955 resultados para Offset-print


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Mottling is one of the key defects in offset-printing. Mottling can be defined as unwanted unevenness of print. In this work, diameter of a mottle spot is defined between 0.5-10.0 mm. There are several types of mottling, but the reason behind the problem is still not fully understood. Several commercial machine vision products for the evaluation of print unevenness have been presented. Two of these methods used in these products have been implemented in this thesis. The one is the cluster method and the other is the band-pass method. The properties of human vision system have been taken into account in the implementation of these two methods. An index produced by the cluster method is a weighted sum of the number of found spots, and an index produced by band-pass method is a weighted sum of coefficients of variations of gray-levels for each spatial band. Both methods produce larger indices for visually poor samples, so they can discern good samples from the poor ones. The difference between the indices for good and poor samples is slightly larger produced by the cluster method. 11 However, without the samples evaluated by human experts, the goodness of these results is still questionable. This comparison will be left to the next phase of the project.


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The properties of the paper surface play a crucial role in ensuring suitable quality and runnability in various converting and finishing operations, such as printing. Plasma surface modification makes it possible to modify the surface chemistry of paper without altering the bulk material properties. This also makes it possible to investigate the role of the surface chemistry alone on printability without influencing the porous structure of the pigment-coated paper. Since the porous structure of a pigment coating controls both ink setting and optical properties, surface chemical changes created by a plasma modification have a potential to decouple these two effects and to permit a better optimization of them both. The aim of this work was to understand the effects of plasma surface modification on paper properties, and how it influences printability in the sheet-fed offset process. The objective was to broaden the fundamental understanding of the role of surface chemistry on offset printing. The effects of changing the hydrophilicity/ hydrophobicity and the surface chemical composition by plasma activation and plasma coatings on the properties of coated paper and on ink-paper interactions as well as on sheet-fed offset print quality were investigated. In addition, the durability of the plasma surface modification was studied. Nowadays, a typical sheet-fed offset press also contains units for surface finishing, for example UVvarnishing. The role of the surface chemistry on the UV-varnish absorption into highly permeable and porous pigment-coated paper was also investigated. With plasma activation it was possible to increase the surface energy and hydrophilicity of paper. Both polar and dispersion interactions were found to increase, although the change was greater in the polar interactions due to induced oxygen molecular groups. The results indicated that plasma activation takes place particularly in high molecular weight components such as the dispersion chemicals used to stabilize the pigment and latex particles. Surface composition, such as pigment and binder type, was found to influence the response to the plasma activation. The general trend was that pilot-scale treatment modified the surface chemistry without altering the physical coating structure, whereas excessive laboratory-scale treatment increased the surface roughness and reduced the surface strength, which led to micro-picking in printing. It was shown that pilot-scale plasma activation in combination with appropriate ink oils makes it possible to adjust the ink-setting rate. The ink-setting rate decreased with linseed-oil-based inks, probably due to increased acid-base interactions between the polar groups in the oil and the plasma-treated paper surface. With mineral-oil-based inks, the ink setting accelerated due to plasma activation. Hydrophobic plasma coatings were able to reduce or even prevent the absorption of dampening water into pigmentcoated paper, even when the dampening water was applied under the influence of nip pressure. A uniform hydrophobic plasma coating with sufficient chemical affinity with ink gave an improved print quality in terms of higher print density and lower print mottle. It was also shown that a fluorocarbon plasma coating reduced the free wetting of the UV-varnish into the highly permeable and porous pigment coating. However, when the UV-varnish was applied under the influence of nip pressure, which leads to forced wetting, the role of the surface chemical composition seems to be much less. A decay in surface energy and wettability occurred during the first weeks of storage after plasma activation, after which it leveled off. However, the oxygen/carbon elemental ratio did not decrease as a function of time, indicating that ageing could be caused by a re-orientation of polar groups or by a contamination of the surface. The plasma coatings appeared to be more stable when the hydrophobicity was higher, probably due to fewer interactions with oxygen and water vapor in the air.


