981 resultados para P-TYPE ZNO


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As-doped p-type ZnO films were grown on GaAs by sputtering and thermal diffusion process. Hall effect measurements showed that the as-grown films were of n-type conductivity and they were converted to p-type behavior after thermal annealing. Moreover, the hole concentration of As-doped p-type ZnO was very impressible to the oxygen ambient applied during the annealing process. In addition, the bonding state of As in the films was investigated by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. This study not only demonstrated an effective method for reliable and reproducible p-type ZnO fabrication but also helped to understand the doping mechanism of As-doped ZnO. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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P-doped ZnO films were deposited on n-Si substrate by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. Hall measurements revealed that the films annealed in situ at 750 degrees C in an oxygen ambient at a pressure of 1.3x10(-3)-3.9x10(-3) Pa showed p-type behavior with a hole concentration of 2.7x10(16)-2.2x10(17) cm(-3), a mobility of 4-13 cm(2)/V s, and a resistivity of 10.4-19.3 Omega cm. Films annealed at 750 degrees C in a vacuum or in oxygen ambient at higher pressures (5.2x10(-3) and 6.5x10(-3) Pa) showed n-type behavior. Additionally, the p-ZnO/n-Si heterojunction showed a diodelike I-V characteristic. Our results indicate that P-doped p-type ZnO films can be obtained by annealing in oxygen ambient at very low pressures. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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A custom-designed inductively coupled plasma assisted radio-frequency magnetron sputtering deposition system has been used to fabricate N-doped p-type ZnO (ZnO:N) thin films on glass substrates from a sintered ZnO target in a reactive Ar + N2 gas mixture. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy analyses show that the ZnO:N films feature a hexagonal crystal structure with a preferential (002) crystallographic orientation and grow as vertical columnar structures. Hall effect and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses show that N-doped ZnO thin films are p-type with a hole concentration of 3.32 × 1018 cm- 3 and mobility of 1.31 cm2 V- 1 s- 1. The current-voltage measurement of the two-layer structured ZnO p-n homojunction clearly reveals the rectifying ability of the p-n junction. The achievement of p-type ZnO:N thin films is attributed to the high dissociation ability of the high-density inductively coupled plasma source and effective plasma-surface interactions during the growth process.


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The structural, optical, and gas-sensing properties of spray pyrolysis deposited Cu doped ZnO thin films were investigated. Gas response of the undoped and doped films to N02 (oxidizing) gas shows an increase and decrease in resistance, respectively, indicating p-type conduction in doped samples. The UV-Vis spectra of the films show decrease in the bandgap with increasing Cu concentration in ZnO. The observed p-type conductivity is attributed to the holes generated by incorporated Cu atoms on Zn sites in ZnO thin films. The X-ray diffraction spectra showed that samples are polycrystalline with the hexagonal wurtzite structure and increasing the concentration of Cu caused a decrease in the intensity of the dominant (002) peak. The surface morphology of films was studied by scanning electron microscopy and the presence of Cu was also confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Seebeck effect measurements were utilized to confirm the p-type conduction of Cu doped ZnO thin films. Copyright © 2009 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.


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We report on the observation of stable p-type conductivity in B and N co-doped epitaxial ZnO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Films grown at higher oxygen partial pressure (similar to 10(-1) Torr) shows p-type conductivity with a carrier concentration of similar to 3 x 10(16) cm(-3). This p-type conductivity is associated with the significant decrease in defect emission peaks due to the vacancy oxygen (V-O) and Schottky type-I native defects compared to films grown at low oxygen partial pressure (similar to 10(-5) Torr). The p-type conductivity is explained with the help of density functional theory (DFT) calculation considering off-stoichiometric BN1+x in the ZnO lattice. (C) 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim


