30 resultados para PLDA
This paper investigates the effects of limited speech data in the context of speaker verification using a probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) approach. Being able to reduce the length of required speech data is important to the development of automatic speaker verification system in real world applications. When sufficient speech is available, previous research has shown that heavy-tailed PLDA (HTPLDA) modeling of speakers in the i-vector space provides state-of-the-art performance, however, the robustness of HTPLDA to the limited speech resources in development, enrolment and verification is an important issue that has not yet been investigated. In this paper, we analyze the speaker verification performance with regards to the duration of utterances used for both speaker evaluation (enrolment and verification) and score normalization and PLDA modeling during development. Two different approaches to total-variability representation are analyzed within the PLDA approach to show improved performance in short-utterance mismatched evaluation conditions and conditions for which insufficient speech resources are available for adequate system development. The results presented within this paper using the NIST 2008 Speaker Recognition Evaluation dataset suggest that the HTPLDA system can continue to achieve better performance than Gaussian PLDA (GPLDA) as evaluation utterance lengths are decreased. We also highlight the importance of matching durations for score normalization and PLDA modeling to the expected evaluation conditions. Finally, we found that a pooled total-variability approach to PLDA modeling can achieve better performance than the traditional concatenated total-variability approach for short utterances in mismatched evaluation conditions and conditions for which insufficient speech resources are available for adequate system development.
This paper investigates the use of the dimensionality-reduction techniques weighted linear discriminant analysis (WLDA), and weighted median fisher discriminant analysis (WMFD), before probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) modeling for the purpose of improving speaker verification performance in the presence of high inter-session variability. Recently it was shown that WLDA techniques can provide improvement over traditional linear discriminant analysis (LDA) for channel compensation in i-vector based speaker verification systems. We show in this paper that the speaker discriminative information that is available in the distance between pair of speakers clustered in the development i-vector space can also be exploited in heavy-tailed PLDA modeling by using the weighted discriminant approaches prior to PLDA modeling. Based upon the results presented within this paper using the NIST 2008 Speaker Recognition Evaluation dataset, we believe that WLDA and WMFD projections before PLDA modeling can provide an improved approach when compared to uncompensated PLDA modeling for i-vector based speaker verification systems.
A significant amount of speech data is required to develop a robust speaker verification system, but it is difficult to find enough development speech to match all expected conditions. In this paper we introduce a new approach to Gaussian probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (GPLDA) to estimate reliable model parameters as a linearly weighted model taking more input from the large volume of available telephone data and smaller proportional input from limited microphone data. In comparison to a traditional pooled training approach, where the GPLDA model is trained over both telephone and microphone speech, this linear-weighted GPLDA approach is shown to provide better EER and DCF performance in microphone and mixed conditions in both the NIST 2008 and NIST 2010 evaluation corpora. Based upon these results, we believe that linear-weighted GPLDA will provide a better approach than pooled GPLDA, allowing for the further improvement of GPLDA speaker verification in conditions with limited development data.
This paper analyses the probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) speaker verification approach with limited development data. This paper investigates the use of the median as the central tendency of a speaker’s i-vector representation, and the effectiveness of weighted discriminative techniques on the performance of state-of-the-art length-normalised Gaussian PLDA (GPLDA) speaker verification systems. The analysis within shows that the median (using a median fisher discriminator (MFD)) provides a better representation of a speaker when the number of representative i-vectors available during development is reduced, and that further, usage of the pair-wise weighting approach in weighted LDA and weighted MFD provides further improvement in limited development conditions. Best performance is obtained using a weighted MFD approach, which shows over 10% improvement in EER over the baseline GPLDA system on mismatched and interview-interview conditions.
This paper proposes a combination of source-normalized weighted linear discriminant analysis (SN-WLDA) and short utterance variance (SUV) PLDA modelling to improve the short utterance PLDA speaker verification. As short-length utterance i-vectors vary with the speaker, session variations and phonetic content of the utterance (utterance variation), a combined approach of SN-WLDA projection and SUV PLDA modelling is used to compensate the session and utterance variations. Experimental studies have found that a combination of SN-WLDA and SUV PLDA modelling approach shows an improvement over baseline system (WCCN[LDA]-projected Gaussian PLDA (GPLDA)) as this approach effectively compensates the session and utterance variations.
