933 resultados para Pan-asianism


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La recherche sur le développement du panasiatisme en dehors du Japon a été longtemps négligée par les historiens. Ce mémoire est une tentative de décloisonnement du panasiatisme afin de mieux comprendre son émergence en Asie et son rôle dans la construction de l'identité asiatique entre 1900 et 1924 en examinant le discours de cinq acteurs de l’« idéologie ». Utilisant comme perspectivel'histoire globale, il démontre comment le panasiatisme en Asie s'inscrit dans un réseau de contacts et de circulation d'idées intra-asiatique au début du 20e siècle, réseau influencé principalement par deux concepts dans sa définition de l'Asie: la race jaune et la civilisation asiatique. Tentant de mieux comprendre la relation entre la pensée en Asie et au Japon, le mémoire explore aussi les similarités et différences entre eux, notamment la création d'une identité et de la perception du Japon comme modèle de modernisation et chef du continent qui se propagent en Asie à travers la rhétorique panasiatique.


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Normative regionalism has been largely overlooked and ignored; and
normative questions concerning regionalization are deemed unimportant,
idealist and irrelevant to Asia. This is mainly due to the domination of
realism, pragmatism and functional approaches, thus inhibiting the substantial
progress of regionalism in East Asia. It is time that scholars and
policy-makers take normative orders of regionalism seriously.
This chapter examines the state of normative regionalism and its impact
in East Asia through an overview of the historical evolution of the
concept of regionalism, the meanings of and variations in Asian regionalism,
and the impact of all these on regional cooperation in East Asia.
It examines the old pan-Asianism, the advocacy of "re-Asianization" in
Japan, Mahathir's idea of neo-Asianism in Malaysia and the ideas of
regionalism developed in Korea and China. This examination provides the
basis for a discussion of the normative order of East Asian regionalism
by addressing a set of questions concerning national sovereignty, nationalism,
democracy and regional identities.
In particular, this chapter will examine how Asian nationalist and statist
normative thinking influences various ideas of regionalism and constrains
the development of genuine regionalism in East Asia.


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Partially aligned and oriented polyacrylonitrile(PAN)-based nanofibers were electrospun from PAN and SWNTs/PAN in the solution of dimethylformamide(DMF) to make the carbon nanofibers. The as-spun nanofibers were hot-stretched in an oven to enhance its orientation and crystallinity. Then it were stabilized at 250 square under a stretched stress, and carbonized at 1000 square in N-2 atmosphere by fixing the length of the stabilized nanofiber to convert them into carbon nanofibers. With this hot-stretched process and with the introduction of SWNTs, the mechanical properties will be enhanced correspondingly. The crystallinity of the stretched fibers confirmed by X-ray diffraction has also increased. For PAN nanofibers, the improved fiber alignment and crystallinity resulted in the increased mechanical properties, such as the modulus and tensile strength of the nanofibers. It was concluded that the hot-stretched nanofiber and the SWNTs/PAN nanofibers can be used as a potential precursor to produce high-performance carbon composites.


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MOST PAN stages in Australian factories use only five or six batch pans for the high grade massecuite production and operate these in a fairly rigid repeating production schedule. It is common that some of the pans are of large dropping capacity e.g. 150 to 240 t. Because of the relatively small number and large sizes of the pans, steam consumption varies widely through the schedule, often by ±30% about the mean value. Large fluctuations in steam consumption have implications for the steam generation/condensate management of the factory and the evaporators when bleed vapour is used. One of the objectives of a project to develop a supervisory control system for a pan stage is to (a) reduce the average steam consumption and (b) reduce the variation in the steam consumption. The operation of each of the high grade pans within the schedule at Macknade Mill was analysed to determine the idle (or buffer) time, time allocations for essential but unproductive operations (e.g. pan turn round, charging, slow ramping up of steam rates on pan start etc.), and productive time i.e. the time during boil-on of liquor and molasses feed. Empirical models were developed for each high grade pan on the stage to define the interdependence of the production rate and the evaporation rate for the different phases of each pan’s cycle. The data were analysed in a spreadsheet model to try to reduce and smooth the total steam consumption. This paper reports on the methodology developed in the model and the results of the investigations for the pan stage at Macknade Mill. It was found that the operation of the schedule severely restricted the ability to reduce the average steam consumption and smooth the steam flows. While longer cycle times provide increased flexibility the steam consumption profile was changed only slightly. The ability to cut massecuite on the run among pans, or the use of a high grade seed vessel, would assist in reducing the average steam consumption and the magnitude of the variations in steam flow.


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Recent literature acknowledges the need for new career development models to support the way that careers evolve in the 21st century workplace (Bloch 2005). This is particularly so within temporary organisation forms, and for those pursuing a career in project management (Hölzle 2010). Our research, explores how project managers working on projects and within temporary organisation forms and those working on project-linked contracts access the development opportunities they require to remain employable in an era of project-by-project employment. Set in Australia where a project-based economy (Crawford, French and Lloyd-Walker 2013) and contract work have led to casualisation of the workforce (Connell & Burgess, 2006; McKeown & Hanley (2009) the results suggest new approaches to career development may be required.


