998 resultados para Paraloid B-72
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro, Especialização em Cerâmica e Vidro
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro
Paper submitted to e-conservation Journal: Maria Leonor Oliveira, Leslie Carlyle, Sara Fragoso, Isabel Pombo Cardoso and João Coroado, “Investigations into paint delamination and consolidation of an oil painting on copper support”.
The band-edge optical absorption in EuTe is studied in the framework of the 5d conduction band atomic model. Both relaxed antiferromagnetic order, and ferromagnetic order induced by an external magnetic field, were analyzed. For ferromagnetic arrangement, the absorption is characterized by a hugely dichroic doublet of narrow lines. In the antiferromagnetic order, the spectrum is blueshifted, becomes much broader and weaker, and dichroism is suppressed. These results are in excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement with experimental observations on EuTe and EuSe published by us previously [Phys. Rev. B 72, 155337 (2005)]. The possibility of inducing ferromagnetic order by illuminating the material at photon energies resonant with the band gap is also discussed.
Tendo-se como objetivo conhecer o comportamento nutricional da cultura de Gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.), instalou-se um ensaio no campo experimental do Departamento de Agricultura e Horticultura, da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" da Universidade de São Paulo, visando determinar as concentrações e acúmulo de micronutrientes pelo cultivar Venezuela em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento, e avaliar a exportação pela colheita. O experimento foi conduzido no decorrer do ano agrícola 1981/1982, num solo Terra Roxa Estruturada, Série Luiz de Queiroz. O delineamento estatístico foi inteiramente casualizado, com um cultivar, oito épocas de amostragem e quatro repetições. As primeiras amostras foram coletadas 28 dias após a emergência das plantulas (desbaste) e as demais em intervalos regulares de 12 dias, de tal maneira que sempre houvessem outras quatro competitivas na fileira. No material coletado (folha, caule e fruto), determinou-se os teores e acúmulo de micronutrientes, com exceção do molibdênio e cloro. Concluiu-se que: - a concentração dos micronutrientes foi sempre maior nas folhas do que nos caules; - a acumulação dos micronutrientes foi sempre maior nas folhas do que nos caules, com exceção do zinco; - a concentração dos micronutrientes nos órgãos amostrados, ocorreu na seguinte ordem: Folha: Fe(772,46ppm) > Mn(311,83ppm) > Zn(117,20ppm) > B(95,33ppm) > Cu(22,99 ppm). Caule: Fe(528,08ppm) > Mn(148,41ppm) > B (72,28ppm) > Zn(65,09ppm) > Cu(15,89 ppm). Fruto: Fe(282,24ppm) > B(4104ppm) > Mn (30,87ppm) > Zn(22,04ppm) > Cu(l6,33 ppm). - A acumulação total dos micronutrientes pela planta inteira foi crescente com a idade até os 112 dias, com exceção do B nas folhas e B e Fe nos caules; - a acumulação pela planta (mg/planta) foi em ordem decrescente: Fe(13M2) > Mn(21,64) > Zn(10,54) > B(8,01) > Cu(3,81); - a exportação através da colheita (mg/planta) foi em ordem decrescente: Fe(67J7) > B(3,92) > Mn(3,75) > Zn (2,67) > Cu(1,54).
To assess the prevalence of primary resistance of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to antiretrovirals, 84 patients chronically infected with HIV without prior antiretroviral treatment from Northeast Brazil were studied. Genotyping was performed using the ViroSeqTM Genotyping System. Thimidine analog mutations occurred in 3 (3.6%) patients. Accessory mutations related to NRTI occurred in 6 (7.1%) and related to PI in 67 (79.8%). Subtypes B (72.6%), F (22.6%), B/F 3 (3.6%), and C (1.2%) were detected. A low prevalence of major mutations related to NRTI in patients chronically infected by HIV was observed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Zhaoermiatoxin, an Arg49 phospholipase A(2) homologue from Zhaoermia mangshanensis (formerly Trimeresurus mangshanensis, Ermia mangshanensis) venom is a novel member of the PLA(2)-homologue family that possesses an arginine residue at position 49, probably arising from a secondary Lys49 -> Arg substitution that does not alter the catalytic inactivity towards phospholipids. Like other Lys49 PLA(2) homologues, zhaoermiatoxin induces oedema and strong myonecrosis without detectable PLA(2) catalytic activity. A single crystal with maximum dimensions of 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.5 mm was used for X-ray diffraction data collection to a resolution of 2.05 angstrom using synchrotron radiation and the diffraction pattern was indexed in the hexagonal space group P6(4), with unit-cell parameters a = 72.9, b = 72.9, c = 93.9 angstrom.
