979 resultados para Online behavioural advertising
This article provides a holistic legal analysis of the use of cookies in Online Behavioural Advertising. The current EU legislative framework is outlined in detail, and the legal obligations are examined. Consent and the debates surrounding its implementation form a large portion of the analysis. The article outlines the current difficulties associated with the reliance on this requirement as a condition for the placing and accessing of cookies. Alternatives to this approach are explored, and the implementation of solutions based on the application of the Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default concepts are presented. This discussion involves an analysis of the use of code and, therefore, product architecture to ensure adequate protections.
Au cours des dernières années, le domaine de la consommation a grandement évolué. Les agents de marketing ont commencé à utiliser l’Internet pour influencer les consommateurs en employant des tactiques originales et imaginatives qui ont rendus possible l’atteinte d'un niveau de communication interpersonnelle qui avait précédemment été insondable. Leurs interactions avec les consommateurs, en utilisant la technologie moderne, se manifeste sous plusieurs formes différentes qui sont toutes accompagnés de leur propre assortiment de problèmes juridiques. D’abord, il n'est pas rare pour les agents de marketing d’utiliser des outils qui leur permettent de suivre les actions des consommateurs dans le monde virtuel ainsi que dans le monde physique. Les renseignements personnels recueillis d'une telle manière sont souvent utilisés à des fins de publicité comportementale en ligne – une utilisation qui ne respecte pas toujours les limites du droit à la vie privée. Il est également devenu assez commun pour les agents de marketing d’utiliser les médias sociaux afin de converser avec les consommateurs. Ces forums ont aussi servi à la commission d’actes anticoncurrentiels, ainsi qu’à la diffusion de publicités fausses et trompeuses – deux pratiques qui sont interdites tant par la loi sur la concurrence que la loi sur la protection des consommateurs. Enfin, les agents de marketing utilisent diverses tactiques afin de joindre les consommateurs plus efficacement en utilisant diverses tactiques qui les rendent plus visible dans les moteurs de recherche sur Internet, dont certaines sont considérés comme malhonnêtes et pourraient présenter des problèmes dans les domaines du droit de la concurrence et du droit des marques de commerce. Ce mémoire offre une description détaillée des outils utilisés à des fins de marketing sur Internet, ainsi que de la manière dont ils sont utilisés. Il illustre par ailleurs les problèmes juridiques qui peuvent survenir à la suite de leur utilisation et définit le cadre législatif régissant l’utilisation de ces outils par les agents de marketing, pour enfin démontrer que les lois qui entrent en jeu dans de telles circonstances peuvent, en effet, se révéler bénéfiques pour ces derniers d'un point de vue économique.
La tesi ha ad oggetto lo studio e l’approfondimento delle forme di promozione commerciale presenti in Rete caratterizzate, più che da una normale evoluzione, da continue metamorfosi che ridefiniscono ogni giorno il concetto di pubblicità. L’intento è quello di analizzare il quadro giuridico applicabile alla pubblicità via Web, a fronte della varità di forme e di modalità che essa può assumere. Nel lavoro vengono passate in rassegna le caratteristiche che differenziano la pubblicità commerciale on-line rispetto a quella tradizionale; tra le quali, particolare rilievo assume la capacità d’istaurare una relazione – diretta e non mediata – tra impresa e consumatore. Nel prosieguo viene affrontato il problema dell’individuazione, stante il carattere a-territoriale della Rete, della legge applicabile al web advertising, per poi passare ad una ricognizione delle norme europee ed italiane in materia, senza trascurare quelle emanate in sede di autodisciplina. Ampio spazio è dedicato, infine, all’esame delle diverse e più recenti tecniche di promozione pubblicitaria, di cui sono messi in evidenza gli aspetti tecnico-informatici, imprescindibili ai fini di una corretta valutazione del tema giuridico. In particolare, vengono approfonditi il servizio di posizionamento a pagamento offerto dai principali motori di ricerca (keywords advertising) e gli strumenti di tracciamento dei “comportamenti” on-line degli utenti, che consentono la realizzazione di campagne pubblicitarie mirate (on-line behavioural advertising). Il Web, infatti, non offre più soltanto la possibilità di superare barriere spaziali, linguistiche o temporali e di ampliare la propria sfera di notorietà, ma anche di raggiungere l’utente “interessato” e, pertanto, potenziale acquirente. Di queste nuove realtà pubblicitarie vengono vagliati gli aspetti più critici ed esaminata la disciplina giuridica eventualmente applicabile anche alla luce delle principali decisioni giurisprudenziali nazionali ed europee in materia, nonché delle esperienze giuridiche nord-americane e di tipo autoregolamentare.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