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Background: Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are appropriate for case management, but persistent antigenaemia is a concern for HRP2-detecting RDTs in endemic areas. It has been suggested that pan-pLDH test bands on combination RDTs could be used to distinguish persistent antigenaemia from active Plasmodium falciparum infection, however this assumes all active infections produce positive results on both bands of RDTs, an assertion that has not been demonstrated. Methods: In this study, data generated during the WHO-FIND product testing programme for malaria RDTs was reviewed to investigate the reactivity of individual test bands against P. falciparum in 18 combination RDTs. Each product was tested against multiple wild-type P. falciparum only samples. Antigen levels were measured by quantitative ELISA for HRP2, pLDH and aldolase. Results: When tested against P. falciparum samples at 200 parasites/μL, 92% of RDTs were positive; 57% of these on both the P. falciparum and pan bands, while 43% were positive on the P. falciparum band only. There was a relationship between antigen concentration and band positivity; ≥4 ng/mL of HRP2 produced positive results in more than 95% of P. falciparum bands, while ≥45 ng/mL of pLDH was required for at least 90% of pan bands to be positive. Conclusions: In active P. falciparum infections it is common for combination RDTs to return a positive HRP2 band combined with a negative pan-pLDH band, and when both bands are positive, often the pan band is faint. Thus active infections could be missed if the presence of a HRP2 band in the absence of a pan band is interpreted as being caused solely by persistent antigenaemia.


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Free software is viewed as a revolutionary and subversive practice, and in particular has dealt a strong blow to the traditional conception of intellectual property law (although in its current form could be considered a 'hack' of IP rights). However, other (capitalist) areas of law have been swift to embrace free software, or at least incorporate it into its own tenets. One area in particular is that of competition (antitrust) law, which itself has long been in theoretical conflict with intellectual property, due to the restriction on competition inherent in the grant of ‘monopoly’ rights by copyrights, patents and trademarks. This contribution will examine how competition law has approached free software by examining instances in which courts have had to deal with such initiatives, for instance in the Oracle Sun Systems merger, and the implications that these decisions have on free software initiatives. The presence or absence of corporate involvement in initiatives will be an important factor in this investigation, with it being posited that true instances of ‘commons-based peer production’ can still subvert the capitalist system, including perplexing its laws beyond intellectual property.


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[SPA] El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado ha sido diseñar un cuento multilingüe que incorpora una innovación tecnológica, la Realidad Aumentada, para favorecer el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje lingüístico en la escuela. Para ello, hemos analizado algunos cuentos con Realidad Aumentada que se pueden encontrar en el mercado. Al no encontrar ningún cuento que cumpliese nuestras expectativas, hemos creado un cuento multilingüe con Realidad Aumentada adaptando el cuento clásico “Peter Pan”, que cumple los objetivos de fomentar el aprendizaje de diferentes idiomas y el gusto por la lectura, valorar las lenguas inmigrantes en las aulas y promover el uso de las TIC.


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O estudo epidemiológico transversal randomizado objetivou avaliar condições de saúde bucal nos competidores dos XV Jogos Pan-Americanos (JPA) e III Jogos Parapan-Americanos (JPPA), 2007. Foram enviados convites para 5.662 atletas (JPA) e 1.300 (JPPA). Radiografias panorâmicas digitais (RPD) foram utilizadas para o exame de triagem nos 2 eventos, e nos JPPA, os atletas também foram submetidos à avaliação do sangramento gengival interdental (SI) através de uma versão modificada do Índice de Sangramento Interdental de Eastman (EIBI). Foram obtidas RPDs de 410 atletas dos JPA, média de idade 24,38 (dp5,35), 55% homens; e de 118 dos atletas dos JPPA, média de idade de 32,3 (dp9,53), 77,97% homens. 121 competidores (JPPA) foram avaliados para SI: 78,51% homens, média de idade 32,6(dp9,6), e foram separados em grupos (G), conforme sua deficiência física: GI c/ deficiência visual (DV), com 2 subgrupos: GI-a: DV tardia e GI-c-: DV congênita/precoce; GII- deficiência de membro superior; com 1 subgrupo: GII-t: deficiência/ausência bilateral; GIII- deficiência de membro inferior (grupo controle). As RPDs foram examinadas por 1 examinador com o Kodak Dental Imaging(v6.7). A frequência e a distribuição do SI foram calculadas, e os grupos foram comparados. Resultados da triagem com RPDs, representados por número de observações(média por atleta) JPA//número de observações(média por atleta JPPA: Dentes erupcionados/ hígidos: 9097(22,19)//2451(20,77); Ausentes: 803(1,96 //405(3,43); Não erupcionados ou impactados: 330(0,80)//52(0,44); Parcialmente erupcionados e/ou hígidos: 109(0,27)//20(0,17); Cárie extensa: 261(0,64)//62(0,53); Cárie extensa e lesão periapical: 96(0,23)//50(0,42); Tratamento endodôntico e lesão periapical: 24(0,06)//13(0,11); Restaurados: 2298(5,60)//670(5,68); Imagens radiolúcidas patológicas circunscritas: 23(0,06)//0; Raízes-residuais: 27(0,07)//22(0,19); Implantes:6(0,01)//5(0,04); Dentes anteriores fraturados: 13 (0,03)//3(0,03); Molares bandados: 26(0,06)//11(0,09); Dentes anômalos: 7(0,02)//12(0,10). Resultados para SI: G-I>G-III (p=0.0002);GI-c>GI-a (p=0,042). Homens exibiram > freqüência de SI (3,6%+1,7) que mulheres (0,8%+0,5), p<0,01. Conclusões: Os dados das 2 populações de atletas mostraram que há uma grande variação na saúde bucal entre os indivíduos avaliados. Diversas condições com potencial de influenciar o desempenho esportivo dos atletas foram detectadas através de radiografias panorâmicas digitais, sugerindo que um programa de saúde bucal deve ser incluído como parte da preparação destes indivíduos.A avaliação da frequência e distribuição de sangramento gengival interdental em uma população de atletas que competiu nos III Jogos Parapan-Americanos, revelou que o tipo de deficiência ou limitação física dos competidores é um fator que influencia na saúde gengival desses indivíduos. O planejamento de um programa de saúde bucal para esta população deve ser adaptado às diferentes limitações de cada atleta.