994 resultados para Optical performances


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This paper presents a novel scheme to monolithically integrate an evanescently-coupled uni-travelling carrier photodiode with a planar short multimode waveguide structure and a large optical cavity electroabsorption modulator based on a multimode waveguide structure. By simulation, both electroabsorption modulator and photodiode show excellent optical performances. The device can be fabricated with conventional photolithography, reactive ion etching, and chemical wet etching.


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This thesis presents an investigation on endoscopic optical coherence tomography (OCT). As a noninvasive imaging modality, OCT emerges as an increasingly important diagnostic tool for many clinical applications. Despite of many of its merits, such as high resolution and depth resolvability, a major limitation is the relatively shallow penetration depth in tissue (about 2∼3 mm). This is mainly due to tissue scattering and absorption. To overcome this limitation, people have been developing many different endoscopic OCT systems. By utilizing a minimally invasive endoscope, the OCT probing beam can be brought to the close vicinity of the tissue of interest and bypass the scattering of intervening tissues so that it can collect the reflected light signal from desired depth and provide a clear image representing the physiological structure of the region, which can not be disclosed by traditional OCT. In this thesis, three endoscope designs have been studied. While they rely on vastly different principles, they all converge to solve this long-standing problem.

A hand-held endoscope with manual scanning is first explored. When a user is holding a hand- held endoscope to examine samples, the movement of the device provides a natural scanning. We proposed and implemented an optical tracking system to estimate and record the trajectory of the device. By registering the OCT axial scan with the spatial information obtained from the tracking system, one can use this system to simply ‘paint’ a desired volume and get any arbitrary scanning pattern by manually waving the endoscope over the region of interest. The accuracy of the tracking system was measured to be about 10 microns, which is comparable to the lateral resolution of most OCT system. Targeted phantom sample and biological samples were manually scanned and the reconstructed images verified the method.

Next, we investigated a mechanical way to steer the beam in an OCT endoscope, which is termed as Paired-angle-rotation scanning (PARS). This concept was proposed by my colleague and we further developed this technology by enhancing the longevity of the device, reducing the diameter of the probe, and shrinking down the form factor of the hand-piece. Several families of probes have been designed and fabricated with various optical performances. They have been applied to different applications, including the collector channel examination for glaucoma stent implantation, and vitreous remnant detection during live animal vitrectomy.

Lastly a novel non-moving scanning method has been devised. This approach is based on the EO effect of a KTN crystal. With Ohmic contact of the electrodes, the KTN crystal can exhibit a special mode of EO effect, termed as space-charge-controlled electro-optic effect, where the carrier electron will be injected into the material via the Ohmic contact. By applying a high voltage across the material, a linear phase profile can be built under this mode, which in turn deflects the light beam passing through. We constructed a relay telescope to adapt the KTN deflector into a bench top OCT scanning system. One of major technical challenges for this system is the strong chromatic dispersion of KTN crystal within the wavelength band of OCT system. We investigated its impact on the acquired OCT images and proposed a new approach to estimate and compensate the actual dispersion. Comparing with traditional methods, the new method is more computational efficient and accurate. Some biological samples were scanned by this KTN based system. The acquired images justified the feasibility of the usage of this system into a endoscopy setting. My research above all aims to provide solutions to implement an OCT endoscope. As technology evolves from manual, to mechanical, and to electrical approaches, different solutions are presented. Since all have their own advantages and disadvantages, one has to determine the actual requirements and select the best fit for a specific application.


