992 resultados para Oleanolic acid derivatives


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The goal of this study is to produce oleanolic acid derivatives by biotransformation process using Mucor rouxii and evaluate their antimicrobial activity against oral pathogens. The microbial transformation was carried out in shake flasks at 30A degrees C for 216 h with shaking at 120 rpm. Three new derivatives, 7 beta-hydroxy-3-oxo-olean-12-en-28-oic acid, 7 beta,21 beta-dihydroxy-3-oxo-olean-12-en-28-oic acid, and 3 beta,7 beta,21 beta-trihydroxyolean-12-en-28-oic acid, and one know compound, 21 beta-hydroxy-3-oxo-olean-12-en-28-oic acid, were isolated, and the structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic analyses. The antimicrobial activity of the substrate and its transformed products was evaluated against five oral pathogens. Among these compounds, the derivative 21 beta-hydroxy-3-oxo-olean-12-en-28-oic acid displayed the strongest activity against Porphyromonas gingivalis, which is a primary etiological agent of periodontal disease. In an attempt to improve the antimicrobial activity of the derivative 21 beta-hydroxy-3-oxo-olean-12-en-28-oic acid, its sodium salt was prepared, and the minimum inhibitory concentration against P. gingivalis was reduced by one-half. The biotransformation process using M. rouxii has potential to be applied to the production of oleanolic acid derivatives. Research and antimicrobial activity evaluation of new oleanolic acid derivatives may provide an important contribution to the discovery of new adjunct agents for treatment of dental diseases such as dental caries, gingivitis, and periodontitis.


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Chemical analysis carried out in leaves of 18 specimens of Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae) occurring at Ripasa Reserve, Araraquara, SP, Brazil indicated two distinct populations when investigated over a period of 14 months (January 2000 to February 2001) and then submitted to cluster analysis. The two groups were characterized by accumulation of prenylated benzoic acids, chromenes and dihydrochalcone, respectively. A total of seven compounds were identified by HPLC analysis and compared with standards including two prenylated benzoic acid [aduncumene (1) and 3-(3'-7'-dimethyl-2'-6'-octadienyl)-4-methoxy-benzoic acid (5)], four chromenes [methyl 2,2-dimethyl-8-(3'-methyl-2'-butenyl)-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (4), methyl 2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (2b), methyl 8-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (3) and 2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylic acid (2a)] and one dihydrochalcone [2',6'-dihydroxy-4'-methoxy-dihydrochalcone (6)].


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The Topliss method was used to guide a synthetic path in support of drug discovery efforts toward the identification of potent antimycobacterial agents. Salicylic acid and its derivatives, p-chloro, p-methoxy, and m-chlorosalicylic acid, exemplify a series of synthetic compounds whose minimum inhibitory concentrations for a strain of Mycobacterium were determined and compared to those of the reference drug, p-aminosalicylic acid. Several physicochemical descriptors (including Hammett`s sigma constant, ionization constant, dipole moment, Hansch constant, calculated partition coefficient, Sterimol-L and -B-4 and molecular volume) were considered to elucidate structure-activity relationships. Molecular electrostatic potential and molecular dipole moment maps were also calculated using the AM1 semi-empirical method. Among the new derivatives, m-chlorosalicylic acid showed the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration. The overall results suggest that both physicochemical properties and electronic features may influence the biological activity of this series of antimycobacterial agents and thus should be considered in designing new p-aminosalicylic acid analogs.


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Ent-kaur-16(17)-en-19-oic acid (kaurenoic acid, KA) is a tetracyclic diterpene prototype for natural anticaries agents. Six KA derivatives were prepared and their antimicrobial activity against the main microorganisms involved in the caries process evaluated. The sodium salt of KA (KA-Na) was the most active, displaying very promising MIC values for most pathogens. Time-kill assays against the primary causative agent of caries (Streptococcus mutans) indicated that KA and KA-Na only inhibited growth in the first 12 h, suggesting a bacteriostatic effect. After this period (12-24 h), their bactericidal effect was clearly noted. KA and KA-Na showed no synergy when combined with the gold standard anticariogenic (chlorhexidine dihydrochloride, CHD) in the checkerboard assays against S. mutans.


