873 resultados para Orthogonal chirp division multiplexing (OCDM)


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In this paper, we propose an orthogonal chirp division multiplexing (OCDM) technique for coherent optical communication. OCDM is the principle of orthogonally multiplexing a group of linear chirped waveforms for high-speed data communication, achieving the maximum spectral efficiency (SE) for chirp spread spectrum, in a similar way as the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) does for frequency division multiplexing. In the coherent optical (CO)-OCDM, Fresnel transform formulates the synthesis of the orthogonal chirps; discrete Fresnel transform (DFnT) realizes the CO-OCDM in the digital domain. As both the Fresnel and Fourier transforms are trigonometric transforms, the CO-OCDM can be easily integrated into the existing CO-OFDM systems. Analyses and numerical results are provided to investigate the transmission of CO-OCDM signals over optical fibers. Moreover, experiments of 36-Gbit/s CO-OCDM signal are carried out to validate the feasibility and confirm the analyses. It is shown that the CO-OCDM can effectively compensate the dispersion and is more resilient to fading and noise impairment than OFDM.


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Maximum likelihood (ML) algorithms, for the joint estimation of synchronisation impairments and channel in multiple input multiple output-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system, are investigated in this work. A system model that takes into account the effects of carrier frequency offset, sampling frequency offset, symbol timing error and channel impulse response is formulated. Cramer-Rao lower bounds for the estimation of continuous parameters are derived, which show the coupling effect among different impairments and the significance of the joint estimation. The authors propose an ML algorithm for the estimation of synchronisation impairments and channel together, using the grid search method. To reduce the complexity of the joint grid search in the ML algorithm, a modified ML (MML) algorithm with multiple one-dimensional searches is also proposed. Further, a stage-wise ML (SML) algorithm using existing algorithms, which estimate less number of parameters, is also proposed. Performance of the estimation algorithms is studied through numerical simulations and it is found that the proposed ML and MML algorithms exhibit better performance than SML algorithm.


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We propose a new low-cost solution using orthogonal transmission of non-return-to-zero and carrierless-amplitude-and-phase format data to realize a coarse OFDM transmission system. Using low bandwidth electronics and optoelectronic components, the system is demonstrated at 37.5Gb/s. © 2011 OSA.


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We propose a new low-cost solution using orthogonal transmission of non-return-tozero and carrierless-amplitude-and-phase format data to realize a coarse OFDM transmission system. Using low bandwidth electronics and optoelectronic components, the system is demonstrated at 37.5Gb/s. © OSA/ CLEO 2011.


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We present a newly designed polymer light-emitting diode with a bandwidth of ∼350 kHz for high-speed visible light communications. Using this new polymer light-emitting diode as a transmitter, we have achieved a record transmission speed of 10 Mb/s for a polymer light-emitting diode-based optical communication system with an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing technique, matching the performance of single carrier formats using multitap equalization. For achieving such a high data-rate, a power pre-emphasis technique was adopted. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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Recently, wireless network technology has grown at such a pace that scientific research has become a practical reality in a very short time span. Mobile wireless communications have witnessed the adoption of several generations, each of them complementing and improving the former. One mobile system that features high data rates and open network architecture is 4G. Currently, the research community and industry, in the field of wireless networks, are working on possible choices for solutions in the 4G system. 4G is a collection of technologies and standards that will allow a range of ubiquitous computing and wireless communication architectures. The researcher considers one of the most important characteristics of future 4G mobile systems the ability to guarantee reliable communications from 100 Mbps, in high mobility links, to as high as 1 Gbps for low mobility users, in addition to high efficiency in the spectrum usage. On mobile wireless communications networks, one important factor is the coverage of large geographical areas. In 4G systems, a hybrid satellite/terrestrial network is crucial to providing users with coverage wherever needed. Subscribers thus require a reliable satellite link to access their services when they are in remote locations, where a terrestrial infrastructure is unavailable. Thus, they must rely upon satellite coverage. Good modulation and access technique are also required in order to transmit high data rates over satellite links to mobile users. This technique must adapt to the characteristics of the satellite channel and also be efficient in the use of allocated bandwidth. Satellite links are fading channels, when used by mobile users. Some measures designed to approach these fading environments make use of: (1) spatial diversity (two receive antenna configuration); (2) time diversity (channel interleaver/spreading techniques); and (3) upper layer FEC. The author proposes the use of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Multiple Access) for the satellite link by increasing the time diversity. This technique will allow for an increase of the data rate, as primarily required by multimedia applications, and will also optimally use the available bandwidth. In addition, this dissertation approaches the use of Cooperative Satellite Communications for hybrid satellite/terrestrial networks. By using this technique, the satellite coverage can be extended to areas where there is no direct link to the satellite. For this purpose, a good channel model is necessary.


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Recently, wireless network technology has grown at such a pace that scientific research has become a practical reality in a very short time span. One mobile system that features high data rates and open network architecture is 4G. Currently, the research community and industry, in the field of wireless networks, are working on possible choices for solutions in the 4G system. The researcher considers one of the most important characteristics of future 4G mobile systems the ability to guarantee reliable communications at high data rates, in addition to high efficiency in the spectrum usage. On mobile wireless communication networks, one important factor is the coverage of large geographical areas. In 4G systems, a hybrid satellite/terrestrial network is crucial to providing users with coverage wherever needed. Subscribers thus require a reliable satellite link to access their services when they are in remote locations where a terrestrial infrastructure is unavailable. The results show that good modulation and access technique are also required in order to transmit high data rates over satellite links to mobile users. The dissertation proposes the use of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Multiple Access) for the satellite link by increasing the time diversity. This technique will allow for an increase of the data rate, as primarily required by multimedia applications, and will also optimally use the available bandwidth. In addition, this dissertation approaches the use of Cooperative Satellite Communications for hybrid satellite/terrestrial networks. By using this technique, the satellite coverage can be extended to areas where there is no direct link to the satellite. The issue of Cooperative Satellite Communications is solved through a new algorithm that forwards the received data from the fixed node to the mobile node. This algorithm is very efficient because it does not allow unnecessary transmissions and is based on signal to noise ratio (SNR) measures.


