1000 resultados para Oxygen-isotope Record


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This study provides a continuous lateglacial and Holocene record of diatom silica oxygen isotope changes (delta O-18(DIAT)) in a subalpine lake sediment sequence obtained from the Retezat Mts (Taul dintre Brazi, 1740 m a.s.l.). This through-flow, shallow, high-altitude lake with a surface area of only 0.4 ha has short water residence time and is predominantly fed by snowmelt and rainwater. Its delta O-18(DIAT) record principally reflects the oxygen isotope composition of the winter and spring precipitation, as diatom blooms occur mainly in the spring and early summer. Hence, changes in delta O-18(DIAT) are interpreted as seasonal scale changes: in the amount of winter precipitation. Low oxygen isotope values (27-28.5 parts per thousand) occurred during the lateglacial until 12,300 cal BP, followed by a sharp increase thereafter. In the Holocene delta O-18(DIAT) values ranged from 29 to 31 parts per thousand until 3200 cal BP, followed by generally lower values during the late Holocene (27-30 parts per thousand). Short-term decreases in the isotopic values were found between 10,140-9570, 9000-8500, 7800-7300, 6300-5800, 5500-5000 and at 8015, 4400, 4000 cal BP. After 3200 cal BP a decreasing trend was visible with the lowest values between 3100-2500 and after 2100 cal BP The general trend in the record suggests that contribution of winter precipitation was generally lower between 11,680 and 3200 cal BP, followed by increased contribution during the last millennia. The late Holocene decrease in delta O-18(DIAT) shows good agreement with the speleothem delta O-18, lake level and testate amoebae records from the Carpathian Mountains that also display gradual delta O-18 decrease and lake level/mire water table level rise after 3200 cal BR Strong positive correlation with North Atlantic circulation and solar activity proxies, such as the Austrian and Hungarian speleothem records, furthermore suggested that short-term increases in the isotopic ratios in the early and mid Holocene are likely connectable to high solar activity phases and high frequency of positive North Atlantic Oscillation indexes that may have resulted in decreased winter precipitation in this region.


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Fluids are considered a fundamental agent for chemical exchanges between different rock types in the subduction system. Constraints on the sources and pathways of subduction fluids thus provide crucial information to reconstruct subduction processes. The Monviso ophiolitic sequence is composed of mafic, ultramafic and minor sediments that have been subducted to ~80 km depth. In this sequence, both localized fluid flow and channelized fluids along major shear zones have been documented. We investigate the timing and source of the fluids that affected the dominant mafic rocks using microscale U-Pb dating of zircon and oxygen isotope analysis of mineral zones (garnet, zircon and antigorite) in high pressure rocks with variable degree of metasomatic modification. In mafic eclogites, Jurassic zircon cores are the only mineralogical relicts of the protolith gabbros and retain δ18O values of 4.5–6 ‰, typical of mantle melts. Garnet and metamorphic zircon that grew during prograde to peak metamorphism display low δ18O values between 0.2 and 3.8 ‰, which are likely inherited from high-temperature alteration of the protolith on the sea floor. This is corroborated by δ18O values of 3.0 and 3.6 ‰ in antigorite from surrounding serpentinites. In metasomatised eclogites within the Lower Shear Zone, garnet rim formed at the metamorphic peak shows a shift to higher δ18O up to 6‰. The age of zircons in high-pressure veins and metasomatised eclogites constrains the timing of fluid flow at high pressure at around 45–46 Ma. Although the oxygen data do not contradict previous reports of interaction with serpentinite-derived fluids, the shift to isotopically heavier oxygen compositions requires contribution from sediment-derived fluids. The scarcity of metasediments in the Monviso sequence suggests that such fluids were concentrated and fluxed along the Lower Shear Zone in a sufficient amount to modify the oxygen composition of the eclogitic minerals.


