43 resultados para Paenibacillus macerans


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo biocontrol of bacterial spot (Xanthomonas vesicatoria) and early blight (Alternaria solani) by the epiphytic bacteria Paenibacillus macerans and Bacillus pumilus. Tomato plants were previously sprayed with epiphytic bacteria, benzalkonium chloride and PBS buffer and, after four days, they were inoculated with A. solani and X. vesicatoria. To determine the phytopathogenic bacteria population, leaflet samples were collected from each treatment every 24 hours, for seven days, and plated on semi-selective medium. The effect of epiphytic bacteria over phytopathogens was performed by the antibiosis test and antagonistic activity measured by inhibition zone diameter. The epiphytic and benzalkonium chloride drastically reduced the severity of early blight and bacterial spot in comparison to the control (PBS). In detached leaflets, the epiphytic bacteria reduced in 70% the number of phytopathogenic bacteria cells in the phylloplane. The antibiosis test showed that the epiphytic bacteria efficiently inhibit the phytopathogens growth. In all the bioassays, the epiphytic bacteria protect tomato plants against the phytopathogens


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Um experimento de laboratório e dois de campo, conduzidos nas localidades de Passo Fundo, RS, e Pato Branco, PR, foram realizados com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da microbiolização de sementes sobre os patógenos de sementes e sobre a germinação e rendimento de grãos de milho (Zea mays). Em laboratório, a maioria dos bioprotetores reduziu significativamente o nível de patógenos de sementes. Nos experimentos de campo, no ano de 1997, em Passo Fundo, RS, somente Trichoderma harzianum (T-22) melhorou significativamente a emergência e o rendimento de grãos do milho . Todos os bioprotetores melhoraram significativamente a emergência em Pato Branco (PR). Paenibacillus macerans (144), T. harzianum (T-22), Flavimonas oryzihabitans e Pseudomonas putida biótipo B também proporcionaram aumento significativo no rendimento de grãos em relação à testemunha. O tratamento com T. harzianum proporcionou aumento significativo na emergência de plântulas e no rendimento de grãos de milho. Esse aumento foi de 615 kg/ha acima do rendimento da testemunha, sem tratamento.Em 1998, em Passo Fundo, P. macerans (144), F. oryzihabitans e Agrobacterium radiobacter proporcionaram os melhores aumentos na germinação. Com exceção de F. oryzihabitans e de Bacillus subtilis, todos os bioprotetores proporcionaram aumentos significativos no rendimento de grãos. Em Pato Branco, P. putida biótipo B 63, F. oryzihabitans e Pseudominas putida biótipo A (M 970841) proporcionaram as melhores germinações de sementes de milho. Paenibacilus macerans (144), T. harzianum (T-22), F. oryzihabitans, A. radiobacter e B. subtilis aumentaram significativamente o rendimento de grãos. A microbiolização de sementes apresenta-se como uma alternativa tec nológica para o tratamento de sementes de milho no Brasil.


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A integração de métodos de proteção de semente de milho (Zea mays) poderá reduzir consideravelmente o uso de pesticidas nessa cultura, melhorando a eficiência de controle e diminuindo a poluição do ambiente. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar o efeito da combinação dos controles biológico e químico no tratamento de semente de milho. Como controle biológico, foi usado o bioprotetor Embr. 144 e, como controle químico, foi empregado fludioxonil + metalaxyl M. Dois experimentos de laboratório e dois de campo foram conduzidos na município de Passo Fundo, RS. Os tratamentos que continham o bioprotetor Paenibacillus macerans (Embr. 144) ou o fungicida fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M, ou ambos, reduziram significativamente o nível de infecção dos patógenos nas sementes, destacando-se os tratamentos que continham ambos, os quais eliminaram por completo todos os patógenos da semente de milho, demonstrando que a interação entre o bioprotetor e o fungicida apresentou benefícios. Mesmo quando as doses do bioprotetor e do fungicida no tratamento integrado foram reduzidas à metade, o nível de controle dos patógenos de milho foi superior ao nível de controle do bioprotetor e do fungicida isoladamente, com as doses normais. Todos os tratamentos aumentaram significativamente a germinação de sementes e o rendimento de grãos de milho em relação à testemunha, entretanto, os efeitos foram superiores quando houve a combinação dos tratamentos do bioprotetor com o fungicida. A combinação do bioagente P. macerans com o produto fludioxonil + metalaxyl-M poderá ter importante impacto na redução do uso de fungicidas, para alcançar a agricultura sustentável e proteger o ambiente.


