997 resultados para Open-edge guarding


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This paper focuses on a variation of the Art Gallery problem that considers open-edge guards and open mobile-guards. A mobile guard can be placed on edges and diagonals of a polygon, and the ‘open’ prefix means that the endpoints of such an edge or diagonal are not taken into account for visibility purposes. This paper studies the number of guards that are sufficient and sometimes necessary to guard some classes of simple polygons for both open-edge and open mobile-guards. A wide range of polygons is studied, which include orthogonal polygons with or without holes, spirals, orthogonal spirals and monotone polygons. Moreover, this problem is also considered for planar triangulation graphs using open-edge guards.


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Edge structures of thermally treated graphite have been studied by means of atomically resolved high-resolution TEM. The method for the determination of a monolayer or more than one layer graphene sheets is established. A series of tilting experiments proves that the zigzag and armchair edges are mostly closed between adjacent graphene layers, and the number of dangling bonds is therefore minimized. Surprisingly bilayer graphene often exhibits AA stacking and is very hard to distinguish from a single graphene layer. Open edge structures with carbon dangling bonds can be found only in a local area where the closed (folding) edge is partially broken.


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A simple, uniquely plasma-enabled and environment-friendly process to reduce the thickness of vertically standing graphenes to only 4–5 graphene layers and arranging them in dense, ultra-large surface area, ultra-open-edge-length, self-organized and interconnected networks is demonstrated. The approach for the ultimate thickness reduction to 1–2 graphene layers is also proposed. The vertical graphene networks are optically transparent and show tunable electric properties from semiconducting to semi-metallic and metallic at room and near-room temperature, thus recovering semi-metallic properties of a single-layer graphene.


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In the present work, the formation and migration of point defects induced by electron irradiation in carbon nanostructures, including carbon onions, nanotubes and graphene layers, were investigated by in-situ TEM. The mobility of carbon atoms normal to the layers in graphitic nanoparticles, the mobility of carbon interstitials inside SWCNTs, and the migration of foreign atoms in graphene layers or in layers of carbon nanotubes were studied. The diffusion of carbon atoms in carbon onions was investigated by annealing carbon onions and observing the relaxation of the compressed clusters in the temperature range of 1200 – 2000oC. An activation energy of 5.0±0.3 eV was obtained. This rather high activation energy for atom exchange between the layers not only prevents the exchange of carbon atoms between the layers at lower temperature but also explains the high morphological and mechanical stability of graphite nanostructures. The migration of carbon atoms in SWCNTs was investigated quantitatively by cutting SWCNT bundles repeatedly with a focused electron beam at different temperatures. A migration barrier of about 0.25 eV was obtained for the diffusion of carbon atoms inside SWCNTs. This is an experimental confirmation of the high mobility of interstitial atoms inside carbon nanotubes, which corroborates previously developed theoretical models of interstitial diffusivity. Individual Au and Pt atoms in one- or two-layered graphene planes and MWCNTs were monitored in real time at high temperatures by high-resolution TEM. The direct observation of the behavior of Au and Pt atoms in graphenic structures in a temperature range of 600 – 700°C allows us to determine the sites occupied by the metal atoms in the graphene layer and the diffusivities of the metal atoms. It was found that metal atoms were located in single or multiple carbon vacancies, not in off-plane positions, and diffused by site exchange with carbon atoms. Metal atoms showed a tendency to form clusters those were stable for a few seconds. An activation energy of around 2.5 eV was obtained for the in-plane migration of both Au and Pt atoms in graphene (two-dimensional diffusion). The rather high activation energy indicates covalent bonding between metal and carbon atoms. Metal atoms were also observed to diffuse along the open edge of graphene layers (one-dimensional diffusion) with a slightly lower activation energy of about 2.3 eV. It is also found that the diffusion of metal atoms in curved graphenic layers of MWCNTs is slightly faster than in planar graphene.


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A study has been made on the influence of the open trailing edge in airfoils used in different devices relating their aerodynamic performances. Wind tunnel tests have been made at different Reynolds numbers and angles of attack in order to show this effect. Besides, a quantitative study of the aerodynamic properties has been made based on the different trailing edge thickness


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This article deals with the effect of open trailing edge on the aerodynamic characteristics of laminar aerofoils at low Reynolds numbers, the attention being focussed on the influence of such a trailingedge imperfection on the aerodynamic efficiency. Wind tunnel tests have been performed at different Reynolds numbers and angles of attack, and global aerodynamic as well as pressure distributions were measured (in these tests two types of open trailing edges, either sharp or rounded were considered). From experimental results, a quantitative analysis of the influence of the trailing-edge thickness on the degradation of aerofoil aerodynamic performances has been obtained, which allows the establishment of a criterion for an acceptance limit for this kind of imperfection.


