8 resultados para Paratelmatobius poecilogaster


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Two new species of Paratelmatobius are described from the Atlantic Forest of Sao Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. The vocalization, tadpole, and natural history of one new species are described. Natural history observations of P. poecilogaster are reported, including the description of a specialized reproductive mode. Diagnoses, measurements, figures, color in life, and distributional data for the species of Paratelmatobius are provided.


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In this paper we provide a cytogenetic analysis of Paratelmatobius cardosoi and Paratelmatobius poecilogaster. The karyotypes of both species showed a diploid number of 24 chromosomes and shared some similarity in the morphology of some pairs. On the other hand, pairs 4 and 6 widely differed between these complements. These karyotypes also differed in their NOR number and location. Size heteromorphism was seen in all NOR-bearing chromosomes of the two karyotypes. In addition, both karyotypes showed small centromeric C-bands and a conspicuous heterochromatic band in the short arm of chromosome 1, although with a different size in each species. The P. cardosoi complement also showed other strongly stained non-centromeric C-bands, with no counterparts in the P. cardosoi karyotype. Chromosome staining with fluorochromes revealed heterogeneity in the base composition of two of the non-centromeric C-bands of P. cardosoi. Comparison of the chromosomal morphology of these Paratelmatobius karyotypes with that of P. lutzii showed that the P. poecilogaster karyotype is more similar to that of P. lutzii than P. cardosoi. These cytogenetic results agree with the proposed species arrangements in the P. cardosoi and P. lutzii groups based on morphological and ecological data.


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The karyotype of a new species of Paratelmatobius from the P cardosoi group is described. As with other Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys karyotypes, Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi) shows a diploid number of 24 chromosomes, in addition to other similarities with the former karyotypes. The Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi) karyotype differs from that of P. cardosoi in the morphology of pair 4, the NOR location and the C-bands in pairs 3 and 8 (exclusive to Paratelmatobius sp.) and those of pairs 7 and 9 (exclusive to P. cardosoi). Both karyotypes also differ in the amount of heterochromatin in pair 1. The presence of interstitial heterochromatin in the long arm of pair 1 and the interstitial C-bands in both arms of chromosome 5 are apparently synapomorphic characters of P. cardosoi and Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi), since they are absent in the other Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys karyotypes. In Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi), the nucleolus organizer region is on the short arm of a small metacentric chromosome (pair 9), an arrangement similar to the NOR-bearing chromosome pair in the karyotype of P. poecilogaster and in karyotype 11 of Scythrophrys. A conspicuous heteromorphism unrelated to the sex determining mechanism was also observed and probably arose from a pericentric inversion.


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Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys are leptodactylid frogs endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic forest and their close phylogenetic relationship was recently inferred in an analysis that included Paratelmatobius sp. and S. sawayae. To investigate the interspecific relationships among Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys species, we analyzed a mitochondrial region (approximately 2.4 kb) that included the ribosomal genes 12S and 16S and the tRNAval in representatives of all known localities of these genera and in 54 other species. Maximum parsimony inferences were done using PAUP* and support for the clades was evaluated by bootstrapping. A cytogenetic analysis using Giemsa staining, C-banding and silver staining was also done for those populations of Paratelmatobius not included in previous cytogenetic studies of this genus in order to assess their karyotype differentiation. Our results suggested Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys formed a clade strongly supported by bootstrapping, which corroborated their very close phylogenetic relationship. Among the Paratelmatobius species, two clades were identified and corroborated the groups P. mantiqueira and P. cardosoi previously proposed based on morphological characters. The karyotypes of Paratelmatobius sp. 2 and Paratelmatobius sp. 3 described here had diploid chromosome number 2n = 24 and showed many similarities with karyotypes of other Paratelmatobius representatives. The cytogenetic data and the phylogenetic analysis allowed the proposal/corroboration of several hypotheses for the karyotype differentiation within Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys. Namely the telocentric pair No. 4 represented a synapomorphy of P. cardosoi and Paratelmatobius sp. 2, while chromosome pair No. 5 with interstitial C-bands could be interpreted as a synapomorphy of the P. cardosoi group. The NOR-bearing chromosome No. 10 in the karyotype of P. poecilogaster was considered homeologous to chromosome No. 10 in the karyotype of Scythrophrys sp., chromosome No. 9 in the karyotype of Paratelmatobius sp. 1, chromosome No. 8 in the karyotypes of Paratelmatobius sp. 2 and of Paratelmatobius sp. 3, and chromosome No. 7 in the karyotype of P. cardosoi. A hypothesis for the evolutionary divergence of these NOR-bearing chromosomes, which probably involved events like gain in heteochromatin, was proposed.