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We report the experimental results of using the soft lithography method for replication of Dammann gratings. By using an elastomeric stamp, uniform grating structures were transferred to the LTV-curable polymer. To evaluate the quality of the replication, diffraction images and light intensity were measured. Compared with the master devices, the replicas of Dammann gratings show a slight deviation in both surface relief profile and optical performance. Experimental results demonstrated that high-fidelity replication of Dammann gratings is realized by using soft lithography with low cost and high throughput. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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High brightness trans-reflective bi-stable displays based on smectic A (SmA) liquid crystals (LCs) can have nearly perfect transparency in the clear state and very high reflection in the scattered state. Because the LC material in use is stable under UV radiation, this kind of displays can stand for strong day-light and therefore be ideal for outdoor applications from e-books to public signage and advertisement. However, the colour application has been limited because the traditional colourants in use are conventional dyes which are lack of UV stability and that their colours are easily photo bleached. Here we present a colour SmA display demonstrator using pigments as colourant. Mixing pigments with SmA LCs and maintain the desirable optical switching performance is not straightforward. We show here how it can be done, including how to obtain fine sized pigment nano-particles, the effects of particle size and size distribution on the display performance. Our optimized pigments/SmA compositions can be driven by a low frequency waveform (∼101Hz) to a scattered state to exhibit colour while by a high frequency waveform (∼103Hz) to a cleared state showing no colour. Finally, we will present its excellent UV life-time (at least >7.2 years) in comparison with that of dye composition (∼2.4 years). The complex interaction of pigment nano-particles with LC molecules and the resulting effects on the LC electro-optical performances are still to be fully understood. We hope this work will not only demonstrate a new and practical approach for outdoor reflective colour displays but also provide a new material system for fundamental liquid crystal colloid research work. © 2012 SPIE.


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La thèse qui suit est organisée en deux volets: un premier volet portant sur les modèles de masse de galaxies et un second volet sur la conception de revêtements optiques et le contrôle de leurs propriétés mécaniques. Les modèles de masse présentés dans cette thèse ont été réalisés sur un sous-échantillon de dix galaxies de l'étude SINGS comprenant neuf galaxies normales et une galaxie naine. Ce travail visait à fixer le rapport masse-luminosité du disque à tout rayon en utilisant les résultats de modèles d'évolution galactique chimio-spectrophotométriques ajustés spécifiquement à chaque galaxie grâce à son profil de photométrie multi-bandes. Les résultats montrent que les disques stellaires tels que normalisés par les rapports masse-luminosité issus des modèles ont des masses cohérentes dans toutes les bandes étudiées de l'ultra-violet, du visible ainsi que du proche infrarouge (bandes FUV à IRAC2). Ces disques peuvent être considérés comme maximaux par rapport aux données cinématiques des galaxies étudiées. Ceci est dû au fait que le rapport M/L est plus élevé au centre que sur les bords. Les disques étant maximaux et physiquement justifiés, on ne peut dès lors ignorer les effets de composants tels que les bulbes ou les barres et les corrections nécessaires doivent être apportées aux profils de luminosité et de vitesses de rotation de la galaxie. Dans les travaux de la seconde partie, le logiciel en développement libre OpenFilters a été modifié afin de tenir compte des contraintes mécaniques dans la conception numérique de revêtements optiques. Les contraintes mécaniques dans les couches minces ont un effet délétère sur leurs performances optiques. Un revêtement destiné à rendre réflectives les lames d'un étalon Fabry-Perot utilisé en astronomie a été conçu et fabriqué afin d'évaluer les performances réelles de la méthode. Ce cas a été choisi à cause de la diminution de la finesse d'un étalon Fabry-Perot apporté par la courbure des lames sous l'effet des contraintes. Les résultats montrent que les mesures concordent avec les modèles numériques et qu'il est donc possible à l'aide de ce logiciel d'optimiser les revêtements pour leur comportement mécanique autant que pour leurs propriétés optiques.