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Using the density function theory within the generalized gradient approximation, the band structures of wurtzite ZnO, BeO and MgO have been calculated. The effective-mass parameters are fitted using the calculated eigenvalues. The Dresselhaus spin-orbit effect appears in the k[1 00] direction, and is zero in the high symmetry direction k[00 1]. The orderings of valence band split by the crystal-field and spin-orbit coupling in wurtzite ZnO, BeO and MgO are identified by analyzing the wave function characters calculated by projecting the wave functions onto p-state in the spherical harmonics. For wurtzite ZnO, the ordering of valence band is Still Gamma(7) > Gamma(9) > Gamma(7) due to the negative spin-orbit coupling splitting energy and the positive crystal-field splitting energy. Thus, the Thomas' conclusion is confirmed. For wurtzite BeO and MgO, although their orderings of valence bands are Gamma(7) > Gamma(9) > Gamma(7) too, the origins of their orderings are different from that of wurtzite ZnO. Zn1-x,YxO (Y = Mg, Be) doped with N and P atoms have been studied using first-principles method. The calculated results show that N atom doped in Zn1-x BexO has more shallow acceptor energy level with increasing the concentration of Be atom. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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With the emergence of transparent electronics, there has been considerable advancement in n-type transparent semiconducting oxide (TSO) materials, such as ZnO, InGaZnO, and InSnO. Comparatively, the availability of p-type TSO materials is more scarce and the available materials are less mature. The development of p-type semiconductors is one of the key technologies needed to push transparent electronics and systems to the next frontier, particularly for implementing p-n junctions for solar cells and p-type transistors for complementary logic/circuits applications. Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) is one of the most promising candidates for p-type TSO materials. This paper reports the deposition of Cu2O thin films without substrate heating using a high deposition rate reactive sputtering technique, called high target utilisation sputtering (HiTUS). This technique allows independent control of the remote plasma density and the ion energy, thus providing finer control of the film properties and microstructure as well as reducing film stress. The effect of deposition parameters, including oxygen flow rate, plasma power and target power, on the properties of Cu2O films are reported. It is known from previously published work that the formation of pure Cu2O film is often difficult, due to the more ready formation or co-formation of cupric oxide (CuO). From our investigation, we established two key concurrent criteria needed for attaining Cu2O thin films (as opposed to CuO or mixed phase CuO/Cu2O films). First, the oxygen flow rate must be kept low to avoid over-oxidation of Cu2O to CuO and to ensure a non-oxidised/non-poisoned metallic copper target in the reactive sputtering environment. Secondly, the energy of the sputtered copper species must be kept low as higher reaction energy tends to favour the formation of CuO. The unique design of the HiTUS system enables the provision of a high density of low energy sputtered copper radicals/ions, and when combined with a controlled amount of oxygen, can produce good quality p-type transparent Cu2O films with electrical resistivity ranging from 102 to 104 Ω-cm, hole mobility of 1-10 cm2/V-s, and optical band-gap of 2.0-2.6 eV. These material properties make this low temperature deposited HiTUS Cu 2O film suitable for fabrication of p-type metal oxide thin film transistors. Furthermore, the capability to deposit Cu2O films with low film stress at low temperatures on plastic substrates renders this approach favourable for fabrication of flexible p-n junction solar cells. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using a first-principles band-structure method and a special quasirandom structure (SQS) approach, we systematically calculate the band gap bowing parameters and p-type doping properties of (Zn, Mg, Be)O related random ternary and quaternary alloys. We show that the bowing parameters for ZnBeO and MgBeO alloys are large and dependent on composition. This is due to the size difference and chemical mismatch between Be and Zn(Mg) atoms. We also demonstrate that adding a small amount of Be into MgO reduces the band gap indicating that the bowing parameter is larger than the band-gap difference. We select an ideal N atom with lower p atomic energy level as dopant to perform p-type doping of ZnBeO and ZnMgBeO alloys. For N doped in ZnBeO alloy, we show that the acceptor transition energies become shallower as the number of the nearest neighbor Be atoms increases. This is thought to be because of the reduction of p-d repulsion. The N-O acceptor transition energies are deep in the ZnMgBeO quaternary alloy lattice-matched to GaN substrate due to the lower valence band maximum. These decrease slightly as there are more nearest neighbor Mg atoms surrounding the N dopant. The important natural valence band alignment between ZnO, MgO, BeO, ZnBeO, and ZnMgBeO quaternary alloy is also investigated.


