, au comportement, aux activités culturelles, etc. S’agissant de l’implication parentale, il ressort que celle-ci ne favorise la réussite scolaire que si les parents s’impliquent de façon continue ou permanente dans les rôles (achats de fournitures scolaires, d’habits, etc.), les communications avec l’école (au sujet du rendement scolaire, du comportement, etc.), les activités de bénévolat (nettoyage, apport d’agrégats, etc.), les apprentissages à domicile (devoirs, leçons, etc.) et les prises de décisions (association des parents, conseil d’établissement, etc.). Pour ce qui concerne la collaboration avec la communauté à travers l’usage des ressources communautaires (centres de lecture, bibliothèques,etc.), même une faible implication à ce niveau favorise la réussite scolaire. Enfin, en ce qui a trait aux styles éducatifs des parents, les résultats indiquent que les styles démocratiques et autoritaires sont ceux qui favorisent la réussite scolaire, mais avec une légère domination du style démocratique. En conclusion, nous constatons que la collaboration école-famille, l’implication parentale et le style éducatif démocratique favorisent tous la réussite scolaire à des niveaux différents. Mêmes faibles, des relations réciproques entre l’école et la famille sont susceptibles de favoriser la réussite scolaire des élèves du primaire dans le contexte burkinabé. Par contre, pour l’implication parentale, il faut généralement des engagements continus des parents. Le style démocratique se présente comme celui qui favorise le plus la réussite scolaire. Mais les zones de résidence (rurales) ont plus d’influence sur toutes ces variables que le genre. D’où l’importance de favoriser ou de promouvoir de véritables collaborations entre l’école et la famille en vue de permettre une plus grande réussite des élèves, surtout en zones rurales. Les actions de plaidoyer ou de lobbying devraient ainsi aller dans ce sens; elles peuvent être menées à la fois par les parents à travers leurs structures associatives, les institutions ou organismes oeuvrant dans le domaine de l’éducation, et par la communauté des chercheurs.
The project studied the perception of parenting styles and their relation to self-development, cognitive styles, and individualisation in adolescence. Typical parenting styles of mothers and fathers were studied in five different maternal and paternal parenting backgrounds: warm authoritarian, warm democratic, cold neglectful, cold authoritarian, and neutral. Perception of different styles of parenting (for fathers: authority, 'maintaining distance' behaviour, reciprocity, enhancing self-reliance; for mothers: authority, unpredictable behaviour, mutual trust, achievement orientation, and enhancing self-reliance) were analysed in each group using the newly developed Hungarian Parenting Questionnaire (Sallay & Munnich, 1999). This questionnaire has a theoretical basis in the ideas of Harvey (1966, 1967), where the socialisation process is combined with self-development. This categorisation of paternal and maternal parenting backgrounds enabled Sallay to explore and describe in detail how diverse parenting styles contribute to self-development, the development of cognitive complexity, and individualisation. The results show that diverse parenting by mothers and fathers produces differing impacts in nuclear and divorced families and for males and females, taking into consideration such self-components as physical, active, psychological (capabilities, personality, emotions, roles, preferences), social and reflective selves. Cognitive self-complexity varied according to parenting styles and genders: maternal and paternal parenting proved to have the most significant impact on self-complexity in a warm, democratic family. With respect to individualistic tendencies, adolescent boys were most individualistic in a cold, neglectful paternal background in nuclear families as compared to other paternal and maternal family backgrounds and to females.
Utilising a comparison research design of mothers involved in fostering (N= 28) and their peers (N =28), the major findings were that within the fostering group, those who had been fostering the longest had the lowest sense of efficacy, reflecting that the experience of providing foster care eroded parents' sense of their own skill. In terms of attachment to the children, the data suggested that foster carers may resist becoming too close to the children in their care in order to limit the emotional cost of subsequent separation. Importantly, there was no significant correlation between the length of time in providing foster care and marital satisfaction, which supports the notion that providing foster care does not, in itself cause marital stress. While formal support services were more utilised by foster carers there was some indication that this group is not well integrated into the broader community. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that over the long- term providing fostering care has some negative consequences for the carers in terms of their self-confidence. Agencies designated to work with carers need to consider proactive strategies to reduce this consequence.