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We present monthly resolved records of strontium/calcium (Sr/Ca) and oxygen isotope (d18O) ratios from well-preserved fossil corals drilled during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 310 'Tahiti Sea Level' and reconstruct sea surface conditions in the central tropical South Pacific Ocean during two time windows of the last deglaciation. The two Tahiti corals examined here are uranium/thorium (U/Th)-dated at 12.4 and 14.2 ka, which correspond to the Younger Dryas (YD) cold reversal and the Bølling-Allerød (B-A) warming of the Northern Hemisphere, respectively. The coral Sr/Ca records indicate that annual average sea surface temperature (SST) was 2.6-3.1 °C lower at 12.4 ka and 1.0-1.6 °C lower at 14.2 ka relative to the present, with no significant changes in the amplitude of the seasonal SST cycle. These cooler conditions were accompanied by seawater d18O (d18Osw) values higher by ~0.8 per mill and ~0.6 per mill relative to the present at 12.4 and 14.2 ka, respectively, implying more saline conditions in the surface waters. Along with previously published coral Sr/Ca records from the island [Cohen and Hart (2004), Deglacial sea surface temperatures of the western tropical Pacific: A new look at old coral. Paleoceanography 19, PA4031, doi:10.1029/2004PA001084], our new Tahiti coral records suggest that a shift toward lower SST by ~1.5 °C occurred from 13.1 to 12.4 ka, which was probably associated with a shift toward higher d18Osw by ~0.2 per mill. Along with a previously published coral Sr/Ca record from Vanuatu [Corrège et al. (2004), Interdecadal variation in the extent of South Pacific tropical waters during the Younger Dyras event. Nature 428, 927-929], the Tahiti coral records provide new evidence for a pronounced cooling of the western to central tropical South Pacific during the Northern Hemisphere YD event.


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A core from a coral colony of Porites lutea was analysed for stable oxygen isotopic composition*. A 200-year proxy record of sea surface temperatures from the Houtman Abrolhos Islands off west Australia was obtained from coral delta18O. At 29°S, the Houtman Abrolhos are the southernmost major reef complex of the Indian Ocean. They are located on the path of the Leeuwin Current, a southward flow of warm, tropical water, which is coupled to Indonesian throughflow. Coral delta18O primarily reflects local oceanographic and climatic variability, which is largely determined by spatial variability of the Leeuwin Current. However, coherence between coral delta18O and the current strength itself is relatively weak. Evolutionary spectral and singular spectrum analyses of coral delta18O demonstrate a high variability in spectral composition through time. Oscillations in the 5-7-y, 14-15-y, and quasi-biennial bands reflect teleconnections of local sea surface temperature (SST) to tropical Pacific climate variability. Deviations between local (coral-based) and regional (instrument) SST contain a cyclic component with a period of 15 y. Coral delta18O suggests a rise in SST by 0.6°C since AD 1944, consistent with available instrumental SST records. A long-term warming by 1.4°C since AD 1795 is inferred from the coral record.


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Monthly delta18O records of 2 coral colonies (Porites cf. lutea and P. cf. nodifera) from different localities (Aqaba and Eilat) from the northern Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, were calibrated with recorded sea surface temperatures (SST) between 1988 and 2000. The results show high correlation coefficients between SST and delta18O. Seasonal variations of coral delta18O in both locations could explain 91% of the recorded SST. Different delta18O/SST relations from both colonies and from the same colonies were obtained, indicating that delta18O from coral skeletons were subject to an extension rate effect. Significant delta18O depletions are associated with high extension rates and higher values with low extension rates. The relation between coral skeletal delta18O and extension rate is not linear and can be described by a simple exponential model. An inverse relationship extends over extension rates from 1 to 5 mm/yr, while for more rapidly growing corals and portions of colonies the relation is constant and the extension rate does not appear to have a significant effect. We recommend that delta18O values be obtained from fast-growing corals or from portions in which the isotopic disequilibrium is fairly constant (extension rate >5 mm/yr). The results show that interspecific differences in corals may produce a significant delta18O profile offset between 2 colonies that is independent of environmental and extension-rate effects. We conclude that the rate of skeletal extension and the species of coral involved have an important influence on coral delta18O and must be considered when using delta18O records for paleoclimatic reconstructions.


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This study documents the biological signatures impressed upon the sedimentary record underlying both the 5°N upwelling system of the Somali Current and the equatorial area of the Somali Basin out of the upwelling influence. The evolution of these two distinct hydrographic systems is compared for the last 160 kyr. Correspondence and cluster analyses are performed on combined radiolarian and planktonic foraminiferal quantitative data in order to study the changes of the planktonic assemblages through time and space. The Upwelling Radiolarian Index (URI) is used as a productivity proxy. The water temperature and hydrographic structure of the upper water masses appear to be the major factors controlling the distribution patterns of the fauna. The relative abundances of three groups of foraminifera, cold water form (dextral N. pachyderma), mixed layer dwellers (G. trilobus, G. ruber, G. sacculifer, G. conglobatus, and G. glutinata), and thermocline dwellers (G. menardii, G. tumida, N. dutertrei, G. crassaformis, and P. obliquiloculata), follow distinct evolutionary patterns at the two sites during the last 160 kyr. At the equatorial site (core MD 85668), downcore fluctuations in the relative abundances of the three groups are closely related to the glacial/interglacial cyclicity and provide some insights into the interpretation of hydrographic changes. The dominance of the mixed layer foraminifera at the transition intervals between isotope stages 6/5 and 2/1, combined with weak URI values, is thought to reflect the reorganization of the oceanographic circulation. These short-term events (with a duration of < 5000 year) could be related to the rapid inflow of oxygen-depleted water through the Indonesian straits as a result of sea level rise during deglaciation. Underneath the 5°N gyre (core MD 85674), the response to global climatic changes is overprinted by the regional effect of the Somalian upwelling, which has been persistent over the last 160 kyr.


