998 resultados para PRECISION EXPERIMENTS


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Although the Standard Model of particle physics (SM) provides an extremely successful description of the ordinary matter, one knows from astronomical observations that it accounts only for around 5% of the total energy density of the Universe, whereas around 30% are contributed by the dark matter. Motivated by anomalies in cosmic ray observations and by attempts to solve questions of the SM like the (g-2)_mu discrepancy, proposed U(1) extensions of the SM gauge group have raised attention in recent years. In the considered U(1) extensions a new, light messenger particle, the hidden photon, couples to the hidden sector as well as to the electromagnetic current of the SM by kinetic mixing. This allows for a search for this particle in laboratory experiments exploring the electromagnetic interaction. Various experimental programs have been started to search for hidden photons, such as in electron-scattering experiments, which are a versatile tool to explore various physics phenomena. One approach is the dedicated search in fixed-target experiments at modest energies as performed at MAMI or at JLAB. In these experiments the scattering of an electron beam off a hadronic target e+(A,Z)->e+(A,Z)+l^+l^- is investigated and a search for a very narrow resonance in the invariant mass distribution of the lepton pair is performed. This requires an accurate understanding of the theoretical basis of the underlying processes. For this purpose it is demonstrated in the first part of this work, in which way the hidden photon can be motivated from existing puzzles encountered at the precision frontier of the SM. The main part of this thesis deals with the analysis of the theoretical framework for electron scattering fixed-target experiments searching for hidden photons. As a first step, the cross section for the bremsstrahlung emission of hidden photons in such experiments is studied. Based on these results, the applicability of the Weizsäcker-Williams approximation to calculate the signal cross section of the process, which is widely used to design such experimental setups, is investigated. In a next step, the reaction e+(A,Z)->e+(A,Z)+l^+l^- is analyzed as signal and background process in order to describe existing data obtained by the A1 experiment at MAMI with the aim to give accurate predictions of exclusion limits for the hidden photon parameter space. Finally, the derived methods are used to find predictions for future experiments, e.g., at MESA or at JLAB, allowing for a comprehensive study of the discovery potential of the complementary experiments. In the last part, a feasibility study for probing the hidden photon model by rare kaon decays is performed. For this purpose, invisible as well as visible decays of the hidden photon are considered within different classes of models. This allows one to find bounds for the parameter space from existing data and to estimate the reach of future experiments.


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Ion traps have been established as a powerful tool for ion cooling and laser spectroscopy experiments since a long time ago. SpecTrap, one of the precision experiments associated to the HITRAP facility at GSI, is implementing a Penning trap for studies of large bunches of externally produced highly charged ions. The extremely strong electric and magnetic fields that exist around the nuclei of heavy elements drastically change their electronic properties, such as energy level spacings and radiative lifetimes. The electrons can therefore serve as sensitive probes for nuclear properties such as size, magnetic moment and spatial distribution of charge and magnetization. The energies of forbidden fine and hyperfine structure transitions in such ions strongly depend on the nuclear charge and shift from the microwave domain into the optical domain. Thus, they become accessible for laser spectroscopy and its potentially high accuracy. A number of such measurements has been performed in storage rings and electron beam ion traps and yielded results with relative accuracies in the 10


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Recent data from high-statistics experiments that have measured the modulus of the pion electromagnetic form factor from threshold to relatively high energies are used as input in a suitable mathematical framework of analytic continuation to find stringent constraints on the shape parameters of the form factor at t = 0. The method uses also as input a precise description of the phase of the form factor in the elastic region based on Fermi-Watson theorem and the analysis of the pi pi scattering amplitude with dispersive Roy equations, and some information on the spacelike region coming from recent high precision experiments. Our analysis confirms the inconsistencies of several data on the modulus, especially from low energies, with analyticity and the input phase, noted in our earlier work. Using the data on the modulus from energies above 0.65 GeV, we obtain, with no specific parametrisation, the prediction < r(pi)(2)> is an element of (0.42, 0.44) fm(2) for the charge radius. The same formalism leads also to very narrow allowed ranges for the higher-order shape parameters at t = 0, with a strong correlation among them.


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This thesis has two basic themes: the investigation of new experiments which can be used to test relativistic gravity, and the investigation of new technologies and new experimental techniques which can be applied to make gravitational wave astronomy a reality.

Advancing technology will soon make possible a new class of gravitation experiments: pure laboratory experiments with laboratory sources of non-Newtonian gravity and laboratory detectors. The key advance in techno1ogy is the development of resonant sensing systems with very low levels of dissipation. Chapter 1 considers three such systems (torque balances, dielectric monocrystals, and superconducting microwave resonators), and it proposes eight laboratory experiments which use these systems as detectors. For each experiment it describes the dominant sources of noise and the technology required.

