953 resultados para PERTURBATION
This paper deals with the expected discounted continuous control of piecewise deterministic Markov processes (PDMP`s) using a singular perturbation approach for dealing with rapidly oscillating parameters. The state space of the PDMP is written as the product of a finite set and a subset of the Euclidean space a""e (n) . The discrete part of the state, called the regime, characterizes the mode of operation of the physical system under consideration, and is supposed to have a fast (associated to a small parameter epsilon > 0) and a slow behavior. By using a similar approach as developed in Yin and Zhang (Continuous-Time Markov Chains and Applications: A Singular Perturbation Approach, Applications of Mathematics, vol. 37, Springer, New York, 1998, Chaps. 1 and 3) the idea in this paper is to reduce the number of regimes by considering an averaged model in which the regimes within the same class are aggregated through the quasi-stationary distribution so that the different states in this class are replaced by a single one. The main goal is to show that the value function of the control problem for the system driven by the perturbed Markov chain converges to the value function of this limit control problem as epsilon goes to zero. This convergence is obtained by, roughly speaking, showing that the infimum and supremum limits of the value functions satisfy two optimality inequalities as epsilon goes to zero. This enables us to show the result by invoking a uniqueness argument, without needing any kind of Lipschitz continuity condition.
We consider continuous observation of the nonlinear dynamics of single atom trapped in an optical cavity by a standing wave with intensity modulation. The motion of the atom changes the phase of the field which is then monitored by homodyne detection of the output field. We show that the conditional Hilbert space dynamics of this system, subject to measurement-induced perturbations, depends strongly on whether the corresponding classical dynamics is regular or chaotic. If the classical dynamics is chaotic, the distribution of conditional Hilbert space vectors corresponding to different observation records tends to be orthogonal. This is a characteristic feature of hypersensitivity to perturbation for quantum chaotic systems.
Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the retina and is removed from the extracellular space by an energy-dependent process involving neuronal and glial cell transporters. The radial glial Muller cells express the glutamate transporter, GLAST, and preferentially accumulate glutamate. However, during an ischaemic episode, extracellular glutamate concentrations may rise to excitotoxic levels. Is this catastrophic rise in extracellular glutamate due to a failure of GLAST? Using immunocytochemistry, we monitored the transport of the glutamate transporter substrate, D-aspartate, in the retina under normal and ischaemic conditions. Two models of compromised retinal perfusion were compared: (1) Anaesthetised rats had their carotid arteries occluded for 7 days to produce a chronic reduction in retinal blood flow. Retinal function was assessed by electroretinography. D-aspartate was injected into the eye for 45 min, Following euthanasia, the retina was processed for D-aspartate. GLAST and glutamate immunocytochemistry. Although reduced retinal perfusion suppresses the electroretinogram b-wave, neither retinal histology, GLAST expression, nor the ability of Muller cells to uptake D-aspartate is affected. As this insult does not appear to cause excitotoxic neuronal damage, these data suggest that GLAST function and glutamate clearance are maintained during periods of reduced retinal perfusion. (2) Occlusion of the central retinal artery for 60 min abolishes retinal perfusion, inducing histological damage and electroretinogram suppression. Although GLAST expression appears to be normal. its ability to transport D-aspartate into Muller cells is greatly reduced. Interestingly, D-aspartate is transported into neuronal cells, i.e. photoreceptors, bipolar and ganglion cells. This suggests that while GLAST is vitally important for the clearance of excess extracellular glutamate, its capability to sustain inward transport is particularly susceptible to an acute ischaemic attack. Manipulation of GLAST function could alleviate the degeneration and blindness that result from ischaemic retinal disease. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.
This study investigated the influence of a concurrent cognitive task on the compensatory stepping response in balance-impaired elders and the attentional demand of the stepping response. Kinetic, kinematic and neuromuscular measures of a forward recovery step were investigated in 15 young adults, 15 healthy elders and 13 balance-impaired elders in a single task (postural recovery only) and dual task (postural recovery and vocal reaction time task) situation. Results revealed that reaction times were longer in all subjects when performed concurrently with a compensatory step, they were longer for a step than an in-place response and longer for balance-impaired older adults compared with young adults. An interesting finding was that the latter group difference may be related to prioritization between the two tasks rather than attentional demand, as the older adults completed the step before the reaction time, whereas the young adults could perform both concurrently. Few differences in step characteristics were found between tasks, with the most notable being a delayed latency and reduced magnitude of the early automatic postural response in healthy and balance-impaired elders with a concurrent task. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a programable perturbation and observation control implementation for a wind generation system and its power electronic converter. The objective of the method in this particular application is to adjust the power delivered to charge a battery to its maximum and allowable value, function of the real values of several parameters and their continuous variation, the most important the wind velocity and the turbine efficiency. Also, to improve the power throughput and to use the turbine and generator marginal zones of operation, an unusual power converter is used, allowing a wide range for the input voltage values. The implemented control is continuously measuring the actual power and looks for a new and powerful operation point. © 2014 IEEE.
