982 resultados para Pancreatectomia distal


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No período de cinco anos, 87 doentes com trauma pancreático foram tratados por pancreatectomia corpo-caudal em cinco serviços de emergência. A idade variou de 7 a 64 anos (média de 28), sendo que 73 (84%) eram do sexo masculino. O principal mecanismo de trauma foi o ferimento penetrante em 72,5%, com ferimentos por projéteis de arma de fogo em 3/4 dos casos. Lesões associadas ocorreram em 96% dos doentes. A extensão da ressecção pancreática correspondeu de 30% a 70%, em 62% dos casos. O baço foi preservado em 45,6% dos 57 doentes que se apresentaram sem lesão esplênica. A taxa de complicações foi de 40,2%, sendo a fístula pancreática e a pancreatite pós-operatória as mais freqüentes. A mortalidade total foi de 12 doentes (13,7%). As conclusões deste estudo foram as seguintes: a) há relação nas taxas de morbidade com o mecanismo de lesão; b) a morbidade é mais freqüente em doentes com trauma fechado; c) não há diferença na incidência de complicações com o método de fechamento do pâncreas remanescente nem com a extensão da ressecção; d) não há relação da mortalidade com o mecanismo de trauma; e) há uma tendência no aumento da taxa de mortalidade no trauma fechado com presença de lesões associadas.


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OBJETIVOS: A esplenectomia simplifica a pancreatectomia distal no trauma mas tem o inconveniente de aumentar a vulnerabilidade do paciente às infecções. O objetivo é avaliar se a preservação do baço na referida cirurgia é exeqüível e segura. MÉTODOS: A preservação do baço foi feita em 52 pacientes (48%) entre 108 submetidos à pancreatectomia distal. Quarenta e cinco (86,5%) do sexo masculino e sete (13,5%) do sexo feminino. Idade variou de seis a 42 anos com média de 22,1 anos. Trauma penetrante foi a causa da lesão em 35 (67%) com 27 (77%) por arma de fogo e oito (23%) por arma branca. Contusão foi responsável pela lesão em 17 (33%). RESULTADOS: Não houve óbito. Fístula pancreática ocorreu em seis (11,5%) pacientes; coleção subfrênica em seis (11,5%); pancreatite em dois (3,8%); abcesso de parede em quatro (8%); pneumonia em quatro (8%). Quarenta pacientes tiveram lesões associadas. O ISS médio foi de 19,3. O baço apresentava lesão em 13 pacientes. Sete foram submetidos à esplenorrafia e seis à ressecção parcial. Em 51 pacientes o baço foi conservado com os vasos esplênicos. Em um caso foi feita a ligadura proximal e distal dos vasos esplênicos (técnica Warschaw). Permanência hospitalar média de 12 dias. CONCLUSÃO: A pacreatectomia distal com preservação do baço mostrou ser segura nos pacientes estáveis, mesmo na presença de lesões associadas. A ausência de óbitos e a participação de cirurgiões em fase de treinamento confirmam sua segurança.


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La morbilitat relacionada amb el desenvolupament de la fístula pancreàtica postoperatòria (FP) posteriorment a realitzar una pancreatectomia distal persisteix elevada. Hem realitzat un treball experimental per a avaluar la factibilitat de la realització de la transecció pancreàtica mitjançant un nou dispositiu assistit per radiofreqüència en un model porcí de pancreatectomia distal laparoscòpica (PDL). S’ha realitzat PDL en 10 animals avaluant com a variable principal el desenvolupament de FP i com a variables secundàries paràmetres relacionats amb l’aparició de complicacions intra o postoperatòries. Els resultats obtinguts suggereixen la factibilitat de la realització de la transecció pancreàtica mitjançant el dispositiu assistit per radiofreqüència.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a morbidade pós-operatória e investigar a existência de seus fatores preditivos. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado de forma retrospectiva, a partir de uma base de dados mantida de forma prospectiva. De 1994 a 2008, 100 pacientes consecutivos foram submetidos à ressecções pancreaticas esquerdas. A principal variável de interesse foi a morbidade pós-operatória, tendo diversas outras características da população sido registradas simultaneamente. Posteriormente, para a análise de fatores preditivos de morbidade pós-operatória o subgrupo de pacientes que foi submetido aos procedimentos de pancreatectomia distal com preservação do baço (n=65) foi analisado separadamente quanto à relevância das diferentes técnicas de secção do parênquima pancreático, assim como, outros possíveis fatores preditivos à ocorrência de morbidade pós-operatória. RESULTADOS: Considerando-se juntamente todas as ressecções pancreáticas esquerdas realizadas, a ocorrência de complicações globais, de complicações relevantes e graves foi 55%, 42% e 20%, respectivamente. Os fatores que se mostraram preditivos à ocorrência de morbidade pós-operatória após pancreatectomia distal com preservação do baço foram a técnica de secção do parênquima pancreático, idade, índice de massa corporal e a realização de operação abdominal concomitante. CONCLUSÃO: A morbidade associada às ressecções pancreáticas, à esquerda dos vasos mesentéricos superiores, foi importante. De acordo com a estratificação adotada baseada na gravidade das complicações, alguns fatores preditivos foram identificados. Estudos futuros com coortes maiores de pacientes são necessários para confirmar tais resultados.