Experimental studies have found that when the state-of-the-art probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) speaker verification systems are trained using out-domain data, it significantly affects speaker verification performance due to the mismatch between development data and evaluation data. To overcome this problem we propose a novel unsupervised inter dataset variability (IDV) compensation approach to compensate the dataset mismatch. IDV-compensated PLDA system achieves over 10% relative improvement in EER values over out-domain PLDA system by effectively compensating the mismatch between in-domain and out-domain data.
This paper analyzes the limitations upon the amount of in- domain (NIST SREs) data required for training a probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) speaker verification system based on out-domain (Switchboard) total variability subspaces. By limiting the number of speakers, the number of sessions per speaker and the length of active speech per session available in the target domain for PLDA training, we investigated the relative effect of these three parameters on PLDA speaker verification performance in the NIST 2008 and NIST 2010 speaker recognition evaluation datasets. Experimental results indicate that while these parameters depend highly on each other, to beat out-domain PLDA training, more than 10 seconds of active speech should be available for at least 4 sessions/speaker for a minimum of 800 speakers. If further data is available, considerable improvement can be made over solely out-domain PLDA training.
This paper proposes the addition of a weighted median Fisher discriminator (WMFD) projection prior to length-normalised Gaussian probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (GPLDA) modelling in order to compensate the additional session variation. In limited microphone data conditions, a linear-weighted approach is introduced to increase the influence of microphone speech dataset. The linear-weighted WMFD-projected GPLDA system shows improvements in EER and DCF values over the pooled LDA- and WMFD-projected GPLDA systems in inter-view-interview condition as WMFD projection extracts more speaker discriminant information with limited number of sessions/ speaker data, and linear-weighted GPLDA approach estimates reliable model parameters with limited microphone data.
In this paper we introduce a novel domain-invariant covariance normalization (DICN) technique to relocate both in-domain and out-domain i-vectors into a third dataset-invariant space, providing an improvement for out-domain PLDA speaker verification with a very small number of unlabelled in-domain adaptation i-vectors. By capturing the dataset variance from a global mean using both development out-domain i-vectors and limited unlabelled in-domain i-vectors, we could obtain domain- invariant representations of PLDA training data. The DICN- compensated out-domain PLDA system is shown to perform as well as in-domain PLDA training with as few as 500 unlabelled in-domain i-vectors for NIST-2010 SRE and 2000 unlabelled in-domain i-vectors for NIST-2008 SRE, and considerable relative improvement over both out-domain and in-domain PLDA development if more are available.
Az Európai Unió megújuló gazdasági kormányzási rendszerének egyik meghatározó pillére a diszkrecionális gazdaságpolitikával szemben megfogalmazott szabályalapúság lesz. A minden korábbinál erősebb és vélhetően hatékonyabb szabályok bevezetésének legelkötelezettebb híve Németország. Az elmúlt évtizedekben a folyó költségvetési kiadások hiányból történő finanszírozásának tilalmát előíró aranyszabályt inkább kevesebb, mint több sikerrel alkalmazó Németország most arra vállalkozott, hogy nem csak saját hatáskörben vezeti be az ún. adósságféket, hanem követendő példaként állítja azt a többi tagország elé is. Írásunkban az aranyszabály, illetve az adósságfék előnyeit és hátrányait vesszük számba a német tapasztalatok felhasználásával. / === / The need to strengthen rules-based fiscal policy has emerged as a widely shared consensus amongst policy-makers in the recent economic and financial crisis. Germany has become the most devoted advocator of the new regime, where more innovative and effective fiscal rules are supposed to play an even bigger role than before. Germany supports such a move however not only in rhetoric but also in practice. It decided to abandon its several decade old golden rule and to adopt a more sophisticated one, the so-called debt-brake. This article provides a cost-benefit analysis of both the previous and the new fiscal rule.
