997 resultados para Organizational diagnosis


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This article is intended to report an intervention in a SME of the IT sector, aiming at an organizational change process towards a greater proactivity of employees. The presentation of the case includes the diagnosis, intervention, and the beginning of the implementation of innovation projects, based on an adapted model of third generation large-group organizational change methods. In addition to the steps followed, small-world analysis techniques were used, with the intention of determining the existing communication networks; also, a content analysis of collected success stories was made, in order to suggest strong points for a future organizational culture. The results clarified the desirable characteristics of an intervention method with large groups, adapted to Portuguese companies, and effective in organizational innovation project design. The analysis of the success stories helped to determine the strengths of an orientation for the future, while the use of measures of small-world networks allowed us to analyze the existing informal organization. Although this study does not include the completion of the projects, due to difficulties in the company, it can provide a solid basis for application in future interventions.


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The Chilean Cooperative Sector (SCCh) can be explained as a human activity system of high complexity, which seeks to maintain an independent existence, in example, be viable. From this perspective, the Viable System Model (MSV) as conceptual reference presents a real opportunity to study the organization of the cooperative sector in Chile.The central objective of the work refers to study the feasibility of SCCh in a context of sectorial organization, considering the social, legal and economic fabric of the country today.To do this, supported by a systemic methodology were performed: a characterization of the problem situation of the sector -identifying some relevant factors in the areas of market structure, legal regulations and inter cooperation-an organizational diagnosis and proposed a set guidelines for its development.From the above it is concluded that there is relevance between the characteristics of the case study theoretical and methodological approach. The methodology takes tested in other organizational practices such as VIPLAN tools, and applies the SCCh. Its contribution in the field of study is oriented around a holistic view of the organization and promotion of their viability, thereby generating an approach that delivers specific sectorial development strategies, surpassing the approximation of descriptive characterization. Thus, we provide a diagnostic model of the Chilean Cooperative Sector and propose guidelines to support their organizational development.


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The main objective of the Research was to study the Delayering scheme implemented in FACT in all its aspects and to examine wlietlier implementation of delayering has contributed to improvement in organizational performance by improving managerial motivation and team effectiveness. To enable this, a post-delayering impact assessment was done by eliciting views and analyzing the perception of managers affected by the change programme. Organisation-wide Surveys were carried out as part of data collection - prior to, during and after implementation. The methodology adopted was the Case Study approach, which involved a longitudinal study of the Implementation process using tools such- as Observation, Opinion surveys and Interviews and relating the research findings with the theories/ studies on the subject for generalization and for drawing conclusions


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O presente estudo visa contribuir para o diagnóstico organizacional de uma instituição privada no sector da saúde em processo de mudança, a partir da identificação dos valores individuais, valores organizacionais (reais e desejáveis) e a cultura organizacional. Adicionalmente, procurou-se aferir a existência de maior ou menor abertura à mudança. O estudo teve o alcance de 76,3% do total da população da clínica em estudo, distribuindo-se por participantes de ambos os sexos, com uma média etária de 42,86 anos. Os resultados conseguidos refutam, à excepção da correlação entre a dimensão dos valores organizacionais reais da autonomia com a cultura adocrática, as hipóteses do estudo, mas permitiram o diagnóstico da organização que se caracterizou pelos valores individuais de auto-transcendência e conservação, valores organizacionais reais de conservadorismo e cultura organizacional burocrática (hierárquica), dimensões caracterizadas por oposição à abertura à mudança. Nos valores organizacionais desejáveis o factor que respeita à relação do indivíduo e a organização foi a autonomia, contrariamente ao real (conservadorismo).


