510 resultados para PWM inverter


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A proposta deste trabalho é apresentar uma nova metodologia para determinação experimental das capacitancias parasitas do motor de indução trifásico de rotor em gaiola. As capacitancias parasitas fazem parte do circuito equivalente do motor para estudos de interferência eletromagnética causada no motor de indução em modo comum quando ele for acionado por inversor controlado por modulação por largura de pulsos (MLP). Os procedimentos propostos para o desenvolvimento deste novo método consistem em: a) determinação dos parâmetros do circuito equivalente do motor de indução trifásico, em regime permanente, através de ensaio em laboratório; b) estabelecer configurações de ligações entre o inversor MLP e o motor para medições das grandezas de interesse que são as seguintes: tensões de modo comum e de eixo, correntes de fuga e de eixo, através de circuito de medição desenvolvido para este fim; c) calcular os valores das capacitancias parasitas entre estator e carcaça do motor; estator e rotor; rotor e carcaça e de rolamento utilizando a expressão matemática da definição de capacitancia; d) utilizar o software Pspice para simular o sistema motor de indução trifásico, alimentado por inversor MLP, com os circuitos equivalentes em baixas e altas frequências; e) obter as formas de onda características do fenômeno de modo comum.


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The aim of this paper is to present a simple method for determining the high frequency parameters of a three-phase induction motor to be used in studies involving variable speed drives with PWM three-phase inverters, in which it is necessary to check the effects caused to the motor by the electromagnetic interference, (EMI) in the differential mode, as well as in the common mode. The motor parameters determination is generally performed in adequate laboratories using accurate instruments, such as very expensive RLC bridges. The method proposed here consists in the identification of the motor equivalent electrical circuit parameters in rated frequency and in high frequency through characteristic tests in the laboratory, together with the use of characteristic equations and curves, shown in the references to be mentioned for determining the motor high frequency parasite capacitances and also through system simulations using dedicated software, like Pspice, determining the characteristic waveforms involved in the differential and common mode phenomena, comparing and validating the procedure through published papers [01].


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This work has concentrated on the testing of induction machines to determine their temperature rise at full-load without mechanically coupling to a load machine. The achievements of this work are outlined as follows. 1. Four distinct categories of mixed-frequency test using an inverter have been identified by the author. The simulation results of these tests as well as the conventional 2-supply test have been analysed in detail. 2. Experimental work on mixed-frequency tests has been done on a small (4 kW) squirrel cage induction machine using a voltage source PWM inverter. Two out of the four categories of test suggested have been tested and the temperature rise results were found to be similar to the results of a direct loading test. Further, one of the categories of test proposed has been performed on a 3.3 kW slip-ring induction machine for the conformation of the rotor values. 3. A low current supply mixed-frequency test-rig has been proposed. For this purpose, a resonant bank was connected to the DC link of the inverter in order to maintain the exchange of power between the test machine and the resonant bank instead of between the main supply and the test machine. The resonant bank was then replaced with a special electro-mechanical energy storage unit. The current of the main power supply was then reduced in amplitude. 4. A variable inertia test for full load temperature rise testing of induction machines has been introduced. This test is purely mechanical in nature and does not require any electrical connection of the test machine to any other machine. It has the advantage of drawing very little net power from the supply.


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VSC converters are becoming more prevalent for HVDC applications. Two circuits are commercially available at present, a traditional six-switch, PWM inverter, implemented using series connected IGBTs - ABBs HVDC Light®, and the other a modular multi-level converter (MMC) - Siemens HVDC-PLUS. This paper presents an alternative MMC topology, which utilises a novel current injection technique, and exhibits several desirable characteristics.


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The Space Vector PWM implementation and operation for a Four-leg Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) is detailed and discussed in this paper. Although less common, four-leg VSIs are a viable solution for situations where neutral connection is necessary, including Active Power Filter applications. This topology presents advantages regarding the VSI DC link and capacitance, which make it useful for high power devices. Theory, implementation and simulations are also discussed in this paper. © 2011 IEEE.