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To evaluate the outcomes in patients treated for humerus distal third fractures with MIPO technique and visualization of the radial nerve by an accessory approach, in those without radial palsy before surgery. The patients were treated with MIPO technique. The visualization and isolation of the radial nerve was done by an approach between the brachialis and the brachiorradialis, with an oblique incision, in the lateral side of the arm. MEPS was used to evaluate the elbow function. Seven patients were evaluated with a mean age of 29.8 years old. The average follow up was 29.85 months. The radial neuropraxis after surgery occurred in three patients. The sensorial recovery occurred after 3.16 months on average and also of the motor function, after 5.33 months on average, in all patients. We achieved fracture consolidation in all patients (M=4.22 months). The averages for flexion-extension and prono-supination were 112.85° and 145°, respectively. The MEPS average score was 86.42. There was no case of infection. This approach allowed excluding a radial nerve interposition on site of the fracture and/or under the plate, showing a high level of consolidation of the fracture and a good evolution of the range of movement of the elbow. Level of Evidence IV, Case Series.


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The 22q11 chromosomal region contains low copy repeats (LCRs) sequences that mediate non-allelic homologous recombination, which predisposes to copy number variations (CNVs) at this locus. Hemizygous deletions of the proximal 22q11.2 region result in the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2 DS). In addition, 22q11.2 duplications involving the distal LCR22s have been reported. This article describes a patient presenting a 2.5-Mb de novo deletion at proximal 22q11.21 region (between LCRs A-D), combined with a 1.3-Mb maternally inherited duplication at distal 22q11.23 region (between LCRs F-H). The presence of concomitant chromosomal imbalances found in this patient has not been reported previously. Clinical and molecular data were compared with literature, in order to contribute to genotype-phenotype correlation. These findings exemplify the complexity and genetic heterogeneity observed in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and highlights the difficulty to make genetic counseling and predict phenotypic consequences in these situations.


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AIM: To evaluate the effects of meal size and three segmentations on intragastric distribution of the meal and gastric motility, by scintigraphy. METHODS: Twelve healthy volunteers were randomly assessed, twice, by scintigraphy. The test meal consisted of 60 or 180 mL of yogurt labeled with 64 MBq (99m)Tc-tin colloid. Anterior and posterior dynamic frames were simultaneously acquired for 18 min and all data were analyzed in MatLab. Three proximal-distal segmentations using regions of interest were adopted for both meals. RESULTS: Intragastric distribution of the meal between the proximal and distal compartments was strongly influenced by the way in which the stomach was divided, showing greater proximal retention after the 180 mL. An important finding was that both dominant frequencies (1 and 3 cpm) were simultaneously recorded in the proximal and distal stomach; however, the power ratio of those dominant frequencies varied in agreement with the segmentation adopted and was independent of the meal size. CONCLUSION: It was possible to simultaneously evaluate the static intragastric distribution and phasic contractility from the same recording using our scintigraphic approach. (C) 2010 Baishideng. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES: Addition of chemotherapy in the resting period between radiotherapy completion and response assessment during neoadjuvant treatment for distal rectal cancer could potentially increase rates of complete tumor regression. The purpose of this study was to evaluate toxicity rates and the impact of an extended neoadjuvant chemoradiation regimen on complete response rates. METHODS: Thirty-four consecutive patients with nonmetastatic distal rectal cancer were prospectively included. Patients were managed by 5,400 Gy of radiation and 5-fluorouracil/leucovorin-based chemotherapy given for three consecutive days every 21 days for six cycles (three cycles concomitant with radiotherapy). Tumor response assessment was performed at ten weeks from radiation completion. Patients with complete clinical response were strictly monitored and were not immediately operated on. Patients with incomplete clinical response were referred to surgery. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients had completed 12 months of follow-up and were included in this preliminary analysis. Twenty-eight (97%) successfully completed treatment. Fifteen of 16 patients had Grade III toxicities that were skin-related (93%). Median follow-up was 23 months. Fourteen patients (48%) were considered as complete clinical responders sustained for at least 12 months (median, 24 months) after chemoradiation completion by clinical assessment alone. An additional five patients (17%) were considered as complete responders with ypT0 results after full-thickness local excision. Overall, the complete response rate was 65%. CONCLUSIONS: The addition of chemotherapy during the resting period after neoadjuvant chemoradiation is associated with acceptable toxicity and high tolerability rates. The considerably high rates of complete response in this preliminary series requires further follow-up, but they may provide valuable information for future prospective, randomized trials.


