995 resultados para PMD Link Coefficient


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This papers presents results on the variation of the PMD coefficient of optical links under influence of mechanical tests, such as tensile strength, bending and compression, and also during the application of a thermal cycle. Results revealed that the link coefficient is more influenced by the application of a tension load and also suffers significant variation under strong temperature changes. Copyrigth © SBMO.


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In this paper I claim that, in a long-run perspective, measurements of income inequality, under any of the usual inequality measures used in the literature, are upward biased. The reason is that such measurements are cross-sectional by nature and, therefore, do not take into consideration the turnover in the job market which, in the long run, equalizes within-group (e.g., same-education groups) inequalities. Using a job-search model, I show how to derive the within-group invariant-distribution Gini coefficient of income inequality, how to calculate the size of the bias and how to organize the data in arder to solve the problem. Two examples are provided to illustrate the argument.


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This paper presents analysis and discussion of the b- and ib-values calculated from the acoustic emission (AE) signals recorded during dynamic shake-table tests conducted on a reinforced concrete (RC) frame subjected to several uniaxial seismic simulations of increasing intensity until collapse. The intensity of shaking was controlled by the peak acceleration applied to the shake-table in each seismic simulation, and it ranged from 0.08 to 0.47 times the acceleration of gravity. The numerous spurious signals not related to concrete damage that inevitably contaminate AE measurements obtained from complex dynamic shake-table tests were properly filtered with an RMS filter and the use of guard sensors. Comparing the b- and ib-values calculated through the tests with the actual level of macro-cracking and damage observed during testing, it was concluded that the limit value of 0.05 proposed in previous research to determine the onset of macro-cracks should be revised in the case of earthquake-type dynamic loading. Finally, the b- and ibvalues were compared with the damage endured by the RC frame evaluated both visually and quantitatively in terms of the inter-story drift index.


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This paper reviews the fundamental concepts and basic theory of polarization mode dispersion (PMD) in optical fibers. It introduces a unified notation and methodology to link the various views and concepts in Jones space and Stokes space. The discussion includes the relation between Jones vectors and Stokes vectors, rotation matrices, the definition and representation of PMD vectors, the laws of infinitesimal rotation, and the rules for PMD vector concatenation.


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Cette approche histométrique traite la description des tissus constituants les êtres vivants de deux espèces végétales vivaces (Lygeum spartum et Ammophila arenaria). Elle permettra d’aider à comprendre certainement le comportement tant morphologique que physiologique de l’espèce vivante dans un biotope naturel. Présentant des racines adaptatives à l’absorption de l’eau et des sels minéraux du sol, ces deux espèces montrent une fixation de la plante au substrat et à l’accumulation des réserves. Elles sont sous la dépendance de corrélations com plexes (trophiques, hormonales) qui s’établissent entre l’appareil souterrain et l’appareil aérien. L’étude histométrique du Lygeum spartum et d’Ammophila arenaria nous a permis de déterminer une nette différence entre les tissus des deux espèces. Pour Ammophila arenaria, il existe de très bonnes corrélations pour la majorité des tissus, expliquant ainsi une croissance cellulaire qui existe entre ces différents tissus.Le coefficient de corrélation est faible entre les différents tissus du Lygeum spartum. Le développment des tissus de celle-ci n’est pas synchrone, il montre toute même une certaine hétérogéneité au niveau du développement tissulaire des racines.