186 resultados para PRL
The mechanisms whereby tissue sensitivity to PRL is controlled are not well understood. Here we report that expression of mRNA and protein for members of the SOCS/CIS/JAB family of cytokine signaling inhibitors is increased by PRL administration in ovary and adrenal gland of the lactating rat deprived of circulating PRL and pups for 24 h but not in mammary gland. Moreover, suckling increases SOCS mRNA in the ovary but not in the mammary gland of pup-deprived rats. Deprivation of PRL and pups for 48 h allows the mammary gland to induce SOCS genes in response to PRL administration, and this is associated with a decrease in basal SOCS-3 mRNA and protein expression to the level seen in other tissues, suggesting that SOCS-3 induced refractoriness related to filling of the gland. In reporter assays, SOCS-1, SOCS-3, and CIS, but not SOCS-2, are able to inhibit transactivation of the STAT 5-responsive beta -lactoglobulin promoter in transient transfection assays. Moreover, suckling results in loss of ovarian and adrenal responsiveness to PRL administered 2 h after commencement of suckling, as determined by STAT 5 gel shift assay. Immunohistochemistry was used to localize the cellular sites of SOCS-3 and CIS protein expression in the ovary and adrenal gland. We propose that induced SOCS-1, SOCS-3, and CIS are actively involved in the cellular inhibitory feedback response to physiological PRL surges in the corpus luteum and adrenal cortex during lactation, but after pup withdrawal, the mammary gland is rendered unresponsive to PRL by increased levels of SOCS-3.
Motivada por el surgimiento de la reivindicación de la función de la violencia enla política, tanto en el terreno de la acción como en el discurso teórico, en Sobrela violència Arendt interroga la relación entre violencia y poder, entre política ydominación. Tal como señala Fina Birulés en el prólogo, sus reflexiones son elresultado del esfuerzo renovado por comprender las experiencias políticas a lasque Arendt se vio confrontada, en particular, la aparición en la escena pública deun discurso que reivindicaba la violencia como elemento central de la prácticarevolucionaria. Y como en otras ocasiones, la reflexión sobre el presente da lugara la crítica de la tradición de la filosofía política. En este sentido, y de modoejemplar, el libro se constituye como un “ejercicio de pensamiento político” que ala vez que interpreta los acontecimientos interroga las categorías con las que latradición ha pensado la política.
The relationships between PRL and PGF(2 alpha) and their effect on luteolysis were studied. Heifers were treated with a dopamine-receptor agonist (bromocriptine; Bc) and a Cox-1 and -2 inhibitor (flunixin meglumine [FM]) to inhibit PRL and PGF(2 alpha), respectively. The Bc was given (Hour 0) when ongoing luteolysis was indicated by a 12.5% reduction in CL area (cm(2)) from the area on Day 14 postovulation, and FM was given at Hours 0, 4, and 8. Blood samples were collected every 8-h beginning on Day 14 until Hour 48 and hourly for Hours 0 to 12. Three groups of heifers in ongoing luteolysis were used: control (n = 7), Bc (n = 7), and FM (n = 4). Treatment with Bc decreased (P < 0.003) the PRL concentrations averaged over Hours 1 to 12. During the greatest decrease in PRL (Hours 2-6), LH concentrations were increased. Progesterone concentrations averaged over hours were greater (P < 0.05) in the Bc group than in the controls. In the FM group, no PGFM pulses were detected, and PRL concentrations were reduced. Concentrations of PGFM were not reduced in the Bc group, despite the reduction in PRL. Results supported the hypothesis that a decrease (12.5%) in CL area (cm(2)) is more efficient in targeting ongoing luteolysis (63%) than using any day from Days 14 to >= 19 (efficiency/day, 10-24%). The hypothesis that PRL has a role in luteolysis was supported but was confounded by the known positive effect of LH on progesterone. The hypothesis was supported that the synchrony of PGFM and PRL pulses represents a positive effect of PGF(2 alpha), on PRL, rather than an effect of PRL on PGF(2 alpha). (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hourly blood samples were collected from 10 mares during 24 h of each of the preluteolytic, luteolytic, and postluteolytic periods. The autocorrelation function of the R program was used to detect pulse rhythmicity, and the intra-assay CV was used to locate and characterize pulses of prolactin (PRL) and a metabolite of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFM). Rhythmicity of PRL and PGFM concentrations was detected in 67% and 89% of