35 resultados para PSpice


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Nesta dissertação referem-se as potencialidades dos programas simuladores de circuitos electrónicos, as suas principais vantagens e desvantagens nas fases de projecto, desenvolvimento e teste de circuitos electrónicos. Justifica-se a escolha do programa simulador Pspice, (Programa de Simulação com ênfase em Circuitos Integrados) em detrimento de outros softwares de simulação. Desenvolve-se o studo dos dispositivos semicondutores de potência (DSP) nomeadamente, díodos de potência PIN e IGBTs utilizados no Circuito Modulador de Impulsos Genéricos de Alta Tensão (MIGAT), bem como dos seus modelos equivalentes e parâmetros principais, para implementação em simulação utilizando o programa Pspice. Propõe-se um método de determinação dos parâmetros do modelo do díodo de potência utilizando essencialmente os manuais dos fabricantes. A validade dos parâmetros determinados é aferida, recorrendo-se à análise comparativa entre os dados obtidos através do modelo Pspice do díodo e as curvas características reais do componente. Referem-se as diferentes tipologias e modos de funcionamento para o circuito MIGAT, baseados no conceito do “gerador de Marx”, recorrendo unicamente a DSP. Tendo como base o simulador Pspice, analisam-se as características relevantes de funcionamento, para uma versão simplificada do circuito MIGAT que gera impulsos bipolares de alta tensão, para vários regimes de funcionamento, com diversos tipos de carga e com a inclusão de elementos parasitas (capacidades e indutâncias distribuídas) e estuda-se a influência destes elementos nos regimes de funcionamento do circuito e das condições mais favoráveis para o funcionamento dos DSP.


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This article presents a back-electromotive force (BEMF)-based technique of detection for sensorless brushless direct current motor (BLDCM) drivers. The BLDCM has been chosen as the energy converter in rotary or pulsatile blood pumps that use electrical motors for pumping. However, in order to operate properly, the BLDCM driver needs to know the shaft position. Usually, that information is obtained through a set of Hall sensors assembled close to the rotor and connected to the electronic controller by wires. Sometimes, a large distance between the motor and controller makes the system susceptible to interference on the sensor signal because of winding current switching. Thus, the goal of the sensorless technique presented in this study is to avoid this problem. First, the operation of BLDCM was evaluated on the electronic simulator PSpice. Then, a BEMF detector circuitry was assembled in our laboratories. For the tests, a sensor-dependent system was assembled where the direct comparison between the Hall sensors signals and the detected signals was performed. The obtained results showed that the output sensorless detector signals are very similar to the Hall signals at speeds of more than 2500 rpm. Therefore, the sensorless technique is recommended as a responsible or redundant system to be used in rotary blood pumps.


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A newly developed solid-state repetitive high-voltage (HV) pulse modulator topology created from the mature concept of the d.c. voltage multiplier (VM) is described. The proposed circuit is based in a voltage multiplier type circuit, where a number of d.c. capacitors share a common connection with different voltage rating in each one. Hence, besides the standard VM rectifier and coupling diodes, two solid-state on/off switches are used, in each stage, to switch from the typical charging VM mode to a pulse mode with the d.c. capacitors connected in series with the load. Due to the on/off semiconductor configuration, in half-bridge structures, the maximum voltage blocked by each one is the d.c. capacitor voltage in each stage. A 2 kV prototype is described and the results are compared with PSPICE simulations.


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presente dissertação tem como objectivo a análise e simulação de um Modulador de Impulso de Alta Tensão (este circuito tem como finalidade substituir o modulador actual do ISOLDE/CERN), utilizando programas de simulação e de implementação de modelos matemáticos respectivamente no Orcad-Pspice e o Matlab-Simulink. Estudou-se o modulador de impulso de alta tensão projectado para o ISOLDE/CERN, e analisou se o seu funcionamento em função do tempo de recuperação e sobreelevação da tensão na carga, os dois parâmetros mais importantes do sistema. Descreveu-se a operação do modulador de impulso de alta tensão baseado no gerador de MARX, desenvolvido no ISEL em pareceria com o CERN, estudou-se o funcionamento deste tipo de circuito baseado na tecnologia de semicondutores. Desenvolveu-se um modelo matemático que descreve a operação do modulador e implementou-se em MATLAB. Fez-se uma análise comparativa dos resultados obtidos experimentalmente com os de simulações obtidos em MATLAB e em PSPICE, e estudaram-se as limitações destes programas na análise do circuito.