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PAPRO operates within the Forest Research company and their mission is to develop value-addingindustry solutions. At present there are no good ways for mills to easily test the printing quality on newsprintpaper. There is a great need for a fast way to do this on different paper qualities; with a laboratory-offset press this can be both a time and money saving method. At PAPRO Forest Research, NewZealand, a laboratory offset press has been developed and designed, during the past seven years, concerningthis issue. Earlier projects were made concerning the press, e.g. to establish the optimal settings.The mission with this project was to partly determine the present variability of the print quality andto evaluate if the fountain solution, distilled water and 2% Diol green concentrate, used at the momentmixed with different percentages of Isopropanol could decrease the variability and contribute to morestabile results. Throughout the whole project the print quality showed a high variation and was evenmore variable when the Isopropanol was added. All in all 50 print rounds times twelve printed paperstrips was carried out through the project divided into three parts. To analyse the print quality, amicroscope with an image capture camera has been used. Data from the taken images was analysedand inserted into charts to see the variations.The conclusions of the whole project are not satisfying because no final evaluations were possible tomake. Main conclusions are that the additive of Isopropanol to the ordinary fountain solution, used atpresent, only contributed to more unstable results of the print quality. And it seems to be difficult toget some stable results from the lab press as long as the room where it is placed is not fully conditionedas required for the process of offset printing. And the fact that the airbrush which applies theamount of fountain solution is also variable, as shown in earlier projects, which contributes to unstableresults as well. For further work more exact parameters as a conditioned room are required and thepossibility to further design the laboratory press to use waterless offset printing instead.


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Työssä tutkittiin heatset offset- ja syväpainetun SC-paperin painojäljen laatua, kun koepaperikoneella valmistetun SC-paperin valmistuksessa käytettiin eri kuivatus-menetelmiä. Erityisesti kiinnostus kohdistui eri kuiva-ainepitoisuuksissa käytetyn ilmakuivatuksen aiheuttamiin painojäljen laatuvaikutuksiin. Painojäljen lisäksi työssä tarkasteltiin pohjapaperin ominaisuuksia kuivatuksen jakalanteroinnin jälkeen. Perinteisen sylinterikuivatuksen kuivatuskapasiteettia voidaan nostaa kuivattamalla paperia kuuman ilman avulla, jolloin paperin haihdutusnopeus nousee yli viisinkertaiseksi sylinterikuivatukseenverrattuna. Ilmakuivatus voidaan sijoittaa välittömästä kuivatusosan alkuun ennen ensimmäistä kuivatussylinteriä tai korkeampaan kuiva-ainepitoisuuteen sylinterikuivatuksen keskelle. Kuivattua paperia tarkasteltaessa kuuman ilman avulla kuivatun paperin ominaisuudet poikkesivat huokoisuuden ja öljynabsorption suhteen sylinterikuivatusta paperista sekä heatset offset- että syväpainopaperilla. Kalanterointi tasoitti koepisteiden välisiä muutoksia. Kalanteroidusta paperista havaittiin, että ilmakuivatuksen sijoittuminen välittömästi puristimen jälkeen kasvatti paperin molempien pintojen opasiteettia. Vastaavasti paperin tiheys kasvoi, kun paperia kuivattiin kuumalla ilmalla sekä ennen sylinterikuivatusta että sylinterikuivatuksen keskellä. Yhteistä ilmakuivatuksen käytölle kaikissa koepisteissä oli paperin huokoisuuden pieneneminen. Heatset offsetpainoprosessissa käytettävä kostutusvesi asettaa paperin kuitu-karhenemiselle vaatimuksia. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että puristimen jälkeen sijoitettu ilmakuivatus pienensi paperin taipumusta karhentua painoprosessissa. Muiden ominaisuuksien osalta paperin kuivatus kuuman ilman avulla yhdessä sylinterikuivatuksen kanssa ei jättänyt paperiin sellaisia jälkiä, jotka näkyisivät heatset offset- ja syväpainetun SC-paperin painojäljessä verrattuna kokonaan yksiviira-vientisesti sylinterikuivattuun paperiin.