The coupled electro-mechanical system consisting of a microwave cavity and its walls can serve as a gravitational radiation detector. A gravitational wave interacts with the walls, and the resulting motion induces transitions from a highly excited cavity mode to a nearly unexcited mode. Chapter 2 describes briefly a formalism for analyzing such a detector, and it proposes a particular design.

The monitoring of a quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator on which a classical force acts is important in a variety of high-precision experiments, such as the attempt to detect gravitational radiation. Chapter 3 reviews the standard techniques for monitoring the oscillator; and it introduces a new technique which, in principle, can determine the details of the force with arbitrary accuracy, despite the quantum properties of the oscillator.

The standard method for monitoring the oscillator is the "amplitude- and-phase" method (position or momentum transducer with output fed through a linear amplifier). The accuracy obtainable by this method is limited by the uncertainty principle. To do better requires a measurement of the type which Braginsky has called "quantum nondemolition." A well-known quantum nondemolition technique is "quantum counting," which can detect an arbitrarily weak force, but which cannot provide good accuracy in determining its precise time-dependence. Chapter 3 considers extensively a new type of quantum nondemolition measurement - a "back-action-evading" measurement of the real part X1 (or the imaginary part X2) of the oscillator's complex amplitude. In principle X1 can be measured arbitrarily quickly and arbitrarily accurately, and a sequence of such measurements can lead to an arbitrarily accurate monitoring of the classical force.

Chapter 3 describes explicit gedanken experiments which demonstrate that X1 can be measured arbitrarily quickly and arbitrarily accurately, it considers approximate back-action-evading measurements, and it develops a theory of quantum nondemolition measurement for arbitrary quantum mechanical systems.

In Rosen's "bimetric" theory of gravity the (local) speed of gravitational radiation vg is determined by the combined effects of cosmological boundary values and nearby concentrations of matter. It is possible for vg to be less than the speed of light. Chapter 4 shows that emission of gravitational radiation prevents particles of nonzero rest mass from exceeding the speed of gravitational radiation. Observations of relativistic particles place limits on vg and the cosmological boundary values today, and observations of synchrotron radiation from compact radio sources place limits on the cosmological boundary values in the past.


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Mass measurements of exotic nuclei is a fast, developing field which is essential for basic nuclear physics and a wide range of applications. The method of storage ring mass spectrometry has many advantages: (1) a large amount of nuclides can be simultaneously measured; (2) very short-lived (T-1/2 greater than or similar to 50 mu s) and very rare species (yields down to single ions) can be accessed; (3) nuclides in several atomic charge states can be investigated, (4) half-life measurements can be performed with time-resolved mass spectrometry. In this contribution we concentrate on some recent achievements and future perspectives of the storage ring mass spectrometry.


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The in-medium influence on π0 photoproduction from spin zero nuclei is carefully studied in the GeV range using a straightforward Monte Carlo analysis. The calculation takes into account the relativistic nuclear recoil for coherent mechanisms (electromagnetic and nuclear amplitudes) plus a time dependent multi-collisional intranuclear cascade approach (MCMC) to describe the transport properties of mesons produced in the surroundings of the nucleon. A detailed analysis of the meson energy spectra for the photoproduction on 12C at 5.5 GeV indicates that both the Coulomb and nuclear coherent events are associated with a small energy transfer to the nucleus (≲ 5 MeV), while the contribution of the nuclear incoherent mechanism is vanishing small within this kinematical range. The angular distributions are dominated by the Primakoff peak at extreme forward angles, with the nuclear incoherent process being the most important contribution above θπ0 ≲ 20. Such consistent Monte Carlo approach provides a suitable method to clean up nuclear backgrounds in some recent high precision experiments, such as the PrimEx experiment at the Jefferson Laboratory Facility.