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O presente estudo, enquadrado na área de gestão de recursos humanos, tem como principal objectivo identificar os factores motivacionais que orientam a adesão à especialização, no grupo profissional dos enfermeiros. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza exploratória, transversal, descritivo, analítico, comparativo e quantitativo. A população do estudo foi o grupo de enfermeiros portugueses, sendo a sua amostra composta por 150 enfermeiros. Este grupo foi seleccionado a partir de um processo de amostragem probabilística estratificada, sem reposição. O instrumento de recolha de dados foi o inquérito por questionário. Para o efeito usou-se o questionário da motivação para a formação (QMF) de Carré (2001), tendo sido já adaptado para a população portuguesa por Correia (2009). A formação contínua é uma condição importante no desenvolvimento do indivíduo, quer a nível pessoal, quer a nível profissional; assim como no desempenho da organização onde o indivíduo exerce a sua profissão. O presente trabalho pretende, assim, identificar os factores motivacionais na função de enfermeiro, e que conduzem à adesão da especialização, em particular ao Curso de Pós-Licenciatura em Enfermagem. Numa primeira parte, faz-se a definição e avaliação da função, desenhando-se um mapa de competências; identificando-se, em paralelo, os motivos/expectativas que levam estes profissionais da saúde à especialização desta mesma escala. Decorrente dos resultados obtidos, o presente trabalho conclui que as duas principais motivações dos enfermeiros para a frequência do CPLEE são a motivação extrínseca Operacional Pessoal e a motivação extrínseca Operacional Profissional. Foi ainda possível determinar que a idade, o género, o vínculo à instituição e a situação financeira também têm um papel decisivo no que concerne à motivação dos enfermeiros para a frequência do CPLEE. Este estudo permitiu ainda consolidar o questionário da motivação para a formação desenvolvido por Philippe Carré, aplicado à população portuguesa, de forma a analisar a motivação dos enfermeiros portugueses para a frequência do CPLEE. Quanto às implicações práticas, pretende-se contribuir para o desenvolvimento e melhoria das práticas de recursos humanos no sector da saúde. Balança-se aqui, consequentemente, um equilíbrio entre o diagnóstico organizacional, e a prescrição prática. Potencialmente, poderá servir de roadmap para áreas como o recrutamento e selecção, gestão de carreiras, formação e desenvolvimento, desenho de trabalho e de funções; e, adicionalmente, para uma melhor gestão académica do ensino pós-graduado, na carreira da enfermagem.


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Este trabalho, concebido dentro de uma perspectiva humanista, propõe-se a elaborar e testar um modelo de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Organizacional. A abordagem sistêmica permitiu a aplicação de conceitos da Teoria da Informação, tendo em vista a ideia de se elaborar uma sistemática de tratamento de dados coleta dos, que possibilite uma nova forma de Descrição de Cargos e consequente Especificações de Trabalho. O objetivo de tal colocação visa minorar as principais falhas existentes na passagem ' dos requisitos de Trabalho às Especificações decorrentes, tornando este "salto" menos subjetivo, mais operacional e melhor quantificável. Por outro lado, o tratamento de dados à luz da Teoria da Informação, permite a elaboração de novas categorizações e avaliações para fins psicológicos. Além de se obter uma classificação objetiva, operacional e dinâmica em termos de análise de trabalho, são formulados novos recursos com vista s a uma seleção adequada, um tratamento útil e específico, fundamentados nos elementos discriminantes de cada cargo. Finalmente, através de uma análise da estrutura e da dinâmica de uma organização específica, fundamentada em processos de análise de trabalho e de avaliação de pessoal, baseadas na teoria da, informação é também possível planejar-se mudanças organizacionais - com perspectivas ergonômicas - na área considera da crítica, para minimizar a eficiência dos recursos humanos de uma organização, isto é, a adaptação do trabalho ao Homem.


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Neste Estudo de Caso, procuramos analisar em que abrangência a Televisão Pública de Angola está madura para implantação de um Sistema de Gestão voltado para a Qualidade, sendo a partida uma organização com características de uma empresa tradicional, ou seja, que nunca experimentou efetivamente nenhum Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade. Para chegarmos à resposta do nosso problema, utilizamos como instrumento de análise, o Modelo de Gestão da Excelência, da Fundação Nacional da Qualidade, assente numa análise qualitativa e quantitativa, fundamentada nos oito critérios da excelência da FNQ, utilizando como recurso de análise da maturidade, o software e-MEG, também da FNQ, que permitiu compreender o grau de maturidade da TPA e identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso na implantação de uma gestão da qualidade, na Televisão Pública de Angola. O nosso estudo é também um diagnóstico organizacional da TPA, pois lança alguns subsídios para auxiliar na redução dos fatores que inibem a implantação de Gestão da Qualidade, no único órgão público de Televisão de Angola. Importa referir que um maior investimento nos recursos humanos, maior controle e avaliação dos processos resultantes de um planejamento estratégico na base dos fundamentos da qualidade, alinhado à estrutura da organização, com foco numa governança para resultados impactantes na vida dos colaboradores, da sociedade e do meio ambiente em que a organização está inserida, são fundamentais para a materialização de uma gestão solidamente fundamentada na qualidade.