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Experimentos in vitro e em campo, em Passo Fundo, RS, foram conduzidos em 1999 e 2000 com o objetivo de determinar o efeito da combinação de fungicida e bioprotetor no tratamento de sementes de trigo (Triticum aestivum). Foram avaliados os seguintes produtos e doses comerciais para 100 kg de sementes: Paenibacillus macerans (Embrapa 144), 13 g; P. macerans + difenoconazole 15 FS (13 g + 200 ml); P. macerans + difenoconazole (13 g + 100 ml); P. macerans + difenoconazole (6,5 g + 100 ml); difenoconazole, 200 ml. Sementes não tratadas foram mantidas como controle. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos que continham o bioprotetor P. macerans (Embrapa 144) e/ou o fungicida difenoconazole reduziram significativamente os patógenos nas sementes de trigo (Fusarium graminearum, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Drechslera tritici-repentis e Aspergillus spp.) in vitro, destacando-se as combinações de ambos, que reduziram drasticamente os patógenos das sementes ou os eliminaram. Em condições de campo, todos os tratamentos promoveram aumentos significativos na germinação e no rendimento de grãos, com exceção de difenoconazole, que aumentou apenas o rendimento, em relação à testemunha. Em campo, os efeitos na germinação e no rendimento foram maiores quando houve a integração do controle biológico com o químico, mesmo quando as doses foram reduzidas à metade. Essa combinação de métodos de proteção poderá diminuir substancialmente o uso de pesticidas na cultura de trigo.


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The main aim was to identify the active compound against Rhizoctonia solani produced by the cassava endophyte Paenibacillus sp. IIRAC-30. The compounds produced were extracted with ethyl acetate and purified by Sephadex column prior to analysis by Q-TOF mass spectrometry. A C(15)-lipopeptide with an estimated molecular weight of 1036 Da and homologues were identified. The lipopeptide had a cyclic structure, which was deduced by interpreting the ESI-MS/MS spectra of main protonated homologues containing 15:0 FA, and the amino acid composition was Glu-Leu-Leu-Val-Asp-Leu-Leu. Therefore, the lipopeptides produced by isolate IIRAC-30 was characterized as a surfactin series. Thus, the main mechanism used by Paenibacillus sp. IIRAC-30 to suppress R. solani was elucidated. Furthermore, because lipopeptides active against phytopathogens generally show low toxicity to humans and the environment, the positive findings presented here suggest that the isolate IIRAC-30 could be a possible candidate for biocontrol of R. solani.


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The honey bee disease American foulbrood (AFB) is a serious problem since its causative agent (Paenibacillus larvae) has become increasingly resistant to conventional antibiotics. The objective of this study was to investigate the in vitro activity of propolis collected from various states of Brazil against P. larvae. Propolis is derived from plant resins collected by honey bees (Apis mellifera) and is globally known for its antimicrobial properties and particularly valued in tropical regions. Tests on the activity of propolis against P. larvae were conducted both in Brazil and Minnesota, USA using two resistance assay methods that measured zones of growth inhibition due to treatment exposure. The propolis extracts from the various states of Brazil showed significant inhibition of P. larvae. Clear dose responses were found for individual propolis extracts, particularly between the concentrations of 1.7 and 0.12 mg propolis/treatment disk, but the source of the propolis, rather than the concentration, may be more influential in determining overall activity. Two of the three tested antibiotics (tylosin and terramycin) exhibited a greater level of inhibition compared to most of the Brazilian samples, which could be due to the low concentrations of active compounds present in the propolis extracts. Additionally, the majority of the Brazilian propolis samples were more effective than the few collected in MN, USA. Due to the evolution of resistance of P. larvae to conventional antibiotic treatments, this research is an important first step in identifying possible new active compounds to treat AFB in honey bee colonies. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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O feijão-caupi Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp. é a principal cultura de subsistência do semiárido brasileiro, sendo fonte de proteínas de baixo custo, notadamente, para populações carentes. A produção dessa cultura no Nordeste é baixa devido à não utilização de insumos agrícolas - entre eles, o fertilizante nitrogenado. Por outro lado, bactérias promotoras de crescimento em plantas (BPCPs) vêm sendo estudadas, de forma a maximizar a fixação de N2, disponibilizar nutrientes como P ou fito-hormônios e inibir doenças. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar a viabilidade da coinoculação das sementes de feijão-caupi usando Paenibacillus, Brevibacillus e, ou, Bacillus e Bradyrhizobium-caupi; caracterizar as estirpes quanto à produção de ácido indol acético (AIA) e solubilização de fosfato; e avaliar o sinergismo entre os microrganismos como alternativa para otimizar a FBN. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em laboratório e em casa de vegetação do Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco (IPA), utilizando o feijão-caupi cv. "IPA - 206". As estirpes utilizadas foram: Bacillus sp. - 449, 450, 451, 461 e ANBE 31; B. cereus - 440; B. subtilis - 438, 441, 454, 455 e 459; B. pumilus - 444, 445 e 448; B. megaterium - 462; Brevibacillus brevis - 447; Paenibacillus brasilensis - 24, 172 e 177; P. graminis - MC 04.21, MC 22.13 e BR 60106; P. polymyxa - S21; e P. durus - RBN4. Os microrganismos não apresentaram capacidade para produzir AIA nem solubilizar fosfato. Ocorreu sinergismo das estirpes de Bacillus sp. (449) e Bacillus pumilus (444) coinoculadas com a estirpe de Bradyrhizobium sp. (BR 3267) no feijão-caupi.