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Die in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Untersuchungen zeigen, daß es möglich ist, komplexe thermische Systeme, unter Verwendung der thermisch-, elektrischen Analogien, mit PSpice zu simulieren. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen standen hierbei Strangkühlkörper zur Kühlung von elektronischen Bauelementen. Es konnte gezeigt werden,daß alle Wärmeübertragungsarten, (Wärmeleitung, Konvektion und Wärmestrahlung) in der Simulation berücksichtigt werden können. Für die Berechnung der Konvektion wurden verschiedene Methoden hergeleitet. Diese gelten zum einen für verschiedene Kühlkörpergeometrien, wie z.B. ebene Flächen und Kühlrippenzwischenräume, andererseits unterscheiden sie sich, je nachdem, ob freie oder erzwungene Konvektion betrachtet wird. Für die Wärmestrahlung zwischen den Kühlrippen wurden verschiedenen Berechnungsmethoden entwickelt. Für die Simulation mit PSpice wurde die Berechnung der Wärmestrahlung zwischen den Kühlrippen vereinfacht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Fehler, die durch die Vereinfachung entstehen, vernachlässigbar klein sind. Für das thermische Verhalten einer zu kühlenden Wärmequelle wurde ein allgemeines Modell entworfen. Zur Bestimmung der Modellparameter wurden verschiedene Meßverfahren entwickelt. Für eine im Fachgebiet Elektromechanik entwickelte Wärmequelle zum Test von Kühlvorrichtungen wurde mit Hilfe dieser Meßverfahren eine Parameterbestimmung durchgeführt. Die Erstellung des thermischen Modells eines Kühlkörpers für die Simulation in PSpice erfordert die Analyse der Kühlkörpergeometrie. Damit diese Analyse weitestgehend automatisiert werden kann, wurden verschiedene Algorithmen unter Matlab entwickelt. Es wurde ein Algorithmus entwickelt, der es ermöglicht, den Kühlkörper in Elementarzellen zu zerlegen, die für die Erstellung des Simulationsmodells benötigt werden. Desweiteren ist es für die Simulation notwendig zu wissen, welche der Elementarzellen am Rand des Kühlkörpers liegen, welche der Elementarzellen an einem Kühlrippenzwischenraum liegen und welche Kühlkörperkanten schräg verlaufen. Auch zur Lösung dieser Aufgaben wurden verschiedene Algorithmen entwickelt. Diese Algorithmen wurden zu einem Programm zusammengefaßt, das es gestattet, unterschiedliche Strangkühlkörper zu simulieren und die Simulationsergebnisse in Form der Temperaturverteilung auf der Montagefläche des Kühlkörpers grafisch darzustellen. Es können stationäre und transiente Simulationen durchgeführt werden. Desweiteren kann der thermische Widerstand des Kühlkörpers RthK als Funktion der Verlustleistung der Wärmequelle dargestellt werden. Zur Verifikation der Simulationsergebnisse wurden Temperaturmessungen an Kühlkörpern durchgeführt und mit den Simulationsergebnissen verglichen. Diese Vergleiche zeigen, daß die Abweichungen im Bereich der Streuung der Temperaturmessung liegen. Das hier entwickelte Verfahren zur thermischen Simulation von Strangkühlkörpern kann somit als gut bewertet werden.


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Obtuvo la quinta mención de la modalidad A en el XII Certamen de Materiales Curriculares de 2004, organizado por la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid.


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Material no publicado


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A Bond Graph is a graphical modelling technique that allows the representation of energy flow between the components of a system. When used to model power electronic systems, it is necessary to incorporate bond graph elements to represent a switch. In this paper, three different methods of modelling switching devices are compared and contrasted: the Modulated Transformer with a binary modulation ratio (MTF), the ideal switch element, and the Switched Power Junction (SPJ) method. These three methods are used to model a dc-dc Boost converter and then run simulations in MATLAB/SIMULINK. To provide a reference to compare results, the converter is also simulated using PSPICE. Both quantitative and qualitative comparisons are made to determine the suitability of each of the three Bond Graph switch models in specific power electronics applications


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The phase shift full bridge (PSFB) converter allows high efficiency power conversion at high frequencies through zero voltage switching (ZVS); the parasitic drain-to-source capacitance of the MOSFET is discharged by a resonant inductance before the switch is gated resulting in near zero turn-on switching losses. Typically, an extra inductance is added to the leakage inductance of a transformer to form the resonant inductance necessary to charge and discharge the parasitic capacitances of the PSFB converter. However, many PSFB models do not consider the effects of the magnetizing inductance or dead-time in selecting the resonant inductance required to achieve ZVS. The choice of resonant inductance is crucial to the ZVS operation of the PSFB converter. Incorrectly sized resonant inductance will not achieve ZVS or will limit the load regulation ability of the converter. This paper presents a unique and accurate equation for calculating the resonant inductance required to achieve ZVS over a wide load range incorporating the effects of the magnetizing inductance and dead-time. The derived equations are validated against PSPICE simulations of a PSFB converter and extensive hardware experimentations.


