967 resultados para Oral folk literature


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The oral cavity is a complex environment where corrosive substances from dietary, human saliva, and oral biofilms may accumulate in retentive areas of dental implant systems and prostheses promoting corrosion at their surfaces. Additionally, during mastication, micromovements may occur between prosthetic joints causing a relative motion between contacting surfaces, leading to wear. Both processes (wear and corrosion) result in a biotribocorrosion system once that occurs in contact with biological tissues and fluids. This review paper is focused on the aspects related to the corrosion and wear behavior of titanium-based structures in the oral environment. Furthermore, the clinical relevance of the oral environment is focused on the harmful effect that acidic substances and biofilms, formed in human saliva, may have on titanium surfaces. In fact, a progressive degradation of titanium by wear and corrosion (tribocorrosion) mechanisms can take place affecting the performance of titanium-based implant and prostheses. Also, the formation of wear debris and metallic ions due to the tribocorrosion phenomena can become toxic for human tissues. This review gathers knowledge from areas like materials sciences, microbiology, and dentistry contributing to a better understanding of bio-tribocorrosion processes in the oral environment.


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En aquest estudi es fa un repàs a la història de la folklorísica valenciana a través de quatre períodes. Entre 1873 i 1912, la recol·lecció folklòrica està encara molt lligada a la creació literària. Entre 1912 i 1939, s’hi poden trobar els primers intents d’institucionalització i l’emancipació del folklore com a disciplina. Durant el franquisme, de 1939 a 1975, es truncarien molts esforços previs, encara que apareixerien figures individuals rellevants i interessants campanyes per al folklore musical. Finalment, des de 1975 a l’actualitat s’observa un gran salt qualitatiu i quantitatiu pel que fa a la recol·lecció i la recerca folklòrica.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Bibliography: p. [265]-271.


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Tradicionalmente, teóricos dos estudos literários têm dado pouco enfoque aos textos orais por acreditarem na escritura como única fonte teorizadora dos textos artísticos desmerecendo, assim, o valor histórico e o caráter próprio da literatura oral. O mesmo ocorre com a literatura voltada para o público infantojuvenil, que, apesar de ter conquistado o mercado editorial, ainda encontra dificuldades em entrar para o rol dos livros aceitos pelo cânone literário. Por meio de adaptações e traduções, tem-se oportunizado a aproximação dos jovens leitores das obras clássicas, cujas linguagens e distância cronológica e social configuram fator de impedimento de sua leitura. O que se pretendeu neste trabalho foi discutir como se deu a passagem da literatura popular/oral para a literatura canônica, tendo como exemplo o caso do Rei dos Elfos e a constituição de um mito literário com base no oral/popular: do Faustbuch ao Fausto de Goethe. Buscou-se fazer uma reflexão acerca do próprio processo de literarização, a partir de histórias contadas através da transmissão e transformadas em literatura para, por fim, ser possível analisar as múltiplas adaptações de Fausto para a literatura infantojuvenil contemporânea.


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A proposta realizada neste traballo fai de altovolante dalgunhas reflexións que creo fundamentais para seguir camiño na investigación da literatura oral. A miña perspectiva é a da antropoloxía sociocultural, pero afecta nun sentido máis amplo ao conxunto das disciplinas sociais e humanísticas que abordan o tema da literatura oral e da oralidade en xeral. É evidente que a literatura aporta datos sobre a organización social, o estilo de vida e a Cultura dunha sociedade no pasado e no presente (1). En particular a literatura oral, é dicir, a que se transmite oralmente aínda que ás veces a encontremos escrita, é un vector privilexiado para captar os imaxinarios colectivos do grupo humano que a crea, os seus valores, as súas moralidades e crenzas. The paper presents some lines of thought considered to be fundamental in the study of oral literature. The perspective followed is one marked by socio/cultural anthropology, but one that is also related to all of those Social Sciences and Humanities that analyse oral traditions. Literature gives us data on social organization, on the life style and culture of a social group, both past and present. Oral literature, in particular, is a extremely suitable vehicle for reaching the collective imaginary of the group that creates it. (1) Fribourg, J.(1995): "Literatura oral y antropología", en Lisón Tolosana, C. (comp.): Antropología y Literatura. Zaragoza: Gobierno de Aragón, p. 37.


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Medication adherence is a well-known risk factor in internal medicine. However in oncology this dimension is emerging due to the increasing number of oral formulations. First results in the oral oncology literature suggest that patients' ability to cope with medical prescription decreases with time. This might preclude patients from reaching clinical outcomes. Factors impacting on medication adherence to oral oncology treatments have not been yet extensively described neither strategies to address them and support patient's needs. Oncologists and pharmacists in our University outpatient settings performed a pilot study which aimed at measuring and facilitating adherence to oral oncology treatments and at understanding determinants of patient's adherence. The ultimate purpose of such a patient-centered and interdisciplinary collaboration would be to promote patient self-management and complement the standard medical follow-up.


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This thesis explores the movement of the author's intent in the process of translating expressions (originally oral) deemed to be culture-reflecting. The author's intent can be freed from the bondage thrust upon a text through particularities of culture, linguistics and genre in the process of translation. These elements constitute the toolkit used by the author to deliver his/her intent. A translation owes it's existance to the original text with it's intent and this element should be preserved through the translator's assumption of authorial powers.


