90 resultados para Otolaryngology.
We conducted a feasibility study to examine whether a paediatric patient at a regional hospital could be assessed by an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist via videoconference, therefore saving at least one journey to the tertiary hospital for a pre-admission appointment. A video-otoscope was used with standard videoconference equipment, and realtime images were transmitted at a bandwidth of 384 kbit/s. In all, 13 telepaediatric ENT clinics were conducted between November 2003 and April 2005, and 98 consultations were facilitated for 64 patients. The main reasons for referral were recurrent tonsillitis (25%) and obstructive sleep apnoea (23%). Of the 64 patients examined by telemedicine, 42 (66%) were recommended for surgery and placed on the surgical waiting list. About 12 patients (19%) required travel to the tertiary centre for further investigations and tests not available locally, while four patients (6%) were reviewed via videoconference during a scheduled clinic. Six patients (9%) required no further follow-up after their initial telepaedliatric consultation. Videoconferencing is an effective method of assessing ENT conditions of paediatric patients and for pre-screening potential surgical admissions to a tertiary hospital. Careful consideration of a number of economic and logistical factors needs to be made before large investments are made to expand the service.
The sensory systems of the New Zealand kiwi appear to be uniquely adapted to occupy a nocturnal ground-dwelling niche. In addition to well-developed tactile and olfactory systems, the auditory system shows specializations of the ear, which are maintained along the central nervous system. Here, we provide a detailed description of the auditory nerve, hair cells, and stereovillar bundle orientation of the hair cells in the North Island brown kiwi. The auditory nerve of the kiwi contained about 8,000 fibers. Using the number of hair cells and innervating nerve fibers to calculate a ratio of average innervation density showed that the afferent innervation ratio in kiwi was denser than in most other birds examined. The average diameters of cochlear afferent axons in kiwi showed the typical gradient across the tonotopic axis. The kiwi basilar papilla showed a clear differentiation of tall and short hair cells. The proportion of short hair cells was higher than in the emu and likely reflects a bias towards higher frequencies represented on the kiwi basilar papilla. The orientation of the stereovillar bundles in the kiwi basilar papilla showed a pattern similar to that in most other birds but was most similar to that of the emu. Overall, many features of the auditory nerve, hair cells, and stereovilli bundle orientation in the kiwi are typical of most birds examined. Some features of the kiwi auditory system do, however, support a high-frequency specialization, specifically the innervation density and generally small size of hair-cell somata, whereas others showed the presumed ancestral condition similar to that found in the emu.
Objective: The aim of this study is to validate the applicability of the PolyVinyliDene Fluoride (PVDF) nasal sensor to assess the nasal airflow, in healthy subjects and patients with nasal obstruction and to correlate the results with the score of Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Methods: PVDF nasal sensor and VAS measurements were carried out in 50 subjects (25-healthy subjects and 25 patients). The VAS score of nasal obstruction and peak-to-peak amplitude (Vp-p) of nasal cycle measured by PVDF nasal sensors were analyzed for right nostril (RN) and left nostril (LN) in both the groups. Spearman's rho correlation was calculated. The relationship between PVDF nasal sensor measurements and severity of nasal obstruction (VAS score) were assessed by ANOVA. Results: In healthy group, the measurement of nasal airflow by PVDF nasal sensor for RN and LN were found to be 51.14 +/- 5.87% and 48.85 +/- 5.87%, respectively. In patient group, PVDF nasal sensor indicated lesser nasal airflow in the blocked nostrils (RN: 23.33 +/- 10.54% and LN: 32.24 +/- 11.54%). Moderate correlation was observed in healthy group (r = 0.710, p < 0.001 for RN and r = 0.651, p < 0.001 for LN), and moderate to strong correlation in patient group (r = 0.751, p < 0.01 for RN and r = 0.885, p < 0.0001 for LN). Conclusion: PVDF nasal sensor method is a newly developed technique for measuring the nasal airflow. Moderate to strong correlation was observed between PVDF nasal sensor data and VAS scores for nasal obstruction. In our present study, PVDF nasal sensor technique successfully differentiated between healthy subjects and patients with nasal obstruction. Additionally, it can also assess severity of nasal obstruction in comparison with VAS. Thus, we propose that the PVDF nasal sensor technique could be used as a new diagnostic method to evaluate nasal obstruction in routine clinical practice. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A cinetose tem elevada prevalência mundial, sendo mais frequente na infância e no sexo feminino, mas também pode acometer adultos. Resulta de um conflito vestíbulo-visual que incide durante a locomoção em diversos meios de transporte, como carro, ônibus, avião e barco. A forma mais dramática ocorre no transporte marítimo. Ocasiona náusea, vômito, sudorese, aumento da salivação, redução do apetite, hipotensão e mal-estar. Geralmente é produzida por estímulo vestibular, mas também pode ser induzida por estímulo visual. Tanto as acelerações lineares quanto angulares geram cinetose se persistirem por longo período em indivíduos susceptíveis. Recentemente ocorre maior interesse nessa afecção devido ao crescente uso de tecnologia de simulação de vôo e direção automobilística. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as alterações vestibulares nos indivíduos adultos com cinetose. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, tipo série de casos. Os pacientes do ambulatório do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto-UERJ foram avaliados através de anamnese geral e dirigida e exame fisico geral e otorrinolaringológico. Aqueles com histórico de doença otológica foram excluídos. Posteriormente realizaram audiometria e testes vestibulares com o registro gráfico dos nistagmos através da vectoeletronistagmografia. Nos resultados das provas calóricas encontramos 3,33% de pacientes com alteração de predomínio direcional, 6,67% com alteração de predomínio labiríntico, 3,33% com hiperreflexia esquerda, 3,33% com hiporreflexia direita e 3,33% com hiporreflexia esquerda. Encontrados algumas variações na análise dos movimentos sacádicos, nistagmo optocinético e rastreio pendular. Os resultados foram de encontro aos achados da literatura. Diante dos achados, foi observado que o exame otoneurológico com registro gráfico da cinetose mostrou-se muito importante para a avaliação dos pacientes com essa afecção. O estudo traz benefícios por contribuir para o melhor entendimento da cinetose e estimular novas pesquisas na área.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária
This study was designed to investigate methods to help patients suffering from unilateral tinnitus synthesizing an auditory replica of their tinnitus.
Materials and methods
Two semi-automatic methods (A and B) derived from the auditory threshold of the patient and a method (C) combining a pure tone and a narrow band-pass noise centred on an adjustable frequency were devised and rated on their likeness over two test sessions. A third test evaluated the stability over time of the synthesized tinnitus replica built with method C, and its proneness to merge with the patient's tinnitus. Patients were then asked to try and control the lateralisation of this single percept through the adjustment of the tinnitus replica level.
The first two tests showed that seven out of ten patients chose the tinnitus replica built with method C as their preferred one. The third test, performed on twelve patients, revealed pitch tuning was rather stable over a week interval. It showed that eight patients were able to consistently match the central frequency of the synthesized tinnitus (presented to the contralateral ear) to their own tinnitus, which leaded to a unique tinnitus percept. The lateralisation displacement was consistent across patients and revealed an average range of 29dB to obtain a full lateral shift from the ipsilateral to the contralateral side.
Although spectrally simpler than the semi-automatic methods, method C could replicate patients' tinnitus, to some extent. When a unique percept between synthesized tinnitus and patients' tinnitus arose, lateralisation of this percept was achieved.
Background: Tonsillectomy is one of the most common surgical procedures, but there is debate whether systemic steroids should be used to reduce pain and post-operative complications.
Previous reports of an association between HLA tissue type and Wegener's granulomatosis are contradictory. By using for the first time a highly sensitive restriction fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis in addition to standard microcytotoxicity assays, the largest series yet investigated (41 patients) was tissue typed. No association was found between any specific HLA antigen and Wegener's granulomatosis. Although the condition appears to be immunologically mediated, this study indicates that the HLA antigens do not have a major role.
The present experiments were undertaken to pharmacologically characterize a noninvasive, chronic, experimental dog model of nasal congestion with the overall goal of developing an effective tool for studying the mechanism of action of nasal decongestant drugs.
The aim of this project was to develop and pharmacologically characterize an experimental dog model of nasal congestion in which nasal patency is measured using acoustic rhinometry. Solubilized compound 48/80 (0.3-3.0%) was administered intranasally to thiopental anesthetized beagle dogs to elicit nasal congestion via localized mast cell degranulation. Compound 48/80-induced effects on parameters of nasal patency were studied in vehicle-treated animals, as well as in the same animals pretreated 2 hours earlier with oral d-pseudoephedrine or chlorpheniramine. Local mast cell degranulation caused a close-related decrease in nasal cavity volume and minimal cross-sectional area (Amin) together with a highly variable increase in nasal secretions. Maximal responses were seen at 90-120 minutes after 48/80 administration. Oral administration of the adrenergic agonist, d-pseudoephedrine (3.0 mg/kg), significantly antagonized all of the nasal effects of compound 48/80 (3.0%). In contrast, oral administration of the histamine H1 receptor antagonist chlorpheniramine (10 mg/kg) appeared to reduce the increased nasal secretions but was without effect on the compound 48/ 80-induced nasal congestion (i.e., volume and Amin). These results show the effectiveness of using acoustic rhinometry in this anesthetized dog model. The observations that compound 48/80-induced nasal congestion was prevented by d-pseudoephedrine pretreatment, but not by chlorpheniramine, suggest that this noninvasive model system may provide an effective tool with which to study the actions of decongestant drugs in preclinical investigations.
Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de las diferentes alteraciones respiratorias durante el sueño (ARS) e hipertensión pulmonar (HTP) y establecer la saturación de oxígeno (SpO2) en vigilia, sueño y durante los eventos en niños con Síndrome Down (SD) a la altura de Bogotá (2640m) de acuerdo a grupos de edad e IMC. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se incluyeron todos los niños con SD con sospecha de ARS remitidos a polisonograma (PSG) de octubre de 2011 a enero de 2013 a la Fundación Neumológica Colombina (FNC). Se dividieron en 3 grupos: apnea obstructiva, apnea obstructiva y central, sin apneas. Resultados: 74 niños, el 36,5% mujeres, edad media 4 años. 47,3% presento apnea obstructiva, más frecuente en >2 años, 35,1% apnea obstructiva y central, más frecuente en < 2 años y 17,6 % sin apnea. SpO2 promedio en apnea obstructiva 84,63%, apnea obstructiva y central: 81,8% y sin apnea: 86,85% (p 0,058). 23% presento obesidad, 16% con apnea obstructiva. 53 pacientes tenían ecocardiograma: 28% HTP, 53,3% tuvo apnea obstructiva y 26,7 apnea obstructiva y central, no diferencias significativas. SpO2 promedio en HTP 88,3% vigilia, 86,2% sueño REM, 85,7 % sueño no REM, no diferencia significativa comparada con pacientes sin HTP. Conclusiones: Las ARS son frecuentes en los niños con SD, La desaturación está presente en los niños con SD independiente del tipo de apnea. A todos los niños SD se les debe practicar un PSG en el primer año de vida.
El diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides se ha incrementado y las posibilidades de detección de una enfermedad subclínica son altas, toda vez que disponemos de herramientas de detección más sensibles y de fácil acceso. Por ende, el clínico requiere conocer la historia natural del nódulo tiroideo y del carcinoma papilar de tiroides de bajo riesgo para brindar a su paciente el mejor tratamiento basado en la evidencia clínica. El objetivo de esta revision es reconocer los elementos clínicos que han condicionado el aumento inusitado de casos de cáncer de tiroides. Conclusión: El sobrediagnóstico del cáncer de tiroides es una realidad, que se posibilita por el uso extendido de biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina ((BACAF)) después de la detección de un nódulo tiroideo, en gran parte de manera incidental, sin acarrear la mayoría de las veces un mejor pronóstico después de su tratamiento.
La hipoacusia neurosensorial inducida por ruido (HNIR) definida como la pérdida de la capacidad auditiva secundaria a la exposición ocupacional continua o intermitente a ruido en el lugar de trabajo, es la cuarta enfermedad ocupacional en prevalencia en Colombia. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de alteraciones audiométricas y su relación con exposición a ruido ocupacional y extra ocupacional, en un grupo de trabajadores que asistieron a una IPS de la ciudad de Bucaramanga en el periodo comprendido entre agosto de 2014 y agosto de 2015. Diseño: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con 2725 registros de las historias clínicas de fonoaudiología realizadas a los trabajadores con audiometría tonal como parte de los exámenes ocupacionales, entre el 1 de agosto de 2014 al 31 de agosto de 2015, en una Institución Prestadora de Salud (IPS) ocupacional, en la ciudad de Bucaramanga, Santander. Resultados: El 17.2% de los trabajadores presentaron alteraciones audiométricas, de estos el 33,1%, cumplió con los criterios definidos en el estudio para ser calificados como casos probables de hipoacusia neurosensorial inducida por ruido, de estos el 87,8% fueron clasificados como leves, 10,8% como moderados y el 1,2% como moderado severo, no se registraron casos de HNIR severa o profunda. El 62,7% se clasificaron como no HNIR y el 4% correspondió a hipoacusias con afectación de frecuencias conversacionales. Conclusiones: Al aplicar un modelo de regresión logística para controlar las variables de confusión, no se encontró asociación con ninguna de las variables anteriormente descritas. A pesar de esto, existe suficiente evidencia de la relación entre algunas ocupaciones y la HNIR.