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O objetivo deste trabalho de investigação é o de procurar compreender o impacto da estrutura organizacional de dois hospitais públicos portugueses com diferentes figuras jurídicas, na execução dos seus objetivos, através da perceção dos seus colaboradores. De modo a atingirmos o nosso objetivo, recorremos à metodologia do estudo de caso, efetuado a cada um dos hospitais escolhidos. O principal instrumento de recolha de dados é o questionário, efetuado a uma população que é constituída por uma amostra aleatória simples e estratificada em classes de cada um dos hospitais. Para além de não terem sido encontradas diferenças significativas, nas áreas analisadas, entre os dois hospitais, este estudo revelou-nos ainda que a sua estrutura organizacional deve ser mais orgânica, no sentido de uma estrutura matricial, mantendo, no entanto, a parte burocrática que advêm da elevada profissionalização do seu pessoal e os principais mecanismos de coordenação. Este trabalho pretende dar um contributo no conhecimento da forma como os gestores dos hospitais podem controlar e modificar a estrutura e o desenho da organização e de que forma essas modificações podem vir a influenciar a execução dos seus objetivos. ABSCTRAT: The purpose of this research work is to seek to understand the organizational structure’s impact of two portuguese public hospitals, with different legal forms, in the implementation of their objectives through its collaborators' perception. ln order to achieve our purpose, we have used the case study methodology performed in each one of the chosen hospitals. The main instrument for data collection is the questionnaire, made to a population consisting of a simple and stratified into classes random sample from each one of the hospitals. Besides not having been found any significant differences between the two hospitals, this study has also revealed to us that its organizational structure should be more organic, towards a matrix structure, although maintaining the bureaucratic part arising from the high professionalization of its personnel and the main coordination mechanisms. This work aims to contribute to the knowledge of how hospital managers can control and modify the organization's structure and design and how those modifications may come to influence the implementation of their objectives.


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In-hospital mortality rates associated with an ICU stay are high and vary widely among units. This variation may be related to organizational factors such as staffing patterns, ICU structure, and care processes. We aimed to identify organizational factors associated with variation in in-hospital mortality for patients with an ICU stay. This was a retrospective observational cross-sectional study using administrative data from 34 093 patients from 171 ICUs in 119 Veterans Health Administration hospitals. Staffing and patient data came from Veterans Health Administration national databases. ICU characteristics came from a survey in 2004 of ICUs within the Veterans Health Administration. We conducted multilevel multivariable estimation with patient-, unit-, and hospital-level data. The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality. Of 34 093 patients, 2141 (6.3%)died in the hospital. At the patient level, risk of complications and having a medical diagnosis were significantly associated with a higher risk of mortality. At the unit level, having an interface with the electronic medical record was significantly associated with a lower risk of mortality. The finding that electronic medical records integrated with ICU information systems are associated with lower in-hospital mortality adds support to existing evidence on organizational characteristics associated with in-hospital mortality among ICU patients.


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This paper is a study on corporate communication and the ability to innovate in small businesses. The guiding question seeks to respond whether organizational communication is able to make progress and / or support innovation in micro and small companies, and the main objective is to analyze the relationship between innovation and organizational communication. It was applied the case study method and document research for interpreting a diagnosis instru- ment called “Innovation Radar” in a small business company located in the countryside of São Paulo state. The diagnosis is made based on assessment dimensions aimed at checking the maturity and the degree of innovation in micro and small companies. By evaluating these di- mensions it was possible to build analytical frameworks and highlight the influence of corporate communication in promoting innovation. The results indicate that every dimension of the “In- novation Radar” can improve their performance by means of corporate communication.