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Este trabalho objetivou detectar presença de esporos de Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae em produtos de um entreposto do interior do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a identificação de possíveis fontes de contaminação e a avaliação da possibilidade da transferência de esporos para colméias de apiários adjacentes a partir de produtos importados contaminados. Foram analisados mel e pólen importados disponíveis no entreposto, favo do ninho (crias, pólen e mel) colhido de uma colméia sadia, mel estocado em um dos apiários e abelhas adultas. Os resultados foram positivosem relação ao mel e pólen importados, a três grupos de abelhas adultas e ao mel do favo.


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As bactérias do gênero Paenibacillus são isolados de uma grande variedade de ambientes e tem como característica a produção e secreção de enzimas extracelulares, antimicrobianos e compostos antifúngicos inibidores de vários patógenos animais e vegetais. Os 55 isolados de 15 espécies de Paenibacillus foram testados frente a diversos substratos a fim de verificar a produção de enzimas extracelulares. Foram também testados frente a uma variedade de bactérias e fungos fitopatógenos, humanos e animais para a produção de antibióticos. Nessa triagem, P. validus, P. chibensis, P. koreensis e P. peoriae se destacaram inibindo a maioria das bactérias indicadoras. As espécies P. validus, P. chibensis e P. peoriae foram bons produtores de substancias que inibiram o crescimento de fungos, demonstrando que o gênero possui um amplo espectro de atuação. O tradicional procedimento de triagem para obterem-se novos microrganismos produtores de enzimas para fins biotecnológicos foi executado neste trabalho. As 55 linhagens foram avaliadas na sua capacidade de produzir amilase, proteases (caseinase), celulase, xantanase, xilanase, pectinase, quitinase e lipase. Os isolados se mostraram bons produtores de enzimas hidrolíticas, já que 26 apresentaram atividade xilanolítica, 17 atividade pectinolítica, 49 atividade proteolítica, 43 atividade xantanolítica, 40 atividade celulolítica, 17 atividade lipolítica, 39 atividade amilolítica em condições neutras (pH 7) e 26 atividade amilolítica em condições alcalinas (pH 10), e apenas 4 apresentaram atividade quitinolítica. Sendo assim, esses isolados são candidatos a serem utilizados como agentes biocontroladores ou podem ser explorados como produtores de antimicrobianos e de enzimas hidrolíticas de interesse.


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The acquisition of oligosaccharides from chitosan has been the subject of several studies in the pharmaceutical, biochemical, food and medical due to functional properties of these compounds. This study aimed to boost its production of chitooligosaccharides (COS) through the optimization of production and characterization of chitosanolytic enzymes secreted by microorganisms Paenibacillus chitinolyticus and Paenibacillus ehimensis, and evaluating the antioxidant potential of the products obtained. In the process of optimizing the production of chitosanase were employed strategies Fractional Factorial Experimental Design and Central Composite Rotatable Design. The results identified the chitosan, peptone and yeast extract as the components that influenced the production of chitosanase by these microorganisms. With the optimization of the culture media was possible to obtain an increase of approximately 8.1 times (from 0.043 to 0.35 U.mL U.mL-1) and 7.6 times (from 0.08 U.mL-1 to 0.61 U.mL-1) in the enzymatic activity of chitosanase produced by P. chitinolyticus and P. ehimensis respectively. Enzyme complexes showed high stability in temperature ranges between 30º and 55º C and pH between 5.0 and 9.0. Has seen the share of organic solvents, divalent ions and other chemical agents on the activity of these enzymes, demonstrating high stability of these crude complexes and dependence of Mn2+. The COS generated showed the ability of DPPH radical scavenging activity, reaching a maximum rate of scavenging of 61% and 39% when they were produced with enzymes of P. ehimensis and P. chitinolyticus respectively. The use of these enzymes in raw form might facilitate its use for industrial applications


