27 resultados para Omentum


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Although the safety of applying omentum to the female breast for total breast reconstruction is controversial, it has recently been used to treat certain mammary disorders as well. A systematic review was therefore conducted to analyze and establish the suitability and safety of applying omentum to the breast. Covereing the interval from January 1984 to December 2013, we performed searches in MEDLINE, Embase, SciELO, and Google-Scholar for original articles describing the applicability of greater omentum to the breast and its clinical complications. Sixty observational articles with 985 women were chosen. The main clinical indications were total breast reconstruction after mastectomy due to breast cancer (45 studies), radiation damage (23 studies), and congenital Poland syndrome (4 studies). Altogether, 273 complications were identified among the 985 women treated. The most frequent was flap necrosis (26.74 %). The most serious was injury to the digestive system (1.10 %). There was a 35.48 % incidence of local breast cancer recurrence in eight observational studies on oncological risk. Seven of the eight included only women with advanced cancer. One of these studies reported the incidence and relapse time predominantly according to the primary tumor size. Although the oncological risk remains unclear, there was a high volume of complications that affected the digestive system. These findings suggest that omentum has well established applicability, but only for total breast reconstruction of huge defects, where muscular/myocutaneous or perforator flaps may be unsuitable.


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Há tempo sabe-se que o omento humano pode promover atividade angiogênica em estruturas adjacentes nas quais ele é aplicado. Na medicina veterinária, são poucas as pesquisas com retalho pediculado de omento maior como indutor angiogênico e imunogênico, porém suas propriedades de adesão e drenagem são bem conhecidas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram criar um retalho pediculado de omento maior, mensurar seu comprimento durante as etapas de criação e avaliar a possibilidade de alcance para ossos longos (fêmur, tíbia, úmero, rádio e ulna) através de túnel subcutâneo, visando a utilizá-lo futuramente como indutor angiogênico em focos de fratura, para aceleração da osteogênese e controle de infecções ósseas. Foram utilizados 30 cadáveres frescos de cães de todas as raças, com exceção dos condrodistróficos. Os resultados foram conclusivos e confirmaram a possibilidade de alcance do retalho de omento para ossos longos de cadáveres de cães em que todos os retalhos alcançaram a metáfise distal dos ossos avaliados. A média de comprimento do omento, em camada dupla, dos 30 animais avaliados foi de 30,87cm; da camada simples foi de 54,37cm e do retalho em L foi de 92,7cm. Com a extensão máxima do omento, foi possível alcançar as metáfises distais de todos os ossos propostos, com comprimento médio excedente de 29,87cm para fêmur, 20,73cm para tíbia/fíbula, 25,13cm para úmero e 16,27cm para rádio/ulna. As variáveis peso e retalho em L avaliadas estatisticamente de cada indivíduo apresentaram correlação positiva moderada. Concluiu-se que, em cadáveres de cães, é possível levar o retalho pediculado de omento maior através de túnel subcutâneo para metáfise distal de ossos longos e que, quanto maior o peso do animal, maior o comprimento do retalho em L.


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Background: Recent advances in laparoscopic devices and experience with advanced techniques have increased the indications for laparoscopic liver. Aim: The aim of this work was to present a video with technical aspects of a pure laparoscopic left hemi-hepatectomy (segments 2, 3, and 4) by using the intrahepatic Glissonian approach and control of venous outflow without hilar dissection or the Pringle maneuver. Patient and Method: A 63-year-old woman with a 5-cm solitary liver metastasis was referred for treatment. Four trocars were used. The left lobe was pulled upward and the lesser omentum was divided, exposing Arantius' ligament. This ligament is a useful landmark for the identification of the main left Glissonian pedicle. A small anterior incision was made in front of the hilum, and a large clamp was introduced behind the Arantius' ligament toward the anterior incision, allowing control of the left main sheath. Ischemic discoloration of the left liver was achieved and marked with cautery. The vascular clamp was replaced by a stapler. If ischemic delineation was coincident with a previously marked area, the stapler was fired. The left hepatic vein was dissected and encircled. Parenchymal transection and vascular control of the hepatic veins were accomplished with a Harmonic scalpel and an endoscopic stapling device, as appropriate. All these steps were performed without the Pringle maneuver and without hand assistance. Results: Operative time was 220 minutes with minimum blood loss. Hospital stay was 4 days. Pathology showed free surgical margins. The patient is alive with no signs of recurrence 18 months after the operation. Conclusion: Totally laparoscopic left hemihepatectomy is safe and feasible in selected patients and should be considered for patients with benign or malignant liver neoplasms. The described technique, with the use of the intrahepatic Glissonian approach and control of venous outflow, may facilitate laparoscopic left hemihepatectomy by reducing the technical difficulties in pedicle control and may decrease bleeding during liver transection.


