11 resultados para POLYNORBORNENE


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Both absolute molecular weight and molecular sizes (radius of gyration and hydrodynamic radius) of a vinyl-type polynorbornene eluting from size-exclusion chromatography columns were determined by combined with a static and dynamic laser light scattering detector. The hydrodynamic radius of polymer fraction eluting from size-exclusion chromatography columns was obtained from dynamic laser light scattering measurements at only a single angle of 900 by introducing a correction factor. According to the scaling relationship between molecular sizes and molecular weight and the ratio between radius of gyration and hydrodynamic radius, the vinyl-type polynorbornene took a random coil conformation in 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene at 150 degreesC.


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The solution behavior of linear polymer chains is well understood, having been the subject of intense study throughout the previous century. As plastics have become ubiquitous in everyday life, polymer science has grown into a major field of study. The conformation of a polymer in solution depends on the molecular architecture and its interactions with the surroundings. Developments in synthetic techniques have led to the creation of precision-tailored polymeric materials with varied topologies and functionalities. In order to design materials with the desired properties, it is imperative to understand the relationships between polymer architecture and their conformation and behavior. To meet that need, this thesis investigates the conformation and self-assembly of three architecturally complex macromolecular systems with rich and varied behaviors driven by the resolution of intramolecular conflicts. First we describe the development of a robust and facile synthetic approach to reproducible bottlebrush polymers (Chapter 2). The method was used to produce homologous series of bottlebrush polymers with polynorbornene backbones, which revealed the effect of side-chain and backbone length on the overall conformation in both good and theta solvent conditions (Chapter 3). The side-chain conformation was obtained from a series of SANS experiments and determined to be indistinguishable from the behavior of free linear polymer chains. Using deuterium-labeled bottlebrushes, we were able for the first time to directly observe the backbone conformation of a bottlebrush polymer which showed self-avoiding walk behavior. Secondly, a series of SANS experiments was conducted on a homologous series of Side Group Liquid Crystalline Polymers (SGLCPs) in a perdeuterated small molecule liquid crystal (5CB). Monodomain, aligned, dilute samples of SGLCP-b-PS block copolymers were seen to self-assemble into complex micellar structures with mutually orthogonally oriented anisotropies at different length scales (Chapter 4). Finally, we present the results from the first scattering experiments on a set of fuel-soluble, associating telechelic polymers. We observed the formation of supramolecular aggregates in dilute (≤0.5wt%) solutions of telechelic polymers and determined that the choice of solvent has a significant effect on the strength of association and the size of the supramolecules (Chapter 5). A method was developed for the direct estimation of supramolecular aggregation number from SANS data. The insight into structure-property relationships obtained from this work will enable the more targeted development of these molecular architectures for their respective applications.


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A series of salicylaldimine-based neutral Ni(II) complexes (3a-j) [ArN = CH(C6H40)]Ni(PPh3)Ph [3a,Ar = C6H5; 3b,Ar = C6H4F(o); 3c, Ar = C6H4F(m); 3d, Ar = C6H4F(p); 3e, Ar = C6H3F2(2,4); 3f, Ar = C6H3F2(2,5); 3g, Ar = C6H3F2(2,6); 3h, Ar = C6H3F2(3,5); 3i, Ar = C6H2F3(3,4,5); 3j, Ar = C6H5] have been synthesized in good yield, and the structures of complexes 3a and 3i have been confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. Using modified methylaluminoxane as a cocatalyst, these neutral Ni(II) complexes exhibited high catalytic activities for the vinylic polymerization of norbornene.


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A series of nickel(II) complexes bearing two nonsymmetric bidentate beta-ketoiminato chelate ligands have been prepared, and the structures of complexes [(2,6-Me2C6H3)NC(CH3)C(H)C(Ph)O](2)Ni (4a) and [(2,6-Me2C6H3)NC(CH3)C(H)C(CF3)O](2)Ni (4c) have been confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. These nickel(II) complexes were investigated as catalysts for the vinylic polymerization of norbornene. Using modified methylaluminoxane (MMAO) as a cocatalyst, these complexes display very high activities and produce high molecular weight polymers. Catalytic activity of up to 1.16 x 10(4) kg/mol(Ni) .h and the viscosity-average molecular 9 weight of polymer of up to 870 kg/mol were observed. Catalyst activity, polymer yield, and polymer molecular weight could be controlled over a wide range by the variation of the reaction parameters such as Al/Ni molar ratio, norbornene/catalyst molar ratio, monomer concentration, polymerization reaction temperature and time.


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New neutral nickel(II) complexes bearing nonsymmetric bidentate pyrrole-imine chelate ligands (4a-d), [2-(ArNCH)C4H3N]Ni(PPh3)Ph [Ar=2,6-diisopropylphenyl (a), 2-methyl-6-isopropylphenyl (b), 2,6-diethylphenyl (c), 2-tert-butylphenyl (d)], have been prepared in good yields from the sodium salts of the corresponding ligands and trans-Ni(PPh3)(2)(Ph)Cl, and the structure of complex 4a has been confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. These neutral Ni(II) complexes were investigated as catalysts for the vinylic polymerization of norbornene. Using modified methylaluminoxane (MMAO) as a cocatalyst, these complexes display very high activities and produce great mass polymers. Catalyst activity of up to 4.2 x 10(7) g (mol Ni h)(-1) and the viscosity-average molecular weight of polymer of up to 9.2 x 10(5) g mol(-1) were observed. Catalyst activity, polymer yield, and polymer molecular weight can be controlled over a wide range by the variation of reaction parameters such as Al-Ni ratio, norbornene-catalyst ratio, monomer concentration, polymerization reaction temperature and time.