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An dem Schwerionenspeicherring TSR (MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg) wurde ein 7 Li +-Ionenstrahl geringer Dichte durch RF-Bunchen und Laserkühlung präpariert.Die Phasenraumverteilung in dem Strahl wurde durch Laser- spektroskopie an Ionen im metastabilen Zustand untersucht. Ein umlaufsynchrones, zeitaufgelöstes Meßverfahren für das Fluoreszenzlicht ermöglichte die Bestimmung der räumlichen Struktur mit dieser rein optischen Methode.Durch einen speziellen Präparationsschritt wurden die Ionen im Grundzustand aus dem Speicherring entfernt. Der sonst dominierende Heizeffekt der strahlinternen Streuung war dadurch vernachlässigbar und es konnte eine Temperatur von 160 mK erreicht werden.Der präparierte Ionenstrahl bietet besondere Eigenschaften im Hinblick auf Präzisionsexperimente, bei denen mit möglichst ungestörten Ionen gearbeitet werden soll. Es wird gezeigt, daß die Phasenraumverteilung der Ionen nicht mehr durch Ion-Ion-Wechselwirkungen bestimmt ist und daß der verbleibende Heizmechanismus durch die Streuung am Restgas erklärt werden kann.1993 wurde durch Laserspektroskopie an 7 Li + im TSR die spezielle Relativitätstheorie im Hinblick auf die relativistische Zeitdilatation experimentell getestet. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das zu erwartende Ergebnis eines Experimentes diskutiert, das, basierend auf den in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Verfahren, einen erneuten Test der relativistischen Zeitdilatation mit verbesserter Genauigkeit durchführen könnte.


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In recent years, new precision experiments have become possible withthe high luminosity accelerator facilities at MAMIand JLab, supplyingphysicists with precision data sets for different hadronic reactions inthe intermediate energy region, such as pion photo- andelectroproduction and real and virtual Compton scattering.By means of the low energy theorem (LET), the global properties of thenucleon (its mass, charge, and magnetic moment) can be separated fromthe effects of the internal structure of the nucleon, which areeffectively described by polarizabilities. Thepolarizabilities quantify the deformation of the charge andmagnetization densities inside the nucleon in an applied quasistaticelectromagnetic field. The present work is dedicated to develop atool for theextraction of the polarizabilities from these precise Compton data withminimum model dependence, making use of the detailed knowledge of pionphotoproduction by means of dispersion relations (DR). Due to thepresence of t-channel poles, the dispersion integrals for two ofthe six Compton amplitudes diverge. Therefore, we have suggested to subtract the s-channel dispersion integrals at zero photon energy($nu=0$). The subtraction functions at $nu=0$ are calculated through DRin the momentum transfer t at fixed $nu=0$, subtracted at t=0. For this calculation, we use the information about the t-channel process, $gammagammatopipito Nbar{N}$. In this way, four of thepolarizabilities can be predicted using the unsubtracted DR in the $s$-channel. The other two, $alpha-beta$ and $gamma_pi$, are free parameters in ourformalism and can be obtained from a fit to the Compton data.We present the results for unpolarized and polarized RCS observables,%in the kinematics of the most recent experiments, and indicate anenhanced sensitivity to the nucleon polarizabilities in theenergy range between pion production threshold and the $Delta(1232)$-resonance.newlineindentFurthermore,we extend the DR formalism to virtual Compton scattering (radiativeelectron scattering off the nucleon), in which the concept of thepolarizabilities is generalized to the case of avirtual initial photon by introducing six generalizedpolarizabilities (GPs). Our formalism provides predictions for the fourspin GPs, while the two scalar GPs $alpha(Q^2)$ and $beta(Q^2)$ have to befitted to the experimental data at each value of $Q^2$.We show that at energies betweenpion threshold and the $Delta(1232)$-resonance position, thesensitivity to the GPs can be increased significantly, as compared tolow energies, where the LEX is applicable. Our DR formalism can be used for analysing VCS experiments over a widerange of energy and virtuality $Q^2$, which allows one to extract theGPs from VCS data in different kinematics with a minimum of model dependence.


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This thesis is on loop-induced processes in theories with warped extra dimensions where the fermions and gauge bosons are allowed to propagate in the bulk, while the Higgs sector is localized on or near the infra-red brane. These so-called Randall-Sundrum (RS) models have the potential to simultaneously explain the hierarchy problem and address the question of what causes the large hierarchies in the fermion sector of the Standard Model (SM). The Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations of the bulk fields can significantly affect the loop-level processes considered in this thesis and, hence, could indirectly indicate the existence of warped extra dimensions. The analytical part of this thesis deals with the detailed calculation of three loop-induced processes in the RS models in question: the Higgs production process via gluon fusion, the Higgs decay into two photons, and the flavor-changing neutral current b → sγ. A comprehensive, five-dimensional (5D) analysis will show that the amplitudes of the Higgs processes can be expressed in terms of integrals over 5D propagators with the Higgs-boson profile along the extra dimension, which can be used for arbitrary models with a compact extra dimension. To this end, both the boson and fermion propagators in a warped 5D background are derived. It will be shown that the seemingly contradictory results for the gluon fusion amplitude in the literature can be traced back to two distinguishable, not smoothly-connected incarnations of the RS model. The investigation of the b → sγ transition is performed in the KK decomposed theory. It will be argued that summing up the entire KK tower leads to a finite result, which can be well approximated by a closed, analytical expression.rnIn the phenomenological part of this thesis, the analytic results of all relevant Higgs couplings in the RS models in question are compared with current and in particular future sensitivities of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the planned International Linear Collider. The latest LHC Higgs data is then used to exclude significant portions of the parameter space of each RS scenario. The analysis will demonstrate that especially the loop-induced Higgs couplings are sensitive to KK particles of the custodial RS model with masses in the multi tera-electronvolt range. Finally, the effect of the RS model on three flavor observables associated with the b → sγ transition are examined. In particular, we study the branching ratio of the inclusive decay B → X_s γ