This paper presents a programable perturbation and observation control implementation for a wind generation system and its power electronic converter. The objective of the method in this particular application is to adjust the power delivered to charge a battery to its maximum and allowable value, function of the real values of several parameters and their continuous variation, the most important the wind velocity and the turbine efficiency. Also, to improve the power throughput and to use the turbine and generator marginal zones of operation, an unusual power converter is used, allowing a wide range for the input voltage values. The implemented control is continuously measuring the actual power and looks for a new and powerful operation point. © 2014 IEEE.
Biochemistry, 2003, 42 (10), pp 3070–3080 DOI: 10.1021/bi026979d
Here, we define and consider (linear) TP-directions and TP-paths for a totally nonnegative matrix, in an effort to more deeply understand perturbation of a TN matrix to a TP matrix. We give circumstances in which a TP-direction exists and an example to show that they do not always exist. A strategy to give (nonlinear) TP-paths is given (and applied to this example). A long term goal is to understand the sparsest TP-perturbation for application to completion problems.
We study quadratic perturbations of the integrable system (1+x)dH; where H =(x²+y²)=2: We prove that the first three Melnikov functions associated to the perturbed system give rise at most to three limit cycles.
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Standard proteomics methods allow the relative quantitation of levels of thousands of proteins in two or more samples. While such methods are invaluable for defining the variations in protein concentrations which follow the perturbation of a biological system, they do not offer information on the mechanisms underlying such changes. Expanding on previous work [1], we developed a pulse-chase (pc) variant of SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture). pcSILAC can quantitate in one experiment and for two conditions the relative levels of proteins newly synthesized in a given time as well as the relative levels of remaining preexisting proteins. We validated the method studying the drug-mediated inhibition of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone, which is known to lead to increased synthesis of stress response proteins as well as the increased decay of Hsp90 "clients". We showed that pcSILAC can give information on changes in global cellular proteostasis induced by treatment with the inhibitor, which are normally not captured by standard relative quantitation techniques. Furthermore, we have developed a mathematical model and computational framework that uses pcSILAC data to determine degradation constants kd and synthesis rates Vs for proteins in both control and drug-treated cells. The results show that Hsp90 inhibition induced a generalized slowdown of protein synthesis and an increase in protein decay. Treatment with the inhibitor also resulted in widespread protein-specific changes in relative synthesis rates, together with variations in protein decay rates. The latter were more restricted to individual proteins or protein families than the variations in synthesis. Our results establish pcSILAC as a viable workflow for the mechanistic dissection of changes in the proteome which follow perturbations. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000538.
Es presenta un nou algorisme per a la diagonalització de matrius amb diagonal dominant. Es mostra la seva eficàcia en el tractament de matrius no simètriques, amb elements definits sobre el cos complex i, fins i tot, de grans dimensions. Es posa de manifest la senzillesa del mètode així com la facilitat d'implementació en forma de codi de programació. Es comentenels seus avantatges i característiques limitants, així com algunes de les millores que es poden implementar. Finalment, es mostren alguns exemples numèrics
In standard multivariate statistical analysis common hypotheses of interest concern changes in mean vectors and subvectors. In compositional data analysis it is now well established that compositional change is most readily described in terms of the simplicial operation of perturbation and that subcompositions replace the marginal concept of subvectors. To motivate the statistical developments of this paper we present two challenging compositional problems from food production processes.Against this background the relevance of perturbations and subcompositions can beclearly seen. Moreover we can identify a number of hypotheses of interest involvingthe specification of particular perturbations or differences between perturbations and also hypotheses of subcompositional stability. We identify the two problems as being the counterpart of the analysis of paired comparison or split plot experiments and of separate sample comparative experiments in the jargon of standard multivariate analysis. We then develop appropriate estimation and testing procedures for a complete lattice of relevant compositional hypotheses
Natural populations are of finite size and organisms carry multilocus genotypes. There are, nevertheless, few results on multilocus models when both random genetic drift and natural selection affect the evolutionary dynamics. In this paper we describe a formalism to calculate systematic perturbation expansions of moments of allelic states around neutrality in populations of constant size. This allows us to evaluate multilocus fixation probabilities (long-term limits of the moments) under arbitrary strength of selection and gene action. We show that such fixation probabilities can be expressed in terms of selection coefficients weighted by mean first passages times of ancestral gene lineages within a single ancestor. These passage times extend the coalescence times that weight selection coefficients in one-locus perturbation formulas for fixation probabilities. We then apply these results to investigate the Hill-Robertson effect and the coevolution of helping and punishment. Finally, we discuss limitations and strengths of the perturbation approach. In particular, it provides accurate approximations for fixation probabilities for weak selection regimes only (Ns < or = 1), but it provides generally good prediction for the direction of selection under frequency-dependent selection.
The basis set superposition error-free second-order MØller-Plesset perturbation theory of intermolecular interactions was studied. The difficulties of the counterpoise (CP) correction in open-shell systems were also discussed. The calculations were performed by a program which was used for testing the new variants of the theory. It was shown that the CP correction for the diabatic surfaces should be preferred to the adiabatic ones