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Purpose The purpose of this report was to demonstrate the normal complex insertional anatomy of the tibialis posterior tendon (TPT) in cadavers using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with anatomic and histologic correlation. Material and methods Ten cadaveric ankles were used according to institutional guidelines. MR T1-weighted spin echo imaging was performed to demonstrate aspects of the complex anatomic distal insertions of the TPT in cadaveric specimens. Findings on MR imaging were correlated with those derived from anatomic and histologic study. Reults Generally, the TPT revealed a low signal in all MR images, except near the level of the medial malleolus, where the TPT suddenly changed direction and ""magic angle"" artifact could be observed. In five out of ten specimens (50%), a type I accessory navicular bone was found in the TPT. In all cases with a type I accessory navicular bone, the TPT had an altered signal in this area. Axial and coronal planes on MR imaging were the best in identifying the distal insertions of the TPT. A normal division of the TPT was observed just proximal to the insertion into the navicular bone in five specimens (100%) occurring at a maximum proximal distance from its attachment to the navicular bone of approximately 1.5 to 2 cm. In the other five specimens, in which a type I accessory navicular bone was present, the TPT directly inserted into the accessory bone and a slip less than 1.5 mm in thickness could be observed attaching to the medial aspect of the navicular bone (100%). Anatomic inspection confirmed the sites of the distal insertions of the components of the TPT. Conclusion MR imaging enabled detailed analysis of the complex distal insertions of the TPT as well as a better understanding of those features of its insertion that can simulate a lesion.


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BACKGROUND: Complete tumor regression may develop after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for distal rectal cancer. Studies have suggested that selected patients with complete clinical response may avoid radical surgery and close surveillance may provide good outcomes with no oncologic compromise. However, definition of complete clinical response is often imprecise and may vary between different studies. The aim of this study is to provide a clear definition for a complete clinical response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in patients with distal rectal cancer in addition to actual endoscopic videos from patients managed nonoperatively. METHODS: Patients with nonmetastatic distal rectal cancer treated by neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy, including 50.4 Gy and concomitant 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin, were assessed for tumor response at least 8 weeks after chemoradiation therapy completion. Complete and incomplete clinical responses were defined based on clinical and endoscopic findings. Patients with complete clinical response were not immediately operated on and were closely followed. Early and late endoscopic findings were recorded. RESULTS: Definition of a complete clinical response should be based on very strict clinical and endoscopic criteria. The finding of any residual superficial ulceration, irregularity, or nodule should prompt surgical attention, including transanal full-thickness excision or even a radical resection with total mesorectal excision. Standard or incisional biopsies should be avoided in this setting. Complete clinical responders should harbor no more than whitening of the mucosa, teleangiectasia with mucosal integrity to be considered for a nonoperative approach. In the presence of these findings, regularly scheduled reassessments may provide a safe alternative to these patients with early detection of recurrent disease. CONCLUSION: Strict definition of the clinical and endoscopic findings of patients experiencing complete clinical response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy may provide a useful tool for the understanding of outcomes of patients managed with no immediate surgery allowing standardization of classifications and comparison between the experiences of different institutions.


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Dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma may arise in patients with Barrett`s esophagus after fundoplication esophageal pH monitoring showing no acid in esophagus. This suggests the need to develop methodology to evaluate the occurrence of ultra-distal reflux (1 cm above the LES). The objective of the study was to compare acid exposition in three different levels: 5 cm above the upper border of the LES, 1 cm above the LES and in the intrasphincteric region. Eleven patients with Barrett`s esophagus after Nissen fundoplication with no clinical, endoscopic and radiologic evidence of reflux were selected. Four-channel pH monitoring took place: channel A, 5 cm above the upper border of the LES; channel B, 1 cm above the LES; channel C, intrasphincteric; channel D, intragastric. The results of channels A, B and C were compared. There was significant increase in number of reflux episodes and a higher fraction of time with pH <4.0 in channel B compared to channel A. There was significant decrease in fraction of time with pH <4.0 in channel B compared to channel C. Two cases of esophageal adenocarcinoma were diagnosed in the studied patients. The region 1 cm above the upper border of the LES is more exposed to acid than the region 5 cm above the upper border of the LES, although this exposure occurred in reduced levels. The region 1 cm above the upper border of the LES is less exposed to acid than the intrasphincteric region.