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Three populations of Scythrophrys from Brazil were studied cytogenetically. The karyotype found in Piraquara (Parana State) and Sao Bento do Sul (Santa Catarina State) (karyotype 1) differed from that of Rancho Queimado (Santa Catarina State) (karyotype 11) in NOR location and in the occurrence of some C-bands. In karyotype I, pair 5 contained NOR-bearing chromosomes, while in karyotype 11 the NOR occurred in pair 10. This difference probably accounts for the inverted classification of pairs 5 and 6 in these karyotypes, which appear to be homologous, as suggested by the presence of heterochromatic markers. These karyotypes also differed in the size of the non-centromeric C-bands in pairs 1 and 8. Comparison of the Scythrophrys karyotypes with those of the related genus Paratelmatobius revealed several similarities, especially between karyotype 11 of Scythrophrys and that of P. poecilogaster. Both karyotypes had a NOR in pair 10, so it was inferred to be present also in the common ancestor for these genera. The non-centromeric C-bands in pairs 7, 10, and in pair 5 of karyotype I and pair 6 of karyotype II of Scythrophrys are characters exclusively found in this genus.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Embora exista uma grande diversidade de complementos cromossômicos em Leptodactylidae (2n = 18 a 2n = 26) e Hylidae (2n = 20 a 2n = 32), a elevada fragmentação de dados limita o acesso a informações sobre as origens e os mecanismos responsáveis por esta diversidade. Isto provavelmente tem influenciado que os dados citogenéticos tenham sido principalmente utilizados na caracterização do status de espécies mais do que incluídos amplamente em análises filogenéticas. Este trabalho aborda, por meio de dados citogenéticos, aspectos evolutivos de três grandes grupos de anuros de ampla distribuição na região Neotropical. O gênero Leptodactylus é agrupado com Hydrolaetare, Paratelmatobius e Scythrophrys na família Leptodactylidae. Os antecedentes cromossômicos neste gênero indicam variações nos números diplóides de 2n = 18 a 2n = 26, assim como variações nos números fundamentais (número de braços autossômicos, NF) e nas posições das Regiões Organizadoras do Nucléolo (NOR). Os resultados das análises de 26 espécies de Leptodactylus empregando diversas técnicas representa, provavelmente, a análise citogenética mais inclusiva realizada no gênero Leptodactylus até o momento, e os resultados constituem um marco para a proposição de hipóteses consistentes de evolução cromossômica no gênero. A tribo Lophyiohylini agrupa atualmente 81 espécies distribuídas em 10 gêneros. A informação citogenética é escassa e restrita apenas a 12 espécies. São aqui apresentados comparativamente dados citogenéticos em espécies dos gêneros Argenteohyla, Itapotihyla, Phyllodytes, Trachycephalus e Osteocephalus. Os resultados indicam que, com exceção de O. buckleyi (2n = 26; NF = 50) e P. edelmoi (2n = 22; NF = 44), todas as demais espécies analisadas coincidem com os dados citogenéticos disponíveis, que indicam um 2n = 24 (NF = 48) na maioria das espécies cariotipadas, com NOR e constrições secundarias (CS) localizadas no par 11. Entretanto, em Phyllodytes edelmoi e Argentohyla siemersi pederseni, essas regiões localizam-se nos pares 2 e 5, respectivamente. Blocos heterocromáticos foram associados às CS adicionais (sítios frágeis) em Osteocephalus, mas não em Trachycephalus. Dados citogenéticos nos gêneros Nyctimantis e Tepuihyla, assim como técnicas com maior poder de resolução e estudos mais inclusivos, são necessários para compreender melhor a evolução cromossômica da tribo. A tribo Dendropsophini atualmente agrupa os gêneros Scinax, Pseudis, Scarthyla, Sphaenorhynchus, Xenohyla e Dendropsophus. Os dados citogenéticos registrados em todos os gêneros revelaram uma elevada diversidade cariotípica com grandes variações nos números diplóides (2n = 22 em Scarthyla; 2n = 24 em Scinax e Xenohyla; 2n = 24, 24 +1-2B e 26 em Sphaenorhynchus; 2n = 24 e 28 em Pseudis; e, 2n = 30 em Dendropsophus). O 2n = 24 observado em X. truncata indica que o 2n = 30constitui uma sinapomorfia do gênero Dendropsophus. A localização das NOR no par 7 é uma característica compartilhada por espécies dos gêneros Scarthyla, Xenohyla, Pseudis e Sphaenorhynchus, com algumas exceções nos dois últimos (P. caraya e S. carneus). Entretanto, o gênero Dendropsophus exibe uma interessante diversidade em relação a número e localização das NOR. Por outro lado, a distribuição de heterocromatina apresentou padrões variáveis, particularmente gênero Pseudis. Embora exista uma excepcional variação cromossômica neste grupo, a informação fragmentária em alguns gêneros dificulta a formulação de hipóteses consistentes sobre o papel dos cromossomos na evolução do grupo.