826 resultados para Openness to diversity


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Perceived dissimilarity and its association with work group involvement were examined in this study. Additionally, perceived group openness to diversity was examined as a moderator of this relationship. A longitudinal study was conducted with nurses in four departments of a public hospital. Results revealed that visible dissimilarity was negatively associated with work group involvement at both times, and informational dissimilarity was negatively associated with work group involvement at Time 1. Openness to diversity interacted with visible and informational dissimilarity in the prediction of work group involvement at both times. This interaction pattern showed that there was a negative relationship between dissimilarity and work group involvement when individuals perceived low group openness to diversity, whereas there was no relationship when individuals perceived high group openness to diversity. Results highlight the importance of managing perceptions of difference and introducing norms that encourage the active involvement of group members.


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BACKGROUND There is increasing enrolment of international students in the Engineering and Information Technology disciplines and anecdotal evidence of a need for additional understanding and support for these students and their supervisors due to differences both in academic and social cultures. While there is a growing literature on supervisory styles and guidelines on effective supervision, there is little on discipline-specific, cross-cultural supervision responding to the growing diversity. In this paper, we report findings from a study of Engineering and Information technology Higher Degree Research (HDR)students and supervision in three Australian universities. PURPOSE The aim was to assess perceptions of students and supervisors of factors influencing success that are particular to international or culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) HDR students in Engineering and Information technology. DESIGN/METHOD Online survey and qualitative data was collected from international and CaLD HDR students and supervisors at the three universities. Bayesian network analysis, inferential statistics, and qualitative analysis provided the main findings. RESULTS Survey results indicate that both students and supervisors are positive about their experiences, and do not see language or culture as particularly problematic. The survey results also reveal strong consistency between the perceptions of students and supervisors on most factors influencing success. Qualitative analysis of critical supervision incidents has provided rich data that could help improve support services. CONCLUSIONS In contrast with anecdotal evidence, HDR completion data from the three universities reveal that international students, on average, complete in shorter time periods than domestic students. The analysis suggests that success is linked to a complex set of factors involving the student, supervision, the institution and broader community.


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In industrial and organizational psychology, there is a long tradition of studying personality as an antecedent of work outcomes. Recently, however, scholars have suggested that personality characteristics may not only predict, but also change due to certain work experiences, a notion that is depicted in the dynamic developmental model (DDM) of personality and work. Upward job changes are an important part of employees’ careers and career success in particular, and we argue that these career transitions can shape personality over time. In this study, we investigate the Big Five personality characteristics as both predictors and outcomes of upward job changes into managerial and professional positions. We tested our hypotheses by applying event history analyses and propensity score matching to a longitudinal dataset collected over five years from employees in Australia. Results indicated that participants’ openness to experience not only predicted, but that changes in openness to experience also followed from upward job changes into managerial and professional positions. Our findings thus provide support for a dynamic perspective on personality characteristics in the context of work and careers.


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This work aims to analyze the perceptions of students enrolled in the Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching, Training and Language Teaching at the University of Jaen, about the initial training received on attention to diversity. A descriptive methodology has been followed using an ad hoc questionnaire as data collection instrument. The results show favorable attitudes of future secondary teachers for diversity, having received an adequate training in curricular and organizational aspects, making it able to fully achieve inclusion of students with special educational needs in the classroom.


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This paper focuses on a hitherto unstudied segment of the broad 'third sector': organisations and groupings that aim to build bridges (that is, increase interpersonal contacts) between people of different faiths and/or ethnic groups. We draw on the findings of an empirical study, conducted in three diverse urban areas of England, of community-level projects with bridge building as an explicit aim. We describe the characteristics of bridge-building activities and the challenges they face; both the organisational challenges and those that arise from the nature of bridge building itself. We conclude by exploring the implications of our findings for an understanding of the third sector generally and for the potential role of the sector in responding to our diverse society.


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Nowadays, the topic of diversity is being studied, particularly in the field of the formation of future educators, where it is clearly evident in each one of the students. In order to understand this concept and meet the challenges it demands, this investigation, through the experience of action research, looks for a real picture of how this diversity is served in Guanacaste’s rural contexts. This is accomplished by identifying those ways to guide a better teachers’ work, and by taking into account the educational planning and the participation of the different sectors involved in the process of teaching and learning.