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A hybrid passive-active damping solution with improved system stability margin and enhanced dynamic performance is proposed for high power grid interactive converters. In grid connected active rectifier/inverter application, line side LCL filter improves the high frequency attenuation and makes the converter compatible with the stringent grid power quality regulations. Passive damping though offers a simple and reliable solution but it reduces overall converter efficiency. Active damping solutions do not increase the system losses but can guarantee the stable operation up to a certain speed of dynamic response which is limited by the maximum bandwidth of the current controller. This paper examines this limit and introduces a concept of hybrid passive-active damping solution with improved stability margin and high dynamic performance for line side LCL filter based active rectifier/inverter applications. A detailed design, analysis of the hybrid approach and trade-off between system losses and dynamic performance in grid connected applications are reported. Simulation and experimental results from a 10 kVA prototype demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution. An analytical study on system stability and dynamic response with the variations of various controller and passive filter parameters is presented.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial


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This paper is about a PV system linked to the electric grid through power converters under cloud scope. The PV system is modeled by the five parameters equivalent circuit and a MPPT procedure is integrated into the modeling. The modeling for the converters models the association of a DC-DC boost with a three-level inverter. PI controllers are used with PWM by sliding mode control associated with space vector modulation controlling the booster and the inverter. A case study addresses a simulation to assess the performance of a PV system linked to the electric grid. Conclusions regarding the integration of the PV system into the electric grid are presented. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.


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This paper presents a high efficiency Sepic rectifier for an electronic ballast application with multiple fluorescent lamps. The proposed Sepic rectifier is based on a Zero-Current-Switching (ZCS) Pulse-Width-Modulated (PWM) soft-commutation cell. The high power-factor of this structure is obtained using the instantaneous average-current control technique, in order to attend properly IEC61000-3-2 standards. The inverting stage of this new electronic ballast is a classical Zero-Voltage-Switching (ZVS) Half-Bridge inverter. A proper design methodology is developed for this new electronic ballast, and a design example is presented for an application with five fluorescent lamps 40W-T12 (200W output power), 220Vrms input voltage, 130Vdc dc link voltage, with rectifier and inverter stages operating at 50kHz. Experimental results are also presented. The THD at input current is equal to 6.41%, for an input voltage THD equal to 2.14%, and the measured overall efficiency is about 92.8%, at rated load.