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Carbon dioxide (CO(2)) has been used in the food industry as an antimicrobial agent. This study aimed to investigate whether CO(2) pneumoperitoneum might act similarly as an antimicrobial agent in the infected peritoneal cavity. Peritonitis was induced in 58 rats by intraabdominal injection of an Escherichia coli inoculum (6 x 105 colony-forming units [CFU]/ml). Control rats were injected with saline solution. The rats were randomly divided into four groups: rat control (RC, n = 15), bacterial inoculation control (BIC, n = 10), bacterial inoculation and laparotomy (BIL, n = 17), and bacterial inoculation and CO(2) pneumoperitoneum (BIP, n = 16). The survival rates and histopathologic changes in the abdominal wall muscles, spleen, liver, intestines, and omentum were evaluated, and the samples were classified as ""preserved"" or ""inflamed"" (acute inflammation or tissue regeneration). The survival rates for the four groups were as follows: RC (100%), BIP (75%), BIL (53%), and BIC (30%). With regard to survival rates, statistically significant differences were observed between the following groups: RC and BIC (p = 0.0009), RC and BIL (p = 0.0045), BIP and BIC (p = 0.0332), and RC and BIP (p = 0.0470). No significant differences regarding survival rates were observed between the BIL and BIC groups or between the BIP and BIL groups. With regard to the number of inflamed samples per group, a statistically significant difference was observed between the BIC and RC groups and the BIL and RC groups (p = 0.05). Carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum has a protective effect against bacterial peritonitis induced in rats.


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A 13-year-old Labrador cross dog was presented with progressive abdominal distension of three to four months duration. A large abdominal mass displacing the intestines in a cranio-dorsal direction was diagnosed radiographically. A 4.5kg intra-abdominal lipoma was surgically removed from the lesser omentum near the splenic pedicle. This condition has been infrequently reported in the dog.


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Calomys callosus Rengger, 1830 (Rodentia: Cricetidae) is a mouse-like South American wild rodent, which is permissive to Schistosoma mansoni infection. In this paper we studied the effect of schistosomal infection in C. callosus mesenteric and omental milky spots (MS), subsidiary foci of coelom-associated lymphomyeloid tissue (CALT), during the acute, transitional (acute to chronic), and chronic phases of the infection. MS were morphologically analyzed by histological methods, using brigthfield and confocal laser scanning microscopies. The MS of infected animals were mainly of lymphomyelocytic (42 to 90 days) and lymphoplasmacytic (160 days of infection) types and showed frequent presence of lymphoid follicles with germinal centers, plasmacytogenesis and plasmacytosis, mastocytosis, megakaryopoiesis, erythropoiesis and less pronounced eosinopoiesis. These results indicate that MS are a preferential site of germinal-center-dependent and independent plasmacytogenesis, and a bone marrow-like organ, committed with various cellular lineages. The consequence of C. callosus MS reactivity for schistosomal infection is still unknown and is under investigation.


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Schistosomiasis mansoni affects the hepatic functional reserve. Clinical treatment with oxamniquine is not 100% effective and there has been found strain of this parasite resistant to this drug. The aims of this investigation were: (1) to examine the presence of residual parasite burden after medical and surgical treatment on adolescents with surgical schistosomiasis mansoni and (2) to assess the effect on the hepatic functional reserve in patients with and without residual infection. Twenty nine children with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni and bleeding esophageal varices were treated with oxamniquine. They underwent splenectomy, ligature of the left gastric vein and autologous implantation of spleen tissue into the greater omentum. After a mean post-operative follow up of five years they underwent rectal biopsy for schistosomotic egg search. They were divided in patients with and without infection. In 20 patients the submucosal egg search was negative, however, in 9 it was positive. The hepatic functional reserve in the patients without infection was as follows: 17 were Child-Pugh A and 3 Child-Pugh B. In the patients who were still infected 6 were Child-Pugh A and 3 Child-Pugh B. The chi2 analysis of the hepatic functional reserve showed chi2 = 3.19 - p= 0.07. From the results the following conclusion can be drawn: residual infection or reinfection in the follow up period had not interfered with the distribution of the hepatic functional reserve of the patients in this series. However, there was a trend for a decrease of this parameter in patients with residual infection.