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Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) is an enzyme that produces cyclodextrins from starch by an intramolecular transglycosylation reaction. Cyclodextrins have been shown to have a number of applications in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. In the current study, the production of CGTase by Paenibacillus campinasensis strain H69-3 was examined in submerged and solid-state fermentations. P. campinasensis strain H69-3 was isolated from the soil, which grows at 45 C, and is a Gram-variable bacterium. Different substrate sources such as wheat bran, soybean bran, soybean extract, cassava solid residue, cassava starch, corn starch, and other combinations were used in the enzyme production. CGTase activity was highest in submerged fermentations with the greatest production observed at 48-72 h. The physical and chemical properties of CGTase were determined from the crude enzyme produced from submerged fermentations. The optimum temperature was found to be 70-75 degrees C, and the activity was stable at 55 degrees C for 1 h. The enzyme displayed two optimum pH values, 5.5 and 9.0 and was found to be stable between a pH of 4.5 and 11.0.


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A cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase (E.C. from a newly isolated alkalophilic and moderately thermophilic Paenibacillus campinasensis strain H69-3 was purified as a homogeneous protein from culture supernatant. Cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase was produced during submerged fermentation at 45 degrees C and purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G50 ion exchange using a Q-Sepharose column and ion exchange using a Mono-Q column. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was 70 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the pI was 5.3. The optimum pH for enzyme activity was 6.5, and it was stable in the pH range 6.0-11.5. The optimum temperature was 65 degrees C at pH 6.5, and it was thermally stable up to 60 degrees C without substrate during 1 h in the presence of 10 mm CaCl2. The enzyme activity increased in the presence of Co2+, Ba2+, and Mn2+. Using maltodextrin as substrate, the K-m and K-cat were 1.65 mg/mL and 347.9 mu mol/mg.min, respectively.


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The transmission of honeybee pathogens by free-flying pests, such as small hive beetles (=SHB), would be independent of bees and beekeepers and thereby constitute a new challenge for pathogen control measures. Here we show that larval and adult SHB become contaminated with Paenibacillus larvae spores when exposed to honeybee brood combs with clinical American foulbrood (=AFB) symptoms in the laboratory. This contamination persists in pupae and newly emerged adults. After exposure to contaminated adult SHB, honeybee field colonies showed higher numbers of P. larvae spores in worker and honey samples after five weeks. Despite these results, the rather low number of P. larvae spores on adult SHB suggests that clinical AFB outbreaks are not likely. However, even small spore numbers can be sufficient to spread P. larvae. Therefore, our data clearly show that SHB are vectors of P. larvae. We suggest considering the role of SHB in AFB control in areas where both pests are established.


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The acquisition of oligosaccharides from chitosan has been the subject of several studies in the pharmaceutical, biochemical, food and medical due to functional properties of these compounds. This study aimed to boost its production of chitooligosaccharides (COS) through the optimization of production and characterization of chitosanolytic enzymes secreted by microorganisms Paenibacillus chitinolyticus and Paenibacillus ehimensis, and evaluating the antioxidant potential of the products obtained. In the process of optimizing the production of chitosanase were employed strategies Fractional Factorial Experimental Design and Central Composite Rotatable Design. The results identified the chitosan, peptone and yeast extract as the components that influenced the production of chitosanase by these microorganisms. With the optimization of the culture media was possible to obtain an increase of approximately 8.1 times (from 0.043 to 0.35 U.mL U.mL-1) and 7.6 times (from 0.08 U.mL-1 to 0.61 U.mL-1) in the enzymatic activity of chitosanase produced by P. chitinolyticus and P. ehimensis respectively. Enzyme complexes showed high stability in temperature ranges between 30º and 55º C and pH between 5.0 and 9.0. Has seen the share of organic solvents, divalent ions and other chemical agents on the activity of these enzymes, demonstrating high stability of these crude complexes and dependence of Mn2+. The COS generated showed the ability of DPPH radical scavenging activity, reaching a maximum rate of scavenging of 61% and 39% when they were produced with enzymes of P. ehimensis and P. chitinolyticus respectively. The use of these enzymes in raw form might facilitate its use for industrial applications