996 resultados para Pé-duro
The objective of the present study consisted of describing dam and calf suckling behaviour of Curraleiro Pé Duro cattle. In this study, 38 mother-offspring pairs and one mother-offspring-orphan trio were observed for 10 hours daily during three consecutive days spaced every four months over a period of one year. After identification,theanimalswereobserved under field conditions where calf posture and the number of sucklingepisodes(NS),meansucklingduration(MSD),total suckling duration per day (TSD) as well as natural weaning of these animals were recorded. The model assessed the effects of calf sex and age as well as feeding time. Suckling episodes (70.6%) had a duration of one to five minutes and the calf that suckled in the inverted parallel position had greater chances of success during suckling (99.5%); the younger animals had a shorter mean suckling duration (4.0±0.6 minutes) than the older ones (7.5±1.2 minutes) but they showed a higher number of suckling episodes (6.29±1.00 vs. 1.33±0.04 feeds in 10 hours for young and older calves). Only the factor age in the firstthree months was significant for NS,MSD,and TSD;males and females had similar suckling episode length and distribution. While these animals show some traits similar to other cattle breeds such as feeding their calves early in the morning and late in the afternoon, the dams spend large periods of the day away from their calves and suckling is more frequent but for shorter periods of time compared with other breeds. Other unique features such as allo-suckling and formation of day-long crèches are observed in this breed. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia;.
The objective of this study was to describe the genetic diversity and structure of the largest Pé-duro population by assessing variation at ten autosomal microsatellite (STR) loci and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. The mean expected heterozygosity was 0.755, the mean observed heterozygosity was 0.600 and significant inbreeding coefficient (Fis) and deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in most of analyzed loci demonstrate the impact of inbreeding and homozygosis on this population. A more in-depth genetic analysis could be achieved by expanding the STR list. The analysis of mtDNA provided evidence of ancestral African taurine haplotypes in Pé-duro and excluded maternal Zebuine introgression. In this report, the main Pé-duro population is genetically portrayed by sampling approximately 40% of it. As this herd represents the core of the Pé-duro conservation program, these findings are of outstanding value for the management and preservation of this Brazilian 'native' cattle breed.
Bovine babesiosis is a blood parasitic disease. In Brazil it is caused by B. bovis and B. bigemina protozoa, both of which reveal the Boophilus microplus tick as the only biological vector. Animal samples were collected at Experimental Study Farm of Curraleiro Cattle (ESFC) in 2001 (n=117) and 2003 (n=113). The detection of antibodies against B. bovis and B. bigemina was carried out by ELISA-indirect method. This research was aimed at studing seroepidemiological aspects of bovine babesiosis in a Curraleiro herd, as well as obtain information about babesiosis stability in this population and relate the results with available climactic and management information. The occurrence rate of positive animals was 92.3% for B. bovis and 83.8% for B. bigemina in 2001; in 2003 it was 92.9% and 66.4%, respectively. There was a significant difference between seropositive frequency and age in 2003; such a frequency decreased with ageing. It was possible to conclude that despite environmental conditions and chemical controls against endo and ectoparasites, these animals were exposed to Babesia spp and they found themselves in a situation of enzootic stability for babesiosis.
A análise tricológica é um método não invasivo com potencial para a identificação de mamíferos por meio das características microscópicas de seus pelos. Permite identificar e diferenciar amostras ao nível de Ordem, Família, Gênero, Espécie e até mesmo Subespécies em alguns grupos zoológicos. A caracterização morfométrica de estruturas da cutícula em pelos de animais de raças bovinas criadas no Brasil poderia indicar a possibilidade de uso desta técnica como marcador racial. Um total de 120 animais (machos e fêmeas), pertencentes às raças Caracu, Curraleiro Pé-Duro e Nelore, provenientes de rebanhos de diferentes regiões geográficas foi amostrado. Os dados de área e perímetro das escamas cuticulares foram submetidos à análise de variância, sendo o efeito de raça significativo (P<0,001) e as médias das variáveis estudadas significativamente diferentes entre as raças (P<0,05). A técnica tricológica apresentou elevada acurácia na diferenciação das raças bovinas estudadas. O método, que tem como característica baixo custo de execução, se mostrou como uma ferramenta de grande utilidade para identificação não invasiva de bovinos, com potencial de uso e aplicação para outras espécies de interesse para a pecuária.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Dar unas nociones generales sobre la realidad sociológica del deficiente mental. No se pretende dar soluciones, sino sólo, plantear el problema, pues, las soluciones nacerán con la colaboración por parte de todos cuando se llegue a una concienciación del problema. Para ello trataremos de medir el progreso social estudiando la correlación entre cociente intelectual y número de habilidades conseguidas; entre la edad cronológica y número de habilidades conseguidas en cada sección del cuestionario; a través de la investigación de las áreas más dominadas; y a través del estudio de los items menos accesibles. Cuarenta y nueve chicos retrasados mentales de los cuales treinta y siete son varones y doce son hembras. Las edades de estos sujetos están comprendidas entre cuatro y dieciseis años. Los coeficientes oscilan entre cincuenta y ochenta. El lugar de aplicación ha sido realizado en centros de enseñanza especial; el Colegio Nuestra Señora del Cueto de Salamanca; el Hospital Psiquiátrico de Salamanca; y el Colegio de la Cruz Roja de Salamanca. Cuestionario de Gunzburg; Test de Terman. Hay una correlación negativa o nula con respecto a los chicos en las áreas de ayuda a sí mismos, socialización y ocupación. Los factores como tiempo de enseñanza, tipo de enseñanza y régimen del centro influyen en la consecución de un buen desarrollo social. Es de resaltar las habilidades que han resultado con mayor grado de dificultad; y son: prepararse para el baño; la utilización del cuchillo y tenedor correctamente; servirse líquidos; cruzar calles; conocer la hora y cuartos de hora; los cambios de más de un duro; repetir una historieta sin dificultad; leer impresos sencillos; confiar dinero a ir a tiendas y almacenes; cortar trapos con tijeras, etc.