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L’introduzione massiccia dell’elettronica di potenza nel campo degli azionamenti elettrici negli ultimi decenni ha sostanzialmente rivoluzionato la tipologia di alimentazione dei motori elettrici. Da un lato ciò ha migliorato la qualità del controllo della velocità, ma dall’altro ha aggravato le sollecitazioni che gli isolanti delle macchine devono sopportare. Si è infatti passati da tecniche di controllo tradizionali, che consistevano nell’alimentare i motori in alternata direttamente con la rete sinusoidale a 50 Hz (o a 60 Hz), ad alimentazioni indirette, cioè realizzate interponendo tra la rete e la macchina un convertitore elettronico (inverter). Tali dispositivi operano una conversione di tipo ac/dc e dc/ac che permette, come nella modulazione Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), di poter variare la frequenza di alimentazione della macchina, generando una sequenza di impulsi di larghezza variabile. Si è quindi passati dalle tradizionali alimentazioni con forme d’onda alternate sinusoidali a forme di tensione impulsive e ad elevata frequenza, cioè caratterizzate da rapidi fronti di salita e di discesa (dell’ordine di qualche kV/µs). La natura impulsiva di queste forme d’onda ha aggravato la sollecitazione elettrica a cui sono sottoposti i materiali impiegati per l’isolamento dei conduttori degli avvolgimenti delle macchine. E’ importante notare che l’utilizzo dei dispositivi elettronici, che ormai si trovano sparsi nelle reti di bassa tensione, assorbono correnti ad elevato contenuto armonico sul lato di prelievo, hanno quindi un effetto distorcente che altera l’andamento sinusoidale della rete stessa. Quindi, senza opportuni filtri, anche tutte le altre utenze connesse nelle vicinanze, dimensionate per alimentazioni sinusoidali di tipo tradizionale, possono risentire di queste distorsioni armoniche. Per tutti questi motivi è sorta la necessità di verificare l’adeguatezza dei tradizionali isolamenti ad essere in grado di sopportare le sollecitazioni che derivano dall’utilizzo di convertitori elettronici. In particolare, per i motori elettrici tale interrogativo è stato posto in seguito al verificarsi di un elevato numero di guasti inaspettati (precoci), probabilmente imputabile alla diversa sollecitazione elettrica applicata ai materiali. In questa tesi ci si è occupati della progettazione di un inverter di media tensione, che verrà impiegato per eseguire prove sugli avvolgimenti di statore di motori (formette), al fine di condurre successivamente uno studio sull’invecchiamento dei materiali che compongono gli isolamenti. Tale inverter è in grado di generare sequenze di impulsi con modulazione PWM. I parametri caratteristici delle sequenze possono essere modificati in modo da studiare i meccanismi di degradazione in funzione della tipologia delle sollecitazioni applicate. Avendo a che fare con provini di natura capacitiva, il cui isolamento può cedere durante la prova, il sistema deve essere intrinsecamente protetto nei confronti di tutte le condizioni anomale e di pericolo. In particolare deve essere in grado di offrire rapide ed efficaci protezioni per proteggere l’impianto stesso e per salvaguardare la sicurezza degli operatori, dato l’elevato livello delle tensioni in gioco. Per questo motivo è stata pensata un’architettura di sistema ad hoc, in grado di fronteggiare le situazioni anomale in modo ridondante. E’ infatti stato previsto l’inserimento di un sistema di controllo basato sul CompactRIO, sul quale è stato implementato un software in grado di monitorare le grandezze caratteristiche del sistema e le protezioni che affiancheranno quelle hardware, realizzate con dispositivi elettronici. I dispositivi elettronici di protezione e di interfacciamento sono stati studiati, implementati e simulati con PSpice, per poi essere successivamente dimensionati e realizzati su schede elettroniche, avvalendosi del software OrCAD. La tesi è strutturata come segue: - Il primo capitolo tratta, in maniera generale, i motori asincroni trifase, gli inverter e l’invecchiamento dei sistemi isolanti, con particolare interesse alle sollecitazioni meccaniche, termiche ed elettriche nel caso di sollecitazioni impulsive; - Il secondo capitolo riguarda il sistema realizzato nel suo complesso. Inizialmente verrà descritto lo schema elettrico generale, per poi analizzare più nello specifico le varie parti di cui il sistema è composto, come l’inverter di media tensione, il generatore di media tensione, la scheda di disaccoppiamento ottico, la scheda di controllo del generatore di media tensione, la scheda OCP; - Il terzo capitolo descrive le lavorazioni meccaniche eseguite sulle scatole contenti i rami di inverter, la realizzazione delle fibre ottiche e riporta le fasi di collaudo dell’intero sistema. Infine, verranno tratte le conclusioni.


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Research work carried out in focusing a novel multiphase-multilevel ac motor drive system much suitable for low-voltage high-current power applications. In specific, six-phase asymmetrical induction motor with open-end stator winding configuration, fed from four standard two-level three-phase voltage source inverters (VSIs). Proposed synchronous reference frame control algorithm shares the total dc source power among the 4 VSIs in each switching cycle with three degree of freedom. Precisely, first degree of freedom concerns with the current sharing between two three-phase stator windings. Based on modified multilevel space vector pulse width modulation shares the voltage between each single VSIs of two three-phase stator windings with second and third degree of freedom, having proper multilevel output waveforms. Complete model of whole ac motor drive based on three-phase space vector decomposition approach was developed in PLECS - numerical simulation software working in MATLAB environment. Proposed synchronous reference control algorithm was framed in MATLAB with modified multilevel space vector pulse width modulator. The effectiveness of the entire ac motor drives system was tested. Simulation results are given in detail to show symmetrical and asymmetrical, power sharing conditions. Furthermore, the three degree of freedom are exploited to investigate fault tolerant capabilities in post-fault conditions. Complete set of simulation results are provided when one, two and three VSIs are faulty. Hardware prototype model of quad-inverter was implemented with two passive three-phase open-winding loads using two TMS320F2812 DSP controllers. Developed McBSP (multi-channel buffered serial port) communication algorithm able to control the four VSIs for PWM communication and synchronization. Open-loop control scheme based on inverse three-phase decomposition approach was developed to control entire quad-inverter configuration and tested with balanced and unbalanced operating conditions with simplified PWM techniques. Both simulation and experimental results are always in good agreement with theoretical developments.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è lo studio e la realizzazione di una specifica tipologia di inverter, l’inverter trifase a tre livelli di tipo Cascaded. Il primo capitolo descrive l’inverter a due livelli e quello multilivello, evidenziandone gli aspetti peculiari e le possibili applicazioni. Il secondo capitolo affronta nello specifico l’inverter a trifase a tre livelli, per il quale, nel terzo capitolo, ne è descritta una realizzazione pratica, costruita presso i laboratori del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica dell’Università di Bologna. Nel quarto capitolo vengono presentate alcune prove sperimentali effettuate sul sistema reale.