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Mr. Gajevic traced the development of literacy and literature in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the 12th to the 19th in relation to other south Slavic literatures and civilisations, studying their interrelations, links and influences. From the 12th to the 15th centuries, literature in this area developed under strong influence from the neighbouring South Slavic countries, which were directly connected with more developed foreign cultures and civilisations. The literatures of these countries had differing religious and cultural backgrounds, some developing under Byzantine and Orthodox influence and others as a part of Latin civilisation and the Catholic religion. This led to different and sometimes contradictory literary, religious and other influences on Bosnia and Herzegovina, making spiritual and religious unity for the country virtually impossible. Under the influence of the Bosnian state and church, however, there were signs of a search for compromise, leading to some mixing of the difference traditions. Following the Turkish conquest, however, three denominational communities (Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim) developed in Bosnia and Herzegovina and this became the general framework for life, including literature. This led to three separate literary traditions - Serb-Orthodox, Croat-Catholic and Bosniac-Islamic. This internal disintegration of Bosnian literature did however facilitate the process of integration of some of its denominational traditions with similar traditions in other countries. The third aspect considered in the research was the genesis and expansion of vernacular and folk literature from Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout the South Slavic areas and its contribution to the language and literature integration of four peoples - Serbs, Croats, Bosniacs and Montenegrins. Of special interest here were the aspirations of the Catholic church to establish the Bosnian language as the common South Slavic literary language for its religious and propaganda activities, and the contribution of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic to the effort to establish the "Bosnian language" as the common literary language of the South Slavic peoples.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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El concurso de transformación mágica, esquema narrativo difundido en la tradición popular, se presenta en dos variantes principales: los hechiceros que compiten pueden metamorfosearse en varios seres o crear esos seres por medios mágicos. En cualquier caso el concursante ganador da a luz criaturas más fuertes que superan las de su oponente. La segunda variante fue preferida en el antiguo Cercano Oriente (Sumeria, Egipto, Israel). La primera se puede encontrar en algunos mitos griegos sobre cambiadores de forma (por ejemplo, Zeus y Némesis). El mismo esquema narrativo puede haber influido en un episodio de la Novela de Alejandro (1.36-38), en el que Darío envía regalos simbólicos a Alejandro y los dos monarcas enemigos ofrecen contrastantes explicaciones de ellos. Esta historia griega racionaliza el concurso de cuento de hadas, transfiriendo las fantásticas hazañas de creaciones milagrosas a un plano secundario pero realista de metáfora lingüística.


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Toute historiographie se construit sous la forme d’un récit, soutenue par une narration qui, autour d’une intrigue, sélectionne et organise les événements en fonction de leur importance relative à des critères prédéterminés. La période des années 1960, qui est habituellement décrite comme celle de la naissance de la littérature québécoise, est on ne peut plus représentative de cette logique narrative qui sous-tend toute démarche historique. Un événement retenu par cette histoire, la Nuit de la poésie du 27 mars 1970, s’est littéralement élevé au rang de mythe dans l’imaginaire littéraire, mais aussi identitaire des Québécois. Que ce soit à travers les triomphes de Claude Gauvreau et de Michèle Lalonde ou la foule de plusieurs milliers de personnes devant le Gesù qui espérait assister à la soirée, cet événement, mis sur pellicule par Jean-Claude Labrecque et Jean-Pierre Masse, a été conçu par plusieurs comme l’apothéose de « l’âge de la parole ». Une observation minutieuse de ce happening soulève cependant de nombreuses questions concernant la construction de ce rôle dans l’histoire littéraire québécoise. En effet, tant l’étude des conditions d’organisation de la soirée que l’analyse de son mode de transmission révèlent des motivations archivistiques qui laissent transparaître l’objectif de la Nuit à « faire événement », à produire des traces qui participeront à l’inscription historique de la poésie québécoise. Considérant que l’œuvre filmique de Labrecque et de Masse constitue le seul véritable document témoignant de cet événement et que celui-ci a fait l’objet d’un montage ne présentant qu’une facette de la soirée, les enjeux de représentation et de mise en récit inhérents au cinéma documentaire poussent à questionner le portrait désiré de la poésie de l’époque que l’on voulait créer à travers le long-métrage. Véritable plateau de tournage, le spectacle du 27 mars 1970 appelle à être analysé dans les termes d’une conscience historique qui pousse les acteurs du milieu littéraire de l’époque à ériger les monuments qui seront à la base du canon et de l’institution littéraires québécois. L’étude, mobilisant les ressources de l’analyse de texte, de la sociologie de la littérature, de la théorie historiographique et de la théorie du cinéma, portera principalement sur le documentaire La Nuit de la poésie 27 mars 1970, considéré comme véritable recueil de textes, mais aussi de façon tout à fait originale sur les archives inédites rejetées du montage final des réalisateurs de l’ONF. Au terme de ce travail, j’approfondirai la réflexion sur le rôle historique d’un événement emblématique de la littérature québécoise en explicitant la construction historique autour de celui-ci. Il s’agira non seulement de relativiser l’événement en tant que tel, mais aussi de réfléchir sur le grand récit espéré par les artistes de l’époque.