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Autotransplantation of spleen tissue has been done, in the past ten years, in children with schistosomiasis mansoni with bleeding varices. The purposes of this investigation were: (1) to study the morphology and function of the remnant spleen tissue; (2) to quantify the production of tuftsin; and (3) to assess the immune response to pneomococcal vaccine of these patients. Twenty three children, who underwent splenectomy and autologous implantation of spleen tissue into the greater omentum were included in this investigation. The average postoperative follow-up is five years. Splenosis was proved by colloid liver-spleen scans. Search for Howell-Jolly bodies assessed the filtration function. Tuftsin and the titer of pneumococcal antibodies were quantified by ELISA. Splenosis was evident in all children; however, it was insufficient in two. Howell-Jolly bodies were found only in these two patients. The mean tuftsin serum concentration (335.0 ± 29.8 ng/ml) was inside the normal range. The immune response to pneumococcal vaccination was adequate in 15 patients; intermediate in four; and inadequate in four. From the results the following conclusions can be drawn: splenosis was efficient in maintaining the filtration splenic function in more than 90% and produced tuftsin inside the range of normality. It also provided the immunologic splenic response to pneumococcal vaccination in 65% of the patients of this series.


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In vertebrate animals, pleural and peritoneal cavities are repositories of milky spots (MS), which constitute an organised coelom-associated lymphomyeloid tissue that is intensively activated by Schistosoma mansoni infection. This study compared the reactive patterns of peritoneal MS to pleural MS and concluded from histological analysis that they represent independent responsive compartments. Whole omentum, lungs and the entire mediastinum of 54 S. mansoni-infected mice were studied morphologically. The omental MS of infected animals were highly activated, modulating from myeloid-lymphocytic (60 days of infection) to lymphomyeloid (90 days of infection) and lymphocytic or lymphoplasmacytic (160 days of infection) types. The non-lymphoid component predominated in the acute phase of infection and was expressed by monocytopoietic, eosinopoietic and neutropoietic foci, with isolated megakaryocytes and small foci of late normoblasts and mast cells. Nevertheless, pleural or thoracic MS of infected mice were monotonous, consisting of small and medium lymphocytes with few mast and plasma cells and no myeloid component. Our data indicate that compartmentalisation of the MS response is dependent on the lymphatic vascularisation of each coelomic cavity, limiting the effects or consequences of any stimulating or aggressive agents, as is the case with S. mansoni infection.


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BACKGROUND The expansion of adipose tissue is linked to the development of its vasculature, which appears to have the potential to regulate the onset of obesity. However, at present, there are no studies highlighting the relationship between human adipose tissue angiogenesis and obesity-associated insulin resistance (IR). RESULTS Our aim was to analyze and compare angiogenic factor expression levels in both subcutaneous (SC) and omentum (OM) adipose tissues from morbidly obese patients (n = 26) with low (OB/L-IR) (healthy obese) and high (OB/H-IR) degrees of IR, and lean controls (n = 17). Another objective was to examine angiogenic factor correlations with obesity and IR.Here we found that VEGF-A was the isoform with higher expression in both OM and SC adipose tissues, and was up-regulated 3-fold, together with MMP9 in OB/L-IR as compared to leans. This up-regulation decreased by 23% in OB/-H-IR compared to OB/L-IR. On the contrary, VEGF-B, VEGF-C and VEGF-D, together with MMP15 was down-regulated in both OB/H-IR and OB/L-IR compared to lean patients. Moreover, MMP9 correlated positively and VEGF-C, VEGF-D and MMP15 correlated negatively with HOMA-IR, in both SC and OM. CONCLUSION We hereby propose that the alteration in MMP15, VEGF-B, VEGF-C and VEGF-D gene expression may be caused by one of the relevant adipose tissue processes related to the development of IR, and the up-regulation of VEGF-A in adipose tissue could have a relationship with the prevention of this pathology.