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Sb-doped Zn1-xMgxO films were grown on c-plane sapphire substrates by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. The p-type conduction of the films (0.05 <= x <= 0.13) was confirmed by Hall measurements, revealing a hole concentration of 10(15)-10(16) cm(-3) and a mobility of 0.6-4.5 cm(2)/V s. A p-n homojunction comprising an undoped ZnO layer and an Sb-doped Zn0.95Mg0.05O layer shows a typical rectifying characteristic. Sb-doped p-type Zn1-xMgxO films also exhibit a changeable wider band gap as a function of x, implying that they can probably be used for fabrication of ZnO-based quantum wells and ultraviolet optoelectronic devices. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The results of second-order Raman-scattering experiments on n- and p-type 4H-SiC are presented,covering the acoustic and the optical overtone spectral regions.Some of the observed structures in the spectra are assigned to particular phonon branches and the points in the Brillouin zone from which the scattering originates.There exists a doublet at 626/636cm-1 with energy difference about 10cm-1 in both n- and p-type 4H-SiC,which is similar to the doublet structure with the same energy difference founded in hexagonal GaN,ZnO, and AlN.The cutoff frequency at 1926cm-1 of the second-order Raman is not the overtone of the A1(LO) peak of the n-type doping 4H-SiC,but that of the undoping one.The second-order Raman spectrum of 4H-SiC can hardly be affected by doping species or doping density.


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In the present studies, various copper delafossite materials viz; CuAlO2, CuGaO2, CuFeO2 , CuGa1-xFexO2, CuYO2 and CuCaxY1-xO2 were synthesised by solid state reaction technique. These copper delafossite materials were grown in thin film form by rf magnetron sputtering technique. In general copper delafossites exhibit good optical transparency. The conductivity of the CuYO2 could be improved by Ca doping or by oxygen intercalation by annealing the film in oxygen atmosphere. It has so far been impossible to improve the p-type conductivity of CuGaO2 significantly by doping Mg or Ca on the Ga site. The ptype conductivity is presumed to be due to oxygen doping or Cu Vacancies [6]. Reports in literature show, oxygen intercalation or divalent ion doping on Ga site is not possible for CuGaO2 thin films to improve the p-type conductivity. Sintered powder and crystals of CuFeO2 have been reported as the materials having the highest p-type conductivity [14, 15] among the copper and silver delafossites. However the CuFeO2 films are found to be less transparent in the visible region compared to CuGaO2. Hence in the present work, the solid solution between the CuGaO2 and CuFeO2 was effected by solid state reaction, varying the Fe content. The CuGa1-xFexO2 with Fe content, x=0.5 shows an increase in conductivity by two orders, compared to CuGaO2 but the transparency is only about 50% in the visible region which is less than that of CuGaO2 The synthesis of α−AgGaO2 was carried out by two step process which involves the synthesis of β-AgGaO2 by ion exchange reaction followed by the hydrothermal conversion of the β-AgGaO2 into α-AgGaO2. The trace amount of Ag has been reduced substantially in the two step synthesis compared to the direct hydrothermal synthesis. Thin films of α-AgGaO2 were prepared on silicon and Al2O3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition. These studies indicate the possibility of using this material as p-type material in thin film form for transparent electronics. The room temperature conductivity of α-AgGaO2 was measured as 3.17 x 10-4 Scm-1and the optical band gap was estimated as 4.12 eV. A transparent p-n junction thin film diode on glass substrate was fabricated using p-type α-AgGaO2 and n-ZnO.AgCoO2 thin films with 50% transparency in the visible region were deposited on single crystalline Al2O3 and amorphous silica substrates by RF magnetron sputtering and p type conductivity of AgCoO2 was demonstrated by fabricating transparent p-n junction diode with AgCoO2 as p-side and ZnO: Al as n-side using sputtering. The junction thus obtained was found to be rectifying with a forward to reverse current of about 10 at an applied voltage of 3 V.The present study shows that silver delafossite thin films with p-type conductivity can be used for the fabrication of active devices for transparent electronics applications.


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Semiconductor physics has developed significantly in the field of re- search and industry in the past few decades due to it’s numerous practical applications. One of the relevant fields of current interest in material science is the fundamental aspects and applications of semi- conducting transparent thin films. Transparent conductors show the properties of transparency and conductivity simultaneously. As far as the band structure is concerned, the combination of the these two properties in the same material is contradictory. Generally a trans- parent material is an insulator having completely filled valence and empty conduction bands. Metallic conductivity come out when the Fermi level lies within a band with a large density of states to provide high carrier concentration. Effective transparent conductors must nec- essarily represent a compromise between a better transmission within the visible spectral range and a controlled but useful electrical con- ductivity [1–6]. Generally oxides like In2O3, SnO2, ZnO, CdO etc, show such a combination. These materials without any doping are insulators with optical band gap of about 3 eV. To become a trans- parent conductor, these materials must be degenerately doped to lift the Fermi level up into the conduction band. Degenerate doping pro- vides high mobility of extra carriers and low optical absorption. The increase in conductivity involves an increase in either carrier concen- tration or mobility. Increase in carrier concentration will enhance the absorption in the visible region while increase in mobility has no re- verse effect on optical properties. Therefore the focus of research for new transparent conducting oxide (TCO) materials is on developing materials with higher carrier mobilities.