The definitive goal of this research is to develop protein-based scaffolds for use in soft tissue regeneration, particularly in the field of dermal healing. The premise of this investigation was to characterize the mechanical properties of gelatin cross-linked with microbial transglutaminase (mTGase) and to investigate the cytocompatibility of mTGase cross-linked gelatin. Dynamic rheological analysis revealed a significant increase in the storage modulus and thermal stability of gelatin after cross-linking with mTGase. Static, unconfined compression tests showed an increase in Young's modulus of gelatin gels after mTGase cross-linking. A comparable increase in gel strength was observed with 0.03% mTGase and 0.25% glutaraldehyde cross-linked gelatin gels. In vitro studies using 3T3 fibroblasts indicated cytotoxicity at a concentration of 0.05% mTGase after 72 h. However, no significant inhibition of cell proliferation was seen with cells grown on lower concentrations of mTGase cross-linked gelatin substrates. The mechanical improvement and cytocompatibility of mTGase cross-linked gelatin suggests mTGase has potential for use in stabilizing gelatin gels for tissue-engineering applications.
We have found an exact expression for the decoherence rate of a Josephson charge qubit coupled to fluctuating background charges. At low temperatures T the decoherence rate Γ is linear in T while at high temperatures it saturates in agreement with a known classical solution which, however, reached at surprisingly high T. In contrast to the classical picture, impurity states spread in a wide interval of energies (> T) may essentially contribute to Γ.
The effect of stress on vacancy cluster configurations in silicon is examined using molecular dynamics. At zero pressure, the shape and stability of the vacancy clusters agrees with previous atomistic results. When stress is applied the orientation of small planar clusters changes to reduce the strain energy. The preferred orientation for the vacancy clusters under stress agrees with the experimentally observed orientations of hydrogen platelets in the high stress regions of hydrogen implanted silicon. These results suggest a theory for hydrogen platelet formation. © 2005 The American Physical Society.
Polymorphisms of the p53 gene, which participates in DNA repair, can affect the functioning of the p53 protein. The Arg and Pro variants in p53 codon 72 were shown to have different regulation properties of p53-dependent DNA repair target genes that can affect various levels of cytogenetic aberrations in chronic hepatitis B patients. The present study aimed to examine the frequency of chromosomal aberrations and the mitotic index in patients with chronic hepatitis B and their possible association with p53 gene exon 4 codon 72 Arg72Pro (Ex4+119 G>C; rs1042522) polymorphism. Fifty-eight patients with chronic hepatitis B and 30 healthy individuals were genotyped in terms of the p53 gene codon 72 Arg72Pro polymorphism by PCR-RFLP. A 72-h cell culture was performed on the same individuals and evaluated in terms of chromosomal aberrations and mitotic index. A high frequency of chromosomal aberrations and low mitotic index were detected in the patient group compared to the control group. A higher frequency of chromosomal aberrations was detected in both the patient and the control groups with a homozygous proline genotype (13 patients, 3 control subjects) compared to patients and controls with other genotypes [Arg/Pro (38 patients, 20 control subjects) and Arg/Arg (7 patients, 7 control subjects)]. We observed an increased frequency of cytogenetic aberrations in patients with chronic hepatitis B. In addition, a higher frequency of cytogenetic aberrations was observed in p53 variants having the homozygous proline genotype compared to variants having other genotypes both in patients and healthy individuals.
This paper presents data on trace elements (Sr, Mg, Na, K, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cr) and isotopes (13C, 18O) on the carbonate fraction of bulk sediments from the Coniacian to Paleocene samples of Hole 516F. Relationships of trace elements to mineralogy and stratigraphic position are discussed at length, with special emphasis on 1) the differences between Hole 516F and other oceanic sites, and 2) the transitions observed at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Isotope data are compared to those obtained in other localities of the same age. The sections show the same major 13C variations at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, indicating that this event is a planetary phenomenon.