Background: Efforts to prevent the development of overweight and obesity have increasingly focused early in the life course as we recognise that both metabolic and behavioural patterns are often established within the first few years of life. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of interventions are even more powerful when, with forethought, they are synthesised into an individual patient data (IPD) prospective meta-analysis (PMA). An IPD PMA is a unique research design where several trials are identified for inclusion in an analysis before any of the individual trial results become known and the data are provided for each randomised patient. This methodology minimises the publication and selection bias often associated with a retrospective meta-analysis by allowing hypotheses, analysis methods and selection criteria to be specified a priori. Methods/Design: The Early Prevention of Obesity in CHildren (EPOCH) Collaboration was formed in 2009. The main objective of the EPOCH Collaboration is to determine if early intervention for childhood obesity impacts on body mass index (BMI) z scores at age 18-24 months. Additional research questions will focus on whether early intervention has an impact on children’s dietary quality, TV viewing time, duration of breastfeeding and parenting styles. This protocol includes the hypotheses, inclusion criteria and outcome measures to be used in the IPD PMA. The sample size of the combined dataset at final outcome assessment (approximately 1800 infants) will allow greater precision when exploring differences in the effect of early intervention with respect to pre-specified participant- and intervention-level characteristics. Discussion: Finalisation of the data collection procedures and analysis plans will be complete by the end of 2010. Data collection and analysis will occur during 2011-2012 and results should be available by 2013. Trial registration number: ACTRN12610000789066
Aim: The primary purpose of this meta-analysis was to explore, clarify and report the strength of the relationship between alexithymia, as measured by the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), and parenting style as measured by the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI). Methods: Web of Science, PsycInfo, PubMed and ProQuest: Dissertations and Theses searches were undertaken, yielding nine samples with sufficient data to be included in the meta-analysis. Results: Evidence indicated moderate to strong relationships between maternal care and alexithymia, and between maternal care and two of the three TAS-20 alexithymia facets (Difficulties Describing Feelings and Difficulties Identifying Feelings, but not Externally Oriented Thinking). Moderate relationships were observed for both maternal- and paternal-overprotection and alexithymia respectively, and for overprotection (both maternal and paternal) and Difficulties Describing Feelings. Conclusion: This study is the first meta-analysis of the relationship between parenting styles and alexithymia, and findings confirm an especially strong association between maternal care and key elements of alexithymia. This review highlights the issues that still remain to be addressed in exploring the link between parenting style and alexithymia.
This thesis focused on the roles of parenting styles (including parental norm-breaking attitudes and parents perceptions of players coach-athlete relationship), players achievement strategies, perceptions of coaching behaviours, coaches own perceptions, and perceptions of team leaders, in explaining player satisfaction and team cohesion. Five studies based on the same data provided by the Finnish Ice Hockey Association (FIHA) were carried out. The sample sizes were as follows: players, 1,018; parents, 979; coaches, 35; and team leaders, 57. Questionnaires and self-report questionnaires were used to collect data. The results revealed that: (1) family-parenting styles provided a basis for adolescents achievement strategies and influenced whether the sons played fairly or engaged in rule breaking. Democratic parenting was associated with the adolescents high level of mastery-oriented behaviour, low level of task-irrelevant behaviour, and low level of norm-breaking behaviour. The adaptive achievement strategies enhanced player satisfaction. (2) Democratic parenting styles influenced parents perception of the coach-athlete relationship, which was further associated with a coaching style that also influenced how the child experienced his own cohesion within the team. (3) The adolescents tended to reflect the similarity in leadership behaviours between home and sport from both democratic and autocratic backgrounds. In particular, the compensating combination of non-demanding styles at home and a high level of support by a positive coach was associated with high team cohesion. (4) The stress factor changed the dynamics of the parenting behaviour. (5) Players ratings, coaches ratings, and the ratings of team leaders all differed upon coaching behaviours and team cohesion. Only the players ratings were associated with cohesion high with positive coaching and low with autocratic coaching. The developmental age and the long-lasting membership on an ice hockey team made positive coaching acceptable for all players. Sixteen year-olds from all families rated high team cohesion with positive coaching. Parenting styles were associated with adolescent ice hockey players achievement strategies, norm breaking, and satisfaction. The combination of parenting and coaching was associated with cohesion rated by players. The staff s experiences of coaching and its effects on cohesion differed from the players experiences. These results contribute to understanding links between parenting styles, achievement strategies, norm breaking, and satisfaction, as well as parenting styles, coaching behaviour and cohesion. This work has importance for parents, coaches, sport organizations, and teachers.