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Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung, Konstruktion und Untersuchung eines Magnetometers zur exakten und präzisen Messung schwacher Magnetfelder. Diese Art von Magnetometer eignet sich zur Anwendung in physikalischen hochpräzisions Experimenten wie zum Beispiel der Suche nach dem elektrischen Dipolmomentrndes Neutrons. Die Messmethode beruht auf der gleichzeitigen Detektion der freien Spin Präzession Kern-Spin polarisierten 3He Gases durch mehrere optisch gepumpte Cäsium Magnetometer. Es wird gezeigt, dass Cäsium Magnetometer eine zuverlässige und vielseitige Methode zur Messung der 3He Larmor Frequenz und eine komfortable Alternative zur Benutzung von SQUIDs für diesen Zweck darstellen. Ein Prototyp dieses Magnetometers wurde gebaut und seine Funktion in der magnetisch abgeschirmten Messkabine der Physikalisch Technischen Bundesanstalt untersucht. Die Sensitivität des Magnetometers in Abhängigkeitrnvon der Messdauer wurde experimentell untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass für kurze Messperioden (< 500s) Cramér-Rao limitierte Messungen möglich sind während die Sensitivität bei längeren Messungen durch die Stabilität des angelegten Magnetfeldes limitiert ist. Messungen eines 1 muT Magnetfeldes mit einer relative Genauigkeit von besser als 5x10^(-8) in 100s werden präsentiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Messgenauigkeit des Magnetometers durch die Zahl der zur Detektion der 3He Spin Präzession eingesetzten Cäsium Magnetometer skaliert werden kann. Prinzipiell ist dadurch eine Anpassung der Messgenauigkeit an jegliche experimentellen Bedürfnisse möglich. Es wird eine gradiometrische Messmethode vorgestellt, die es erlaubt den Einfluss periodischerrnmagnetischer Störungen auf dieMessung zu unterdrücken. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Sensitivität des kombinierten Magnetometers und den Betriebsparametern der Cäsium Magnetometer die zur Spin Detektion verwendet werden wird theoretisch untersucht und anwendungsspezifische Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Betriebsartenwerden diskutiert. Diese Zusammenhänge werden in einer Formel zusammengefasst die es erlaubt, die erwartete Sensitivität des Magnetometers zu berechnen. Diese Vorhersagen befinden sich in perfekter Übereinstimmung mit den experimentellen Daten. Die intrinsische Sensitivität des Magnetometer Prototyps wird auf Basis dieser Formel theoretisch bestimmt. Ausserdem wird die erwartete Sensitivität für die Anwendung im Rahmen des Experiments der nächsten Generation zur Bestimmung des elektrischenrnDipolmoments des Neutrons am Paul Scherrer Institut abgeschätzt. Des weiteren wird eine bequeme experimentelle Methode zur Messung des Polarisationsgrades und des Rabi Flip-Winkels der 3He Kernspin Polarisation vorgestellt. Letztere Messung ist sehr wichtig für die Anwendung in hochpräzisions Experimenten.


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This article addresses the issue of kriging-based optimization of stochastic simulators. Many of these simulators depend on factors that tune the level of precision of the response, the gain in accuracy being at a price of computational time. The contribution of this work is two-fold: first, we propose a quantile-based criterion for the sequential design of experiments, in the fashion of the classical expected improvement criterion, which allows an elegant treatment of heterogeneous response precisions. Second, we present a procedure for the allocation of the computational time given to each measurement, allowing a better distribution of the computational effort and increased efficiency. Finally, the optimization method is applied to an original application in nuclear criticality safety. This article has supplementary material available online. The proposed criterion is available in the R package DiceOptim.