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The recent remarkable growth in bandwidth of both wired optical and wireless access networks supports a burst of new high bandwidth Internet applications such as: peer-topeer file sharing, cloud storage, on-line gaming, video streaming, etc. Within this scenario, the convergence of fixed and wireless access networks offers significant opportunities for network operators to satisfy user demands, and simultaneously reduce the cost of implementing and running separated wireless and wired networks. The integration of wired and wireless network can be accomplished within several scenarios and at several levels. In this thesis we will focus on converged radio over fiber architectures, particularly on two application scenarios: converged optical 60 GHz wireless networks and wireless overlay backhauling over bidirectional colorless wavelength division multiplexing passive optical networks (WDM-PONs). In the first application scenario, optical 60 GHz signal generation using external modulation of an optical carrier by means of lithium niobate (LiNbO3) Mach- Zehnder modulators (MZM) is considered. The performance of different optical modulation techniques, robust against fiber dispersion is assessed and dispersion mitigation strategies are identified. The study is extended to 60 GHz carriers digitally modulated with data and to systems employing subcarrier multiplexed (SCM) mm-wave channels. In the second application scenario, the performance of WDM-PONs employing reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers (RSOAs), transmitting an overlay orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) wireless signal is assessed analytically and experimentally, with the relevant system impairments being identified. It is demonstrated that the intermodulation due to the beating of the baseband signal and wireless signal at the receiver can seriously impair the wireless channel. Performance degradation of the wireless channel caused by the RSOA gain modulation owing to the downstream baseband data is also assessed, and system design guidelines are provided.


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We scrutinize the concept of integrable nonlinear communication channels, resurrecting and extending the idea of eigenvalue communications in a novel context of nonsoliton coherent optical communications. Using the integrable nonlinear Schrödinger equation as a channel model, we introduce a new approach - the nonlinear inverse synthesis method - for digital signal processing based on encoding the information directly onto the nonlinear signal spectrum. The latter evolves trivially and linearly along the transmission line, thus, providing an effective eigenvalue division multiplexing with no nonlinear channel cross talk. The general approach is illustrated with a coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing transmission format. We show how the strategy based upon the inverse scattering transform method can be geared for the creation of new efficient coding and modulation standards for the nonlinear channel. © Published by the American Physical Society.


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Les besoins toujours croissants en terme de transfert de données numériques poussent au développement de nouvelles technologies pour accroître la capacité des réseaux, notamment en ce qui concerne les réseaux de fibre optique. Parmi ces nouvelles technologies, le multiplexage spatial permet de multiplier la capacité des liens optiques actuels. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement à une forme de multiplexage spatial utilisant le moment cinétique orbital de la lumière comme base orthogonale pour séparer un certain nombre de canaux. Nous présentons d’abord les notions d’électromagnétisme et de physique nécessaires à la compréhension des développements ultérieurs. Les équations de Maxwell sont dérivées afin d’expliquer les modes scalaires et vectoriels de la fibre optique. Nous présentons également d’autres propriétés modales, soit la coupure des modes, et les indices de groupe et de dispersion. La notion de moment cinétique orbital est ensuite introduite, avec plus particulièrement ses applications dans le domaine des télécommunications. Dans une seconde partie, nous proposons la carte modale comme un outil pour aider au design des fibres optiques à quelques modes. Nous développons la solution vectorielle des équations de coupure des modes pour les fibres en anneau, puis nous généralisons ces équations pour tous les profils de fibres à trois couches. Enfin, nous donnons quelques exemples d’application de la carte modale. Dans la troisième partie, nous présentons des designs de fibres pour la transmission des modes avec un moment cinétique orbital. Les outils développés dans la seconde partie sont utilisés pour effectuer ces designs. Un premier design de fibre, caractérisé par un centre creux, est étudié et démontré. Puis un second design, une famille de fibres avec un profil en anneau, est étudié. Des mesures d’indice effectif et d’indice de groupe sont effectuées sur ces fibres. Les outils et les fibres développés auront permis une meilleure compréhension de la transmission dans la fibre optique des modes ayant un moment cinétique orbital. Nous espérons que ces avancements aideront à développer prochainement des systèmes de communications performants utilisant le multiplexage spatial.


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We describe high-efficiency, high-dispersion reflection gratings fabricated in bulk fused Silica illuminated by incident lights in the C + L bands as (de)multiplexers for dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) application. Based on the phenomenon of total internal reflection, gratings with optimized profile parameters exhibit diffraction efficiencies of more than 90% under TM- and TE-polarized incident lights for 101-nm spectral bandwidths (1520-1620 nm) and can reach an efficiency of greater than 97% for both polarizations at a wavelength of 1550 nm. Without loss of metal absorption, without coating of dielectric film layers, and independent of tooth shape, this new kind of grating should be of great interest for DWDM application. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.