7 resultados para Outsideness
Understanding confinement and its complex workings between individuals and society has been the stated aim of carceral geography and wider studies on detention. This project contributes ethnographic insights from multiple sites of incarceration, working with an under-researched group within confined populations. Focussing on young female detainees in Scotland, this project seeks to understand their experiences of different types of ‘closed’ space. Secure care, prison and closed psychiatric facilities all impact on the complex geographies of these young women’s lives. The fluid but always situated relations of control and care provide the backdrop for their journeys in/out and beyond institutional spaces. Understanding institutional journeys with reference to age and gender allows an insight into the highly mobile, often precarious, and unfamiliar lives of these young women who live on the margins. This thesis employs a mixed-method qualitative approach and explores what Goffman calls the ‘tissue and fabric’ of detention as a complex multi-institutional practice. In order to be able to understand the young women’s gendered, emotional and often repetitive experiences of confinement, analysis of the constitution of ‘closed space’ represents a first step for inquiry. The underlying nature of inner regimes, rules and discipline in closed spaces, provide the background on which confinement is lived, perceived and processed. The second part of the analysis is the exploration of individual experiences ‘on the inside’, ranging from young women’s views on entering a closed institution, the ways in which they adapt or resist the regime, and how they cope with embodied aspects of detention. The third and final step considers the wider context of incarceration by recovering the young women’s journeys through different types of institutional spaces and beyond. The exploration of these journeys challenges and re-develops understandings of mobility and inertia by engaging the relative power of carceral archipelagos and the figure of femina sacra. This project sits comfortably within the field of carceral geography while also pushing at its boundaries. On a conceptual level, a re-engagement with Goffman’s micro-analysis challenges current carceral-geographic theory development. Perhaps more importantly, this project pushes for an engagement with different institutions under the umbrella of carceral geography, thus creating new dialogues on issues like ‘care’ and ‘control’. Finally, an engagement with young women addresses an under-represented population within carceral geography in ways that raise distinctly problematic concerns for academic research and penal policy. Overall, this project aims to show the value of fine grained micro-level research in institutional geographies for extending thinking and understanding about society’s responses to a group of people who live on the margins of social and legal norms.
Developing intercultural competence in pre-service teachers from Australia and Malaysia: Insights from a Patches program. Innovative pedagogies can offer pre-service teachers the opportunity to develop their intercultural competence and take up more globalised viewpoints. One such innovation is the Patches program which brought together Malaysian and Australian pre-service teachers who were studying at the same university in Brisbane, Australia, to actively explore issues of cultural and linguistic difference. The participants were 14 Australian fourth-year pre-service teachers who were enrolled in a program on inclusive education, and 58 Malaysian pre-service teachers who had recently arrived at the university in Brisbane to commence their second year of an international education program. In peer groupings, these domestic and international pre-service teachers engaged in a series of interactive tasks and reflective writing workshops exploring intercultural experiences, over a period of ten weeks. Each element or ‘patch’ in the program was designed to build up into a mosaic of intercultural learning. The flexible structuring of the Patches Program provided a supportive framework for participant interaction whilst allowing the groups to decide for themselves the nature and extent of their involvement in a series of community-related tasks. The process of negotiating and implementing these activities formed the basis for establishing meaningful relationships between the participants. The development of the participants’ intercultural competence is traced through their reflective narratives and focus group discussions, drawing on Byram’s concept of the five savoirs. Explaining aspects of Australian culture to their newly arrived Malaysian peers, allowed the Australian pre-service teachers to take a perspective of outsideness towards their own familiar social practices. In addition, being unusually positioned as the linguistic other amongst a group of Bahasa Melayu speakers, highlighted for the Australian pre-service teachers the importance of being inclusive. For the Malaysian pre-service teachers, participation in the Patches program helped to extend intercultural understandings, establish social networks with local students, and build a sense of community in their new learning environment. Both groups of pre-service teachers noted the power of “learning directly by interacting rather than through books”. In addition to interacting interculturally, the process of reflecting on these intercultural experiences is seen as integral to the development of intercultural competence.
