966 resultados para Old age homes -- Santa Coloma de Gramanet (Spain)
El Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya va aprovar, el 23 de maig de 2006, el Decret 226/2006, que declara diferents municipis zones de protecció especial i estableix que s’ha d’elaborar el pla d’actuació per millorar la qualitat de l’aire. El departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge ha elaborat una memòria en relació al projecte de Decret per a la declaració de les zones de protecció especial pels contaminants diòxid de nitrogen i partícules en suspensió inferior a 10 micres. Aquest projecte però s’ha enfocat a avaluar l’impacte de contaminants que no estan esmentats en la memòria elaborada pel Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge de la Generalitat en relació al projecte del Decret 226/2006 i s’han considerat igual d’importants els precursors de la pluja àcida, de l’efecte hivernacle i de l’smog fotoquímic (CO2, NO, NO2, SO2, O3). Per tant el treball pretén la comparativa d’aquests contaminants que no entren dins aquest decret per a dues zones en dos anys consecutius 2005 i 2006. La zona 1 (Barcelona), que és la més problemàtica, i la zona 2, que és la que pertoca a l’Ajuntament de Granollers. Es van agafar el municipi de Granollers ja que es un projecte vinculat a l’Ajuntament d’aquest municipi i un municipi amb característiques semblants a Granollers però situat en la zona 1, Zona de Barcelona, per fer la comparativa.
Resumen del autor en catalán
Establecer un marco mínimo de referencia que presente en forma global un cuadro aproximado de la situación general de Santa Coloma en materia de Educación Especial. Manifestar la realidad y las necesidades de la Educación Especial. La muestra está compuesta por 21 sujetos de Aspanide y 14 de las aulas de Educación Especial. Determinación de las variables (aspectos individuales, situación socioeconómica, datos clínicos, datos escolares). Aplicación de las pruebas. Análisis de los resultados. Archivo de Aspanide. Censo de las aulas de Educación Especial. Pruebas realizadas: Terman-Merrill, batería de Picq-Vayer, Tale de J. Toro, cuestionario de EPQJ, COU, examen neuropsicológico de Luria, historia clínica y socioescolar ad hoc. Porcentajes para enmarcar las bases de la problemática. Hace falta estudiar la posibilidad de repetir cursos-clave, el proceso de escolarización no ha de ser en detrimento de la calidad de Enseñanza. Hace falta trabajar la metodología y la programación. La problemática exige el soporte de equipamientos extraescolares. Se ofrece todo un capítulo de alternativas (delimitación del colectivo de necesidades, cálculo de la población escolar, demanda de infraestructura, diferente tipo de servicios, planificación del Centro de Recursos y Educación Especial.
Notice about the geologic and geomorphologic maps of Santa Coloma de Farners, at scale 1:10,000 published by Unitat de Geologia of the Universitat de Girona
A l’actualitat trobem nombrosos sistemes aquàtics alterats per diferents efectes d’origen antropogènic. Per tal d’evitar i/o disminuir aquests efectes va sorgir la Directiva Marc de l’Aigua (2000/60/CE) essent aquest un dels seus objectius. Aquest article descriu el funcionament hidrogeològic i l’estat ecològic de la riera de Santa Coloma, afluent de la Tordera (NE Catalunya), des de pràcticament el seu inici a Santa Coloma de Farners (Girona) fins a Riudarenes (Girona). S’intenta establir les possibles influències del funcionament hidrogeològic en l’estat ecològic a partir de dades piezomètriques, de cabal, fisicoquímiques i biològiques. Per aquesta última part s’han utilitzat indicadors biològics com l’índex d’hàbitat fluvial (IHF), avaluant l’hàbitat físic; l’índex de Qualitat del Bosc de Ribera (QBR), per determinar la qualitat ecològica de la zona de ribera; l’índex Biological Monitorig Working Party per a conques internes de Catalunya (BMWPC), per avaluar les diferents famílies de macroinvertebrats que hi viuen i l’índex ECOSTRIMED, una síntesi dels dos índex anteriors.
Estudi de la qualitat de l’aigua de la riera de Santa Coloma i el seu paper dins la connectivitat multifuncional de la comarca de la Selva. La riera és l’eix fluvial principal de la subconca més important de la Tordera i el seu curs abraça gran part de la comarca. Per avaluar la qualitat de l’aigua s’han fet anàlisis amb paràmetres fisicoquímics i biològics. Per a l’estudi de la connectivitat s’ha fet un anàlisi a nivell local (barreres transversals a la llera i QBR) i a nivell regional identificant les principals amenaces per a la connectivitat ecològica i paisatgística (col.lisions d’ungulats o punts negres, fitxes de punts crítics, entre d’altres). S’arriba a la conclusió que la riera no té una bona qualitat de l’aigua (en alguns casos hi ha eutrofització), el seu bosc de ribera està molt degradat (sobretot a la part baixa del curs) i finalment, hi ha un gran nombre d’espais amb una gran importància estratègica per a la connectivitat però que alhora pateixen fortes pressions antròpiques per les infraestructures lineals, les quals a més, redueixen la permeabilització ecològica i fins i tot, provoquen col.lisions amb ungulats
In the context of demographic evolution, psychiatric care needs increase steadily in most western countries. Given the financial limitations, it is mandatory to establish appropriate care priorities in order to avoid psychiatric hospitalisations by assisting care providers, general practionners and nurses, at home or in the nursing homes. A crisis team has been established 18 months ago within the Division of old age psychiatry in Lausanne. The care program included immediate assistance in the community, assessement, crisis counseling, medication consultation and referral for psychiatric services providing an alternative to hospitalization. The first results indicate that this intervention is well accepted by the users and correspond to a real need.