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This review focuses on one of the fundamental phenomena that occur upon application of sufficiently strong electric fields to gases, namely the formation and propagation of ionization waves-streamers. The dynamics of streamers is controlled by strongly nonlinear coupling, in localized streamer tip regions, between enhanced (due to charge separation) electric field and ionization and transport of charged species in the enhanced field. Streamers appear in nature (as initial stages of sparks and lightning, as huge structures-sprites above thunderclouds), and are also found in numerous technological applications of electrical discharges. Here we discuss the fundamental physics of the guided streamer-like structures-plasma bullets which are produced in cold atmospheric-pressure plasma jets. Plasma bullets are guided ionization waves moving in a thin column of a jet of plasma forming gases (e.g.,He or Ar) expanding into ambient air. In contrast to streamers in a free (unbounded) space that propagate in a stochastic manner and often branch, guided ionization waves are repetitive and highly-reproducible and propagate along the same path-the jet axis. This property of guided streamers, in comparison with streamers in a free space, enables many advanced time-resolved experimental studies of ionization waves with nanosecond precision. In particular, experimental studies on manipulation of streamers by external electric fields and streamer interactions are critically examined. This review also introduces the basic theories and recent advances on the experimental and computational studies of guided streamers, in particular related to the propagation dynamics of ionization waves and the various parameters of relevance to plasma streamers. This knowledge is very useful to optimize the efficacy of applications of plasma streamer discharges in various fields ranging from health care and medicine to materials science and nanotechnology.


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This paper demonstrates a renewed procedure for the quantification of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) enhancement factors with improved precision. The principle of this method relies on deducting the resonance Raman scattering (RRS) contribution from surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) to end up with the surface enhancement (SERS) effect alone. We employed 1,8,15,22-tetraaminophthalocyanato-cobalt(II) (4α-CoIITAPc), a resonance Raman- and electrochemically redox-active chromophore, as a probe molecule for RRS and SERRS experiments. The number of 4α-CoIITAPc molecules contributing to RRS and SERRS phenomena on plasmon inactive glassy carbon (GC) and plasmon active GC/Au surfaces, respectively, has been precisely estimated by cyclic voltammetry experiments. Furthermore, the SERS substrate enhancement factor (SSEF) quantified by our approach is compared with the traditionally employed methods. We also demonstrate that the present approach of SSEF quantification can be applied for any kind of different SERS substrates by choosing an appropriate laser line and probe molecule.


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An apparatus is described that facilitates the determination of incorporation levels of isotope labelled, gaseous precursors into volatile insect-derived metabolites. Atmospheres of varying gas compositions can be generated by evacuation of a working chamber followed by admission of the required levels of component gases, using a precision, digitised pressure read-out system. Insects such as fruit-flies are located initially in a small introduction chamber, from which migration can occur downwards into the working chamber. The level of incorporation of labelled precursors is continuously assayed by the Solid Phase Micro Extraction (SPME) technique and GC-MS analyses. Experiments with both Bactrocera species (fruit-flies) and a parasitoid wasp, Megarhyssa nortoni nortoni (Cresson) and oxygen-18 labelled dioxygen illustrate the utility of this system. The isotope effects of oxygen-18 on the carbon-13 NMR spectra of 1,7- dioxaspiro[5,5]undecane are also described.


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There is an increasing requirement for more astute land resource management through efficiencies in agricultural inputs in a sugar cane production system. A precision agriculture (PA) approach can provide a pathway for a sustainable sugarcane production system. One of the impediments to the adoption of PA practices is access to paddock-scale mapping layers displaying variability in soil properties, crop growth and surface drainage. Variable rate application (VRA) of nutrients is an important component of PA. However, agronomic expertise within PA systems has fallen well behind significant advances in PA technologies. Generally, advisers in the sugar industry have a poor comprehension of the complex interaction of variables that contribute to within-paddock variations in crop growth. This is regarded as a significant impediment to the progression of PA in sugarcane and is one of the reasons for the poor adoption of VRA of nutrients in a PA approach to improved sugar cane production. This project therefore has established a number of key objectives which will contribute to the adoption of PA and the staged progression of VRA supported by relevant and practical agronomic expertise. These objectives include provision of base soils attribute mapping that can be determined using Veris 3100 Electrical Conductivity (EC) and digital elevation datasets using GPS mapping technology for a large sector of the central cane growing region using analysis of archived satellite imagery to determine the location and stability of yield patterns over time and in varying seasonal conditions on selected project study sites. They also include the stablishment of experiments to determine appropriate VRA nitrogen rates on various soil types subjected to extended anaerobic conditions, and the establishment of trials to determine nitrogen rates applicable to a declining yield potential associated with the aging of ratoons in the crop cycle. Preliminary analysis of archived yield estimation data indicates that yield patterns remain relatively stable overtime. Results also indicate the where there is considerable variability in EC values there is also significant variation in yield.