996 resultados para PHARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS
The incidence of contralateral breast cancer is high and constant with age, around five per 1000 women who had a primary breast cancer. For other neoplasms, the pattern of incidence of second primary neoplasms with age is less known, particularly as for only a few neoplasms the site of origin is not totally removed, and hence remains at risk of a second primary. Using the dataset from the Cancer Registry of the Swiss Canton of Vaud, we show that the incidence of second neoplasms is constant with age also after oral and pharyngeal, colorectal cancers, cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) and basal cell carcinoma. The incidence of first primary oral and pharyngeal cancer increased 20-fold between age 30-39 and 70-89 years, whereas the incidence of second neoplasms did not increase with age. Rates of second colorectal cancer remained relatively constant with age, between 2.5 per 1000 at age 40-59 years and 3.8 per 1000 at 70 years and above. Likewise, for CMM, the age-specific incidence rates of second primary CMM did not vary, ranging between 1 and 2.5 per 1000 in various subsequent age groups. The pattern of incidence for second basal cell carcinoma was similar, with no clear rise with age. These patterns are compatible with the occurrence of a single mutational event in a population of susceptible individuals. A possible implication of these observations is that a variable, but potentially large, proportion of cancers arise in very high-risk individuals and the incidence, on average, increases at a high constant level at a predetermined age.
study-specific results, their findings should be interpreted with caution
BACKGROUND: Only a few studies have explored the relation between coffee and tea intake and head and neck cancers, with inconsistent results. METHODS: We pooled individual-level data from nine case-control studies of head and neck cancers, including 5,139 cases and 9,028 controls. Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), adjusting for potential confounders. RESULTS: Caffeinated coffee intake was inversely related with the risk of cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx: the ORs were 0.96 (95% CI, 0.94-0.98) for an increment of 1 cup per day and 0.61 (95% CI, 0.47-0.80) in drinkers of >4 cups per day versus nondrinkers. This latter estimate was consistent for different anatomic sites (OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.30-0.71 for oral cavity; OR, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.41-0.82 for oropharynx/hypopharynx; and OR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.37-1.01 for oral cavity/pharynx not otherwise specified) and across strata of selected covariates. No association of caffeinated coffee drinking was found with laryngeal cancer (OR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.64-1.45 in drinkers of >4 cups per day versus nondrinkers). Data on decaffeinated coffee were too sparse for detailed analysis, but indicated no increased risk. Tea intake was not associated with head and neck cancer risk (OR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.89-1.11 for drinkers versus nondrinkers). CONCLUSIONS: This pooled analysis of case-control studies supports the hypothesis of an inverse association between caffeinated coffee drinking and risk of cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx. IMPACT: Given widespread use of coffee and the relatively high incidence and low survival of head and neck cancers, the observed inverse association may have appreciable public health relevance.
Odds ratios for head and neck cancer increase with greater cigarette and alcohol use and lower body mass index (BMI; weight (kg)/height(2) (m(2))). Using data from the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology Consortium, the authors conducted a formal analysis of BMI as a modifier of smoking- and alcohol-related effects. Analysis of never and current smokers included 6,333 cases, while analysis of never drinkers and consumers of < or =10 drinks/day included 8,452 cases. There were 8,000 or more controls, depending on the analysis. Odds ratios for all sites increased with lower BMI, greater smoking, and greater drinking. In polytomous regression, odds ratios for BMI (P = 0.65), smoking (P = 0.52), and drinking (P = 0.73) were homogeneous for oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers. Odds ratios for BMI and drinking were greater for oral cavity/pharyngeal cancer (P < 0.01), while smoking odds ratios were greater for laryngeal cancer (P < 0.01). Lower BMI enhanced smoking- and drinking-related odds ratios for oral cavity/pharyngeal cancer (P < 0.01), while BMI did not modify smoking and drinking odds ratios for laryngeal cancer. The increased odds ratios for all sites with low BMI may suggest related carcinogenic mechanisms; however, BMI modification of smoking and drinking odds ratios for cancer of the oral cavity/pharynx but not larynx cancer suggests additional factors specific to oral cavity/pharynx cancer.