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BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic techniques have been proposed as an alternative to open surgery for therapy of peptic ulcer perforation. They provide better postoperative comfort and absence of parietal complications, but leakage occurs in 5% of cases. We describe a new method combining laparoscopy and endoluminal endoscopy, designed to ensure complete closure of the perforation. METHODS: Six patients with anterior ulcer perforations (4 duodenal, 2 gastric) underwent a concomitant laparoscopy and endoluminal endoscopy with closure of the orifice by an omental plug attracted into the digestive tract. RESULTS: All perforations were sealed. The mean operating time was 72 minutes. The mean hospital stay was 5.5 days. There was no morbidity and no mortality. At the 30-day evaluation all ulcers but one (due to Helicobacter pylori persistence) were healed. CONCLUSIONS: This method is safe and effective. Its advantages compared with open surgery or laparoscopic patching as well as its cost-effectiveness should be studied in prospective randomized trials.


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The therapeutic potential of adult stem cells may become a relevant option in clinical care in the future. In hand and plastic surgery, cell therapy might be used to enhance nerve regeneration and help surgeons and clinicians to repair debilitating nerve injuries. Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are found in abundant quantities and can be harvested with a low morbidity. In order to define the optimal fat harvest location and detect any potential differences in ASC proliferation properties, we compared biopsies from different anatomical sites (inguinal, flank, pericardiac, omentum, neck) in Sprague-Dawley rats. ASCs were expanded from each biopsy and a proliferation assay using different mitogenic factors, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) was performed. Our results show that when compared with the pericardiac region, cells isolated from the inguinal, flank, omental and neck regions grow significantly better in growth medium alone. bFGF significantly enhanced the growth rate of ASCs isolated from all regions except the omentum. PDGF had minimal effect on ASC proliferation rate but increases the growth of ASCs from the neck region. Analysis of all the data suggests that ASCs from the neck region may be the ideal stem cell sources for tissue engineering approaches for the regeneration of nervous tissue.


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Sternal osteomyelitis and poststernotomy mediastinitis is a severe and life-threatening complication after the cardiac surgery. The incidence ranges up to 3% with a mortality rate up to 29%. In addition, postoperative infections after sternotomy are associated with prolonged hospital stay, increased healthcare costs and impaired quality of patient life, representing an economic and social burden. The emergence of increasing antimicrobial resistant bacteria augments the importance of postsurgical infections since the antimicrobial choices are becoming limited. Furthermore, the incidence of infection is an indicator for the quality of patient care in the international benchmark studies. Although several therapy strategies are nowadays present in clinical practice, there is a lack of evidence-based surgical consensus for treatment of this surgical complication. In most cases the poststernotomy mediastinitis involves surgical revision with debridement, open dressing and/or vacuum-assisted therapy. After the granulation tissue on open chest wound is achieved, secondary closure and/or reconstruction with vascularized soft tissue flaps, such as omentum or pectoral muscle is performed. It seems there is a need for more effective surgical treatment of poststernotomy wound infections, which may address the prolonged hospitalization and reduce the number of surgical interventions and with this also the perioperative morbidity. In light of this we propose a randomized study comparing new delayed primary closure of the sternum to the secondary vacuum-assisted closure.


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In these paper we are presenting a technical alternative to laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. From January 1999 to April 2000, 60 patients with mean body mass index (BMI) of 40,7 kg/m2 underwent laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. The new technique is performed in two steps. In the first step, an isolation instrument (laparoscopic finger) is inserted through the lesser sac, next to the junction of diaphragmatic crura, including the lesser omentum in order to pull the band catheter. The second step separates the lesser omentum from the right side of the stomach.There was no mortality and the morbidity was 11,6% (1 slippage of the band and 6 trocar port seroma). The new technique was performed in all patients with no conversion to open procedure. We didn't have respiratory complications. This technical alternative is safe and easily performed, helping to prevent transoperative perforations.


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Gastrinomas are generally localized in pancreas, duodenum and lymphonodes, within the so called "gastrinoma's triangle" . In 5% of the cases, it may arise from liver, stomach, ovarium, kidneys, parathyroid, omentum, jejunum and heart. We describe a case of a fifteen-year-old boy with a primary gastrinoma of the liver, treated by right-hepatectomy.