mares, respectively. Combined for the three periods (no difference among periods), the PRL pulses were 5.2 +/- 0.4 h (mean +/- SEM) at the base, 7.5 +/- 1.5 h between nadirs of adjacent pulses, and 12.3 +/- 1.5 h from peak to peak. The peaks of PRL pulses were greater (P < 0.05) during the luteolytic period (46 +/- 14 ng/mL) and postluteolytic period (52 15 ng/mL) than during the preluteolytic period (17 3 ng/mL). Concentrations of PRL during hours of a PGFM pulse were different (P < 0.003) within the luteolytic period and postluteolytic period and were greatest at the PGFM peak; PRL concentrations during a PGFM pulse were not different during the preluteolytic period. The frequency of the peak of PRL and PGFM pulses occurring at the same hour (synchrony) was greater for the luteolytic period (65%, P < 0.01) and postluteolytic period (50%, P < 0.001) than for the preluteolytic period (17%). This is the first report in mares on characterization and rhythmicity of PRL pulses, synchrony between PRL and PGFM pulses, and greater PRL activity during the luteolytic and postluteolytic periods than during the preluteolytic period. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The effects of a PRL-stimulating substance (sulpiride) on PRL and PGF2 alpha secretion and on luteal and ovarian follicular dynamics were studied during the estrous cycle in mares. A control group (n = 9) and a sulpiride group (Sp; n = 10) were used. Sulpiride (25 mg) was given every 8 h from Day 13 postovulation to the next ovulation. Repeated sulpiride treatment did not appear to maintain PRL concentrations at 12-h intervals beyond Day 14. Therefore, the hypothesis that a long-term increase in PRL altered luteal and follicular end points was not testable. Hourly samples were collected from the hour of a treatment (Hour 0) to Hour 8 on Day 14. Concentrations of PRL increased to maximum at Hour 4 in the Sp group. The PRL pulses were more prominent (P < 0.008) in the sulpiride group (peak, 19.4 +/- 1.9 ng/mL; mean +/- SEM) than in the controls (11.5 +/- 1.8 ng/mL). Concentrations of a metabolite of PGF2a (PGFM), number, and characteristics of PGFM pulses, and concentrations of progesterone during Hours 0 to 8 were not affected by the increased PRL. A novel observation was that the peak of a PRL pulse occurred at the same hour or 1 h later than the peak of a PGFM pulse in 8 of 8 PGFM pulses in the controls and in 6 of 10 pulses in the Sp group (P < 0.04), indicating that sulpiride interfered with the synchrony between PGFM and PRL pulses. The hypothesis that sulpiride treatment during the equine estrous cycle increases concentrations of PRL and the prominence of PRL pulses was supported. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fil: Razuc, Silvina. Universidad Nacional del Sur
Implantation of phakic intraocular lenses (pIOLs) is a reversible refractive procedure, preserving the patient’s accommodative function with minimal induction of higher order aberrations compared with corneal photoablative procedures. Despite this, as an intraocular procedure, it has potential risks such as cataracts, chronic uveitis, pupil ovalization, corneal endothelial cell loss, pigmentary dispersion syndrome, pupillary block glaucoma, astigmatism, or endophthalmitis. Currently, only two models of posterior chamber pIOLs are commercially available, the implantable collammer lens (STAAR Surgical Co.) and the phakic refractive lens (PRL; Zeiss Meditec). The number of published reports on the latter is very low, and some concerns still remain about its long-term safety. The present article reviews the published literature on the outcomes after PRL implantation in order to provide a general overview and evaluate its real potential as a surgical refractive option.
We describe a case report of a patient that was implanted with a posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens (Phakic Refractive Lens, PRL) for the correction of moderate myopia and who developed postoperatively a fixed mydriasis compatible with an Urrets-Zavalia Syndrome (UZS). Specifically, a sudden acute increase of IOP in the left eye was observed in the immediate postoperative period. After IOP stabilization, the refractive result was good, but a fixed and mydriatic pupil appeared. This condition led the patient to experience visual discomfort, halos, and glare associated with high levels of higher-order aberrations in spite of the good visual result. A tinted-contact lens was fitted in order to minimize those symptoms. The UZS should be considered as a possible complication after implantation of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lenses.