With the increasing attention towards the role of information systems (IS) as a vehicle to address environmental issues, IS researchers and practitioners have strived to leverage advanced Green IS innovations to persuade people to engage in environmentally responsible practices and support pro-environmental initiatives. Yet, existing research reveals that the persuasion effects of Green IS designs remain equivocal. In particular, many design characteristics advocated in Green IS research can produce bi-directional changes in IS users’ attitudes and behaviours. To address this issue, this thesis drew upon the circumplex model of social values (S.H. Schwartz, 1992) to explain when and how online persuasion designs come to affect people’s judgements on resource conservation and environmental protection. Three sets of working propositions and specific hypotheses were developed. Specifically, this research suggests that the use of an IS application can elicit different value primes and draw IS users’ attentions to different motivational functions of engaging in suggested behavioural changes. It is expected that matching online persuasion appeals with IS users’ personal value priorities can increase users’ acceptance of online behavioural suggestions. Second, it is hypothesized that the persuasion effect tends to be weakened, as the system users become aware of the valuematching design in a given IS application. Third, it is proposed that different value primes presented in an IS application can result in different unintended effects on IS users’ global pro-environmental attitudes and motivations. The hypotheses were tested in the two pilot studies and two full-scale online experiments. The study findings generally support the main predictions of the hypotheses. On the one hand, this thesis providesiii empirical evidence that IS design for online persuasion can be instrumental in influencing IS users’ judgements on a range of resource conservation practices. On the other hand, this work explains why the effectiveness of IS-enabled online persuasion attempts needs to be measured not only in terms of the intended changes in a target behavioural domain but also in terms of unintended changes in people’s general environmental orientations. Findings in this research may bring a different perspective on understanding and assessing the influence of Green IS applications on IS users’ judgements and behaviou
Abstract This seminar consists of two very different research reports by PhD students in WAIS. Hypertext Engineering, Fettling or Tinkering (Mark Anderson): Contributors to a public hypertext such as Wikipedia do not necessarily record their maintenance activities, but some specific hypertext features - such transclusion - could indicate deliberate editing with a mind to the hypertext’s long-term use. The MediaWiki software used to create Wikipedia supports transclusion, a deliberately hypertextual form of content creation which aids long terms consistency. This discusses the evidence of the use of hypertext transclusion in Wikipedia, and its implications for the coherence and stability of Wikipedia. Designing a Public Intervention - Towards a Sociotechnical Approach to Web Governance (Faranak Hardcastle): In this talk I introduce a critical and speculative design for a socio-technical intervention -called TATE (Transparency and Accountability Tracking Extension)- that aims to enhance transparency and accountability in Online Behavioural Tracking and Advertising mechanisms and practices.
Internet users consume online targeted advertising based on information collected about them and voluntarily share personal information in social networks. Sensor information and data from smart-phones is collected and used by applications, sometimes in unclear ways. As it happens today with smartphones, in the near future sensors will be shipped in all types of connected devices, enabling ubiquitous information gathering from the physical environment, enabling the vision of Ambient Intelligence. The value of gathered data, if not obvious, can be harnessed through data mining techniques and put to use by enabling personalized and tailored services as well as business intelligence practices, fueling the digital economy. However, the ever-expanding information gathering and use undermines the privacy conceptions of the past. Natural social practices of managing privacy in daily relations are overridden by socially-awkward communication tools, service providers struggle with security issues resulting in harmful data leaks, governments use mass surveillance techniques, the incentives of the digital economy threaten consumer privacy, and the advancement of consumergrade data-gathering technology enables new inter-personal abuses. A wide range of fields attempts to address technology-related privacy problems, however they vary immensely in terms of assumptions, scope and approach. Privacy of future use cases is typically handled vertically, instead of building upon previous work that can be re-contextualized, while current privacy problems are typically addressed per type in a more focused way. Because significant effort was required to make sense of the relations and structure of privacy-related work, this thesis attempts to transmit a structured view of it. It is multi-disciplinary - from cryptography to economics, including distributed systems and information theory - and addresses privacy issues of different natures. As existing work is framed and discussed, the contributions to the state-of-theart done in the scope of this thesis are presented. The contributions add to five distinct areas: 1) identity in distributed systems; 2) future context-aware services; 3) event-based context management; 4) low-latency information flow control; 5) high-dimensional dataset anonymity. Finally, having laid out such landscape of the privacy-preserving work, the current and future privacy challenges are discussed, considering not only technical but also socio-economic perspectives.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
This study examined user-generated (UG) advertising in the context of social media networks. The focus was on how people, whether an expert in the area, a non-expert or a friend, influence the reader of the advertisement. Furthermore, the study analyzed how the certainty level of the UG advertisement influences the person viewing the ad. The study showed that for the friend source a high certainty message was more persuasive. However, regarding the certainty no significant results were found for the expert and non-expert. Further, the type of the source had a considerable impact on persuasion. Someone that we personally know (e.g., a friend) was rated most positive for all analyzes variables. This shows that with the rising usage of social media there are great opportunities for new effective advertising strategies that could include a new type of an endorser – friends.
