977 resultados para Office furniture industry


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Advances in technology, communication, and transportation over the past thirty years have led to tighter linkages and enhanced collaboration across traditional borders between nations, institutions, and cultures. This thesis uses the furniture industry as a lens to examine the impacts of globalization on individual countries and companies as they interact on an international scale. Using global value chain analysis and international trade data, I break down the furniture production process and explore how countries have specialized in particular stages of production to differentiate themselves from competitors and maximize the benefits of global involvement. Through interviews with company representatives and evaluation of branding strategies such as advertisements, webpages, and partnerships, I investigate across four country cases how furniture companies construct strong brands in an effort to stand out as unique to consumers with access to products made around the globe. Branding often serves to highlight distinctiveness and associate companies with national identities, thus revealing that in today’s globalized and interconnected society, local differences and diversity are more significant than ever.


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In order to cooperate in minimizing the problems of the current and growing volume of waste, this work aim at the production of panels made from industrial waste -thermoplastic (polypropylene; polyethylene and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) reinforced with agro-industrial waste - peach palm waste (shells and sheaths). The properties of the panels like density, thickness swelling, water absorption and moisture content were evaluated using the ASTM D1037; EN 317; and ANSI A208.1 standards regarding particle boards. Good results were obtained with formulations of 100% plastic waste; 70% waste plastics and 30% peach palm waste; and 60% waste plastics and 40% peach palm waste.


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In order to cooperate in minimizing the problems of the current and growing volume of waste, this work aims at the production of panels made from industrial waste -thermoplastic (Polypropylene - PP; Polyethylene - PE and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene - ABS) reinforced with agro-industrial waste - pupunha palm waste (shells and sheaths). The properties of the panels were evaluated: density, thickness swelling, water absorption and moisture content. It was used the ASTM D1037; EN 317; and ANSI A208.1 standards regarding particle boards. The best results in physical tests were treatments 1 (100% waste plastic), 6 (60% plastic waste and 40% waste of pupunha) and 7 (70% waste plastic and 30% waste of pupunha). The best results in the mechanical tests were treatments 3 (30% de residuos plasticos e 70% de residuos da pupunha), 4 (40% de residuos plasticos c 60% de residuos da pupunha) and 5 (50% de residuos plasticos e 50% de residuos da pupunha). For mechanical tests it was concluded that the results of modulus of rupture and of modulus of elasticity the best treatments were those with more fibers. In the tensile tests perpendicular to the surface, it is clear that using more waste plastics leads to the best results. It was concluded that the waste can be used as raw material for the production of alternative materials mainly in civil construction and furniture industries, and it can be employed in urban or rural environment, given the concept of eco-efficient products.


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In this paper a mathematical model that combines lot-sizing and cutting-stock problems applied to the furniture industry is presented. The model considers the usual decisions of the lot sizing problems, as well as operational decisions related to the cutting machine programming. Two sets of a priori generated cutting patterns are used, industry cutting patterns and a class of n-group cutting patterns. A strategy to improve the utilization of the cutting machine is also tested. An optimization package was used to solve the model and the computational results, using real data from a furniture factory, show that a small subset of n-group cutting patterns provides good results and that the cutting machine utilization can be improved by the proposed strategy.


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Item 231-B-1


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The pricing of Big 4 industry leadership Is examined for a sample of U.K. publicly-listed companies, and adds to the evidence from the Australian and U.S. audit markets that city-specific industry leadership commands a fee premium. There is a significant fee premium for city-specific industry leaders relative to other Big 4 auditors, but no evidence that either the top-ranked or second-ranked firm nationally commands a fee premium relative to other Big 4 auditors, after controlling for city-level industry leadership. We also test for Big 4 fee premiums relative to non-Big 4 auditors and the U.K. data suggest a three-level hierarchy based on audit fee differentials: (1) Big 4 city-specific industry leaders have the largest fees; (2) other Big 4 auditors (noncity leaders) and second-tier national firms have comparable fees that are lower than Big 4 city leaders but larger than third-tier firms; and (3) third-tier accounting firms have the lowest fees.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli tehdä hankinnan kokonaiskustannusmalli tietylle case-yrityksen tuotteelle. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mikä on hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten merkitys strategisen kustannusten hallinnan osana ja mitä mahdollisia työkaluja voidaan käyttää hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten mittaamiseen. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kuinka hankinnan kokonaiskustannuspäätökset voivat auttaa hankintapäätösten teossa. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen ja muodostuu teoreettisesta ja empiirisestä osasta.Teoriaosa on luonteeltaan käsiteanalyyttinen ja empiriaosa vertaileva case-tutkimus. Teoreettisessa osassa selvitetään hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten teoriaa ja empiriaosassa tutkimus kohdennetaan case-yrityksen Forsby-jalkaan. Tutkimuksentuloksena syntyi case-yritykselle hankinnan kokonaiskustannusten malli, jota yritys käyttää ensisijaisesti toimittajien arviointiin. Hankinnan kokonaiskustannukset osoittautuivat tärkeäksi osaksi yrityksen strategista kustannusten hallintaa. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että kohdeyrityksen erityispiirteiden ja käytössä olevien resurssien huomioiminen on erittäin merkittävä asia hankinnan kokonaiskustannusmallia muodostettaessa. Lisäksi tutkimuksen teon aikana nousi esiin useita asioita, joita case-yrityksen on jatkossa kehitettävä.


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This study analyzes the regional spatial dynamics of the New York region for a period of roughly twenty years and places the effects of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the context of longer-term regional dynamics. The analysis reveals that office-using industries are still heavily concentrated in Manhattan despite ongoing decentralization in many of these industries over the last twenty years. Financial services tend to be highly concentrated in Manhattan whereas administrative and support services are the least concentrated of the six major office-using industry groups. Although office employment has been by and large stagnant in Manhattan for at least two decades, growth of output per worker has outpaced the CMSA as well as the national average. This productivity differential is mainly attributable to competitive advantages of office-using industries in Manhattan and not to differences in industry composition. Finally, the zip-code level analysis of the Manhattan core area yielded further evidence of the existence of significant spillover effects at the small-scale level.


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This research was based on the lack of academic investigations which recognize industrial design as an strategic advantages source. It was chosen to adopt a wide approach, not common in administration researches, through which aspects frequently ignored by most of the strategy and marketing literature could be recognized. The investigation took place at a big brazilian company, from the furniture industry, more specifically from the office furniture segment. Two product development cases were selected: one of them classified by the company as an example of success and the other as a failure case. It is an exploratory study. Some important topics were identified, and they may be developed in future researches: the existence of intra-organizational conflicts between marketing and engineering; the big companies' power over market configuration, and the State influence over local markets dinamics.


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This work studies the integrated lot sizing and cutting stock problem, where the goal is to capture the dependency that exists between two important decisions in the production process, in order to economize raw materials and also reduce production and inventory costs. The integrated lot sizing and cutting stock problem is studied in a small furniture factory that produces wardrobes, dressing tables and cupboards and the lot sizing and cutting stock decisions are taken by the production manager. A column-generation technique is used to solve a linear relaxation of the proposed model. The computational results, using real data from the factory, show that it is possible to reduce total inventory and raw material costs when integrated planning is used. © 2013 IFAC.