Az államigazgatásban – itthon és külföldön is – a projektek jelentős százaléka időben csúszik, nem azt eredményezi, amit eredetileg elvártak, a szakmai résztvevők szerint túladminisztrált, a munkatársak tevékenysége nem áttekinthető. Ezeknek a problémáknak a nagy része a projektszervezet és a hierarchikusfunkcionális- hivatali szervezet egymás mellett éléséből és a nehezen szinkronizálható együttműködésből fakad. A cikkben egy, a gyakorlatban bevált módszertant mutat be a szerző, amely adott feltételrendszer mellett nagymértékben kiküszöböli a fent említett hiányosságokat és a szervezet napi működésébe illeszkedő tevékenységek sorozatára vezeti vissza a projekttevékenységeket. A módszer egy gyakorlati problémából – a volt APEH-es és VP-s rendszerek integrálása a NAV-ba – indult ki, azonban a szerző véleménye szerint alkalmazható más, funkcionális alapokon felépülő szervezetnél is. _____ The high percentage of public sector projects slips in time, the result is not that what was expected initially, those are overadministrated by according to the professional participants’ opinion, and the activity of staff does not clear. In this article the author describes a best practice methodology, which led the project activities to series of activities which fit to the organization’s daily operations. The method started from a practical problem, but according to the author’s opinion it can be applied to other structured functional basis organizations.
Robust speaker verification on short utterances remains a key consideration when deploying automatic speaker recognition, as many real world applications often have access to only limited duration speech data. This paper explores how the recent technologies focused around total variability modeling behave when training and testing utterance lengths are reduced. Results are presented which provide a comparison of Joint Factor Analysis (JFA) and i-vector based systems including various compensation techniques; Within-Class Covariance Normalization (WCCN), LDA, Scatter Difference Nuisance Attribute Projection (SDNAP) and Gaussian Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (GPLDA). Speaker verification performance for utterances with as little as 2 sec of data taken from the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluations are presented to provide a clearer picture of the current performance characteristics of these techniques in short utterance conditions.
We address the problem of face recognition on video by employing the recently proposed probabilistic linear discrimi-nant analysis (PLDA). The PLDA has been shown to be robust against pose and expression in image-based face recognition. In this research, the method is extended and applied to video where image set to image set matching is performed. We investigate two approaches of computing similarities between image sets using the PLDA: the closest pair approach and the holistic sets approach. To better model face appearances in video, we also propose the heteroscedastic version of the PLDA which learns the within-class covariance of each individual separately. Our experi-ments on the VidTIMIT and Honda datasets show that the combination of the heteroscedastic PLDA and the closest pair approach achieves the best performance.
Facial expression is one of the main issues of face recognition in uncontrolled environments. In this paper, we apply the probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) method to recognize faces across expressions. Several PLDA approaches are tested and cross-evaluated on the Cohn-Kanade and JAFFE databases. With less samples per gallery subject, high recognition rates comparable to previous works have been achieved indicating the robustness of the approaches. Among the approaches, the mixture of PLDAs has demonstrated better performances. The experimental results also indicate that facial regions around the cheeks, eyes, and eyebrows are more discriminative than regions around the mouth, jaw, chin, and nose.
To recognize faces in video, face appearances have been widely modeled as piece-wise local linear models which linearly approximate the smooth yet non-linear low dimensional face appearance manifolds. The choice of representations of the local models is crucial. Most of the existing methods learn each local model individually meaning that they only anticipate variations within each class. In this work, we propose to represent local models as Gaussian distributions which are learned simultaneously using the heteroscedastic probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA). Each gallery video is therefore represented as a collection of such distributions. With the PLDA, not only the within-class variations are estimated during the training, the separability between classes is also maximized leading to an improved discrimination. The heteroscedastic PLDA itself is adapted from the standard PLDA to approximate face appearance manifolds more accurately. Instead of assuming a single global within-class covariance, the heteroscedastic PLDA learns different within-class covariances specific to each local model. In the recognition phase, a probe video is matched against gallery samples through the fusion of point-to-model distances. Experiments on the Honda and MoBo datasets have shown the merit of the proposed method which achieves better performance than the state-of-the-art technique.