In efforts to generate inclusive schooling, educational policy makers and teachers presumably need to know what the terms of exclusion have been and how inclusion would operate. If disability's definition and, hence, identification is constitutionally unstable however, inclusive schooling becomes a more ambiguous affair. This article examines the methodologies deployed to analyse disability in cultural perspective. It maps critical/feminist and critical post-structural methodologies for treating definitional difficulties. It problematises the notion of cross-culture by analysing the play of a Westernness in different accounts. It suggests that definitional ‘dilemmas’ noted in studies of disability and culture are not resolved by critical/feminist or critical post-structural approaches. The difficulty of definition is grounded more broadly in a moment that seeks to notice itself, particularly through the play of language and appeals to historical relativity. The ‘resolution’ that the article suggests is the article itself: to map the insideness of outsideness in regard to ‘culture’ and ‘persons’, and to locate the activity of mapping as another colonising effect of scientific thought.
This folk linguistic and human geographic study deals with dialect awareness, dialect use and place attachment. The study discusses theoretical and methodological issues current in sociolinguistics suggesting that the study of attitudes should be regarded as a core area in the study of variation and change. Furthermore, it is suggested that instead of putting effort into improving mental mapping methodology (adopted into folk linguistics from behavioural geography of the 1960 s), the more up-to-date thinking of space in geography should be adopted. The region and the dialect are treated as perceptual constructs in the study. The dialect perceptions of high school seniors in the Finnish Tornio Valley are examined trough a triangulation method involving a questionnaire, interviews and dialect recognition test as the research methods. The h in non-initial syllables (e.g. lähethä(ä)n, saunhaan ~ sauhnaan let s go into sauna ) turns out, expectedly, as the most salient feature in the dialect awareness of the locals and in terms of local identity construction. This feature is no longer heard in most of the present dialects of Finnish but is still thriving in the Tornio Valley in the cross-border dialect area. The metathetic variant (saunhaan > sauhnaan into sauna , käymhään > käyhmään to go ) is a characteristic feature of the Tornio Valley dialect. However, individual differences have long been found in the use of the h. This study challenges the essentialist variationist view of social categories (gender) by analysing variation from a quantitative but emic and human geographic point of view. The study shows that the variation of the h is statistically significantly patterned in terms of the degree of feeling of insideness vs. outsideness. New light is shed on the gender differences found in earlier sociolinguistic studies: differences in dialect use between and inside gender groups are illuminated by the fact that, in this case, it is young women who are generally less attached to the local community than young men, but this does not hold for all the individuals. The ideological motivation for preservation of the h seems to be based on the imagined community of Tornio Valley covering both the Swedish and the Finnish valley area. The general image of the dialect area and it s speakers, the shared cognitive dialect boundaries of the locals and the particularly deep level of awaress of the linguistic variation of the h are notable resources of the Tornio valley identity. Hyperdialectic forms analogical to the most frequently attested metathetic forms are found in the interview data, predicting that in this dialect the h will be maintained also in the future.