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Biopolymer used for the production of nanoparticles (NPs) has attracted increasing attention. In the presence article we use aqueous solution of polysaccharide Cyamopsis tetragonaloba commonly known as guar gum (GG), from plants. GG acts as reductive preparation of silver nanoparticles which are found to be <10. nm in size. The uniformity of the NPs size was measured by the SEM and TEM, while a face centered cubic structure of crystalline silver nanoparticles was characterized using powder X-ray diffraction technique. Aqueous ammonia sensing study of polymer/silver nanoparticles nanocomposite (GG/AgNPs NC) was performed by optical method based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The performances of optical sensor were investigated which provide the excellent result. The response time of 2-3. s and the detection limit of ammonia solution, 1. ppm were found at room temperature. Thus, in future this room temperature optical ammonia sensor can be used for clinical and medical diagnosis for detecting low ammonia level in biological fluids, such as plasma, sweat, saliva, cerebrospinal liquid or biological samples in general for various biomedical applications in human. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The effect of group delay ripple of chirped fiber gratings on composite second-order (CSO) performance in optical fiber CATV system is investigated. We analyze the system CSO performances for different ripple amplitudes, periods and residual dispersion amounts in detail. It is found that the large ripple amplitude and small ripple period will deteriorate the system CSO performance seriously. Additionally, the residual dispersion amount has considerable effect on CSO performance in the case of small ripple amplitude and large ripple period. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A scheme is proposed to transform an optical pulse into a millimeter-wave frequency modulation pulse by using a weak fiber Bragg grating (FBG) in a fiber-optics system. The Fourier transformation method is used to obtain the required spectrum response function of the FBG for the Gaussian pulse, soliton pulse, and Lorenz shape pulse. On the condition of the first-order Born approximation of the weak fiber grating, the relation of the refractive index distribution and the spectrum response function of the FBG satisfies the Fourier transformation, and the corresponding refractive index distribution forms are obtained for single-frequency modulation and linear-frequency modulation millimeter-wave pulse generation. The performances of the designed fiber gratings are also studied by a numerical simulation method for a supershort pulse transmission. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Super-resolution filters based on a Gaussian beam are proposed to reduce the focusing spot in optical data storage systems. Both of amplitude filters and pure-phase filters are designed respectively to gain the desired intensity distributions. Their performances are analysed and compared with those based on plane wave in detail. The energy utilizations are presented. The simulation results show that our designed super-resolution filters are favourable for use in optical data storage systems in terms of performance and energy utilization.


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Detailed investigations are undertaken, for the first time, of the transmission performance of recently proposed novel Adaptively Modulated Optical OFDM (AMOOFDM) modems using Subcarrier Modulation (AMOOFDM-SCM) in single-channel, SMF-based IMDD links without optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. The cross-talk effect induced by beatings among subcarriers of various types is a crucial factor limiting the maximum achievable AMOOFDM-SCM performance. By applying single sideband modulation and/or spectral gapping to AMOOFDM-SCM, three AMOOFDM-SCM designs of varying complexity are proposed, which achieve >60Gb/s signal transmission over 20 km, 40 km and 60 km. Such performances are >1.5 times higher than those supported by conventional AMOOFDM modems.


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10Gb/s downstream and 6Gb/s upstream over 40km SSMFs are feasible for double-sideband AMOOFDM signals in wavelength-reused bidirectional-transmission colorless-WDM-PONs incorporating SOA/RSOA intensity modulators in OLTs/ONUs. Such performances are improved to 23Gb/s downstream and 8Gb/s upstream when single-sideband subcarrier-modulation is utilized. ©2010 IEEE.


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This paper presents a wavelength coded optical timedomain reflectometry based on optical heterodyne technique. In this scheme, the probe and reference optical pulses have different wavelengths. This enables optical heterodyne detection to be used to improve the system performances significantly. We demonstrate a spatial resolution of 2.5 m within a range of 60 km in weak-reflection signal detection and direct observation of Brillouin scattering over a long optical fiber, suggesting online fiber sensing possible. The principle of wavelength coding is applicable to other systems like lidar and radar to increase receiver sensitivity and simplify system structure.


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SOI (silicon-on-insulator) is a new material with a lot of important performances such as large index difference, low transmission loss. Fabrication processes for SOI based optoelectronic devices are compatible with conventional IC processes. Having the potential of OEIC monolithic integration, SOI based optoelectronic devices have shown many good characteristics and become more and more attractive recently. In this paper, the recent progresses of SOI waveguide devices in our research group are presented. By highly effective numerical simulation, the single mode conditions for SOI rib waveguides with rectangular and trapezoidal cross-section were accurately investigated. Using both chemical anisotropic wet etching and plasma dry etching techniques, SOI single mode rib waveguide, MMI coupler, VOA (variable optical attenuator), 2X2 thermal-optical switch were successfully designed and fabricated. Based on these, 4X4 and 8X8 SOI optical waveguide integrated switch matrixes are demonstrated for the first time.