1000 resultados para Organismo de formação
Apresentação realizada no âmbito do projecto Leonardo da Vinci no Institute for Public Administration em Praga a 5 de Dezembro de 2011
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
A formação de professores está hoje no centro dos acontecimentos do mundo da educação, suscitando aprovações e divergências e apontando para a necessidade de se fazerem reformas na área. Os motivos dessas reformas estão ligados, para alguns, aos resultados negativos do desempenho escolar, que não têm atendido às exigências do mundo do trabalho. Este texto analisa a reforma na formação de professores como uma tendência internacional, ligada às exigências dos organismos multilaterais, que visam atender ao processo de globalização/mundialização. A partir dessa lógica procuram-se identificar os postulados de base da reforma, o quadro conceitual, os aportes metodológicos que vêm dando suporte ao processo. O texto apresenta alguns eixos que sustentam as reformas na formação de professores, tais como: a "universitarização" profissionalização, a ênfase na formação prática/certificação de experiências, a formação contínua e a pedagogia das competências, analisando a importância de cada um no contexto internacional.
O presente artigo avalia a formação e o funcionamento do Conselho Geral da Província de São Paulo durante o Primeiro Império. Organismo previsto na Constituição de 1824, com funções que podem ser consideradas um embrião do Poder Legislativo provincial, organizou-se efetivamente na província de São Paulo em 1828, quando o governo de D. Pedro I já se desgastava. O significado de sua existência no contexto das dinâmicas centrífugas e centrípetas atuantes na primeira construção do Estado no Brasil independente constituem o principal objetivo da presente análise.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
The plasma represents a average of the information referring biochemists to the physiology of the organism as a whole, therefore it indirectly or directly interacts with all tissues of the body. In such a way the plasma can be considered as a metabolic “soup”. Using the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy sanguineous plasma spectra had been generated and using deconvolution techniques it was possible to know the contribution of the albumin for the formation of the spectra of the sanguineous plasma
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper aims to investigate the conceptions about the relation between genotype and phenotype of Biological Sciences Degree students who take part in a research group in Epistemology of Biology. In an initial data collection, the presence of ideas based on a restricted to genes and environment relation - without considering the organism and its life history - became evident . However, during the group discussions on the topic there were other statements involving other concepts, such as: molecular interactions, chance, organism and Developmental Biology. The analysis of conceptual (re)constructions that emerged in the group allowed the proposition and the development of an explanatory model for the relation between genotype and phenotype.
A função do professor de educação física escolar pode ser definida pela elaboração, implantação e avaliação de programas que tematizam, do ponto de vista didático-pedagógico, jogos, esportes, lutas, ginásticas, danças, exercícios físicos, entre outros; com a intenção de influenciar a formação dos alunos para a participação democrática na vida em sociedade. Todavia, este consenso se dilui quando aplicado ao campo do currículo e da formação docente. No campo do currículo, apesar do reconhecimento de que a tematização didático-pedagógica se faz a partir de sentidos culturais e das potencialidades de estimulação do organismo humano que se apresentam nas manifestações da cultura de movimento; a intencionalidade, a organização curricular e a sistematização do conhecimento podem divergir consideravelmente modificando o papel do componente curricular na educação básica. Sendo assim, este texto analisa aspectos do desenvolvimento das teorias curriculares, relacionando-as às perspectivas teóricas em Educação Física. Em seguida, implicações deste debate são relacionadas à formação docente.
Chitin is the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature and its derivative chitosan has been widely studied due to its unique chemical and pharmacological properties. However, studies show that when this molecule is used as food, drug, etc. it tends to accumulate in renal tissue and promotes an increase in calcium excretion. Nevertheless, the effect of chitosan on the formation of calcium oxalate (OxCa) crystals has never been evaluated. The formation of kidney stones (urolithiasis) is the disease that most often affects the kidneys and the urinary system. In addition, this is a disease with high prevalence and recurrence. Many molecules with antioxidant activity have been shown to decrease the potential for in vitro OxCa crystals formation. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of low molecular weight chitosan and its derivatives conjugated to gallic acid (AG) as antioxidant and inhibitor of OxCa crystals formation. The physico-chemical analysis confirmed the identity of chitosan. This molecule was subjected to five antioxidant tests and showed an excellent copper chelating activity. However, chitosan did not show other significant antioxidant activity. When chitosan was subjected to in vitro crystal formation tests, it increased the number of OxCa monohydrate crystals, modified the morphology of the crystals, modified the proportions between populations of crystals in solution and increased the zeta potential of these crystals formed. Four molecules of chitosan conjugated with GA were obtained. The physico-chemical analysis confirmed that chitosan and AG were covalently bonded. However, the amount of GA liked to chitosan did not increase even when 10 times more GA was used in experiment. When these derivatives were subjected to antioxidant tests, all chitosan conjugates showed higher antioxidant potential than their precursors. However, they showed different activity between them, which indicating that the position where AG is conjugated is an important factor for chitosan-GA activity. When conjugated chitosans were submitted to in vitro crystal formation tests, a reduction in the crystals number was observed when compared with those formed in the presence of unconjugated chitosan. Chitosan has a strong capacity for inducing OxCa monohydrate crystal formation, as well as modify their morphology and zeta potential. Over all, the process of conjugating AG to chitosan led to an increase in antioxidant potential of this molecule and was also able to decrease its capacity of inducing in vitro crystal formation
Carotenoids are widely distributed in nature, providing yellow, orange or red color in a great number of vegetables, microorganisms and in some animals. Carotenoids act as biological antioxidants and seem to play an important role in human health by protecting cells and tissues from the damaging effects of free radicals and singlet oxygen. Several authors describe the oxidative cleavage of carotenoids in flavor compounds as occuring through chemical or photochemical degradations or through biotechnological processes. Biotransformation of carotenoids seems to be a reasonable alternative to produce flavor compounds since these compounds are considered 'natural' ingredients. In this work we describe the properties of some carotenoids, as well as biotechnological approaches to obtain its oxyfunctionalized derivatives.
Annatto seeds do not germinate during early stages of their development because of insufficient reserve substances. In situ analysis showed that the principal reserves are proteins and starch, deposited in endosperm cells. During the early stages of development, the starch grains were elliptic, because amylose was the minor component. During development, these grains became more spherical due to an increase in amylose relative to amylopectin. Endosperm cells do not contain protein bodies, but they accumulate proteins dispersed in the cytoplasm. At the final stage of development the proteins became compacted due to the dehydration of the seeds wich is part of the global process of orthodox seeds maturation. Natural fluorescence revealed aromatic amino acids, principally tryptophan and tyrosine in the proteins. The seeds reached their maximum dry weight after moisture contents had declined to around 60%. At this point the seeds presented maximum germination capacity.