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We investigated three amino derivatives of ortho-aminobenzoic or anthranilic acid (o-Abz): a) 2-Amino-benzamide (AbzNH(2)); b) 2-Amino-N-methyl-benzamide (AbzNHCH(3)) and c) 2-Amino-N-N`-dimethyl-bezamide (AbzNH(CH(3))(2)), see Scheme 1. We describe the results of ab-initio calculations on the structural characteristics of the compounds and experimental studies about solvent effects in their absorption and steady-state and time-resolved emission properties. Ab-initio calculations showed higher stability for the rotameric conformation in which the oxygen of carbonyl is near to the nitrogen of ortho-amino group. The derivatives present decrease in the delocalization of pi electron, and absorption bands are blue shifted compared to the parent compound absorption, the extent of the effect increasing from to Abz-NH(2) to Abz-NHCH(3) Abz-NH(CH(3))(2). Measurements performed in several solvents have shown that the the dependence of Stokes shift of the derivatives with the orientational polarizability follows the Onsager-Lippert model for general effects of solvent. However deviation occurred in solvents with properties of Bronsted acids, or electron acceptor characteristics, so that hydrogen bonds formed with protic solvents predominates over intramolecular hydrogen bond. In most solvents the fluorescence decay of AbzNH(2) and AbzNHCH(3) was fitted to a single exponential with lifetimes around 7.0 ns and no correlation with polarity of the solvent was observed. The fluorescence decay of AbzN(CH(3))(2) showed lifetimes around 2.0 ns, consistent with low quantum yield of the compound. The spectroscopic properties of the monoamino derivative AbzNHCH(3) are representative of the properties presented by Abz labelled peptides and fatty acids previously studied.


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In this study we aimed at evaluating the effect of the major polar constituents of the medicinal plant Lychnophora ericoides on the production of inflammatory mediators produced by LPS-stimulated U-937 cells. The 6,8-di-C-beta-glucosylapigenin (vicenin-2) presented no effect on tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha production, but inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, the production of prostaglandin (PG) E(2) without altering the expression of cyclooxygenase (COX) -2 protein. 3,5-Dicaffeoylquinic acid and 4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, at lower concentrations, had small but significant effects on reducing PG E, levels; at higher doses these compounds stimulated PGE(2) and also TNF-alpha production by the cells. All the caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, in a dose-dependent fashion, were able to inhibit monocyte chemoattractant protein-3 synthesis/release, with 4,5-DCQ being the most potent at the highest tested concentration. These results add important information on the effects of plant natural polyphenols, namely vicenin-2 and caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, on the production of inflammatory mediators by cultured cells.


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Propolis is a sticky, gummy, resinous substance collected by honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) from various plant sources, which has excellent medicinal properties. This paper describes the isolation and identification of triterpenoids and anacardic acid derivatives from Brazilian propolis and their antibacterial activity. Their structures were elucidated by ¹H and 13C NMR, including uni- and bidimensional techniques; in addition, comparisons were made with data from academic literature. These compounds were identified as: cardanols (1a + 1b), cardols (2a + 2b), monoene anacardic acid (3), a-amirine (4), b-amirine (5), cycloartenol (6), 24-methylene-cycloartenol (7) and lupeol (8). The determination of the position of the double bond after a reaction with Dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) is described for the phenol derivatives. The ethanolic extract was tested in vitro for antimicrobial activity by using the disc diffusion method and it showed significant results against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Shigella spp.