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Neutral Ni(II) salicylaldiminato complexes activated with modified methylaluminoxane as catalysts were used for the vinylic polymerization of norbornene. Catalyst activities of up to 7.08 x 10(4) kg(pol)/(mol(Ni) (.) h) and viscosity-average molecular weights of polymer up to 1.5 x 10(6) g/mol were observed at optimum conditions. Polynorbornenes are amorphous, soluble in organic solvents, highly stable, and show glass-transition temperatures around 390 degreesC. Catalyst activity, polymer yield, and polymer molecular weight can be controlled over a wide range by the variation of the reaction parameters such as the Al/Ni ratio, monomer/catalyst ratio, monomer concentration, polymerization reaction temperature, and time.


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The reactivity of the new complex [RuCl(2)(PPh(3))(2)(3,5-Me(2)piperidine)], complex 1, was investigated for ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of norbornene (NBE) and norbornadiene (NBD) in the presence of ethyl diazoacetate (EDA) in CHCl(3). The aim is to observe the combination of PPh(3) and an amine as ancillary ligands concerning the steric hindrance and the electronic perturbation in the properties of the N-bound site when replacing the amines. Thus, the results with 1 were compared to the results obtained when the amine is piperidine (complex 2). Reaction with 1 provides 70% yield of isolated polyNBE (M(n) =8.3 x 10(4) g/mol; PDI = 2.03), whereas 2 provides quantitative reaction (M(n) = 1.2 x 10(5) g/mol; PDI = 1.90) with [NBE]/[Ru] = 5000, [EDA]/[Ru] = 48 and 1.1 mu mol of Ru for 5 min at 25 degrees C. The resulting polymers showed c.a. 62% of trans-polyNBE, determined by (1)H NMR, and T(g) = 32 degrees C, determined by DSC and DMTA. For ROMP of NBD, 1 showed quantitative yield with PDI =2.62 when [NBD]/[Ru] = 5000 for 20 min at 25 degrees C, whereas the reaction with 2 reached 55% with PDI = 2.16 in the same conditions. It is concluded that the presence of the two methyl groups in the piperidine ring provides an increase in the induction period to produce the Ru-carbene species justifying better polyNBE results with 2, and a greater amine(sigma)-> Ru(pi)-> monomer synergism which contributed to the best activation of less tensioned olefin as NBD. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polynorbornadiene and polynorbornene were synthesized via ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) with [RuCl(2)(PPh(3))(2)(amine)] as catalyst precursors, amine = piperidine (1) or perhydroazepine (2) in the presence of 5 mu L of ethyl diazoacetate (EDA) ([monomer]/[Ru] = 5000; 40 degrees C with 1; 25 degrees C with 2). The effects of the solvent volume (2-8 mL of CHCl(3)) reaction time (5-120 min) and atmosphere type (argon and air) on the yields were investigated to observe the behavior of the two different precursors. Quantitative yields were obtained for 60 or 120 min regardless of the starting volumes, either in argon or air, with both Ru species. However, low yields were obtained for short times (5-30 min) when the reactions are performed with large volumes (6-8 mL). In argon, the yields were larger with 2, associated to a faster propagation reaction controlled by the Ru active species. In air, the yields were larger with 1, associated to a higher resistance to O(2) of the starting and propagating Ru species. The different activities between 1 and 2 are discussed considering the steric hindrance and electronic characteristics of the amines such as ancillary ligands and their arrangements with PPh(3) and Cl(-) ions in the metal centers. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structures and association properties of thermosensitive block copolymers of poly(methoxyoligo( ethylene glycol) norbornenyl esters) in D2O were investigated by small angle neutron scattering (SANS). Each block is a comblike polymer with a polynorbornene (PNB) backbone and oligo ethylene glycol (OEG) side chains (one side chain per NB repeat unit). The chemical formula of the block copolymer is (OEG3NB) 79- (OEG6.6NB) 67, where subscripts represent the degree of polymerization (DP) of OEG and NB in each block. The polymer concentration was fixed at 2.0 wt % and the structural changes were investigated over a temperature range between 25 and 68°C. It was found that at room temperature polymers associate to form micelles with a spherical core formed by the block (OEG3NB) 79 and corona formed by the block (OEG6.6NB) 67 and that the shape of the polymer in the corona could be described by the form factor of rigid cylinders. At elevated temperatures, the aggregation number increased and the micelles became more compact. At temperatures around the cloud point temperature (CPT) T ) 60 °C a correlation peak started to appear and became pronounced at 68 °C due to the formation of a partially ordered structure with a correlation length ∼349 Å.


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Die Kontroverse über den Glasübergang im Nanometerbereich, z. B. die Glas¬über¬gangs-temperatur Tg von dünnen Polymerfilmen, ist nicht vollständig abgeschlossen. Das dynamische Verhalten auf der Nanoskala ist stark von den einschränkenden Bedingungen abhängig, die auf die Probe wirken. Dünne Polymerfilme sind ideale Systeme um die Dynamik von Polymerketten unter der Einwirkung von Randbedingungen zu untersuchen, wie ich sie in dieser Arbeit variiert habe, um Einblick in dieses Problem zu erhalten.rnrnResonanzverstärkte dynamische Lichtstreuung ist eine Methode, frei von z.B. Fluoreszenzmarkern, die genutzt werden kann um in dünnen Polymerfilmen dynamische Phänomene