This thesis examines the effectiveness of non-coercive influence tactics in the context of consumer online behaviour. The objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive understanding of consumer online behaviour and the role of information types in affecting the consumer’s cognitive responses and behavioural outcomes. The theoretical part of the study examines the academic literature on consumer online behaviour and influence tactics used both in traditional buyer/seller relationships as well as in relationships mediated by online technologies. The empirical part of the study is carried out with four experiments that utilise non-coercive influence tactics to affect online consumer behaviour. The consumers included in this study are 18-28 year-old structural and civil engineering students in Finland, United Kingdom, United States and India. The findings suggest that non-coercive influence tactics are applicable in the online marketing context and generate cognitive responses of site awareness, site involvement and exploratory behaviour which subsequently results in behavioural outcomes of compliance, eWOM and site abandonment.
En este trabajo se realiza una descripción y análisis del esquema de funcionamiento detrás del emergente mercado de las compras colectivas y los cupones online desde una perspectiva tanto teórica como empírica. Inicialmente, se desarrolla un marco teórico teniendo en cuenta elementos de: teoría económica, e-marketing y comercio electrónico en los que se basa éste mercado. Posteriormente, se muestra el proyecto de implementación de una plataforma virtual y un sistema de incentivos basado en el esquema de cupones online desarrollado por el autor para la franquicia de tarjetas de crédito Diners Club International del Banco Davivienda S.A. en Colombia
In un contesto di crisi economica come quello attuale emerge chiara la necessità delle imprese italiane, in particolare delle PMI, di sfruttare le potenzialità della Rete per far fronte alle difficoltà. All’interno delle PMI, in particolare a quelle legate al fenomeno del Made in Italy, si avverte però spesso la mancanza delle competenze adeguate per portare con successo il proprio business online; questa tesi ha quindi l’obiettivo di fornire indicazioni alle aziende artigiane per definire e attuare la propria strategia online. Tali suggerimenti sono stati determinati a partire dallo studio di aziende che, grazie alla digitalizzazione, all'online advertising e all'internazionalizzazione della propria attività di e-commerce, sono riuscite ad affermarsi sul territorio italiano e all’estero.
La tesi analizza l'attuale offerta dell'advertising online, ne individua alcune problematiche e valuta una possibile soluzione, tramite l'elaborazione di un nuovo modello di costo. Tale modello è basato sul tempo di persistenza dello sguardo rilevato tramite dispositivo di eye-tracking. L'obiettivo della tesi è quindi la creazione di un tool per raccogliere i dati dal dispositivo e, infine, restituire i risultati grafici e testuali generati dalla funzione di costo.
La mia tesi è formata da tre capitoli. Il primo capito è composto da due parti: -Nella prima parte ho descritto l'online advertising dalla sua nascita fino alle diverse categorie attualmente presenti sul mercato. -Nella seconda parte ho descritto i processi cognitivi della mente umana, più nello specifico, i fattori che influenzano le scelte degli utilizzatori del web. Il secondo capitolo comprende un'unica parte dove ho descritto il funzionamento e i principali settori di utilizzo del dispositivo di remote tracker che ho utilizzato nel terzo ed ultimo capitolo, contenente la parte di sperimentazione. Il terzo capitolo è la parte sperimentale, dove ho eseguito una scrupolosa analisi finalizzata alla stipulazione di fondate ipotesi su efficaci strategie di posizionano di banner pubblicitari in una pagina web.