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In the field of Power Electronics, several types of motor control systems have been developed using STM microcontroller and power boards. In both industrial power applications and domestic appliances, power electronic inverters are widely used. Inverters are used to control the torque, speed, and position of the rotor in AC motor drives. An inverter delivers constant-voltage and constant-frequency power in uninterruptible power sources. Because inverter power supplies have a high-power consumption and low transfer efficiency rate, a three-phase sine wave AC power supply was created using the embedded system STM32, which has low power consumption and efficient speed. It has the capacity of output frequency of 50 Hz and the RMS of line voltage. STM32 embedded based Inverter is a power supply that integrates, reduced, and optimized the power electronics application that require hardware system, software, and application solution, including power architecture, techniques, and tools, approaches capable of performance on devices and equipment. Power inverters are currently used and implemented in green energy power system with low energy system such as sensors or microcontroller to perform the operating function of motors and pumps. STM based power inverter is efficient, less cost and reliable. My thesis work was based on STM motor drives and control system which can be implemented in a gas analyser for operating the pumps and motors. It has been widely applied in various engineering sectors due to its ability to respond to adverse structural changes and improved structural reliability. The present research was designed to use STM Inverter board on low power MCU such as NUCLEO with some practical examples such as Blinking LED, and PWM. Then we have implemented a three phase Inverter model with Steval-IPM08B board, which converter single phase 230V AC input to three phase 380 V AC output, the output will be useful for operating the induction motor.


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For dynamic closed loop control of a multilevel converter with a low pulse number (ratio of switching frequency to synthesized fundamental), natural sampled pulse-width modulation (PWM) is the best form of modulation. Natural sampling does not introduce distortion or a delayed response to the modulating signal. However previous natural sampled PWM implementations have generally been analog. For a modular multilevel converter, a digital implementation has advantages of accuracy and flexibility. Re-sampled uniform PWM is a novel digital modulation technique which approaches the performance of natural PWM. Both hardware and software implementations for a five level multilevel converter phase are presented, demonstrating the improvement over uniform PWM.


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A dificuldade de controlo de um motor de indução, bem como o armazenamento de energia CC e posterior utilização como energia alternada promoveram o desenvolvimento de variadores de frequência e inversores. Assim, como projeto de tese de mestrado em Automação e Sistemas surge o desenvolvimento de um variador de frequência. Para elaboração do variador de frequência efetuou-se um estudo sobre as técnicas de modulação utilizadas nos inversores. A técnica escolhida e utilizada é a Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM). Esta técnica baseia-se na modelação por largura de impulso (PWM), o qual é formado por comparação de um sinal de referência com um sinal de portadora de elevada frequência. Por sua vez, a topologia escolhida para o inversor corresponde a um Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) de ponte trifásica completa a três terminais. O desenvolvimento da técnica de modulação SPWM levou ao desenvolvimento de um modelo de simulação em SIMULINK, o qual permitiu retirar conclusões sobre os resultados obtidos. Na fase de implementação, foram desenvolvidas placas para o funcionamento do variador de frequência. Assim, numa fase inicial foi desenvolvida a placa de controlo, a qual contém a unidade de processamento e que é responsável pela atuação de Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs). Para além disso, foi desenvolvida uma placa para proteção dos IGBTs (evitando condução simultânea no mesmo terminal) e uma placa de fontes isoladas para alimentação dos circuitos e para atuação dos IGBTs. Ainda, foi desenvolvida a técnica de SPWM em software para a unidade de controlo e finalmente foi desenvolvida uma interface gráfica para interação com o utilizador. A validação do projeto foi conseguida através da variação da velocidade do motor de indução trifásico. Para isso, este foi colocado a funcionar a diversas frequências de funcionamento e a diferentes amplitudes. Para além disso, o seu funcionamento foi também validado utilizando uma carga trifásica equilibrada de 3 lâmpadas de forma a ser visualizada a variação de frequência e variação de amplitude.