Depuis la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle et le tournant du millénaire, pourquoi se multiplient des figures de la folie et du féminin dans le paysage littéraire haïtien ? En remarquant les grandes tendances qui font coïncider l’expression de la catastrophe, de la défaite du sens et l’apparition de personnages et de figures féminins majeurs dans des œuvres de tous genres, mon interrogation porte sur la folie, la marge et le féminin dans la littérature haïtienne contemporaine en tant qu’expressions concourantes de la dissemblance. Je me penche ainsi, dans des œuvres marquantes, sur le jeu rhétorique des postures de la dissemblance et la manière dont elles pointent depuis le texte vers un au-delà de l’œuvre, soit ce qui en elle indique l’ «espace ménagé» de sa propre faillite ainsi que le travail de la lecture et de la création. Pour cela, il a fallu, à partir des limites (de l’œuvre, de la norme), construire une réflexion capable d’aménager aussi l’espace de sa propre contestation. Dans le premier chapitre, à partir du récit fondateur « Folie », de Marie Chauvet, je pose le problème de la folie en me penchant sur les configurations inaugurales qui me semblent mettre la scène du littéraire contemporain haïtien. J’en profite pour préciser l’approche rhétorique qui me permettra d’aborder les textes littéraires, tout en réfléchissant sur les enjeux théoriques posés par une lecture de la folie comme absence d’œuvre. En m’appuyant sur Chauvet et sur les travaux de Felman, je définis les modalités d’une lecture impliquée. Dans le second chapitre, je brosse un portrait complexe du contemporain haïtien, tel qu’il est médié et rendu à travers les « anthologies » essentielles de Davertige et de Frankétienne. Ces deux œuvres sont l’occasion de poursuivre une interrogation sur les limites en remarquant les formes et les enjeux mobilisés dans le littéraire par les élaborations de la marge, de la mémoire traumatique et de la folie. Une telle approche est aussi l’occasion d’une réflexion de fond sur le contemporain haïtien, abordé d’emblée comme panorama et comme problème façonné et façonnant des sujets d’écriture. Enfin, dans le troisième chapitre, je me penche sur les filiations larvées qui permettent aux configurations précédemment décrites de persister, alors que le féminin, comme dissemblance, négocie sa place du côté de la marge ou de la folie, dans les textes plus récents de Jan Dominique et de Lyonel Trouillot. Les réflexions que je propose sur les destinations, sur l’œuvre impossible ou absente (Foucault) me permettent de distinguer les processus de différenciation spécifiques de la marge et de la folie, mais surtout d’apercevoir, au cœur du texte littéraire, la folie comme l’absence essentielle où se risque et se joue la création. Le dissemblable devient alors cet objet fuyant d’une lecture impliquée dans laquelle, le regard critique s’adossant à une écriture littéraire chargée d’en interrompre systématiquement le flux, constitue en effet ce « moment insolite de la théorie» (Felman), qui, dévoilant son propre jeu rhétorique, maintient la théorie en échec tout en la faisant parler.
Procurando a experiência do encontro entre uma estilística discursiva e o pensamento de Bakhtin e do Círculo, investigaremos procedimentos que respaldam a emergência do estilo de um gênero do discurso religioso, a hagiografia. A partir do lugar teórico e metodológico oferecido pelos estudos do discurso, estaremos então subsidiados pelo pensamento bakhtiniano, em especial quanto à noção de exotopia, a qual coloca o autor como um correlato do "herói". Assim pretendemos problematizar o conceito de estilo do gênero. Estabilidades fundadas em movimentos reguladores de determinada arquitetônica genérica radicarão uma totalidade discursiva, aberta, porém, à contingência e à eventicidade do ato de enunciar.
El objetivo de esta comunicación es dar a conocer el proyecto ERASMUS+ Inside out- Outside In- Building bridges in teacher education through encounters with diversity en el que participan ocho instituciones europeas de formación de profesores de Alemania, Austria, España, Estonia, Finlandia, Hungría, Reino Unido y Suecia, que es la coordinadora. Uno de los retos que deben afrontar los sistemas educativos en el futuro inmediato es sin duda la diversidad cultural del alumnado, en sentido amplio, ya que consideramos que esa diversidad no viene dada sólo por la lengua, procedencia, religión o etnia del alumnado, sino también por las expectativas y valores con que se enfrentan a la educación. Esos diferentes valores están en la base de gran parte del abandono escolar temprano, cuya reducción es uno de los objetivos que se ha marcado la Unión Europea. Esa tasa es en España la más alta de Europa, aunque con enormes diferencias de unas Comunidades Autónomas a otras. Los movimientos migratorios de población de dentro y fuera de la Unión Europea, unidos a la llegada de refugiados, están cambiando la fisonomía de nuestras aulas y exigen de todos los que nos dedicamos a la docencia en todos los niveles cambios para responder a las nuevas demandas. Los conceptos de arraigo y desarraigo (insideness and outsideness) son básicos por sus implicaciones en la creación de espacios de aprendizaje que se reconozcan como tales y que puedan serlo realmente; además, implican romper las fronteras entre educación formal y no formal de forma que cualquier momento y cualquier espacio puedan convertirse en espacios y tiempos educativos.