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Växtoljor som utgör en förnybar naturresurs används som sådana eller i modifierade former i många industriella processer, som är av stor betydelse för vårt vardagliga liv. Växtoljor används i livsmedel, i kemiska och farmaceutiska produkter, i textilindustrin, för framställning av färgämnen och beläggningsmaterial samt som miljövänliga bränslekomponenter. Fetter och oljor hör till de äldsta kemiska komponenterna som utnyttjas av människan. De består huvudsakligen av glycerolestrar och fettsyror. Fetter och oljor har typiskt en kolkedja med kol-koldubbelbindningar samt karboxyl- och estergrupper, som kan genom hydrering eller dekarboxylering konverteras till nyttiga och miljövänliga produkter med hjälp av ädelmetallkatalysatorer. Aktivt kol (C) används som bärare på katalysatorerna. Väteaddition, d.v.s. hydrering av växtoljor har varit föremål för omfattande forskning i över hundra års tid. Hydreringen är en viktig process, för den tillämpas på produktion av fetter och margarin. Omättade fettsyror hydreras traditionellt på nickelbaserade heterogena katalysatorer. Samtidigt med en partiell hydrering av fettsyrorna och fettsyraestrarna som har två dubbelbindningar pågår också isomeringsreaktioner, vilka ger cis- och transisomerer av reaktantmolekylerna. Den största nackdelen med nickelkatalysatorerna är deras giftighet samt bildning av ohälsosamma transisomerer i reaktionsprodukterna. Dessutom deaktiveras nickelkatalysatorn snabbt p.g.a. att nickeltvålar bildas i reaktionsblandningen. Platinabaserade katalysatorer lider däremot inte av dessa begränsningar. Metaller i platinagruppen i det periodiska systemet studerades i detalj för att avslöja kinetiska effekter i hydreringen av cis-metyloleat. Palladium, rutenium, rhodium, platina och iridium användes som katalytiska metaller. Metallhalten på aktivkolbärare var 1 vikt-%. De olika platinametallerna undersöktes för att kartlägga konkurrerande hydrerings- och isomeringsrutter på metallerna. Det visade sig att metallerna i andra raden av det periodiska systemet (Ru, Rh, Pd) är aktivare i isomeringsprocesserna, medan metallerna i tredje raden (Ir, Pt) har en lägre aktivitet. Pd/C valdes bland platinametallerna, för att den är attraktiv ur ekonomisk synvinkel och den är mycket aktiv och selektiv, speciellt jämfört med nickel. Tyngdpunkten i arbetet var utvecklingen av en alternativ, palladiumbaserad hydreringsteknologi som skulle ersätta den traditionella teknologin som är baserad på användningen av nickelkatalysatorer. Palladiumbaserade katalysatorer kan återcirkuleras, de är aktivare och mera resistenta mot syror och de bildar mindre mängder av skadliga transisomerer. För att denna teknologi skall bli ekonomiskt hållbar och konkurrenskraftig, måste den basera sig på de bästa möjliga katalysatorerna, vilket innebär att en optimal kombination av hög aktivitet och selektivitet samt en lång livstid för katalysatorn krävs. Därför inkluderades teknologiska aspekter kraftigt i forskningen. Mycket arbete satsades på design av palladium på en mesoporös kolbärare och undersökning av korrelationerna mellan katalysatorns egenskaper och dess aktivitet i isomeriseringsreaktionerna och i hydreringen av kol-koldubbelbindningarna i reaktantmolekylen. Katalysatorerna karakteriserades med många fysikaliska och kemiska metoder (transmissionselektronmikroskopi (TEM), röntgendiffraktion (XRD), röntgenfotoelektronspektroskopi (XPS), temperaturprogrammerad reduktion (TPR), temperaturprogrammerad desorption (TPD) av kolmonoxid, kemisorption av kolmonoxid, fysisorption av kväve). Temperaturens, vätetryckets och katalysatorkoncentrationens inverkan på fettsyra- och isomersammansättningen hos de hydrerade oljorna bestämdes under kinetiska betingelser, i frånvaro av massöverföringseffekter. Syreavspjälkning genom fullständig dekarboxylering av karboxylgruppen i fettsyramolekylen är det hittills bästa sättet att framställa miljövänlig dieselolja, eftersom linjära paraffiner fås som reaktionsprodukter och en tillsats av dyr vätgas undviks. Deoxygeneringen undersöktes systematiskt på en Pd/C-katalysator (Sibunit) genom att använda mättade fettsyror C16-C20 och C22 som råvara. Produktmolekylen blev en dieselliknande kolvätemolekyl, med en kolatom färre än i utgångsmolekylen. Lika stora dekarboxyleringshastigheter observerades för rena, mättade fettsyror. En jämförelse av deoxygenereringshastigheterna för stearin-, olein- och linolsyra som råvara vid 300oC i närvaro av 1-volymprocent väte på mesoporös Pd/C (Sibunit) avslöjade att katalysatorns aktivitet och selektivitet ökade med en ökande mättningsgrad av reaktantmolekylen. Då stearinsyra användes som utgångsmolekyl, bestod huvudprodukterna av önskade C17-kolväten, medan mängden av aromatiska C17-komponenter ökade, då olein- och linolsyra användes som utgångsmolekyler. Katalysatordeaktiveringen var relativt påfallande vid deoxygeneringen av linolsyra så att endast 3% av fettsyrorna omsattes till produkter i 330 min. Deaktiveringen orsakades av aromatiska C17-komponenter samt av fettsyradimerer, som bildades via en Diels-Alderreaktion. Hydreringen av omättade fettsyror kan därför rekommenderas som ett primärt kemiskt steg i framställningen av miljövänliga dieselprodukter. Målet var också att öka förståelsen av palladiummetallernas roll i nanoskala, speciellt effekten av metallpartiklarna i katalytisk hydrering och deoxygenering. Pd/C-katalysatorer med lika stora halter av Pd syntetiserades och metallens dispersion på bärarmaterialet varierades systematiskt genom en kontrollerad uppväxt av palladiumnanopartiklar på aktiv kolbärare. Metalldispersionens effekt på hydrerings-hastigheten och cis-transförhållandet undersöktes i detalj. En optimal metalldispersion som gav den högsta dekarboxyleringshastigheten hittades. Massöverföringens inverkan på reaktionens hastighet studerades experimentellt och temperaturprogrammerad desorption av kolmonoxid från katalysatorytan undersöktes ingående. Hydrering av växtoljor genomfördes under satsvisa och kontinuerliga betingelser. Både finfördelat Pd/C och katalysatorgranulat användes i experimenten. Ett av målen med arbetet var uppskalningen av hydreringsprocesserna. Med tanke på stora produktionsvolymer var det logiskt att undersöka kontinuerliga hydrerings- och dekarboxyleringsteknologier. En kontinuerlig packad bäddreaktor studerades i laboratorieskala, vilket gav viktig information om katalysatorns långtidsstabilitet och deaktivering. Effekten av rena fettsyror och triglycerider som råvara samt metallpartikelstorleken och palladiumhalten studerades med hjälp av den kontinuerliga reaktorn. Produktionskapaciteten som erhölls med satsvis och kontinuerlig drift jämfördes. Dekarboxyleringen av stearinsyra undersöktes också i en kontinuerlig packad bädd. Omsättningsgraden blev 15% för en stabil katalysator.