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ZnO is a wide band-gap semiconductor that has several desirable properties for optoelectronic devices. With its large exciton binding energy of ~60 meV, ZnO is a promising candidate for high stability, room-temperature luminescent and lasing devices [1]. Ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on ZnO homojunctions had been reported [2,3], while preparing stable p-type ZnO is still a challenge. An alternative way is to use other p-type semiconductors, ether inorganic or organic, to form heterojunctions with the naturally n-type ZnO. The crystal structure of wurtzite ZnO can be described as Zn and O atomic layers alternately stacked along the [0001] direction. Because of the fastest growth rate over the polar (0001) facet, ZnO crystals tend to grow into one-dimensional structures, such as nanowires and nanobelts. Since the first report of ZnO nanobelts in 2001 [4], ZnO nanostructures have been particularly studied for their potential applications in nano-sized devices. Various growth methods have been developed for growing ZnO nanostructures, such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD), Metal-organic CVD (MOCVD), aqueous growth and electrodeposition [5]. Based on the successful synthesis of ZnO nanowires/nanorods, various types of hybrid light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were made. Inorganic p-type semiconductors, such as GaN, Si and SiC, have been used as substrates to grown ZnO nanorods/nanowires for making LEDs. GaN is an ideal material that matches ZnO not only in the crystal structure but also in the energy band levels. However, to prepare Mg-doped p-GaN films via epitaxial growth is still costly. In comparison, the organic semiconductors are inexpensive and have many options to select, for a large variety of p-type polymer or small-molecule semiconductors are now commercially available. The organic semiconductor has the limitation of durability and environmental stability. Many polymer semiconductors are susceptible to damage by humidity or mere exposure to oxygen in the air. Also the carrier mobilities of polymer semiconductors are generally lower than the inorganic semiconductors. However, the combination of polymer semiconductors and ZnO nanostructures opens the way for making flexible LEDs. There are few reports on the hybrid LEDs based on ZnO/polymer heterojunctions, some of them showed the characteristic UV electroluminescence (EL) of ZnO. This chapter reports recent progress of the hybrid LEDs based on ZnO nanowires and other inorganic/organic semiconductors. We provide an overview of the ZnO-nanowire-based hybrid LEDs from the perspectives of the device configuration, growth methods of ZnO nanowires and the selection of p-type semiconductors. Also the device performances and remaining issues are presented.


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Aluminum-doped p-type polycrystalline silicon thin films have been synthesized on glass substrates using an aluminum target in a reactive SiH 4+Ar+H2 gas mixture at a low substrate temperature of 300∈°C through inductively coupled plasma-assisted RF magnetron sputtering. In this process, it is possible to simultaneously co-deposit Si-Al in one layer for crystallization of amorphous silicon, in contrast to the conventional techniques where alternating metal and amorphous Si layers are deposited. The effect of aluminum target power on the structural and electrical properties of polycrystalline Si films is analyzed by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and Hall-effect analysis. It is shown that at an aluminum target power of 100 W, the polycrystalline Si film features a high crystalline fraction of 91%, a vertically aligned columnar structure, a sheet resistance of 20.2 kΩ/□ and a hole concentration of 6.3×1018 cm-3. The underlying mechanism for achieving the semiconductor-quality polycrystalline silicon thin films at a low substrate temperature of 300∈°C is proposed.


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A copolymer comprising 1,4-diketopyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole (DPP) and thieno[3,2-b]thiophene moieties, PDBT-co-TT, shows high hole mobility of up to 0.94 cm2 V-1 s-1 in organic thin-film transistors. The strong intermolecular interactions originated from π-π stacking and donor-acceptor interaction lead to the formation of interconnected polymer networks having an ordered lamellar structure, which have established highly efficient pathways for charge carrier transport.