The relationship between prolactin (PRL) and the immune system has been demonstrated in the last two decades and has opened new windows in the field of immunoendocrinology. However, there are scarce reports about PRL in primary antiphospholipid syndrome (pAPS). The objective of this study was to evaluate PRL levels in patients with pAPS compared to healthy controls and to investigate their possible clinical associations. Fifty-five pAPS patients according to Sapporo criteria were age- and sex-matched with 41 healthy subjects. Individuals with secondary causes of hyperprolactinemia (HPRL) were excluded; demographic, biometric, and clinical data, PRL levels, antiphospholipid antibodies, inflammatory markers, and other routine laboratory findings were analyzed. PRL levels were similar between pAPS and healthy controls (8.94 +/- 7.02 versus 8.71 +/- 6.73 ng/mL, P = .876). Nine percent of the pAPS patients and 12.1% of the control subjects presented HPRL (P = .740). Comparison between the pAPS patients with hyper- and normoprolactinemia revealed no significant differences related to anthropometrics, clinical manifestations, medications, smoking, and antiphospholipid antibodies (P > .05). This study showed that HPRL does not seem to play a role in clinical manifestations of the pAPS, differently from other autoimmune rheumatic diseases.
Dopamine (DA) is known as a primary regulator of prolactin secretion (PRL) and angiotensin II (Ang II) has been recognized as one brain inhibitory factor of this secretion. In this work, estrogen-primed or unprimed ovariectornized rats were submitted to the microinjection of saline or Ang II after previous microinjection of saline or of DA antagonist (haloperidol, sulpiride or SCH) both in the medial preoptic area (MPOA). Our study of these interactions has shown that 1) estrogen-induced PRL secretion is mediated by Ang II and DA actions in the MPOA, i.e. very high plasma PRL would be prevented by inhibitory action of Ang II, while very low levels would be prevented in part by stimulatory action of DA through D-2 receptors, 2) the inhibitory action of Ang II depends on estrogen and is mediated in part by inhibitory action of DA through D, receptors and in other part by inhibition of stimulatory action of DA through D2 receptors.
Objective: To reevaluate the responses of thyrotropin-releasing hormone ( TRH) stimulation test in baseline condition as well as after the administration of graded supraphysiological doses of liothyronine ( L- T-3) in normal subjects. Design: To assess various parameters related to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and peripheral tissue responses to L- T-3 in 22 normal individuals ( median age: 30.5 years). Subjects were submitted to an intravenous TRH test at baseline condition and also to the oral administration of sequential and graded doses of L- T-3 ( 50, 100, and 200 mu g/day), each given over 3 days, at an outpatient clinic. Blood samples were obtained for thyrotropin (TSH) and prolactin (PRL) at basal and then 15, 30, and 60 minutes after the TRH injection. Effects of L- T3 administration on cholesterol, creatine kinase, retinol, ferritin, and sex hormone-binding globulin ( SHBG) were also measured at basal and after the oral administration of L- T-3. Main outcome: TRH administration resulted in an increase of 4-to 14-fold rise in serum TSH ( 8.3 +/- 2.5-fold), and in a slight rise in serum PRL concentrations ( 3.8 +/- 1.5-fold). Administration of graded doses of triiodothyronine ( T-3) resulted in a dose-dependent suppression of TSH and PRL. Basal thyroxine- binding globulin (TBG) and cholesterol levels decreased, and ferritin and SHBG increased after L- T-3 administration, while creatine kinase and retinol did not change throughout the study. There was a positive correlation between basal TSH and TSH peak response to TRH at basal condition and after each sequential L- T-3 doses. On the other hand, TSH peak response to the TRH test did not predict cholesterol, TBG, ferritin, or SHBG values. Conclusion: Using the current methods on hormone and biochemical analysis, we standardized the response of many parameters to TRH stimulation test after sequential and graded T-3 suppression test in normal subjects. Our data suggest that the evaluation of the responses of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis to TRH test as well as the impact of L- T-3 on peripheral tissues were not modified by the current methods.