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Context. Young massive clusters are key to map the Milky Way’s structure, and near-infrared large area sky surveys have contributed strongly to the discovery of new obscured massive stellar clusters. Aims. We present the third article in a series of papers focused on young and massive clusters discovered in the VVV survey. This article is dedicated to the physical characterization of VVV CL086, using part of its OB-stellar population. Methods. We physically characterized the cluster using JHKS near-infrared photometry from ESO public survey VVV images, using the VVV-SkZ pipeline, and near-infrared K-band spectroscopy, following the methodology presented in the first article of the series. Results. Individual distances for two observed stars indicate that the cluster is located at the far edge of the Galactic bar. These stars, which are probable cluster members from the statistically field-star decontaminated CMD, have spectral types between O9 and B0 V. According to our analysis, this young cluster (1.0 Myr < age < 5.0 Myr) is located at a distance of 11+5-6 kpc, and we estimate a lower limit for the cluster total mass of (2.8+1.6-1.4) · 103 M⊙. It is likely that the cluster contains even earlier and more massive stars.


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New technologies have the potential to both expose children to and protect them from television news footage likely to disturb or frighten. The advent of cheap, portable and widely available digital technology has vastly increased the possibility of violent news events being captured and potentially broadcast. This material has the potential to be particularly disturbing and harmful to young children. But on the flipside, available digital technology could be used to build in protection for young viewers especially when it comes to preserving scheduled television programming and guarding against violent content being broadcast during live crosses from known trouble spots. Based on interviews with news directors, parents and a review of published material two recommendations are put forward: 1. Digital television technology should be employed to prevent news events "overtaking" scheduled children's programming and to protect safe harbours placed in the classifications zones to protect children. 2. Broadcasters should regain control of the images that go to air during "live" feeds from obviously volatile situations by building in short delays in G classification zones.


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Quantitative imaging methods to analyze cell migration assays are not standardized. Here we present a suite of two–dimensional barrier assays describing the collective spreading of an initially–confined population of 3T3 fibroblast cells. To quantify the motility rate we apply two different automatic image detection methods to locate the position of the leading edge of the spreading population after 24, 48 and 72 hours. These results are compared with a manual edge detection method where we systematically vary the detection threshold. Our results indicate that the observed spreading rates are very sensitive to the choice of image analysis tools and we show that a standard measure of cell migration can vary by as much as 25% for the same experimental images depending on the details of the image analysis tools. Our results imply that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to meaningfully compare previously published measures of cell migration since previous results have been obtained using different image analysis techniques and the details of these techniques are not always reported. Using a mathematical model, we provide a physical interpretation of our edge detection results. The physical interpretation is important since edge detection algorithms alone do not specify any physical measure, or physical definition, of the leading edge of the spreading population. Our modeling indicates that variations in the image threshold parameter correspond to a consistent variation in the local cell density. This means that varying the threshold parameter is equivalent to varying the location of the leading edge in the range of approximately 1–5% of the maximum cell density.


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It is becoming increasing clear that microRNAs contribute to the regulation of many biological processes, including wound healing. After injury, keratinocytes need to undergo what is known as an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) to initiate re-epithelialisation. During this process, keratinocytes reduce their attachment to the underlying matrix, extend membrane protrusions, become motile and migrate over the wound bed, affecting wound closure. MicroRNAs that regulate EMT are aberrantly upregulated in keratinocytes at the edge of non-healing wounds and potentially play a role in the chronicity of these wounds. In vitro and in vivo, downregulation of these microRNAs promotes EMT and migration, facilitating re-epithelialisation in wound models. This review will focus on the role of microRNAs that regulate or have potential to regulate EMT and re-epithelialisation during wound healing


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Satellite altimetry has revolutionized our understanding of ocean dynamics thanks to frequent sampling and global coverage. Nevertheless, coastal data have been flagged as unreliable due to land and calm water interference in the altimeter and radiometer footprint and uncertainty in the modelling of high-frequency tidal and atmospheric forcing. Our study addresses the first issue, i.e. altimeter footprint contamination, via retracking, presenting ALES, the Adaptive Leading Edge Subwaveform retracker. ALES is potentially applicable to all the pulse-limited altimetry missions and its aim is to retrack both open ocean and coastal data with the same accuracy using just one algorithm. ALES selects part of each returned echo and models it with a classic ”open ocean” Brown functional form, by means of least square estimation whose convergence is found through the Nelder-Mead nonlinear optimization technique. By avoiding echoes from bright targets along the trailing edge, it is capable of retrieving more coastal waveforms than the standard processing. By adapting the width of the estimation window according to the significant wave height, it aims at maintaining the accuracy of the standard processing in both the open ocean and the coastal strip. This innovative retracker is validated against tide gauges in the Adriatic Sea and in the Greater Agulhas System for three different missions: Envisat, Jason-1 and Jason-2. Considerations of noise and biases provide a further verification of the strategy. The results show that ALES is able to provide more reliable 20-Hz data for all three missions in areas where even 1-Hz averages are flagged as unreliable in standard products. Application of the ALES retracker led to roughly a half of the analysed tracks showing a marked improvement in correlation with the tide gauge records, with the rms difference being reduced by a factor of 1.5 for Jason-1 and Jason-2 and over 4 for Envisat in the Adriatic Sea (at the closest point to the tide gauge).