Over the last decade, mortality from oral and pharyngeal cancer has been declining in most European countries, but it had been increasing substantially in Hungary, Slovakia and a few other countries of central Europe, reaching rates comparable to those of lung cancer in several western European countries in males. To update trends in oral cancer mortality and further analyse the recent epidemic in central Europe, official death certifications for oral and pharyngeal cancer for 37 European countries were derived over the period 1970-2007, and an age-period-cohort model was fitted for selected countries. Male oral cancer mortality continued to decline in most European countries, including the Russian Federation, and, more importantly, it also started to decline in some of the countries with the highest male rates, i.e. Hungary and Slovakia; persisting rises were, however, observed in Belarus, Bulgaria and Romania. Oral cancer mortality rates for women were lower than in men and showed no appreciable trend over recent periods in the EU overall. Estimates from the age-period-cohort analysis for most selected countries showed a fall in effects for the cohorts born after the 1950s. For the period effect displayed a rise for the earlier periods, an inversion in the 1990s and a continuous fall up to the last studied period. Only some former non-market economy countries, like Romania, Ukraine and Lithuania, had rising cohort effect trends up to most recent generations. The major finding of this updated analysis of oral cancer mortality is the leveling of the epidemic for men in most European countries, including Hungary and other central European countries, where mortality from this cancer was exceedingly high. These trends essentially reflect the changes in alcohol and tobacco consumption in various populations.
On ne peut conclure de cette recherche qu'un type de boisson alcoolique soit plus susceptible qu'un autre d'induire un cancer des voies aéro-digestives supérieures (VADS).
BACKGROUND In cervical postoperative radiotherapy, the target volume is usually the same as the extension of the previous dissection. We evaluated a protocol of selective irradiation according to the risk estimated for each dissected lymph node level. METHODS Eighty patients with oral/oropharyngeal cancer were included in this prospective clinical study between 2005 and 2008. Patients underwent surgery of the primary tumor and cervical dissection, with identification of positive nodal levels, followed by selective postoperative radiotherapy. Three types of selective nodal clinical target volume (CTV) were defined: CTV0, CTV1, and CTV2, with a subclinical disease risk of <10%, 10-25%, and 25% and a prescribed radiation dose of <35 Gy, 50 Gy, and 66-70 Gy, respectively. The localization of node failure was categorized as field, marginal, or outside the irradiated field. RESULTS A consistent pattern of cervical infiltration was observed in 97% of positive dissections. Lymph node failure occurred within a high-risk irradiated area (CTV1-CTV2) in 12 patients, marginal area (CTV1/CTVO) in 1 patient, and non-irradiated low-risk area (CTV0) in 2 patients. The volume of selective lymph node irradiation was below the standard radiation volume in 33 patients (mean of 118.6 cc per patient). This decrease in irradiated volume was associated with greater treatment compliance and reduced secondary toxicity. The three-year actuarial nodal control rate was 80%. CONCLUSION This selective postoperative neck irradiation protocol was associated with a similar failure pattern to that observed after standard neck irradiation and achieved a significant reduction in target volume and secondary toxicity.
Malnutrition affects 40-50% of patients with ear, nose and throat (ENT) cancer. The aim of this study was to assess changes induced by a specific nutritional supplement enriched with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and greater amounts of proteins and electrolytes, as compared with a standard nutritional supplement, on markers of inflammation, oxidative stress and metabolic status of ENT cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy (RT). Fourteen days after starting RT, 26 patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups, 13 supplemented with Prosure, an oncologic formula enriched with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and greater amounts of proteins and electrolytes (specific supplement), and 13 supplemented with Standard-Isosource (standard supplement). Patients were evaluated before RT, and 14, 28 and 90 days after starting RT. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the groups, but greater changes were observed in the standard supplement group, such as a decline in body mass index (BMI), reductions in hematocrit, erythrocyte, eosinophil and albumin levels, and a rise in creatinine and urea levels. We concluded that metabolic, inflammatory and oxidative stress parameters were altered during RT, and began to normalize at the end of the study. Patients supplemented with Prosure showed an earlier normalization of these parameters, with more favorable changes in oxidative stress markers and a more balanced evolution, although the difference was not significant.