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Development of guanidine catalysts is explored through direct iminium chloride and amine coupling, alongside a 2-chloro-l,3-dimethyl-IH-imidazol-:-3-ium chloride (DMC) induced thiourea cyclization. Synthesized achiral catalyst N-(5Hdibenzo[ d,t][1,3]diazepin-6(7H)-ylidene)-3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl) aniline proved unsuccessful towards O-acyl migrations, however successfully catalyzed the vinylogous aldol reaction between dicbloro furanone and benzaldehyde. Incorporating chirality into the guanidine catalyst utilizing a (R)-phenylalaninol auxiliary, generating (R)-2-((5Hdibenzo[ d,t] [1,3 ]diazepin-6(7H)-ylidene ) amino )-3 -phenylpropan-l-ol, demonstrated enantioselectivity for a variety of adducts. Highest enantiomeric excess (ee) was afforded between dibromofuranone and p-chlorobenzaldehyde, affording the syn conformation in 96% ee and the anti in 54% ee, with an overall yield of30%. Attempts to increase asymmetric induction were focused on incorporation of axial chirality to the (R)phenylalaninol catalyst using binaphthyl diamine. Incorporation of (S)-binaphthyl exhibited destructive selectivity, whereas incorporation of (R)-binaphthyl demonstrated no effects on enantioselectivity. Current studies are being directed towards identifying the catalytic properties of asymmetric induction with further studies are being aimed towards increasing enantioselectivity by increasing backbone steric bulk.