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Background. EAP programs for airline pilots in companies with a well developed recovery management program are known to reduce pilot absenteeism following treatment. Given the costs and safety consequences to society, it is important to identify pilots who may be experiencing an AOD disorder to get them into treatment. ^ Hypotheses. This study investigated the predictive power of workplace absenteeism in identifying alcohol or drug disorders (AOD). The first hypothesis was that higher absenteeism in a 12-month period is associated with higher risk that an employee is experiencing AOD. The second hypothesis was that AOD treatment would reduce subsequent absence rates and the costs of replacing pilots on missed flights. ^ Methods. A case control design using eight years (time period) of monthly archival absence data (53,000 pay records) was conducted with a sample of (N = 76) employees having an AOD diagnosis (cases) matched 1:4 with (N = 304) non-diagnosed employees (controls) of the same profession and company (male commercial airline pilots). Cases and controls were matched on the variables age, rank and date of hire. Absence rate was defined as sick time hours used over the sum of the minimum guarantee pay hours annualized using the months the pilot worked for the year. Conditional logistic regression was used to determine if absence predicts employees experiencing an AOD disorder, starting 3 years prior to the cases receiving the AOD diagnosis. A repeated measures ANOVA, t tests and rate ratios (with 95% confidence intervals) were conducted to determine differences between cases and controls in absence usage for 3 years pre and 5 years post treatment. Mean replacement costs were calculated for sick leave usage 3 years pre and 5 years post treatment to estimate the cost of sick leave from the perspective of the company. ^ Results. Sick leave, as measured by absence rate, predicted the risk of being diagnosed with an AOD disorder (OR 1.10, 95% CI = 1.06, 1.15) during the 12 months prior to receiving the diagnosis. Mean absence rates for diagnosed employees increased over the three years before treatment, particularly in the year before treatment, whereas the controls’ did not (three years, x = 6.80 vs. 5.52; two years, x = 7.81 vs. 6.30, and one year, x = 11.00cases vs. 5.51controls. In the first year post treatment compared to the year prior to treatment, rate ratios indicated a significant (60%) post treatment reduction in absence rates (OR = 0.40, CI = 0.28, 0.57). Absence rates for cases remained lower than controls for the first three years after completion of treatment. Upon discharge from the FAA and company’s three year AOD monitoring program, case’s absence rates increased slightly during the fourth year (controls, x = 0.09, SD = 0.14, cases, x = 0.12, SD = 0.21). However, the following year, their mean absence rates were again below those of the controls (controls, x = 0.08, SD = 0.12, cases, x¯ = 0.06, SD = 0.07). Significant reductions in costs associated with replacing pilots calling in sick, were found to be 60% less, between the year of diagnosis for the cases and the first year after returning to work. A reduction in replacement costs continued over the next two years for the treated employees. ^ Conclusions. This research demonstrates the potential for workplace absences as an active organizational surveillance mechanism to assist managers and supervisors in identifying employees who may be experiencing or at risk of experiencing an alcohol/drug disorder. Currently, many workplaces use only performance problems and ignore the employee’s absence record. A referral to an EAP or alcohol/drug evaluation based on the employee’s absence/sick leave record as incorporated into company policy can provide another useful indicator that may also carry less stigma, thus reducing barriers to seeking help. This research also confirms two conclusions heretofore based only on cross-sectional studies: (1) higher absence rates are associated with employees experiencing an AOD disorder; (2) treatment is associated with lower costs for replacing absent pilots. Due to the uniqueness of the employee population studied (commercial airline pilots) and the organizational documentation of absence, the generalizability of this study to other professions and occupations should be considered limited. ^ Transition to Practice. The odds ratios for the relationship between absence rates and an AOD diagnosis are precise; the OR for year of diagnosis indicates the likelihood of being diagnosed increases 10% for every hour change in sick leave taken. In practice, however, a pilot uses approximately 20 hours of sick leave for one trip, because the replacement will have to be paid the guaranteed minimum of 20 hour. Thus, the rate based on hourly changes is precise but not practical. ^ To provide the organization with practical recommendations the yearly mean absence rates were used. A pilot flies on average, 90 hours a month, 1080 annually. Cases used almost twice the mean rate of sick time the year prior to diagnosis (T-1) compared to controls (cases, x = .11, controls, x = .06). Cases are expected to use on average 119 hours annually (total annual hours*mean annual absence rate), while controls will use 60 hours. The cases’ 60 hours could translate to 3 trips of 20 hours each. Management could use a standard of 80 hours or more of sick time claimed in a year as the threshold for unacceptable absence, a 25% increase over the controls (a cost to the company of approximately of $4000). At the 80-hour mark, the Chief Pilot would be able to call the pilot in for a routine check as to the nature of the pilot’s excessive absence. This management action would be based on a company standard, rather than a behavioral or performance issue. Using absence data in this fashion would make it an active surveillance mechanism. ^