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The offset printing process is complex and involves the meeting of two essentially complex materials, printing ink and paper, upon which the final product is formed. It can therefore be expected that a multitude of chemical and physical interactions and mechanisms take place at the ink-paper interface. Interactions between ink and paper are of interest to both the papermakers and ink producers, as they wish to achieve better quality in the final product. The objective of this work is to clarify the combined influence of paper coating structure, printing ink and fountain solution on ink setting and the problems related to ink setting. A further aim is to identify the mechanisms that influence ink setting problems, and to be able to counteract them by changing properties of the coating layer or by changing the properties of the ink. The work carried out for this thesis included use of many techniques ranging from standard paper and printability tests to advanced optical techniques for detection of ink filaments during ink levelling. Modern imaging methods were applied for assessment of ink filament remain sizes and distribution of ink components inside pigment coating layers. Gravimetric filtration method and assessment of print rub using Ink-Surface-Interaction-Tester (ISIT) were utilized to study the influence of ink properties on ink setting. The chemical interactions were observed with the help of modified thin layer chromatography and contact angle measurements using both conventional and high speed imaging. The results of the papers in this thesis link the press operational parameters to filament sizes and show the influence of these parameters to filament size distribution. The relative importance between the press operation parameters was shown to vary. The size distribution of filaments is important in predicting the ink setting behaviour, which was highlighted by the dynamic gloss and ink setting studies. Prediction of ink setting behaviour was also further improved by use of separate permeability factors for different ink types in connection to filtration equations. The roles of ink components were studied in connection to ink absorption and mechanism of print rub. Total solids content and ratio of linseed oil to mineral oil were found to determine the degree of print rub on coated papers. Wax addition improved print rub resistance, but would not decrease print rub as much as lowering the total solids content in the ink. Linseed oil was shown to absorb into pigment coating pores by mechanism of adsorption to pore walls, which highlights the need for sufficient pore surface area for improved chromatographic separation of ink components. These results should help press operators, suppliers of printing presses, papermakers and suppliers to papermakers, to better understand the material and operating conditions of the press as it relates to various print quality issues. Even though paper is in competition with electronic media, high quality printed products are still in demand. The results should provide useful information for this segment of the industry.


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In offset printing, dampening solution is used to create a good balance in the process. If too much water is transferred to the paper, the sheet can change its size between the printing units, due to water absorption, and cause a problem with the colour register. This phenomenon is usually referred to as fanout. In this degree project, an investigation was made to see if the paper dimensions changed through its way in the sheet-fed printing process. The instrument Luchs Register Measuring Systems (Lynx) was used, and a method for measuring if the paper changed its dimensions with this instrument, was developed. Paper qualities with three different grammages were used, 90, 130 and 250 gsm. This investigation showed that all paper qualities changed their size with widening in the gripper edge in the range of 10 - 70 µm and in the trailing edge the increase was 10 - 130 µm. The elongations of the papers were in the range of 10- 300 µm. The papers with lowest grammage changed more than the heavier. To see if the print had been affected of the widening and elongation, print quality parameters like relative contrast, dot gain and mottle were correlated with the Lynx data from the sheets. The group of papers that gave correlations were in 130 gsm. The sheets had visual doubling and the combined standard deviation from the Lynx marks K3, K5 and K21 correlated with dot gain. When the variations increased so did the dot gain and this indicates that the doubling was due to the widening. There was also a correlation between the standard deviation from K3 and Mottle. The sheets widened with an average of 30 µm in the gripper edge and since there probably were doubling due to widening it also affected the Mottle values. What the widening depends on is hard to tell. Since widening was so small, it could be due to water absorption, papers being ironed out or maybe the sheets have been flattened out. It probably needs a more detailed investigation to find out what causes the widening. Further investigations about how print quality is affected by the register accuracy of a printing machine should include a print form with measuring areas close to the Lynx marks. The measuring areas should contain fine hairlines, negative text printed with at least two colours and some pictures to evaluate together with standard measuring should give a good knowledge about the subject.


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A laboratory offset press has been developed over the last five years at PAPRO for testing print qualityon newsprint, as at present, there is no good way for the mills to test this issue. In this project a comparisonhas been made between a laboratory offset press and a commercial press to see if the laboratoryoffset press can be used as a reliable test method or if a further development is needed.To evaluate the method, similar papers have been printed in both presses and compared using imageanalysis techniques. All together eighteen samples were tested which is enough to give comparableresults. The print quality showed a high variation, the values from the laboratory offset press and thecommercial press were not following the same trends. At present time the laboratory offset press needsome further development before it can be used as a reliable test method for halftone prints. Even sosome conclusions were made.The newsprint that has been used came from Norske Skog Tasman Mill (Kawerau), since the otheraim of this project was to do a repeatability study of their three existing paper machines to distinguishpossible differences in the production. The paper samples were taken from each paper machine on sixdifferent dates to give a representative result. This also gave the opportunity to compare the machinesbetween themselves. Comparison between the machines shows that the wire side gives a better andmore even result than the topside on the prints from the laboratory offset press. According to the resultfrom the commercial press the wire side shows a higher degree of variability. Samples from papermachine 2 and 3 were less variable and had the lowest standard deviation of grey level for solid areas.This suggests that newsprints from PM 2 and PM 3 give a more even print quality with a better inkcoverage.


