760 resultados para Organizational intelligence


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Organizational intelligence can be seen as a function of the viable structure of an organization. With the integration of the Viable System Model and Soft Systems Methodology (systemic approaches of organizational management) focused on the role of the intelligence function, it is possible to elaborate a model of action with a structured methodology to prospect, select, treat and distribute information to the entire organization that improves the efficacy and efficiency of all processes. This combination of methodologies is called Intelligence Systems Methodology (ISM) whose assumptions and dynamics are delimited in this paper. The ISM is composed of two simultaneous activities: the Active Environmental Mapping and the Stimulated Action Cycle. The elaboration of the formal ISM description opens opportunities for applications of the methodology on real situations, offering a new path for this specific issue of systems thinking: the intelligence systems. Knowledge Management Research & Practice (2012) 10, 141-152. doi:10.1057/kmrp.2011.44


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Embora os progressos na área de informática sejam bastante significativos e velozes, na tradução automática há muito ainda o que ser feito. Desde meados dos anos 40 já havia um interesse, em especial pelos americanos e ingleses, numa tradução mais rápida e eficiente de documentos russos, porém até hoje o que se vê em termos de tradução automática está aquém daquilo que se possa chamar de uma boa tradução. Para buscar uma tradução automática eficiente os cientistas têm usado como fonte principal meios estatísticos de solução para tal problema. Esse trabalho visa dar um novo enfoque a tal questão, buscando na ciência cognitiva sua principal fonte de inspiração. O resultado a que se chega com o presente trabalho é que a estatística deve continuar sendo sim uma fonte de auxílio em especial na definição de padrões. Porém, o trabalho trás consigo o propósito de levantar a sobreposição semântica como via de possível solução que possa vir auxiliar, ou, até mesmo trazer maior rapidez a questão da tradução automática. No campo organizacional levanta uma questão interessante, o valor da experiência como meio inteligente de buscar melhores resultados para as empresas.


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This pilot study explored the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment among provate club board and committee volunteer members. The top three items, ranked by mean scores, of each of three EI dimensions -- IN, OUT, and RELATIONSHIPS wer discussed. A sample of 57 volunteer leaders furhter was split into high EI and low EI groups based on respndents' overall EO median score. Statistical differences between high and low EI groups in three aspects of organizational commitment - affective, continuance, and normative commitment - wer present. 4 t-test results showed that the difference between high and low EI groups in affective commitment among private club volunteer leaders was statistcally significant at p <.05.


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Large complex projects often fail spectacularly in terms of cost overruns and delays; witness the London Olympics and the Airbus A380. In this project, we studied the emotional intelligence (EI) of leadership teams involved in such projects. We collected our data from 370 employees in 40 project teams working on large Australian defense contracts. We asked leadership team members to complete a scale measuring their EI, and project team members to rate the success of the projects. We found it was not the mean score, but the highest EI score in the leadership team that predicted members’ project success ratings.


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Accounting information systems (AIS) capture and process accounting data and provide valuable information for decision-makers. However, in a rapidly changing environment, continual management of the AIS is necessary for organizations to optimise performance outcomes. We suggest that building a dynamic AIS capability enables accounting process and organizational performance. Using the dynamic capabilities framework (Teece 2007) we propose that a dynamic AIS capability can be developed through the synergy of three competencies: a flexible AIS, having a complementary business intelligence system and accounting professionals with IT technical competency. Using survey data, we find evidence of a positive association between a dynamic AIS capability, accounting process performance, and overall firm performance. The results suggest that developing a dynamic AIS resource can add value to an organization. This study provides guidance for organizations looking to leverage the performance outcomes of their AIS environment.


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The prevailing hypercompetitive environment has made it essential for organizations to gather competitive intelligence from environmental scanning. The knowledge gained leads to organizational learning, which stimulates increased patent productivity. This paper highlights five practices that aid in developing patenting intelligence and empirically verifies to what extent this organizational learning leads to knowledge gains and financial gains realized from consequent higher patent productivity. The model is validated based on the perceptions of professionals with patenting experience from two of the most aggressively patenting sectors in today’s economy, viz., IT and pharmaceutical sectors (n=119). The key finding of our study suggests that although organizational learning from environmental scanning exists, the application of this knowledge for increasing patent productivity lacks due appreciation. This missing link in strategic analysis and strategy implementation has serious implications for managers which are briefly discussed in this paper.


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With the swamping and timeliness of data in the organizational context, the decision maker’s choice of an appropriate decision alternative in a given situation is defied. In particular, operational actors are facing the challenge to meet business-critical decisions in a short time and at high frequency. The construct of Situation Awareness (SA) has been established in cognitive psychology as a valid basis for understanding the behavior and decision making of human beings in complex and dynamic systems. SA gives decision makers the possibility to make informed, time-critical decisions and thereby improve the performance of the respective business process. This research paper leverages SA as starting point for a design science project for Operational Business Intelligence and Analytics systems and suggests a first version of design principles.