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La collaboration constitue une stratégie efficace pour aider les organisations et les individus à évoluer dans des environnements dynamiques et complexes, et génère de nombreux avantages cognitifs, affectifs et pécuniaires. De plus en plus, les équipes de travail sont impliquées dans des collaborations complexes, lesquelles requièrent de transiger à travers les frontières nationales, organisationnelles et disciplinaires. Bien que les collaborations complexes soient de plus en plus courantes en milieux organisationnels et étudiées par les scientifiques, peu d’études empiriques ont été réalisées sur le sujet et la documentation inhérente est disséminée dans divers silos parallèles de connaissances, donnant lieu à des modèles conceptuels divergents et incomplets. L’importance croissante de ces formes de collaboration crée l’impératif scientifique et pratique d’en acquérir une meilleure compréhension ainsi que d’identifier et d’évaluer les conditions et les facteurs qui favorisent leur succès et leur efficacité. Cette thèse vise à combler les lacunes susmentionnées et permettre un avancement des connaissances sur le sujet par l’entremise de deux articles répondant à divers objectifs de recherche. Le premier article avance une définition claire des collaborations complexes, en vue de réduire la confusion entourant ce construit. Il présente également la première revue de documentation sur les facteurs favorisant le succès des collaborations complexes, unifiant les résultats issus de divers contextes et disciplines scientifiques. Cette démarche a permis d’identifier 14 variables clés provenant de 26 études empiriques. À partir de ces données, un modèle conceptuel fondé sur des assises théoriques solides et reconnues en psychologie du travail et des organisations est proposé, offrant ainsi un canevas systémique et dynamique du phénomène ainsi qu’une orientation détaillée des pistes de recherches pertinentes. Le deuxième article part des résultats obtenus dans le premier article afin d’évaluer empiriquement les relations entre certains facteurs clés ayant un impact sur des extrants importants de collaborations complexes. L’étude multiphasique est réalisée auprès de 16 équipes de projets (N=93) interdisciplinaires et interorganisationnelles prenant part à des sessions de travail intensives visant la production de concepts novateurs en design intégré lié au développement durable. Les analyses corrélationnelles montrent des liens positifs entre l’ouverture à la diversité, les processus collaboratifs, la viabilité, la performance d’équipe et la performance de projet, ainsi que des liens négatifs entre les conflits et ces mêmes extrants. De plus, les analyses de médiation multiple révèlent qu’une plus grande ouverture à la diversité influence positivement la viabilité, la performance d’équipe et la performance de projet en favorisant les processus collaboratifs efficaces et en réduisant les conflits. Les implications théoriques et pratiques découlant de ces résultats sont discutées.


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This study extended the current literature on group diversity by examining the moderating influence of perceived group openness to diversity on the relationships between perceived individual visible, informational, and value dissimilarity; individual task and relationship conflict; and work group involvement. A survey was administered to 129 public service employees who worked in intact teams. Results revealed that value dissimilarity had a positive association with task and relationship conflict and a negative association with work group involvement. Perceived group openness to diversity moderated the associations between visible and informational dissimilarity and work group involvement, and between value dissimilarity and task conflict. These results highlight the importance of managing differences by introducing norms promoting diversity and the involvement of all team members.


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This paper analyses youth attitudes toward difference and cultural diversity. Firstly, we analyse data from 65 countries showing that youths are more tolerant than older people toward both stigmatised groups and groups perceived as racially or ethnically different. Findings also show that political conservatism is a very stable predictor of intolerance to difference. Secondly, we study the appraisals of cultural diversity in 21 European countries, showing that youths express greater openness to cultural diversity than older people. In this new study, while values of conservation correlate negatively with openness to cultural diversity, values of self-transcendence correlate positively.


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En 2007, le Premier ministre du Québec, monsieur Jean Charest, a établi la Commission de consultation sur les pratiques d’accommodement reliées aux différences culturelles afin de donner suite aux conflits émanant des différences ethniques et culturelles. La commission a pour mandat de dresser le bilan des pratiques d’accommodement au Québec, d’analyser la problématique, de consulter la population et de formuler des recommandations au gouvernement afin d’assurer la conformité des pratiques d’accommodement avec les valeurs de la société québécoise. En premier lieu, ce mémoire démontrera que deux facteurs, dont l’évolution de l’identité de la majorité francophone et l’évolution des pays d’origine des immigrants, ont contribué à un malaise de gestion de la diversité et, par conséquent, ont rendu l’établissement de la commission pertinent. En deuxième lieu, m’appuyant sur une revue de la méthodologie, des conclusions et des recommandations de la commission, ainsi que la réplique du Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles, je vais illustrer que, malgré un mandat pertinent et achevé, la réponse gouvernementale fut inadéquate. Finalement, je démontrerai que les modèles de gestion de diversité soutenus par le rapport de la Commission, la laïcité inclusive et l’interculturalisme, sont des aspects nécessaires de la gestion de la diversité. Cependant, ils en découlent des philosophies politiques de neutralisme et pluralisme dont la force et le compromis en sont les buts. Je crois que le Québec peut être meilleur gestionnaire de sa diversité et peut obtenir de vraies réconciliations en prônant la conversation; une approche patriotique de la gestion de diversité.


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This thesis examines the approaches taken by early years teachers in supporting the inclusive school transition of diverse learners. A Thesis by Publication format has been employed, where instead of traditional thesis chapters, scholarly journal articles are presented in an ordered sequence in two sections. The first set of journal articles establishes a synthesis of approaches to diversity and inclusion and to transition to school, in order to set a clear theoretical position arising from the literature. The second set of journal articles reports empirical evidence from three school sites on diversity, inclusion and transition to school, discussed in relation to both the first set of papers and to additional literature. The relationship between these articles, and the methodology used for the theoretical papers, is outlined in linking summaries of the challenges the papers seek to address.