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PURPOSE: Carcinoembriogenic antigen (CEA) is the most frequently used tumor marker in rectal cancer. A decrease in carcinoembriogenic antigen after radical surgery is associated with survival in these patients. Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy may lead to significant primary tumor downstaging, including complete tumor regression in selected patients. Therefore, we hypothesized that a decrease in CEA after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy could reflect tumor response to chemoradiotherapy, affecting final disease stage and ultimately survival. METHODS: Patients with distal rectal cancer managed by neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and available pretreatment and postchemoradiotherapy levels of CEA were eligible for the study. Outcomes studied included final disease stage, relapse, and survival, and these were compared according to initial CEA level, postchemoradiotherapy CEA level, and the reduction in CEA. RESULTS: Overall 170 patients were included. Postchemoradiotherapy CEA levels < 5 ng/ml were associated with increased rates of complete clinical response and pathologic response. Additionally, postchemoradiotherapy CEA levels < 5 ng/ml were associated with increased overall and disease-free survival (P = 0.01 and P = 0.03). There was no correlation between initial CEA level or reduction in CEA and complete response or survival. CONCLUSION: A postchemoradiotherapy CEA level < 5 ng/ml is a favorable prognostic factor for rectal cancer and is associated with increased rates of earlier disease staging and complete tumor regression. Postchemoradiotherapy CEA levels may be useful in decision making for patients who may be candidates for alterative treatment strategies.


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Background: The optimal interval between neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy (CRT) and surgery in the treatment of patients with distal rectal cancer is controversial. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether this interval has an impact on survival. Methods and Materials: Patients who underwent surgery after CRT were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with a sustained complete clinical response (cCR) 1 year after CRT were excluded from this study. Clinical and pathologic characteristics and overall and disease-free survival were compared between patients undergoing surgery 12 weeks or less from CRT and patients undergoing surgery longer than 12 weeks from CRT completion and between patients with a surgery delay caused by a suspected cCR and those with a delay for other reasons. Results: Two hundred fifty patients underwent surgery, and 48.4% had CRT-to-surgery intervals of 12 weeks or less. There were no statistical differences in overall survival (86% vs. 81.6%) or disease-free survival rates (56.5% and 58.9%) between patients according to interval (<= 12 vs. >1 2 weeks). Patients with intervals of 12 weeks or less had significantly higher rates of Stage III disease (34% vs. 20%; p = 0.009). The delay in surgery was caused by a suspected cCR in 23 patients (interval, 48 +/- 10.3 weeks). Five-year overall and disease-free survival rates for this subset were 84.9% and 51.6%, not significantly different compared with the remaining group (84%; p = 0.96 and 57.8 %; p = 0.76, respectively). Conclusions: Delay in surgery for the evaluation of tumor response after neoadjuvant CRT is safe and does not negatively affect survival. These results support the hypothesis that shorter intervals may interrupt ongoing tumor necrosis. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc.


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Purpose: The number of retrieved lymph nodes during radical surgery has been considered of great importance to ensure adequate staging and radical resection. However, this finding may not be applicable after neoadjuvant therapy in which, not only is there a decrease in lymph nodes recovered, but also a subgroup of patients with absence of lymph nodes in the resected specimen. Methods: Patients with absence of lymph nodes were compared with patients with ypN0 disease and patients with ypN+ disease. Results: Thirty-two patients (11 percent) had absence of lymph nodes, 171 patients (61 percent) had ypN0 disease, and 78 patients (28 percent) had ypN+ disease. Patients with absence of lymph nodes had significantly lower ypT status (ypT0-1, 40 vs. 13 percent; P < 0.001) and decreased risk of perineural invasion (6 vs. 21 percent; P = 0.04) compared with ypN0 patients. Five-year disease-free survival (74 percent) was similar to patients with ypN0 (59 percent; P = 0.2), and both were significantly better than patients with ypN+ disease (30 percent; P < 0.001). Conclusions: Absence of lymph nodes retrieved from the resected specimen is associated with favorable pathologic features (ypT and perineural invasion status) and good disease-free survival rates. In this setting, absence of retrieved lymph nodes may reflect improved response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy rather than inappropriate or suboptimal oncologic radicality.


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Vascularized bone grafts have been successfully applied for the reconstruction of bone defects at the forearm, distal radius, carpus, and hand. Vascularized bone grafts are most commonly used in revision cases in which other approaches have failed. Vascularized bone grafts can be obtained from a variety of donor sites, including the fibula, the iliac crest, the distal radius (corticocancellous segments and vascularized periosteum), the metacarpals and metatarsals, and the medial femoral condyle (corticoperiosteal flaps). Their vascularity is preserved as either pedicled autografts or free flaps to carry the optimum biological potential to enhance union. The grafts can also be transferred as composite tissue flaps to reconstruct compound tissue defects. Selection of the most appropriate donor flap site is multifactorial. Considerations include size matching between donor and defect, the structural characteristics of the graft, the mechanical demands of the defect, proximity to the donor area, the need for an anastomosis, the duration of the procedure, and the donor site morbidity. This article focuses on defects of the distal radius, the wrist, and the hand. (J Hand Surg 2010;35A:1710-1718. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand.)