The general aim of this dissertation is to describe and analyse how public old-age care in Sweden has developed and changed during the last century. The study applies a provider perspective on how care has been planned and professionally carried out. A broader social policy perspective, studying old-age care at central/national as well as local/municipal level, is also developed. A special focus is directed at the large local variation in care and services for the elderly. The empirical base is comprised of official documents and other public sources, survey data from interviews with elderly recipients of public old-age care, and official statistics on publicly financed and controlled old-age care and services. Study I addresses the development of old-age care in Sweden during the twentieth century by studying an important occupation in this field – the supervisors and their professional roles, tasks and working conditions. Throughout, the roles of supervisors have followed the prevailing official policy on the proper way to provide care for elderly people in Sweden; from poor relief at the beginning of the 1900s, via a generous level of services in the 1960s and 1970s, to today’s restricted and economy-controlled mode of operation. Study II describes and compares two main forms of public old-age care in Sweden today, home help services and institutional care. The care-load found in home-based care was comparable to and sometimes even larger than in service-homes and other institutions, indicating that large care needs among elderly people in Sweden today can be met in their homes as well as in institutional settings. Studies III and IV analyse the local variation in public old-age care in Sweden. During the last decades there has been an overall decline in home help services. The coverage of home help for elderly people shows large differences between municipalities throughout this period, and the relative variation has increased. The local disparity seems to depend more on historical factors, e.g., previous coverage rates, than on the present municipal situation in levels of need or local economy and politics. In an introductory part the four papers are linked together by an outline of the demographic situation and the social policy model for old-age care in Sweden. Trends that have been apparent over time, e.g. professionalisation and market orientation, are traced and discussed. Conflicts between prevailing ideologies are analysed, in regards to for instance home-based and institution-based care, social and medical culture, and local and central levels of decision-making. ’Welfare municipality’, ‘path dependency’, and ‘decentralisation’ are suggested as a conceptual framework for describing the large and increasing local variations in old-age care. Finally, implications of the four studies with regard to old-age care policy and further research are discussed.
The study objective was to examine differentials in time trends and predictors of deaths assigned to symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions in comparison with other ill-defined conditions (ill-defined cardiovascular diseases, cancer and injury) in a population-based cohort study. Of 1,606 baseline participants aged 60 years and over, 524 died during 9-year follow-up and were included in this study. Deaths coded to "symptoms" declined by 77% in the period from 1997-1999 to 2003-2005. Deaths coded to other ill-defined conditions remained unchanged. The calendar period 2003-2005 (RR = 0.25; 95%CI: 0.09-0.70) and in-hospital deaths (RR = 0.16; 95%CI: 0.08-0.34) were independently associated with "symptoms", but not with other ill-defined conditions. Baseline socio-demographic characteristics and chronic diseases were not predictors of these outcomes. International and national agencies have focused on the reduction of deaths assigned to "symptoms" to improve the registration of vital statistics, while other ill-defined conditions have received little attention. Our data provide evidence supporting the need to redress this situation.
Background: Depression in old age is a complex multifactorial phenomenon that is influenced by several biopsychosocial variables. Depressive symptoms are associated with the presence of chronic diseases, with being female, with low education and low income levels, and with poor perceived health assessment. In impoverished areas, older adults may have more physical disability, as they may have less access to health services. Therefore, they may be more likely to report depressive symptoms. Methods: Population-based cross-sectional research was undertaken using data from the FIBRA study conducted in Ermelino Matarazzo, a poor subdistrict of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The participants comprised 303 elderly people, aged 65 years and over, who attended a single-session data collection effort carried out at community centers. The protocol comprised sociodemographic and self-reported health variables, and the Geriatric Depression Scale. Results: The majority of the subjects reported five or fewer symptoms of depression (79.21%), reported one or two self-reported chronic diseases (56.86%), declared themselves to have one or two self-reported health problems (46.15%), and had good perceived health assessment (40.27%). The presence of depressive symptoms was associated with a higher number of self-reported health problems, poor perceived health assessment, and lower schooling levels, in the total sample and in analyses including men only. For women, depressive symptoms were associated with the number of self-reported health problems and family income. Conclusion: The presence of health problems, such as falls and memory problems, lower perceived health, and low education (and low family income for women) were associated with a higher presence of depressive symptoms among elderly people in this poor area of Sao Paulo.
Purpose of review To review neuroimaging findings that have been reported in samples of patients with cardiovascular disorders and their association with the onset of Alzheimer`s disease, vascular dementia, depression and bipolar disorder in the elderly and to highlight the implications of these findings to the knowledge about the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders in old age, as well as their potential clinical implications. Recent findings Vascular risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking habits and heart failure, have all been associated with signs of cerebrovascular dysfunction, including structural MRI findings of signal hyperintensities, lacunes and stroke and functional imaging findings of brain regional hypoperfusion and hypometabolism. Such brain abnormalities have been found to increase the risk of onset of psychiatric disorder (depression, bipolar and dementia) in old age. Summary As vascular risk factors are potentially modifiable when detected in midlife, the early characterization of brain changes associated with the presence of cardiovascular diseases holds promise to afford clinical applications in psychiatry, providing new perspectives for the prevention of old age psychiatric disorders.