Abstract A prospective 1-year follow-up study in ear, nose, and throat (ENT) cancer patients was carried out one year after radiotherapy to assess the effect of varying consumption of ω3 fatty acid according to whether they consumed more or less than the 50th percentile of ω3 fatty acids. Clinical, analytical, inflammatory (CRP and IL-6), and oxidative variables (TAC, GPx, GST, and SOD) were evaluated. The study comprised 31 patients (87.1% men), with a mean age of 61.3 ± 9.1 years. Hematological variables showed significant differences in the patients with a lower consumption of ω3 fatty acids. A lower mortality and longer survival were found in the group with ω3 fatty acid consumption ≥50th percentile but the differences were not significant. No significant difference was reached in toxicity, inflammation, and oxidative stress markers. The group with ω3 fatty acid consumption <50th percentile significantly experienced more hematological and immune changes.
BACKGROUND Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is gaining importance as a valuable outcome measure in oral cancer area. The aim of this study was to assess the general and oral HRQoL of oral and oropharyngeal cancer patients 6 or more months after treatment and compare them with a population free from this disease. METHODS A cross-sectional study was carried out with patients treated for oral cancer at least 6 months post-treatment and a gender and age group matched control group. HRQoL was measured with the 12-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12); oral HRQoL (OHRQoL) was evaluated using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) and the Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP). Multivariable regression models assessed the association between the outcomes (SF-12, OHIP-14 and OIDP) and the exposure (patients versus controls), adjusting for sex, age, social class, functional tooth units and presence of illness. RESULTS For patients (n = 142) and controls (n = 142), 64.1% were males. The mean age was 65.2 (standard deviation (sd): 12.9) years in patients and 67.5 (sd: 13.7) years in controls. Patients had worse SF-12 Physical Component Summary scores than controls even in fully the adjusted model [β-coefficient = -0.11 (95% CI: -5.12-(-0.16)]. The differences in SF-12 Mental Component Summary were not statistically significant. Regarding OHRQoL patients had 11.63 (95% CI: 6.77-20.01) higher odds for the OHIP-14 and 21.26 (95% CI: 11.54-39.13) higher odds for OIDP of being in a worse category of OHRQoL compared to controls in the fully adjusted model. CONCLUSION At least 6 months after treatment, oral cancer patients had worse OHRQoL, worse physical HRQoL and similar psychological HRQoL than the general population.
Although cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption increase risk for head and neck cancers, there have been few attempts to model risks quantitatively and to formally evaluate cancer site-specific risks. The authors pooled data from 15 case-control studies and modeled the excess odds ratio (EOR) to assess risk by total exposure (pack-years and drink-years) and its modification by exposure rate (cigarettes/day and drinks/day). The smoking analysis included 1,761 laryngeal, 2,453 pharyngeal, and 1,990 oral cavity cancers, and the alcohol analysis included 2,551 laryngeal, 3,693 pharyngeal, and 3,116 oval cavity cancers, with over 8,000 controls. Above 15 cigarettes/day, the EOR/pack-year decreased with increasing cigarettes/day, suggesting that greater cigarettes/day for a shorter duration was less deleterious than fewer cigarettes/day for a longer duration. Estimates of EOR/pack-year were homogeneous across sites, while the effects of cigarettes/day varied, indicating that the greater laryngeal cancer risk derived from differential cigarettes/day effects and not pack-years. EOR/drink-year estimates increased through 10 drinks/day, suggesting that greater drinks/day for a shorter duration was more deleterious than fewer drinks/day for a longer duration. Above 10 drinks/day, data were limited. EOR/drink-year estimates varied by site, while drinks/day effects were homogeneous, indicating that the greater pharyngeal/oral cavity cancer risk with alcohol consumption derived from the differential effects of drink-years and not drinks/day.