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We use the density functional theory/local-density approximation (DFT/LDA)-1/2 method [L. G. Ferreira , Phys. Rev. B 78, 125116 (2008)], which attempts to fix the electron self-energy deficiency of DFT/LDA by half-ionizing the whole Bloch band of the crystal, to calculate the band offsets of two Si/SiO(2) interface models. Our results are similar to those obtained with a ""state-of-the-art"" GW approach [R. Shaltaf , Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 186401 (2008)], with the advantage of being as computationally inexpensive as the usual DFT/LDA. Our band gap and band offset predictions are in excellent agreement with experiments.


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Mediated physical activity interventions can reach large numbers of people at low cost. Programs delivered through the mail that target the stage of motivational readiness have been shown to increase activity. Communication technology (websites and e-mail) might provide a means for delivering similar programs. Randomized trial conducted between August and October 2001. Participants included staff at an Australian university (n=655; mean AGE=43, standard deviation, 10 years). Participants were randomized to either an 8-week, stage-targeted print program (Print) or 8-week, stage-targeted website (Web) program. The main outcome was change in self-reported physical activity.


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Este artigo-recensão do livro da Dra. Rochelle Pinto, Between Empires: Print and Politics in Goa, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2007, pp. 209 analisa este excelente estudo das implicações modernistas da imprensa na Índia Portuguesa. A autora distingue a modernidade da peninsula imbérica da modernidade inglesa. Salienta a diferença entre as duas modernidades. O que parece ser de pouco valor neste estudos é a tendência orientalista que os jovens investigadores são forçados a assumir: passa pela adoração pelos autores euro-americanos, subalternizando ou quase ignorando os estudos mais competentes dos investigadores orientais. Este complexo da inferioridade poderá levar ainda muito tempo para ser ultrapassada.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Empresa (MBA), 16 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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Signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) performance of a multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra-wideband system with residual timing offset is investigated. To do so, an exact mathematical derivation of the SIR of this system is derived. It becomes obvious that, unlike a cyclic prefixing based system, a zero padding based system is sensitive to residual timing offset.


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The aim of this paper is to present the main Portuguese results from a multi-national study on reading format preferences and behaviors from undergraduate students from Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal). For this purpose we apply an adaptation of the Academic Reading Questionnaire previously created by Mizrachi (2014). This survey instrument has 14 Likert-style statements regarding the format influence in the students reading behavior, including aspects such as ability to remember, feelings about access convenience, active engagement with the text by highlighting and annotating, and ability to review and concentrate on the text. The importance of the language and dimension of the text to determine the preference format is also inquired. Students are also asked about the electronic device they use to read digital documents. Finally, some demographic and academic data were gathered. The analysis of the results will be contextualized on a review of the literature concerning youngsters reading format preferences. The format (digital or print) in which a text is displayed and read can impact comprehension, which is an important information literacy skill. This is a quite relevant issue for class readings in academic context because it impacts learning. On the other hand, students preferences on reading formats will influence the use of library services. However, literature is not unanimous on this subject. Woody, Daniel and Baker (2010) concluded that the experience of reading is not the same in electronic or print context and that students prefer print books than e-books. This thesis is reinforced by Ji, Michaels and Waterman (2014) which report that among 101 undergraduates the large majority self-reported to read and learn more when they use printed format despite the fact that they prefer electronically supplied readings instead of those supplied in printed form. On the other side, Rockinson-Szapkiw, et al (2013) conducted a study were they demonstrate that e-textbook is as effective for learning as the traditional textbook and that students who choose e-textbook had significantly higher perceived learning than students who chose to use print textbooks.