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Twenty ice cores drilled in medium to high accumulation areas of the Greenland ice sheet have been used to extract seasonally resolved stable isotope records. Relationships between the seasonal stable isotope data and Greenland and Icelandic temperatures as well as atmospheric flow are investigated for the past 150-200 years. The winter season stable isotope data are found to be influenced by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and very closely related to SW Greenland temperatures. The linear correlation between the first principal component of the winter season stable isotope data and Greenland winter temperatures is 0.71 for seasonally resolved data and 0.83 for decadally filtered data. The summer season stable isotope data display higher correlations with Stykkisholmur summer temperatures and North Atlantic SST conditions than with SW Greenland temperatures. The linear correlation between Stykkisholmur summer temperatures and the first principal component of the summer season stable isotope data is 0.56, increasing to 0.66 for decadally filtered data. Winter season stable isotope data from ice core records that reach more than 1400 years back in time suggest that the warm period that began in the 1920s raised southern Greenland temperatures to the same level as those that prevailed during the warmest intervals of the Medieval Warm Period some 900-1300 years ago. This observation is supported by a southern Greenland ice core borehole temperature inversion. As Greenland borehole temperature inversions are found to correspond better with winter stable isotope data than with summer or annual average stable isotope data it is suggested that a strong local Greenland temperature signal can be extracted from the winter stable isotope data even on centennial to millennial time scales.


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Earth's climate underwent a fundamental change between 1250 and 700 thousand years ago, the Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT), when the dominant periodicity of climate cycles changed from 41,000 to 100,000 years in the absence of significant change in orbital forcing. Over this time, an increase occurred in the amplitude of change of deep ocean foraminiferal oxygen isotopic ratios, traditionally interpreted as defining the main rhythm of ice ages although containing large effects of changes in deep-ocean temperature. We have separated the effects of decreasing temperature and increasing global ice volume on oxygen isotope ratios. Our results suggest that the MPT was initiated by an abrupt increase in Antarctic ice volume at 900 ka. We see no evidence of a pattern of gradual cooling but near-freezing temperatures occur at every glacial maximum.


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A major tipping point of Earth's history occurred during the mid-Pliocene: the onset of major Northern-Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) and of pronounced, Quaternary-style cycles of glacial-to-interglacial climates, that contrast with more uniform climates over most of the preceding Cenozoic and continue until today (Zachos et al., 2001, doi:10.1126/science.1059412). The severe deterioration of climate occurred in three steps between 3.2 Ma (warm MIS K3) and 2.7 Ma (glacial MIS G6/4) (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071). Various models (sensu Driscoll and Haug, 1998, doi:10.1126/science.282.5388.436) and paleoceanographic records (intercalibrated using orbital age control) suggest clear linkages between the onset of NHG and the three steps in the final closure of the Central American Seaways (CAS), deduced from rising salinity differences between Caribbean and the East Pacific. Each closing event led to an enhanced North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and this strengthened the poleward transport of salt and heat (warmings of +2-3°C) (Bartoli et al., 2005, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.06.020). Also, the closing resulted in a slight rise in the poleward atmospheric moisture transport to northwestern Eurasia (Lunt et al., 2007, doi:10.1007/s00382-007-0265-6), which probably led to an enhanced precipitation and fluvial run-off, lower sea surface salinity (SSS), and an increased sea-ice cover in the Arctic Ocean, hence promoting albedo and the build-up of continental ice sheets. Most important, new evidence shows that the closing of the CAS led to greater steric height of the North Pacific and thus doubled the low-saline Arctic Throughflow from the Bering Strait to the East Greenland Current (EGC). Accordingly, Labrador Sea IODP Site 1307 displays an abrupt but irreversible EGC cooling of 6°C and freshening by ~2 psu from 3.25/3.16-3.00 Ma, right after the first but still reversible attempt of closing the CAS.