Programa emitido el 20 de octubre de 1994
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
This work focuses on the creation and applications of a dynamic simulation software in order to study the hard metal structure (WC-Co). The technological ground used to increase the GPU hardware capacity was Geforce 9600 GT along with the PhysX chip created to make games more realistic. The software simulates the three-dimensional carbide structure to the shape of a cubic box where tungsten carbide (WC) are modeled as triangular prisms and truncated triangular prisms. The program was proven effective regarding checking testes, ranging from calculations of parameter measures such as the capacity to increase the number of particles simulated dynamically. It was possible to make an investigation of both the mean parameters and distributions stereological parameters used to characterize the carbide structure through cutting plans. Grounded on the cutting plans concerning the analyzed structures, we have investigated the linear intercepts, the intercepts to the area, and the perimeter section of the intercepted grains as well as the binder phase to the structure by calculating the mean value and distribution of the free path. As literature shows almost consensually that the distribution of the linear intercepts is lognormal, this suggests that the grain distribution is also lognormal. Thus, a routine was developed regarding the program which made possible a more detailed research on this issue. We have observed that it is possible, under certain values for the parameters which define the shape and size of the Prismatic grain to find out the distribution to the linear intercepts that approach the lognormal shape. Regarding a number of developed simulations, we have observed that the distribution curves of the linear and area intercepts as well as the perimeter section are consistent with studies on static computer simulation to these parameters.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
A região do Rio Capim (Nordeste do Estado do Pará), destaca-se nacionalmente por suas grandes reservas de caulim para cobertura de papel. O minério extraído está localizado, em média, a 20 m de profundidade, recoberto por sedimentos argilo-arenosos da Formação Barreiras, e de um nível de caulim duro, também conhecido como flint ou semi-flint, considerado como estéril em função do teor de ferro elevado que inviabiliza sua aplicação para cobertura. Este trabalho objetiva a caracterização mineralógica e geoquímica do caulim duro além de acompanhar as transformações mineralógicas sofridas em função da temperatura de queima, com vistas a sua possível utilização como matéria-prima cerâmica. Foram utilizados dois tipos de caulim duro como material de partida, em função dos teores de ferro: o Caulim Duro Branco (CDB) e o Caulim Duro Ferruginoso (CDF), este último com teor de Fe2O3 de 10,36%. Os resultados indicam composição mineralógica dominada por caulinita, além de anatásio como acessório. No CDF ocorrem ainda goethita e hematita. Os estudo das transformações térmicas indicam que o início de formação de mullita se dá em temperaturas diferentes para as amostras estudadas.
The physical (pH) and microbiological (psychotrofi c microorganisms and lactic bacteria) characteristics of beef outside round (m. Biceps femoris) injected (15%) with brines free of polyphosphates containing and sodium lactate or sodium lactate and sodium diacetate and liquid bovine plasma (PLL and PLO) or dehydrated bovine plasma (PDL, PDO) were evaluated along with beef cuts injected with brines free from plasma, but containing polyphosphates and bacteriostatic agents (CL and CO) and non injected beef cuts (IN), comprising seven treatments of cooked and vacuum packaged beef steaks stored under refrigeration (6ºC) during 43 days. No differences in pH were detected among raw or cooked injected treatments, although IN showed lower pH value in raw beef cuts. The addition of liquid or dehydrated bovine plasma did not affect the microbial load after whole muscles pasteurization, but increased the bacterial counts in cooked beef steaks during refrigerated storage, comparing to treatments with no plasma addition (CL and CO). The storage temperature (6ºC), usually found during commercialization of meat increased the microorganisms growth rate affecting the microbiological quality, especially when plasma was added to the brine.
Leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina is a serious disease of durum wheat (Triticum durum) worldwide. However, genetic and molecular mapping studies aimed at characterizing leaf rust resistance genes in durum wheat have been only recently undertaken. The Italian durum wheat cv. Creso shows a high level of resistance to P. triticina that has been considered durable and that appears to be due to a combination of a single dominant gene and one or more additional factors conferring partial resistance. In this study, the genetic basis of leaf rust resistance carried by Creso was investigated using 176 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross between the cv. Colosseo (C, leaf rust resistance donor) and Lloyd (L, susceptible parent). Colosseo is a cv. directly related to Creso with the leaf rust resistance phenotype inherited from Creso, and was considered as resistance donor because of its better adaptation to local (Emilia Romagna, Italy) cultivation environment. RILs have been artificially inoculated with a mixture of 16 Italian P. triticina isolates that were characterized for virulence to seedlings of 22 common wheat cv. Thatcher isolines each carrying a different leaf rust resistance gene, and for molecular genotypes at 15 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci, in order to determine their specialization with regard to the host species. The characterization of the leaf rust isolates was conducted at the Cereal Disease Laboratory of the University of Minnesota (St. Paul, USA) (Chapter 2). A genetic linkage map was constructed using segregation data from the population of 176 RILs from the cross CL. A total of 662 loci, including 162 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 500 Diversity Arrays Technology markers (DArTs), were analyzed by means of the package EasyMap 0.1. The integrated SSR-DArT linkage map consisted of 554 loci (162 SSR and 392 DArT markers) grouped into 19 linkage blocks with an average marker density of 5.7 cM/marker. The final map spanned a total of 2022 cM, which correspond to a tetraploid genome (AABB) coverage of ca. 77% (Chapter 3). The RIL population was phenotyped for their resistance to leaf rust under artificial inoculation in 2006; the percentage of infected leaf area (LRS, leaf rust susceptibility) was evaluated at three stages through the disease developmental cycle and the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) was then calculated. The response at the seedling stage (infection type, IT) was also investigated. QTL analysis was carried out by means of the Composite Interval Mapping method based on a selection of markers from the CL map. A major QTL (QLr.ubo-7B.2) for leaf rust resistance controlling both the seedling and the adult plant response, was mapped on the distal region of chromosome arm 7BL (deletion bin 7BL10-0.78-1.00), in a gene-dense region known to carry several genes/QTLs for resistance to rusts and other major cereal fungal diseases in wheat and barley. QLr.ubo-7B.2 was identified within a supporting interval of ca. 5 cM tightly associated with three SSR markers (Xbarc340.2, Xgwm146 e Xgwm344.2), and showed an R2 and an LOD peak value for the AUDPC equal to 72.9% an 44.5, respectively. Three additional minor QTLs were also detected (QLr.ubo-7B.1 on chr. 7BS; QLr.ubo-2A on chr. 2AL and QLr.ubo-3A on chr. 3AS) (Chapter 4). The presence of the major QTL (QLr.ubo-7B.2) was validated by a linkage disequilibrium (LD)-based test using field data from two different plant materials: i) a set of 62 advanced lines from multiple crosses involving Creso and his directly related resistance derivates Colosseo and Plinio, and ii) a panel of 164 elite durum wheat accessions representative of the major durum breeding program of the Mediterranean basin. Lines and accessions were phenotyped for leaf rust resistance under artificial inoculation in two different field trials carried out at Argelato (BO, Italy) in 2006 and 2007; the durum elite accessions were also evaluated in two additional field experiments in Obregon (Messico; 2007 and 2008) and in a green-house experiment (seedling resistance) at the Cereal Disease Laboratory (St. Paul, USA, 2008). The molecular characterization involved 14 SSR markers mapping on the 7BL chromosome region found to harbour the major QTL. Association analysis was then performed with a mixed-linear-model approach. Results confirmed the presence of a major QTL for leaf rust resistance, both at adult plant and at seedling stage, located between markers Xbarc340.2, Xgwm146 and Xgwm344.2, in an interval that coincides with the supporting interval (LOD-2) of QLr.ubo-7B.2 as resulted from the RIL QTL analysis. (Chapter 5). The identification and mapping of the major QTL associated to the durable leaf rust resistance carried by Creso, together with the identification of the associated SSR markers, will enhance the selection efficiency in durum wheat breeding programs (MAS, Marker Assisted Selection) and will accelerate the release of cvs. with durable resistance through marker-assisted pyramiding of the tagged resistance genes/QTLs most effective against wheat fungal pathogens.