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Tutkielman tarkoitus on kehittää monikansallisille yrityksille tuottavan markkinaälyn malli, jonka avulla yritykset pystyvät käsittelemään muuttuvasta ja globalisoituvasta markkinaympäristöstä aiheutuvaa epävarmuutta. Malli koostuu pääosin kolmesta käsitteestä: markkinainformaation prosessoinnista, markkinasuuntautuneisuudesta ja organisationaalisesta oppimisesta. Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, kuinka näiden samanaikainen soveltaminen johtaa synergiaetuihin. Lähdeaineistona käytettiin alan kirjallisuutta. Lisäksi haastateltiin neljää johtajaa monikansallisista yrityksistä. Käytännössä markkinaälyn soveltamisen haasteet liittyvät lähinnä markkinainformaation prosessoinnin asenteellisiin ja psykologisiin aspekteihin. Ihmisten tulisi ymmärtää, että koko yritys hyötyy heidän halukkuudestaan tiedon tuottamiseen ja jakamiseen. Lisäksi tietoa itsessään voimavarana tulisi kunnioittaa


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In this knowledge era, the value of corporations, academic organizations and individuals is directly related to their knowledge and intellectual capital(IC). A newand potentially paradigm shift focus in the intersection between knowledge and intelligence is the recognition of the importance of understanding the intellectual capital of organizations. This paper explains how Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) is identifying and managing its intellectual capital for creating competitive advantage for the future. This paper also explores the different cost effective knowledge management strategies applied at CUSAT for managing its intellectual capital


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Successful management is dependent heavily on the manager’s ability to handle conflict effectively. The workforce has been increasingly becoming diversified vis-à-vis the gender, culture and ethnicity. The present work environment has in itself contributed to sowing seeds of conflict with greater diversity, hostility, complexity and newer business competencies in the work context.The classic study of Mintzberg’s Managerial roles approach (1973) also says that a manager has to spend sufficient time and energy in solving conflict as he has to take roles as a negotiator, and dispute handler. An understanding of the conflict and role that it plays in influencing employee behavior constructively or destructively is immense. Therefore conflict when left unmanaged can lead to diminished cohesiveness amongst employees, productivity and reduced organizational fitness. To manage conflict effective conflict resolution strategies that have constructive outcomes is called for. Conflict resolution style theorists opine that collaborative or integrative style, where there is high concern for task and people is considered to give positive individual and organizational outcomes, while the withdrawing /avoidance style and forcing / dominating style are considered to be ineffective in managing conflict. Though managers have typical preferences in the styles followed it need not necessarily be the typical response as it depends on the context, power relationships, emotions etc. The adoption of conflict styles of managers however is dependent on variables like gender orientation, cultural values, personality orientation, underlying relationships – public/private. The paper attempts to draw the importance of managing conflicts at workplace positively and the need for effective conflict resolution strategies. The conflict style adopted and the variables that affect the adoption of each style are discussed and possible interventions at the workplace are suggested


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Reports some insights into knowledge management (KM) derived from UK one-day workshops with six businesses, three non-profits and one public sector organization. Lists the four questions posed to participants and discusses the themes which emerged, e.g. the need for a KM strategy to make raw information more useable, KM performance measurement etc. Stresses the need for commitment from a top-level champion and a wide range of employees to make this work and identifies three types of solutions for improving KM strategy: technological (e.g. databases and intranets), people (e.g. motivation, retention, training and networking) and processes (e.g. procedural instructions and balancing formal/informal knowledge sharing methods). Finds that accountants and senior managers do not generally see KM as very important but argues that management accountants are suitable knowledge champions who could develop explicit links between KM and organizational performance.


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This dissertation consists of three independent studies, which study the nomological network of cultural intelligence (CI)—a relatively new construct within the fields of cross-cultural psychology and organizational psychology. Since the introduction of this construct, CI now has a generally accepted model comprised of four codependent subfactors. In addition, the focus of preliminary research within the field is on understanding the new construct’s correlates and outcomes. Thus, the goals for this dissertation were (a) to provide an additional evaluation of the factor structure of CI and (b) to examine further the correlates and outcomes that should theoretically be included in its nomological network. Specifically the model tests involved a one-factor, three-factor, and four-factor structure. The examined correlates of CI included the Big Five personality traits, core self-evaluation, social self-efficacy, self-monitoring, emotional intelligence, and cross-cultural experience. The examined outcomes also included overall performance, contextual performance, and cultural adaption in relation to CI. Thus, this dissertation has a series of 20 proposed and statistically evaluated hypotheses. The first study in this dissertation contained the summary of the extant CI literature via meta-analytic techniques. The outcomes of focus were significantly relevant to CI, while the CI correlates had more inconclusive results. The second and third studies contained original data collected from a sample of students and adult workers, respectively. In general, the results between these two studies were parallel. The four-factor structure of CI emerged as the best fit to the data, and several correlates and outcomes indicated significant relation to CI. In addition, the tested incremental validity of CI showed significant results emerging in both studies. Lastly, several exploratory analyses indicated the role of CI as a mediator between relevant antecedent and the outcome of cultural adaption, while the data supported the mediator role of CI. The final chapter includes a thorough discussion of practical implications as well as limitation to the research design.^