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Two N-methylphosphonic acid derivatives of a 14-membered tetraazamacrocycle containing pyridine have been synthesized, H4L1 and H6L2. The protonation constants of these compounds and the stability constants of complexes of both ligands with Ni2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ were determined by potentiometric methods at 298 K and ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in NMe4NO3. The high overall basicity of both compounds is ascribed to the presence of the phosphonate arms. H-1 and P-31 NMR spectroscopic titrations were performed to elucidate the sequence of protonation, which were complemented by conformational analysis studies. The complexes of these ligands have stability constants of the order of or higher than those formed with ligands having the same macrocyclic backbone but acetate arms. At pH = 7 the highest pM values were found for solutions containing the compound with three acetate groups, followed immediately by those of H6L2, however, as expected, the increasing pH favours the complexes of ligands containing phosphonate groups. The single-crystal structure of Na-2[Cu(HL1)]NO3.8H(2)O has shown that the coordination geometry around the copper atom is a distorted square pyramid. Three nitrogen atoms of the macrocyclic backbone and one oxygen atom from one methylphosphonate arm define the basal plane, and the apical coordination is accomplished via the nitrogen atom trans to the pyridine ring of the macrocycle. To achieve this geometric arrangement, the macrocycle adopts a folded conformation. This structure seems consistent with Uv-vis-NIR spectroscopy for the Ni2+ and the Cu2+ complexes and with the EPR for the latter.


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In this letter, we describe the ring-rearrangement metathesis (RRM) of bicyclic amino acid derivatives. The procedure is of use for the synthesis of constrained amino acid and peptide derivatives with potential as reverse-turn inducers. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chagas` disease, a parasitic infection caused by the flagellate protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is a major public health problem affecting millions of individuals in Latin America. On the basis of the essential role in the life cycle of T. cruzi, the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) has been considered an attractive target for the development of novel antitrypanosomatid agents. In the present work, we describe the inhibitory effects of a small library of natural and synthetic anacardic acid derivatives against the target enzyme. The most potent inhibitors, 6-n-pentadecyl-(1) and 6-n-dodecylsalicilic acids (10e), have IC(50) values of 28 and 55 mu M, respectively. The inhibition was not reversed or prevented by the addition of Triton X-100, indicating that aggregate-based inhibition did not occur. In addition, detailed mechanistic characterization of the effects of these compounds on the T. cruzi GAPDH-catalyzed reaction showed clear noncompetitive inhibition with respect to both substrate and cofactor. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ability to carry out geranylations on aromatic substrates using enzymatic extracts from the leaves of Piper crassinervium (Piperaceae) was evaluated. A literature analysis pointed out its importance as a source of prenylated bioactive molecules. The screening performed on aromatic acceptors (benzoic acids, phenols and phenylpropanoids) including geranyl diphosphate as prenyl donor, showed the biotransformation of the 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid by the crude extract, and the p-hydroxybenzoic acid by both the microsomal fraction and the crude extract, after treating leaves with glucose. The analysis of the products allowed the identification of C- and O-geranylated derivatives, and the protease (subtilisin and pepsin) inhibition performed on the O-geranylated compounds showed weak inhibition. Electrophoretic profiles indicated the presence of bands/spots among 56-58 kDa and pI 6-7, which are compatible with prenyltransferases. These findings show that P. crassinervium could be considered as a source of extracts with geranyltransferase activity to perform biotransformations on aromatic substrates. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The bioactivity-guided fractionation of the crude extracts from leaves of Brazilian species Piper aduncum and Piper hostmannianum by means of bioautography using the fungi Cladosporium cladosporioides and C. sphaerospermum afforded prenylated methyl benzoate, chromenes, and dihydrobenzopyran derivatives as antifungal compounds. The isolation and structural elucidation of a new compound methyl 4-hydroxy-3-(2`-hydroperoxy-3`-methyl-3`-butenyl) benzoate were performed by application of chromatographic techniques and spectroscopic analyses. (C) 2009 Phytochemical Society of Europe. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three new nitrogen-containing terpenes related to pyrodysinoic acid (1) have been isolated from the sponge Dysidea robusta collected in Brazil. Isopyrodysinoic acid (2), 13-hydroxyisopyrodysinoic acid (3), and pyrodysinoic acid B (4) were obtained from the crude extract of D. robusta and identified by analysis of spectroscopic data. Pyrodysinoic acid B (4) is the first furodysin or furodysinin sesquiterpene derivative with a trans junction between the two six-membered rings of the 1,2,3,4,4a,7,8,8a-octahydro-1,1,6-trimethylnaphthalene moiety.