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In this paper, Bond Graphs are employed to develop a novel mathematical model of conventional switched-mode DC-DC converters valid for both continuous and discontinuous conduction modes. A unique causality bond graph model of hybrid models is suggested with the operation of the switch and the diode to be represented by a Modulated Transformer with a binary input and a resistor with fixed conductance causality. The operation of the diode is controlled using an if-then function within the model. The extracted hybrid model is implemented on a Boost and Buck converter with their operations to change from CCM to DCM and to return to CCM. The vector fields of the models show validity in a wide operation area and comparison with the simulation of the converters using PSPICE reveals high accuracy of the proposed model, with the Normalised Root Means Square Error and the Maximum Absolute Error remaining adequately low. The model is also experimentally tested on a Buck topology.


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This work presents a proposal for a voltage and frequency control system for a wind power induction generator. It has been developed na experimental structure composes basically by a three phase induction machine, a three phase capacitor and a reactive static Power compensator controlled by histeresys. lt has been developed control algorithms using conventional methods (Pl control) and linguistic methods (using concepts of logic and fuzzy control), to compare their performances in the variable speed generator system. The control loop was projected using the ADJDA PCL 818 model board into a Pentium 200 MHz compu ter. The induction generator mathematical model was studied throught Park transformation. It has been realized simulations in the Pspice@ software, to verify the system characteristics in transient and steady-state situations. The real time control program was developed in C language, possibilish verify the algorithm performance in the 2,2kW didatic experimental system


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The capacitor-commutated converter (CCC) has frequently been used in the conception of HVDC systems connected to busbars with low short circuit level. This alternative arrangement, in substitution to the conventional ones, guarantees less sensitive operational conditions to problems related with the commutation failure in the inverters besides supplying part of the reactive energy to be compensated. Studies related with its performance in steady and transient states have been presented in several works, however its behavior as harmonic source is still little explored. This work presents preliminary studies focusing the generation of characteristic harmonics by this type of converter. Subjects related with the amplification of the harmonic magnitudes are investigated and compared considering similar arrangements of conventional static converters (LCC) and CCC schemes. It is also analyzed the harmonic generation on the dc side of the installation and its influence on the ac side harmonics. The results are obtained from simulations in the time domain in PSpice environment and they clearly illustrate the operational differences between the L CC and the CCC schemes with regard to characteristic harmonic generation.


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Analog neural systems that can automatically find the minimum value of the outputs of unknown analog systems, described by convex functions, are studied. When information about derivative or gradient are not used, these systems are called analog nonderivative optimizers. An electronic circuit for the analog neural nonderivative optimizer proposed by Teixeira and Zak, and its simulation with software PSPICE, is presented. With the simulation results and hardware implementation of the system, the validity of the proposed optimizer can be verified. These results are original, from the best of the authors knowledge.


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A proposta deste trabalho é apresentar uma nova metodologia para determinação experimental das capacitancias parasitas do motor de indução trifásico de rotor em gaiola. As capacitancias parasitas fazem parte do circuito equivalente do motor para estudos de interferência eletromagnética causada no motor de indução em modo comum quando ele for acionado por inversor controlado por modulação por largura de pulsos (MLP). Os procedimentos propostos para o desenvolvimento deste novo método consistem em: a) determinação dos parâmetros do circuito equivalente do motor de indução trifásico, em regime permanente, através de ensaio em laboratório; b) estabelecer configurações de ligações entre o inversor MLP e o motor para medições das grandezas de interesse que são as seguintes: tensões de modo comum e de eixo, correntes de fuga e de eixo, através de circuito de medição desenvolvido para este fim; c) calcular os valores das capacitancias parasitas entre estator e carcaça do motor; estator e rotor; rotor e carcaça e de rolamento utilizando a expressão matemática da definição de capacitancia; d) utilizar o software Pspice para simular o sistema motor de indução trifásico, alimentado por inversor MLP, com os circuitos equivalentes em baixas e altas frequências; e) obter as formas de onda características do fenômeno de modo comum.