The rate of energy expenditure was repeatedly measured by indirect calorimetry both in the basal state (BMR) and in the resting fed state (RMR) in 8 middle-aged male patients operated for oropharyngeal cancer. In the postsurgical phase, two sequential energy levels were administered by nasogastric tube: (1) a 'maintenance' level (days 3-5) at 1.4 X measured presurgery BMR; (2) a 'supramaintenance' level (days 6-9) at 1.7 X measured BMR on day 6. Before surgery the patients had a BMR averaging (23.7 +/- 1.0 kcal/kg.day). After surgery BMR increased to 27.6 +/- 2.7 kcal/kg.day (day 6), then it decreased to 24.4 +/- 1.4 kcal/kg.day (day 10). The difference between RMR and BMR yielded a nutrient-induced thermogenesis averaging 5 +/- 1 and 8.5 +/- 2% (p less than 0.05) on levels 1 and 2, respectively. It is concluded that an energy level corresponding to 1.4 X presurgery BMR is sufficient to maintain energy and substrate equilibrium in nondepleted patients, whereas 1.7 X BMR induces positive protein and fat balances concomitant to a decrease efficiency of energy utilization.
Background: Frequent loss of heterozygosity (LOH) has been reported in many types of cancer, including head and neck carcinomas. Somatic deletions involving specific chromosomal regions are strongly associated with inactivation of the allele of a tumor suppressor gene located within the deleted region. In most studies concerning LOH in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) the different anatomical sites are not distinguished. The behavior of tumors arising at various sites differs significantly, however, suggesting different intrinsic tumor properties. In this study we compared the LOH on 22q and its relationship to clinicopathological parameters at the three major sites of HNSCC: oral cavity, larynx and pharynx. Material/Methods: LOH and microsatellite instability (MSI) were studied using seven polymorphic microsatellite markers mapped to the 22q11-q13.3 region in 37 oral, 32 laryngeal, and 31 pharyngeal carcinomas. Results: Two separate regions of LOH were identified in the laryngeal (22q11.2-12.1) and oral cavity (22q13.1-13.31) tumors. When the different anatomical sites were compared, a statistically significant difference was found between the presence of LOH at D22S421 (p<0.001), D22S315 (p=0.014) and D22S929 (p=0.026) in the laryngeal tumors. Conclusions: These data suggest that distinct regions on 22q are involved in LOH in oral cavity and laryngeal tumorigenesis but do not support a similar association between the development of pharyngeal tumors and genes located on 22q. These findings implicate the presence of different tumor suppressor genes mapping to distinct regions on chromosome 22q in oral and laryngeal carcinomas.
Purpose: Oral squamous cell carcinoma and its treatment are associated with facial disfigurement and functional inabilities that may lead to malnutrition or under nourishment. This study assessed the incidence of food restrictions in patients undergoing treatment for oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Method: We interviewed 120 patients in two hospitals in Sao Paulo, Brazil, using a structured food frequency questionnaire comprising the most commonly consumed foods in Brazil. This questionnaire was applied twice; the first time to inform dietary patterns prior to the diagnosis of cancer and the second time to assess recent modifications of diet that were associated with the disease and its treatment. Hospital files provided information on clinical status. Multivariate Poisson regression models assessed covariates with prognostic value. Results: One third of patients suffered major food restrictions (i.e., they reduced substantially the intake of more than 50% of the most commonly consumed food items before the diagnosis); 39% suffered a less severe condition (they could not eat less than 50% of the most commonly consumed food items before the diagnosis, and they needed changes in food preparation). Larger tumour size (adjusted incidence ratio IR = 1.45), posterior location (IR = 1.33), radiotherapy (IR = 1.84), loss of tongue mobility (IR = 1.36) and loss of teeth (IR = 1.25) in the surgery were associated significantly with the study outcome. Conclusion: This study identified clinical predictors of food restrictions in patients undergoing treatment for oral and oropharyngeal cancer. This knowledge may contribute to improve patient care and management, and to develop interventions aimed at preventing nutritional depletion of these patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.