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This is the second of two linked papers exploring decision making in nursing. The first paper, 'Classifying clinical decision making: a unifying approach' investigated difficulties with applying a range of decision-making theories to nursing practice. This is due to the diversity of terminology and theoretical concepts used, which militate against nurses being able to compare the outcomes of decisions analysed within different frameworks. It is therefore problematic for nurses to assess how good their decisions are, and where improvements can be made. However, despite the range of nomenclature, it was argued that there are underlying similarities between all theories of decision processes and that these should be exposed through integration within a single explanatory framework. A proposed solution was to use a general model of psychological classification to clarify and compare terms, concepts and processes identified across the different theories. The unifying framework of classification was described and this paper operationalizes it to demonstrate how different approaches to clinical decision making can be re-interpreted as classification behaviour. Particular attention is focused on classification in nursing, and on re-evaluating heuristic reasoning, which has been particularly prone to theoretical and terminological confusion. Demonstrating similarities in how different disciplines make decisions should promote improved multidisciplinary collaboration and a weakening of clinical elitism, thereby enhancing organizational effectiveness in health care and nurses' professional status. This is particularly important as nurses' roles continue to expand to embrace elements of managerial, medical and therapeutic work. Analysing nurses' decisions as classification behaviour will also enhance clinical effectiveness, and assist in making nurses' expertise more visible. In addition, the classification framework explodes the myth that intuition, traditionally associated with nurses' decision making, is less rational and scientific than other approaches.


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Enterprise architecture (EA) is a tool that aligns organization’s business-process with application and information technology (IT) through EAmodels. This EA model allows the organization to cut off unnecessary IT expenses and determines the future and current IT requirements and boosts organizational performance. Enterprise architecture may be employed in every firm where the firm or organization requires configurations between information technology and business functions. This research investigates the role of enterprise architecture in healthcare organizations and suggests the suitable EA framework for knowledge-based medical diagnostic system for EA modeling by comparing the two most widely used EA frameworks. The results of the comparison identified that the proposed EA has a better framework for knowledge-based medical diagnostic system.


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Sports injuries are a significant clinical and public
health concern. There is a growing call to improve the translation of available evidence-based and expert- informed sports injury prevention interventions into sustained use in practice by physicians and others (eg, athletic trainers, coaches, and parents) who care for injured athletes. This article provides a brief overview of the current sport injury prevention implementation literature before focusing specifically on the translation of guidelines (including consensus and position statements) developed to assist physicians and others diagnose and manage athletes with sport-related concussion and the associated return-to-play decisions. The outcomes of more than 20 published studies indicate that physician, athletic trainer, coach, parent,
and athlete knowledge, use of, and compliance with sport-related concussion guidelines are limited. More concerted, coordinated, and theory-informed efforts are required to facilitate the widespread dissemination, translation, and implementation of such guidelines. An example is provided of how implementation drivers could be used to inform the development of a comprehensive, multilevel implementation strategy targeting the individual, organizational, and system-level changes necessary to support the translation of available sport-related concussion guidelines in both the clinical and sports settings.