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Planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope records from the western and eastern tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans suggest a southward shift in the Intertropical Convergence Zone toward its modern location between 4.4 and 4.3 Ma. A concomitant shift in the carbon isotope compositions of Atlantic benthic foraminifera provides strong evidence for an increased thermohaline overturn at this time. We suggest that the southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and associated change in trade-wind circulation altered equatorial surface hydrography, increased the advection of warmer and more saline surface waters into the subtropical and North Atlantic, and contributed to thermohaline overturn.


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The oxygen isotope records of G. sacculifer and Pulleniatina in the uppermost three cores at Ocean Drilling Program Hole 805C span the last 1.6 m.y., an estimate based on Fourier stratigraphy. The last 700,000 yr are dominated by both eccentricity and obliquity-related orbital fluctuations. The range of variation of delta18O values is about 1.5?, of which ca. 75% may be assigned to global ice-volume effect. The remainder of the range is shared by the effects of surface temperature variation, thermocline depth change (in the case of Pulleniatina, especially), and differential dissolution. Before 1 Ma, obliquity-related fluctuations dominate. The transition between obliquity- and eccentricity-dominated time occurs between ca. 1 and 0.7 Ma. It is marked by irregularities in phase relationships, the source of which is not clear. The age of the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary is determined as 794,000 yr by obliquity counting. However, an age of 830,000 yr also is compatible with the counts of both eccentricity and obliquity cycles. In the first case, Stage 19 (which contains the boundary) is coincident with the crest of the 19th obliquity cycle, setting the first crest downcore equal to zero, and counting backward (o19). In the second, Stage 19 coincides with o20. No evidence was found for fluctuations related to precession (23 and 19 k.y.) rising above the noise level, using plain Fourier expansion on the age model of the entire series. Detailed stratigraphic comparison with the Quaternary record of Hole 806B allows the recognition of major dissolution events (which increase the difference in delta18O values of G. sacculifer at the two sites). These occur at Stages 11-13, 16-17, and near 1.5 Ma (below o33).


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High-resolution delta18O records from the equatorial Pacific (site 503B), equatorial Atlantic (site 665A), and North Atlantic (site 606A) based on the benthic foraminifera Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi show the 2.4 Ma onset of major northern hemispheric glaciation to be a package of three events occurring at 2.39, 2.35, and 2.31 Ma in which a periodicity of about 40 kyr is evident. The amplitude of the signals at the three sites indicates that these events were 1/2 to 2/3 the size of the latest Quaternary glaciation and also indicates cooling of northern source bottom water by 2.7°-4.1°C relative to southern source water during glaciations. Carbon isotopes indicate that southern source waters were less oxygenated than in the Quaternary and that there was reduced production of northern source water during glacial intervals. The dominant presence of southern source water in the eastern basin of the equatorial Atlantic, regardless of climatic cycles, throughout the late Pliocene indicates a greater influence of these waters relative to northern source waters in the late Pliocene ocean.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) cores permit us to extend the study of millennial-scale climate variability beyond the time period that is generally accessible for piston cores (i.e., the last glacial cycle). ODP Leg 177 provided for the first time continuous high sedimentation rate cores along a north-south transect from 41°to 53°S across the main subdivisions of the Southern Ocean (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.177.101.1999). The main purpose of this drilling was to investigate the Pleistocene and Holocene paleoceanographic history of this region, documented in the sedimentary records. ODP Sites 1094, 1093, 1091, and 1089 accumulated throughout the Pleistocene at rates >10 cm/k.y. and are the most detailed Pleistocene climatic records ever retrieved from the Southern Ocean. These sections provide a unique opportunity to fill an important gap in the knowledge of the paleoclimatic evolution of the high southern latitude regions. The composite sections at each site were generated shipboard using magnetic susceptibility, gamma ray attenuation (GRA) density, and reflectance data to correlate the drill holes and splice together an optimal (complete and undisturbed) record of the sedimentary sequence at each site. A preliminary magnetic polarity stratigraphy was generated on the 'archive' halves of the core sections from each hole, using the shipboard pass-through magnetometer after demagnetization at a single peak alternating field (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1999). During July 1998, we sampled core sections spanning the mid-Pleistocene interval (0.65-1.2 Ma) from Sites 1094, 1093, and 1091 at the ODP Bremen Core Repository and have since then analyzed the stable isotopic ratios of foraminifers in samples from Sites 1094 and 1091. Our goals for these studies are to establish detailed chronology for the mid-Pleistocene Southern Ocean records from Leg 177 using high-resolution stable isotope analyses, and furthermore, to trace the evolution of millennial-scale variability in proxy records from older glacial and interglacial periods characterized by higher-frequency variation. Here, we report on our stratigraphic results to date and describe the laboratory methods employed for sample preparation and stable isotope analysis. Furthermore, we provide tab-delimited text files of the age models.