Este artigo versa sobre a visão dos médicos sobre o uso do método qualitativo em suas pesquisas, as dificuldades e barreiras que encontram para isso e as possibilidades de ampliar o ensino e a utilização dessa abordagem nas investigações. Utilizamos o método qualitativo e entrevistas abertas como técnica de obtenção de dados. Entrevistamos 42 profissionais, sendo 18 com experiência no método qualitativo e 24 na abordagem quantitativa. Os entrevistados percebem como principais barreiras para a utilização do método a falta de formação em ciências sociais e humanas no curso de Medicina, o tempo longo que os estudos empíricos requerem e a dificuldade de publicação de artigos dessa natureza. A maioria dos entrevistados considera necessário incluir conteúdos de ciências humanas no currículo médico e ensinar o método de forma prática, por meio da participação em pesquisas e da apresentação das contribuições desses estudos para o campo da saúde.
Este trabalho discute algumas das dificuldades mais freqüentemente enfrentadas por pesquisadores em trabalhos de campo, no que diz respeito ao uso de metodologias de base qualitativa. Procura-se apresentar, no decorrer do texto, problemas que envolvem, por exemplo, a delimitação do universo de pesquisa, a definição de critérios para a seleção dos sujeitos a serem entrevistados, elaboração de roteiros de entrevistas e sua realização, organização e análise de dados qualitativos, entre outros, visando contribuir com as discussões relativas à adoção desse tipo de metodologia no campo educacional.
The study presents the construction process of research methodology "Training in SUS Humanization: effects evaluation of training processes from institutional supporters on health productionin Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo territories." There was a search for developing an appropriate evaluative practice to the training processes, a methodology that instead of evaluating on something, assessed along with the supporters who attended the training-intervention, a participatory methodology.Therefore, the constitution of the Research Interest Group was an eminent tool. Trained supporters comprised the research team to expand participatory possibilities of a large and dispersed group, producing interferences in the investigative process conduction, described and analyzed in the study.At the same time, their experiences interfered in the understandings they had until then about the intervention-training experiences and effects on their daily lives, after almost four years.Thus, the methodological approach was intrinsically linked to the construction of a subjectivity differentiated plan and necessarily collective, which shifted the position of supporters involved from mere data suppliers to a lateralityposition in relation to other actors.The trial afforded by participatory strategies allowed researchers and supporters to interfere and compose the evaluation scenario with remarkable performances throughout the investigative process.The survey configuration was like a bet on a given methodological architecture that, in seeking to overcome evaluator-evaluated logic produced information for (retro) feedingthe intervention triggered by it. In the formative dimension, it also went through working processes analyzed by supporters rescuing the indissoluble characteristic that health activities mobilize among intervening, training and reviewing.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
For constituting itself a science, Psychology has coursed along way. From the time he was considered a Philosophy’s discipline until to be recognized as a legitimate science, Psychology had to devoteto the definition of its object of study, the development and refinement of theoretical-methodological frameworks and, in particular, to consolidation process of their research strategies and knowledge construction. Therefore, in order to regard the demands of the classical scientific paradigm, which is very influenced by Positivism, Psychology made use, initially, of quantitative methodology and laboratory research. This article presents some of the process of identity construction of Psychology as a science, focusing on its transition path between the quantitativist paradigm of scientific knowledge production to the qualitativist paradigm, until that is more commonly practiced nowadays: the collaborative use of these methodological strategies. For presenting the qualitative researching Psychology, we discussed, beyond its proposal and differentiation elements in relation to quantitative research, the different methods used for this mode and, in particular, the interview - which is considered the main way of data collection in surveys conducted by psychologists and, therefore, it is an important element the process of knowledge building that science, in addition to being the most qualified space for dialogue between there searcher and the research subject.
This work indicates presuppositions for the qualitative research in Physical Education, starting with a literature review based on the cultural frame of reference. Firstly, we introduce the debate concerning the natural and the human sciences and implications for the Physical Education; we then use a cultural axis as a ground basis for the research in the area, proposing the 'dense description' as a possibility for knowledge building; finally, we bring up examples of studies conducted with such an approach. This theoretical methodological approach allows the study of the human being as a cultural being, thus opposed to the naturalised view of a human - predominant in Physical Education.
Exemplos concretos de aplicação da pesquisa documental, estudo de caso e etnografia em Administração de Empresas.
RESUMO O objetivo deste ensaio teórico-metodológico reside em apresentar e discutir a metodologia do Grupo de Discussão (GD) como prática grupal de pesquisa qualitativa, abrindo possibilidades posteriores para utilização no campo dos estudos organizacionais. Estruturam-se as seguintes etapas: alerta sobre o equívoco do entendimento da prática de GD como receituário; descrição sobre o que é GD e discurso grupal; diferenciação entre GD e focus group; discussão sobre os elementos técnicos do GD. Espera-se contribuir para a apresentação dessa metodologia aos pesquisadores do campo dos estudos organizacionais e para o desenvolvimento do lugar do grupal nas práticas de pesquisa social.