997 resultados para Orphan drugs production
Arzneimittel für seltene Krankheiten (orphan drugs) lassen sich unter normalen Marktbedingungen kaum kostendeckend erforschen, entwickeln und vermarkten, was zu einem Mangel an geeigneten Therapien und zugelassenen Arzneimitteln für seltene Krankheiten führt. Um den fortdauernden Ausschluss von betroffenen Patienten vom medizinischen Fortschritt zu verhindern und die Defizite in der Erforschung und Entwicklung von orphan drugs zu beseitigen, schuf die Europäische Union – nach US-amerikanischem Vorbild – ein Anreizsystem. Der vorliegende Beitrag erläutert die regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen für orphan drugs in der EU und zeigt auf, dass die Schweiz in der Schaffung günstiger Rahmenbedingungen für Patientinnen und Patienten, die an einer seltenen Krankheit leiden, anderen Ländern um Jahre hinter her hinkt, sich aber allmählich etwas tut.
While the safety and availability of medicinal products for the majority of adult patients has steadily improved in recent decades, for children and people suffering from rare diseases (orphan diseases) there is a lack of approved medicinal products for these patient populations. Since the research and development of medicinal products is associated with high costs, the costs for paediatric medicinal products and medicines for rare diseases (orphan drugs) may barely be covered under normal market conditions due to the small patient populations. In order to prevent the continued exclusion of children and persons suffering from rare diseases from medical progress and to eliminate the deficits in the research and development of medicinal products for these patient groups, the European Union created, along the lines of the U.S. model, a system of incentives and constraints. Since 2000, under Regulation (EC) No. 141/2000 (Orphan Drug Regulation) there has been an incentive system to encourage the research and development of orphan drugs. With the goal of improving the health of children in Europe, Regulation (EC) No. 1901/2006 (Paediatric Regulation) combines economic incentives with the requirement to conduct paediatric studies. This article explains and comments on the specific regulatory framework for orphan drugs and paediatric medicinal products in the European Union.
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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Abstract : Rare diseases are debilitating conditions often leading to severe clinical manifestations for affected patients. Orphan drugs have been developed to treat these rare diseases affecting a small number of individuals. Incentives in the legal framework aimed to recoup the research and development cost of orphan drugs for pharmaceutical companies have been implemented in the United States and the European Union. At the present time, Canada is still lacking a legal and policy framework for orphan drugs. Several problems at the federal and provincial levels remain: lack of research funds for rare diseases, discrepancies on orphan drug policies between provinces, difficulties to access and reimburse these high price drugs. Recommendations and measures are proposed, such as a pan-Canadian (national) scientific committee to establish evidence-based guidelines for patients to access orphan drugs uniformly in all provinces with a disease specific registry, a formal agreement for a centralized Canadian public funding reimbursement procedure, and increasing the role of “guardian” for prices by the Patented Medicines Review Board in Canada. These recommendations and measures will be beneficial for the implementation of a policy framework for orphan drugs in Canada.
The development of the economic evaluation of health care interventions has become a support tool in making decisions on pricing and reimbursement of new health interventions. The increasingly extensive application of these techniques has led to the identification of particular situations in which, for various reasons, it may be reasonable to take into account special considerations when applying the general principles of economic evaluation. In this article, which closes a series of three, we will discuss, using the Metaplan technique, about the economic evaluation of health interventions in special situations such as rare diseases and end of life treatments, as well as consideration of externalities in assessments, finally pointing out some research areas to solve the main problems identified in these fields.
The increase in incidence of infectious diseases worldwide, particularly in developing countries, is worrying. Each year, 14 million people are killed by infectious diseases, mainly HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, malaria and tuberculosis. Despite the great burden in the poor countries, drug discovery to treat tropical diseases has come to a standstill. There is no interest by the pharmaceutical industry in drug development against the major diseases of the poor countries, since the financial return cannot be guaranteed. This has created an urgent need for new therapeutics to neglected diseases. A possible approach has been the exploitation of the inhibition of unique targets, vital to the pathogen such as the shikimate pathway enzymes, which are present in bacteria, fungi and apicomplexan parasites but are absent in mammals. The chorismate synthase (CS) catalyses the seventh step in this pathway, the conversion of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate to chorismate. The strict requirement for a reduced flavin mononucleotide and the anti 1,4 elimination are both unusual aspects which make CS reaction unique among flavin-dependent enzymes, representing an important target for the chemotherapeutic agents development. In this review we present the main biochemical features of CS from bacterial and fungal sources and their difference from the apicomplexan CS. The CS mechanisms proposed are discussed and compared with structural data. The CS structures of some organisms are compared and their distinct features analyzed. Some known CS inhibitors are presented and the main characteristics are discussed. The structural and kinetics data reviewed here can be useful for the design of inhibitors. © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Medicamentos órfãos destinam-se ao diagnóstico, prevenção ou tratamento de doenças muito graves ou que causem risco de vida, que são raras e não afetam mais do que 5 em cada 10.000 pessoas na União Europeia. Estes medicamentos são apelidados de órfãos, já que em condições normais de mercado, não existe interesse para as empresas farmacêuticas desenvolver tais medicamentos, devido ao baixo retorno financeiro causado pela raridade. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em avaliar a utilização de medicamentos órfãos em Portugal e analisar o impacto económico destes medicamentos na região da Beira Interior. Os dados recolhidos permitiram avaliar retrospetivamente o consumo de medicamentos no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2013 em Portugal e em particular nos hospitais: Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, Unidade Local de Saúde da Guarda e Unidade Local de Saúde de Castelo Branco. A informação dos dados refere-se ao consumo dos Hospitais e Instituições do Serviço Nacional de Saúde, reportada mensalmente ao INFARMED (Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde, I.P.). Foram identificados 48 medicamentos órfãos com Autorização de Introdução no Mercado na Europa, 47 são medicamentos com Autorização de Introdução no Mercado português, sendo a Mercaptopurina o único medicamento órfão que necessita de Autorização de Utilização Especial. O Tafamidis foi o medicamento que envolveu maior custo económico a nível nacional no tratamento destas doenças. O valor total de consumo no Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira é de 11% em relação ao consumo total de medicamentos nesta unidade. As doenças Lisossomais são o grupo mais representativo, do qual faz parte a doença de Pompe. No entanto, a doença com uma prevalência mais elevada é a Hipertensão Arterial Pulmonar. Esta e as doenças oncológicas são as doenças comuns nas três unidades hospitalares. Na Unidade Local de Saúde da Guarda a doença com maior consumo de medicamentos órfãos é a Hipertensão Arterial Pulmonar e na Unidade Local de Saúde de Castelo Branco são as doenças oncológicas. O valor acumulado de medicamentos órfãos na região da Beira Interior no ano de 2013 representa1% do valor global de consumo destes medicamentos em Portugal. A representatividade de consumo destes medicamentos em Portugal em relação ao consumo total de medicamentos em meio hospitalar é de cerca de 7,7%.Em conclusão, o consumo de medicamentos órfãos é bastante elevado em relação aos restantes medicamentos, tanto na Beira Interior como no resto do país, apesar disso é bastante importante que continuem a existir medidas no sentido de incentivar os fabricantes e melhorar o acesso a estes medicamentos.
The main objective of this pedagogical case study is to analyse the market entry dynamics of pharmaceutical innovative drugs in Portugal, and the role and impact of the different stakeholders in this process. The case focuses on the market entry of Vyndaqel (Tafamidis) Pfizer’s orphan innovative product to treat TTR-FAP, “paramiloidose”, a highly incapacitating rare disease that has more than 2.000 diagnosed patients in Portugal, one of the highest prevalence worldwide and an incidence of 100 new patients every year. In terms of methodology it were used two main sources of information. Regarding secondary data sources it was made an exhaustive search using the main specialty search engines regarding the Tafamidis case, market access, orphan drugs and market entry context in Portugal and Europe. In terms of primary data it were conducted 7 direct interviews with the main case stakeholders. The pedagogical case study focuses on 5 main questions that provide the base of the discussion for the classes. First it is analysed the rationale behind the introduction of Tafamidis in Portugal, and its relevance for Pfizer, namely due to the previous investment made with the acquisition of FoldRX by $400M, the company that developed the product in the first place. It is also analysed the point of view of the NHS, and the reasoning behind drug reimbursement that considered not only the technical (efficacy and safety) and financial benefits of the drug, but also the social impact, due to the major role played by patient associations’ actions and coverage provided by the media that impacted the reimbursement decision. Finally it is analysed the vertical financing methodology that was selected by the Ministry of Health for drug acquisition by 2 public hospitals, that served as reference centres for the treatment of this disease
An isolation method of the steroidal alkaloid solasodine was applied to the fruits of seven species of the Solanum genus from the Federal District. Two of these species show promising yields. The purity of the isolated alkaloid allows it to be transformed it into an intermediate for steroidal drugs production, 16-deshydropregnenolone, and to the lactone vespertiline.
Este trabajo de grado aborda la contribución del periodismo en la configuración del debate en Colombia sobre política de drogas, a través de un análisis de contenido a las columnas y editoriales publicadas entre 2009 y 2013 en cuatro medios de referencia del país. Se identificaron los perfiles de quienes participaron, los argumentos y las políticas defendidas que plantearon, y la manera como presentaron sus opiniones en El Espectador, El Tiempo, La Silla Vacía y Semana. El desarrollo de la discusión en los textos demuestra una evolución respecto al tema en la medida que hay una transformación del paradigma punitivo hacia un camino menos restrictivo frente a la producción, el tráfico y consumo de drogas ilícitas. Se sugiere que los hechos coyunturales motivaron en parte dicho cambio al ejercer influencia en los giros y la visibilidad que toma el debate dentro de la prensa.
We try to explain why economic conflicts and illegal business often take place in poor countries. We use the concept of subsistence level of consumption (d) and assume a regular concave utility function for consumption levels higher than d. For consumption levels lower than d utility is constant and equal to zero. Under this framework poor agents are risk-lovers. This result helps to explain why economic conflicts are more likely to appear in poor economies and why poor agents are more willing to undertake illegal business.
Nesta dissertação procura-se discutir a política de descentralização da assistência fanna-.;êutica no que diz respeito à produção e a distribuição de medicamentos. Para tanto, efetuou-se um estudo de caso em Far-Manguinhos / FIOCRUZ analisando sua estrutura organizacional e administrativa, assim como as estratégias utilizadas para implementar o processo de descentralização preconizado pelo SUS. Usou-se como referencial teórico artigos clásicos que contextualizam a realidade do setor farmacêutico nacional e mundial. O estudo se desdobra através da evolução política do setor da saúde no Brasil, com ênfase na política de medicamentos adotada a partir da criação da Central de Medicamentos - CEME, até a atualidade. Ao final são feitas algumas sugestões que poderão nortear outras discussões sobre assistência farmacêutica no Brasil.