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Assessments and decision-making underlying the initiation of mate guarding in a common web-building spider, Metellina segmentata, are examined in a series of field and laboratory studies. Adult males do not build webs but wander in search of females and mating opportunities. Adult males then wait at the edge of the webs of females and guard them prior to courtship and mating. Guarded females were heavier, larger and carried more mature eggs than solitary females. An active process of information gathering is apparent from introductions of males to the webs of females. Males make accurate assessments about female quality, even in the absence of the resident female. Cues involving web architecture are not used. Males may assess pheromonal cues on the web of the female in deciding whether to guard or abandon a female.


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Pressure myography studies have played a crucial role in our understanding of vascular physiology and pathophysiology. Such studies depend upon the reliable measurement of changes in the diameter of isolated vessel segments over time. Although several software packages are available to carry out such measurements on small arteries and veins, no such software exists to study smaller vessels (<50 µm in diameter). We provide here a new, freely available open-source algorithm, MyoTracker, to measure and track changes in the diameter of small isolated retinal arterioles. The program has been developed as an ImageJ plug-in and uses a combination of cost analysis and edge enhancement to detect the vessel walls. In tests performed on a dataset of 102 images, automatic measurements were found to be comparable to those of manual ones. The program was also able to track both fast and slow constrictions and dilations during intraluminal pressure changes and following application of several drugs. Variability in automated measurements during analysis of videos and processing times were also investigated and are reported. MyoTracker is a new software to assist during pressure myography experiments on small isolated retinal arterioles. It provides fast and accurate measurements with low levels of noise and works with both individual images and videos. Although the program was developed to work with small arterioles, it is also capable of tracking the walls of other types of microvessels, including venules and capillaries. It also works well with larger arteries, and therefore may provide an alternative to other packages developed for larger vessels when its features are considered advantageous.


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It has often been assumed that the islands of Orkney were essentially treeless throughout much of the Holocene, with any ‘scrub’ woodland having been destroyed by Neolithic farming communities by around 3500 cal. BC. This apparently open, hyper-oceanic environment would presumably have provided quite marginal conditions for human settlement, yet Neolithic communities flourished and the islands contain some of the most spectacular remains of this period in north-west Europe. The study of new Orcadian pollen sequences, in conjunction with the synthesis of existing data, indicates that the timing of woodland decline was not synchronous across the archipelago, beginning in the Mesolithic, and that in some areas woodland persisted into the Bronze Age. There is also evidence to suggest that woodland communities in Orkney were more diverse, and therefore that a wider range of resources was available to Neolithic people, than has previously been assumed. Recent archaeological investigations have revealed evidence for timber buildings at early Neolithic settlement sites, suggesting that the predominance of stone architecture in Neolithic Orkney may not have been due to a lack of timber as has been supposed. Rather than simply reflecting adaptation to resource constraints, the reasons behind the shift from timber to stone construction are more complex and encompass social, cultural and environmental factors.


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Knowledge of tropical raptor habitat use is limited and yet a thorough understanding is vital when trying to conserve endangered species. We used a well studied, reintroduced population of the vulnerable Mauritius Kestrel Falco punctatus to investigate habitat preferences in a modified landscape. We constructed a high resolution digital habitat map and radiotracked 13 juvenile Kestrels to quantify habitat preferences. We distinguished seven habitat types in our study area and tracked Kestrels from 71 to 130 days old during which they dispersed from their natal territory and settled within a home-range after reaching independence. Mean home-range size was 0.95 km(2) characterized by a bimodal pattern of intensity around the natal site and post-independence home-range. Compositional analysis showed that home-ranges were located non-randomly with respect to habitat but there was no evidence to suggest differential use of habitats within home-ranges. Native and semi-invaded forest and grassland were consistently preferred, whereas agriculture was used significantly less than other habitats. No difference was found between the available length of edge dividing native forest and grassland within a home-range when compared to that available within a 2.35-km buffer around their nest-site, based on the maximum distance a juvenile was found to disperse. Repeating the analysis in three dimensions gave very similar results. Our results suggest that Mauritius Kestrels are not obligate forest dwellers as was once thought but can also exploit open habitats such as grassland. Kestrels may be using isolated mature trees within grassland as vantage points for hunting in the same way as they use the natural stratified forest structure. We suggest that the avoidance of agriculture is partly due to a lack of such vantage points. The conservation importance of forest degradation and agricultural encroachment is highlighted and comparisons with the habitat preferences of other tropical falcons are discussed.