Stable carbon and oxygen isotope record of foraminifera of IODP Site 303-1307

Autoria(s): Sarnthein, Michael; Bartoli, Gretta; Prange, Matthias; Schmittner, Andreas; Schneider, Birgit; Weinelt, Mara; Andersen, Nils; Garbe-Schönberg, Carl-Dieter





A major tipping point of Earth's history occurred during the mid-Pliocene: the onset of major Northern-Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) and of pronounced, Quaternary-style cycles of glacial-to-interglacial climates, that contrast with more uniform climates over most of the preceding Cenozoic and continue until today (Zachos et al., 2001, doi:10.1126/science.1059412). The severe deterioration of climate occurred in three steps between 3.2 Ma (warm MIS K3) and 2.7 Ma (glacial MIS G6/4) (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071). Various models (sensu Driscoll and Haug, 1998, doi:10.1126/science.282.5388.436) and paleoceanographic records (intercalibrated using orbital age control) suggest clear linkages between the onset of NHG and the three steps in the final closure of the Central American Seaways (CAS), deduced from rising salinity differences between Caribbean and the East Pacific. Each closing event led to an enhanced North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and this strengthened the poleward transport of salt and heat (warmings of +2-3°C) (Bartoli et al., 2005, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.06.020). Also, the closing resulted in a slight rise in the poleward atmospheric moisture transport to northwestern Eurasia (Lunt et al., 2007, doi:10.1007/s00382-007-0265-6), which probably led to an enhanced precipitation and fluvial run-off, lower sea surface salinity (SSS), and an increased sea-ice cover in the Arctic Ocean, hence promoting albedo and the build-up of continental ice sheets. Most important, new evidence shows that the closing of the CAS led to greater steric height of the North Pacific and thus doubled the low-saline Arctic Throughflow from the Bering Strait to the East Greenland Current (EGC). Accordingly, Labrador Sea IODP Site 1307 displays an abrupt but irreversible EGC cooling of 6°C and freshening by ~2 psu from 3.25/3.16-3.00 Ma, right after the first but still reversible attempt of closing the CAS.


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Supplement to: Sarnthein, Michael; Bartoli, Gretta; Prange, Matthias; Schmittner, Andreas; Schneider, Birgit; Weinelt, Mara; Andersen, Nils; Garbe-Schönberg, Carl-Dieter (2009): Mid-Pliocene shifts in ocean overturning circulation and the onset of Quaternary-style climates. Climate of the Past, 5, 269-283, doi:10.5194/cp-5-269-2009

Palavras-Chave #250-315 µm size fraction; C. pachyderma d13C; C. pachyderma d18O; C. teretis d13C; C. teretis d18O; C. wuellerstorfi d13C; C. wuellerstorfi d18O; Cassidulina teretis; Cassidulina teretis, d13C; Cassidulina teretis, d18O; Cibicides pachyderma; Cibicides pachyderma, d13C; Cibicides pachyderma, d18O; Cibicides spp.; Cibicides spp., d13C; Cibicides spp., d18O; Cibicides spp. d13C; Cibicides spp. d18O; Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi; Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, d13C; Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, d18O; Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and Oridorsalis tener; Comment; corrected; corrected after Fontanier, C. teretis, Gyroidinoides sp. and O. tener no correction; corrected after Fontanier, correction +0.5 per mil; corrected after Fontanier, correction 0.41 per mil; corrected after Fontanier, correction 0.64 per mil; corrected after Fontanier, no correction; corrected after Weinelt, C. teretis, Gyroidinoides sp. and O. tener no correction; corrected after Weinelt, correction +0.64 per mil; corrected after Weinelt, correction 0.36 per mil; corrected after Weinelt, correction -0.40 per mil; corrected after Weinelt, correction 0.64 per mil; corrected after Weinelt, no correction; d13C; d13C std dev; d18O; d18O std dev; delta 13C, adjusted/corrected; delta 13C, standard deviation; delta 18O, adjusted/corrected; delta 18O, standard deviation; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; E. excavatum d13C; E. excavatum d18O; Elphidium excavatum, d13C; Elphidium excavatum, d18O; Event; Gyroidinoides sp.; Gyroidinoides sp., d13C; Gyroidinoides sp., d18O; Gyroidinoides sp. d13C; Gyroidinoides sp. d18O; H. elegans d13C; H. elegans d18O; Hoeglundina elegans, d13C; Hoeglundina elegans, d18O; Ind; Individuals; Ind No; Integrated Ocean Drilling Program / International Ocean Discovery Program; IODP; Label; M. barleeanus d13C; M. barleeanus d18O; M. pomp. d13C; M. pompilioides d18O; Mass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251; Melonis barleeanus; Melonis barleeanus, d13C; Melonis barleeanus, d18O; Melonis pompilioides; Melonis pompilioides, d13C; Melonis pompilioides, d18O; N. atlantica d13C; N. atlantica d18O; Neogloboquadrina atlantica, d13C; Neogloboquadrina atlantica, d18O; Number of individuals; O. tener d13C; O. tener d18O; ODP sample designation; Oridorsalis tener; Oridorsalis tener, d13C; Oridorsalis tener, d18O; Sample code/label; U. peregrina d13C; U. peregrina d18O; Uvigerina peregrina, d13C; Uvigerina peregrina, d18O
